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08-18 投稿


cupola 发音

英:['kju?p?l?]  美:['kjup?l?]

英:  美:

cupola 中文意思翻译



cupola 短语词组

1、cupola space ─── [医] 顶隙, 鼓室上隐窝顶部

2、cupola brick ─── [机] 熔铁炉炉砖

3、basic cupola ─── [机] 碱性熔铁炉

4、cupola shell ─── [机] 熔铁炉炉壳

5、cupola body ─── [机] 熔铁炉炉体

6、cupola drop ─── [机] 落炉, 下炉

7、cupola charge ─── [机] 熔铁炉加料

8、balanced blast cupola ─── [机] 均衡鼓风熔铁炉

9、cupola lighter ─── [机] 熔铁炉点火器

10、cupola control equipment ─── [机] 熔铁炉控制设备

11、cupola furnace ─── [机] 熔铁炉, 冲天炉

12、bank the cupola ─── [机] 焖火

13、cupola blower ─── [机] 熔铁炉鼓风机

14、cupola lining ─── [机] 熔铁炉衬

15、cupola runner trough ─── [机] 熔铁炉出铁槽

16、cupola malleable iron ─── [机] 熔铁炉展性铸铁

17、cupola charging machine ─── [机] 熔铁炉加料机

18、cupola dust arrester ─── [机] 熔铁炉集尘器

19、cupola shaft ─── [机] 熔铁炉体

cupola 词性/词形变化,cupola变形

名词复数: Cupid's bows |

cupola 相似词语短语

1、cupolas ─── n.化铁炉;[建]圆屋顶;圆顶的塔

2、cupulae ─── 丘脑

3、cupulai ─── 丘普莱

4、cupular ─── 有壳斗的;杯状的

5、cupolar ─── 杯状

6、cupula ─── n.吸盘;[解剖]壶腹帽;壳斗;子器(等于cupule)

7、canola ─── n.一种菜籽油

8、crapola ─── n.胡扯;骗人的大话

9、cupolaed ─── 圆顶的

cupola 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、gas chromatograph for cupola furnace ─── 冲天炉用气相色谱仪

2、How large is your cupola ? ─── 化铁炉有多大?

3、Cost Analysis of the Cupola Burden ─── 冲天炉配料的成本分析

4、Keywords furnace cupola;feeding equipment;automatic controlled system; ─── 冲天炉;加料装置;自动控制系统;

5、The next shuttle flight will take place in February, when Endeavour delivers a complete cupola for watching the Earth. ─── 下次飞行任务将在明年二月份,奋进号航天飞机将输送一座瞭望塔,用于观察地球。

6、Design of Heat Exchanger of Cupola ─── 冲天炉热风换热器的设计

7、Discussion on Cupola That is Gotten Rid of Ash ─── 冲天炉除尘系统的应用

8、The features of the divided blast cupola with large distance of tuyeres rows,burning regulation of the bed coke,melting regulation and determination of the process parameters were introduced. ─── 介绍了大排距双层送风冲天炉的特点、低焦燃烧规律、熔炼规律以及工艺参数的选择。

9、Keywords cupola;main frequency induction furnace;medium frequency induction furnace;converter;cast iron melting; ─── 冲天炉;工频感应电炉;中频感应电炉;回转炉;铸铁熔炼;

10、Keywords cupola;melting zone diameter;melting intensity;optimum; ─── 冲天炉;熔化带直径;熔化强度;优化;

11、Computer Calculation of Charge Mixture for Cupola Melting ─── 冲天炉熔炼的计算机配料计算

12、Representation of Net Diagram for Cupola Melting with Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Method ─── 冲天炉网形图重构的自适应模糊推理方法

13、Here and t here rose a white or silvery figure in the waste garden of the earth, here and there came the sharp vertical line of some cupola or obelisk. ─── 不过当我看到他们红润的小手去触摸时间机器时,我只是随即做了个表示警告的动作。

14、one end of Tranquility is a cupola, a unique work area with sixwindows on its sides and one on top. ─── 在“宁静”号的一端有一个圆顶屋,这是一个独特的工作区,在它的侧面有六个窗户,顶端有一个窗户。

15、Modeling and Optimization of Cupola Melting Operation with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Modeling and Genetic Algorithms ─── 冲天炉熔炼过程神经-模糊建模与遗传优化

16、Notes on Best Practicable Means Requirements for Iron and Steel Works (Cupola) ─── 从事钢铁(熔铁炉)工序行业人士如何履行最佳可行办法条件须知

17、Keywords cupola;Rapping-type;glass fiber screen bag filter;fine clust;waste gases; ─── 冲天炉;振打式;玻纤扁袋除尘器;微尘;排烟;

18、Countermeasures to Deal with Several Problems Related to Cupola Melting ─── 冲天炉熔炼几个有关问题的处理

19、The Gaussian cupola created the sort of financial alchemy that made high-risk mortgages and credit card debt look like triple-A rated gold. ─── 高斯相关性创造了某种金融炼金术,使得高风险的住房抵押贷款和信用卡债务看起来象AAA级的黄金。

20、The Porsche turret had a curved mantlet and the commander's cupola was offset to the left. ─── “保时捷”炮塔拥有弧形的护甲,指挥圆形舱位于炮塔偏左侧。

21、Keywords cupola;water screen duster;construction improvement; ─── 冲天炉;水幕除尘器;结构改进;

22、computerized burden scale for cupola ─── 冲天炉微机自动配铁装置

23、a lantern-shaped cupola on the roof of a medieval building for admitting air and providing for the escape of smoke ─── 中世纪建筑屋顶上的灯笼状的小塔,用来通风,冒烟

24、Duster clearing fog used in effusing by cupola furnace ─── 冲天炉激水式消烟除尘器

25、Control the Key of Technolog Steps to Produce Steading As -cast High Toughness Ductile Iron Casting in Cupola ─── 冲天炉生产铸态高韧性球铁件关键工艺控制

26、Keywords Cupola furnace;High-carbon gray iron melt;Carburetion; ─── 关键词冲天炉;高碳铁液;增碳;

27、Application of Yungui Coke in Long-life Cupola ─── 云贵地方焦在长炉龄冲天炉上的应用

28、computerized measuring and control complete system for cupola ─── 冲天炉微机检测控制成套系统

29、The construction and operation principle of a long melting life water-cooled cupola was described. ─── 介绍长龄水冷冲天炉的结构及工作原理,分析风眼漏水和炉体挂渣的原因。

30、Originally, the building had a cupola, which was destroyed in a fire in 1704. ─── 原先,这座房子是圆顶设计,但毁于1704年的大火中。

31、The next step was to enclose the gunner in a glazed cupola which could rotate. ─── 下一步就是把射手安置在透明的可以旋转的炮塔中。

32、Dissection of the Cupola in Cool State ─── 冲天炉冷冻解剖

33、Software Design for Cupola Charging ─── 冲天炉熔炼计算机配料的软件设计

34、The main products are: Blower, the Cupola, pouring equipment, reducer, discus machine, cleaning equipment, Mixer equipment, dust removal equipment. ─── 主要产品有:鼓风机、冲天炉、浇注设备、减速机、铁饼机、清理设备、混砂设备、除尘设备。

35、In order to reduce cupola dust causing environment pollution, the dust should be treated. ─── 为减少铸造车间冲天炉烟尘、消除环境污染,应对其进行净化处理。

36、The Change Searching Blast Steps Optimal Control of Cupola ─── 冲天炉熔炼的变步长寻优控制

37、The 'DC forehearth' can also be applied to a blast furnace and a cupola for coking coal smelting. ─── 此“直流前床”,还可用于焦煤冶炼的鼓风炉和冲天炉。

38、Application of Rotary Blow-Back Dust Remover in Cupola ─── 回转反吹除尘器在冲天炉上的应用

39、Changing from Cupola Melting to Induction Furnace Melting ─── 从冲天炉到感应电炉熔炼方式的转变

40、Purgative Management of Cupola Eliminating Soot in Foundry Shop ─── 冲天炉顶消烟除尘装置与技术

41、Develop Controlled System for Furnace Cupola Automatic Feeding ─── 冲天炉加料自动控制系统的研制及应用

42、The cupola is a min kind of melting equipment. ─── 冲天炉是熔炼铸铁件的主要设备。

43、Mathematical Similitude and Diagnosis of Cupola Network ─── 冲天炉网形图的数学模拟与诊断

44、The more foundrymen pay attention to the effect of interrupted front treatment in cupola on high quality casting's production. ─── 冲天炉分级化炉前处理对生产优质铸件的作用引起人们的普遍关注,炉前处理的好坏直接关系到铸铁件的内在和外观品质。

45、Slag Continuous Separating Equipment of Cupola ─── 冲天炉炉前铁渣连续分离装置设计

46、chargr mixture calculation of cupola melting ─── 冲天炉配料

47、Looking Back on the Development of Melting in Cupola and ItsActuality of Application in Our Country ─── 冲天炉熔炼的发展回顾及我国应用现状

48、This article introduces the application effects of the working principle, tuyere ratio, hot wind furnace guts, air valve and feeding system for improving cupola design. ─── 介绍了冲天炉设计改进的工作原理,风口面积分配比、风口比、热风炉胆、风阀、上料系统的设计方案及应用效果。

49、Gazebo: Lookout in the form of a turret, cupola (small, lanternlike dome), or Garden house set on a height to give an extensive view. ─── 眺台:一种观景楼,形式有塔楼、圆顶小亭等,多设在可供登临远望的高地。

50、Improvement of Water Screen Duster of Cupola ─── 冲天炉水幕除尘器的改进

51、Hot Blast Exchanger of Cupola ─── 冲天炉热风换热器

52、Analysis and practice of the tuyere distance and the air distribution ratio for the double-deck cupola ─── 双层送风冲天炉风口排距和风量分配比的分析与实践

53、In this paper,smelting it with cupola was experimentally studied and the results obtained shows that wrought white iron can been smelted with cupola by means of some right processes. ─── 为此,本文对冲天炉熔炼锻造白口铁进行了试验研究。结果表明,采用适当的熔炼工艺和必要的炉前处理,可以生产出具有良好锻造性能的白口铁铁水。

54、Standard Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron ─── 化铁炉用可锻铸铁

55、Keywords cupola;green intensify;cast iron smelting; ─── 冲天炉;绿色集约化;铸铁熔炼;

56、The company has large-scale production workshop 7, intermediate frequency electric stove 4, cupola is mixed 2 times to it the manufacturing facilities of form a complete set, manage is changed collect measure establishment. ─── 公司拥有大型生产车间7座、中频电炉4座、冲天炉2座和与之配套的生产设施、理化捡测设施。

57、Keywords Slag separating device;Cupola induction;Duplex smelting; ─── 分渣装置;冲天炉感应炉;双联熔炼;

58、Duplex melting of cupola and induction furnace ─── 冲天炉-电炉双联

59、The Accuracy Analysis and Practice of Self-motion Charging Process of Cupola ─── 冲天炉微机自动加料的精度分析与实践

60、On the Combustion Property of Coke in a Cupola ─── 冲天炉熔炼条件下的焦炭燃烧特性

61、Improvement of Driving Device of Cupola Bottom Cover and Casting Mould Conveyer ─── 冲天炉炉底门及铸型输送机驱动装置的改进

62、The Reviews of the Skip-Hoist of Cupola ─── 冲天炉翻斗加料机评述

63、Sulphur Control of Gray Cast Iron Used For Hydraulic Casting Melted in the Cupola Furnace ─── 冲天炉熔炼灰铸铁液压件含硫量的控制

64、Production of As-Cast High Toughness Nodular Iron Castings with Cupola Melting ─── 冲天炉熔炼生产铸态高韧性球墨铸铁

65、The Continuous Tapping Device and Its Use for Cupola ─── 冲天炉连续出铁出渣装置及其使用

66、Keywords cupola melting;Vermicularizing alloy;vermicular iron; ─── 冲天炉熔炼;蠕化剂;蠕墨铸铁;气缸体;

67、Application of Separated Main-assist Three Chimney Tubular Heat Exchanger in the Cupola Using Filings as Charge ─── 主辅三烟囱分装式管状换热器在双屑化铁炉上的应用

68、How large is your cupola? ─── 化铁炉有多大?

69、High-Temperature and High-Quality Liquid Iron Practice with Cupola Furnace ─── 冲天炉熔炼高温优质铁水的实践

70、jacket type water-cooled cupola ─── [机] 套箱式水冷熔铁炉

71、a fully gilt version of Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby’s Cidade surtout de table (candelabra) and a monochromatic edition of their hand-blown glass Cupola reading table; ─── 一个完全烫金版的爱德华理发和Jay Osgerby的居住城市surtout餐酒(烛台)和一个单色版的手吹玻璃冲天读表;

72、Tranquility also comes with a cupola, a dome-shaped viewing port made up of seven Windows. ─── 宁静”舱还带有“炮塔”(cupola)观测台,这是一个由七块窗户组成的圆形屋顶状观察台。

73、Based on thermodynamics principle,the feasibility for melting iron borings in cupola was ana lysed. ─── 从热力学角度分析了在冲天炉内熔炼铸铁切屑的可行性。

74、Producing Motor Rear Axle Housing with as cast Ferrite Nodular Iron Which is Melted in Cupola Furnace ─── 冲天炉熔炼生产铸态球铁汽车后桥壳

75、The status of cupola melting reflects the level of iron productuon. ─── 冲天炉熔炼状况反映了铸铁生产的水平。

76、The expand crack of the cupola chamber is also a difficult problem.This paper has put forward three sections of parallelogram、erect traperzium and hollow rectangle,in order to resolve this problem. ─── 冲天炉炉胆径向胀裂问题,也是一道颇有难度的课题,本文提出:用平行四边形、竖立的梯形和微凹矩形三种炉壁断面作为防止措施。

77、Processes of Producing Qualified High-Carbon Gray Iron Melt with Cupola Furnace and Analysis on Its Carburizing Mechanism ─── 冲天炉熔炼优质高碳铁液及其增碳机理分析

78、Keywords cupola;melten iron;temperature;coke ratio;influence; ─── 冲天炉;铁水;温度;焦比;影响;

79、segment-type water-cooled cupola ─── 分段水冷冲天炉

80、Keywords Cupola;Component change;Main element change; ─── 冲天炉;成分分析;主要元素变化;

81、shape and dimension of fire brick for cupola ─── 冲天炉用耐火砖尺寸、外形

82、shower type water-cooled cupola ─── [机] 淋式水冷熔铁炉

83、You see that? She said the control pillaris in that first cupola. ─── 看见了?控制开关是第一支柱。

84、A Simple DUSt CatCher of The CUPOla ─── 冲天炉的简易烟气除尘装置

85、Control Cupola Molten Iron C. ─── 借助散布图调控冲天炉铁液化学成分。

86、The dry+wet dust cleaning process for cupola was introduced. ─── 介绍冲天炉除尘用的半干半湿除尘法。

87、The result got from the iro n smelting test in cupola furnace shows that the coke briquettes can be used as foundry coke. ─── 冲天炉熔炼化铁试验结果表明,该型焦可以作为铸造焦炭使用。

88、Failures of Cupola Melting and Their Removal ─── 冲天炉熔化故障及排除

89、The experimental results of direct reductive melting in cupola with cold binding comminuted iron ore - cast iron turnings briquettes are given in this paper. ─── 介绍用于冲天炉直接还原熔炼的冷粘结铁矿粉-铸铁屑团块的研究结果。

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