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09-11 投稿


cycling 发音

英:[?sa?kl??]  美:[?sa?kl??]

英:  美:

cycling 中文意思翻译



cycling 常用词组

thermal cycling ─── 热循环;循环变温加热

nutrient cycling ─── 营养物循环

temperature cycling ─── 温度循环;温度周期变化

cycling 反义词

noncyclic |acyclic

cycling 同义词

returning | recurrent |cyclical | repeated

cycling 词性/词形变化,cycling变形

名词: cyclicality |副词: cyclically |异体字: cyclical |

cycling 短语词组

1、cycling time ─── [计] 循环时间

2、re-cycling (re-cycle ─── 的现在分词) [电影]鬼域; 异域

3、reckless cycling ─── [法] 鲁莽骑车

4、biogechemical cycling ─── [法] 生物地理化学循环

5、cycling tape ─── [计] 循环带

6、cycling plant ─── [建] 回收地层内气体的天然石油厂

7、Cycling Summer Olympics – Men's Keirin ─── 自行车夏季奥运会-男子基林

8、dune cycling ─── [网络] 沙丘骑自行车

9、the International Cycling Union ─── 国际自行车联盟

10、freehand cycling ─── 徒手自行车

11、cycling shoe ─── 自行车鞋

12、Cycling at the Summer Olympics ─── 在夏季奥运会上骑自行车

13、cyclingcycling vibration ─── [电] 循环振动

14、Cycling Summer Olympics – Men's Omnium ─── 自行车夏季奥运会-男子Omnium

15、Cycling Summer Olympics – Men's BMX ─── 自行车夏季奥运会-男子BMX

16、cycling shoes ─── 自行车运动鞋

17、biogeochemical cycling ─── [医]生物地理化学循环,生地化循环

18、go cycling ─── 去骑自行车

19、cycling pool ─── 循环库

cycling 相似词语短语

1、upcycling ─── n.升级再造

2、cyclin ─── n.细胞周期素;细胞周期蛋白

3、cyclising ─── cyclosing

4、cyclins ─── 细胞周期蛋白

5、circling ─── n.环骑;vt.盘旋,绕轨道运行(circle现在分词形式)

6、bicycling ─── n.骑车;vt.骑自行车运送(bicycle的现在分词);vi.骑脚踏车(bicycle的现在分词)

7、cyclizing ─── vt.使环化

8、eCycling ─── 循环

9、recycling ─── n.(资源、垃圾的)回收利用;v.回收;再循环利用(recycle的现在分词)

cycling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chinese Cycling And Fencing Administration Center. ─── 国家体育总局自行车击剑运动管理中心。

2、Beijing is a good place for cycling. ─── 北京是骑自行车的好地方。

3、You were cycling downhill far to fast and I'm not surprised you came to grief. ─── 你下坡时自行车骑得实在太快了,因而你出事故并不使我感到吃惊。

4、Anyway, one day, it was pissing down and I was cycling back home. ─── 不管怎样,有一天,天下着大雨,我正骑着车回家。

5、Salman, who was taught cycling by his father Salim, went on to perform stunts with a bike in his first movie Maine Pyar Kiya. ─── 萨勒曼,谁是他的父亲教萨利姆自行车,继续执行与在他的第一部电影缅因州Pyar木屋自行车特技。

6、She will not chance cycling on the icy roads. ─── 她不愿在结了冰的路上冒险骑自行车。

7、Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Accumulation and Cycling of Mg and Zn of Wheat Field Ecosystem. ─── 增强的UV-B辐射对麦田生态系统Mg和Zn累积和循环的影响

8、Hey why are you cycling with that bike, it belongs to me. ─── 嗨,你怎么会骑着那辆自行车呢,它是我的啊。

9、There might be a performance called trick cycling tonight. ─── 今晚也许有称为车技的节目。

10、A Take a taxi. You'll be tired after a long day of cycling. ─── A坐出租车吧。骑了一天的自行车之后你会很累的。

11、Which do you prefer, walking or cycling? ─── 你喜欢走路还是骑自行车?

12、MapMyRide.com - Map your Cycling and Mountain Biking Routes. Topo Maps, Elevation Profiles, GPS Support. ─── 地图上你的自行车和山地骑车路线。拓扑图,海拔概况,全球定位系统的支持。

13、Any other cycling sport you had join? XC..ROAD..BMX or other? ─── 宋:你有参加过其他的自行车运动吗?比如越野赛公里赛或者BMX?

14、In track cycling, there are some ways to punish: admonition, penalize time, fine, and debase class. ─── 在自行车运动中,违规罚责有:警告、罚时间、罚款和降低名次。

15、Cycling along the motorway is not allowed. ─── 在快车道上骑车不行。

16、Walking and cycling in Guilin is also great fun. ─── 在桂林步行和骑自行车也很有乐趣.

17、Cycling is a cheap way to get around. ─── 骑自行车是一种省钱的旅游方式。

18、SIDI is committed to making the best cycling shoes in the world.Period. ─── SIDI一直致力于做世界上最好的公路鞋。

19、AIt was too windy at the weekend to go cycling. ─── 周末的时候风太大了,不能骑自行车。

20、Therefore, the benefits of cycling, I feel very relaxed, but the body was able to quickly reach the amount of exercise! ─── 所以,骑单车的好处是,感觉很轻松,但身体的运动量却能很快达到!

21、In Olympic Cycling, the races are held in a velodrome. ─── 奥运会自行车比赛是在一个赛车场。

22、A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfitperson like me. ─── 像我这种身体,骑自行车度假力不从心。

23、You should wear something light when you're cycling at night so that you're more visible. ─── 你晚上骑车时应当穿浅色的衣服,这样更容易让人看见。

24、Bad Neuenahr is on the Ahr-Radweg cycling route. ─── 天气温暖的话,您还能在酒店的草坪上晒太阳。

25、Why the cycling of nutrient solution is needed in large scale nutrient solution culture? ─── 为什么大规模营养液栽培中要进行营养液的循环流动?

26、"This includes walking ,cycling, playing, housework, climbing, stairs as well as sports. ─── 包括行走、骑车、玩耍、做家务、爬楼梯以及各项体育运动。”

27、B: OK. Maybe I will come. I'll see how I feel when I finish cycling. ─── 好吧。也许我会来。我要看骑玩车以后我感觉如何。

28、At 18, Vicky read the famous "cycling diary" of Hu Rong-hua. ─── 18岁时,林姬莹读了胡荣华的那本名著《单骑走天涯》。

29、They prefer walking to cycling. ─── 他们宁可步行也不愿意骑自行车。

30、A Well, Beijing is a good place for cycling. ─── A阿,北京是骑自行车的好地方。

31、Mexico City doesn't have a strong popular cycling culture yet, but Mayor Marcelo Ebrard is trying to change that. ─── 墨西哥市还未有骑单车文化,不过市长想要改变观念。

32、Do you like cycling to work? ─── 你喜欢骑自行车吗?

33、CH4 production and its effect on the forest carbon cycling. ─── CH4生成及对森林碳循环的影响方面的研究。

34、You were talking about cycling across the China, or was that just another flight of fancy? ─── 你说你要骑车游遍全中国,还是这只是你的另一个异想天开。

35、Cycling is a usful sport and is good for our health. ─── 57骑车是一项有用的运动,而且它对我们的健康有利。

36、Pb-free solder;BGA;thermal cycling;dynamic fatigue tests;electrical analysis. ─── 关键词:无铅焊锡;球格阵列构装;冷热循环试验;动态疲劳试验;电性分析

37、A cycling robot performs in Beijing on Nov 29th . ─── 会骑车的机器人在北京亮相。

38、He preferred walking to cycling. ─── 他愿意步行,不愿骑自行车。

39、Cycling is Europe's second most popular sport. ─── 骑自行车是欧洲第二流行的体育运动。

40、An innovation from BMX that is now being used for all forms of cycling. ─── 一位来自小轮车创新,现在正在作各种形式的循环使用。These seats are much easier to fit and much lighter.这些座椅更容易安装和轻得多。

41、Stability of Water-in-Oil Emulsions Under Low to Ambient Temperature Cycling Conditions, Test Method for (05. ─── 低于室温循环条件下的油中含水乳液的稳定性的试验方法(05。

42、Rather cycling to death than dying in bed. ─── 不愿死在床上,宁愿死在车上。

43、Calculate your exhaused calorie under running or cycling mode. ─── 在跑步或踩单车的模式下计算您消耗的卡路里。

44、Cycling enjoyed a vogue at the end of the nineteenth century. ─── 19 世纪末骑自行车曾风行一时。

45、Joan Benoit won the inaugural women's marathon and Connie Carpenter-Phinney the first women's cycling road race. ─── 在奥运会首次亮相的女子马拉松项目的金牌被琼-本诺伊特获得,菲尼也赢得了奥运会历史上首枚女子公路自行车项目的冠军。

46、She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill. ─── 她骑车上山累得全身发热,喘不过气来。

47、Cycling is a good way of getting away from school for a few hours. ─── 几个小时之内离开学校,骑自行车是最好的方法。

48、When not working he is likely to be playing Go, playing the classical guitar, or maybe out cycling with his family. ─── 业余时间喜欢下围棋,弹奏古典吉他,或者和家人骑车旅行。

49、I am fond of cycling to town when it is fine. ─── 天气好时我喜欢骑车进城。

50、While cycling he wore a pair of wraparound glasses to protect his eyes. ─── 他骑着哈车的时候带着全罩的眼镜来保护眼睛。

51、Do you enjoy cycling? Especially in all the traffic in Beijing? ─── 你喜欢自行车吗?尤其是在北京这么多的车辆当中?

52、After another day cycling, the canyon slowly widens. ─── 又骑了一天车,山谷渐渐变开阔了。

53、The three of them were cycling side by side. ─── 三个人并排骑着自行车。

54、With the cycling warm air drying system. ─── 具有热风循环的烘干系统。

55、Microbes and plants play substantial roles in the global cycling of carbon through the environment. ─── 各种微生物与植物透过环境在全球总体碳循环中扮演重要角色。

56、He cause his parents great anxiety by cycling long distance alone. ─── 他独自骑自行车远行,父母非常担心。

57、The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and Acropolis monuments. ─── 在帕特农神庙和雅典卫城前开始的自行车赛事将拉开奥运会的大幕。

58、Yes, how about cycling in the suburb today? ─── 到郊外去骑车好吗?

59、If I go cycling, I'll be tired by the evening. ─── 如果我去骑车的话,晚上我肯定会很累了。

60、If I were you, I'd walk there instead of cycling. ─── 如果我是你,我会走着去那儿而不是骑自行车。

61、A tragedy marred the 1960 cycling competition when Danish cyclist Knur Jensen collapsed and died during the road race. ─── 丹麦自行车选手克那德·金森在公路赛途中倒了下来,当即死亡,这给1960年的自行车赛事蒙上了悲剧色彩。

62、The National Stadium Cycling Racing Championship Competition entered a second day today. ─── 全国赛车场自行车锦标赛今天进入第二天。

63、A cycling holiday would is too much for an unfit person like me. ─── 像我这种身体, 骑自行车度假力不从心.

64、ADo you enjoy cycling? Especially in all the traffic in Beijing? ─── 你喜欢骑自行车吗?尤其是在北京这么多的车辆当中?

65、Back pain while cycling is usually caused by poor cycling posture. ─── 后背疼痛通常是由不正确的骑行姿势引起的。

66、Neil always was an outdoors type of guy, always up for a spot of cycling, hiking or rock-climbing. ─── 尼尔是那种喜爱户外活动的男人,只要来点骑车旅行、远足或攀岩之类的活动,他就会情绪高涨。

67、Unscrew the low pressure cycling clutch switch from the fitting on the top of the accumulator. ─── 从贮集器上部配件上拧开低压循环离合器开关。

68、Once you probe past all of the “aw, shucks” stuff, you will discover how big a role cycling plays in their lives. ─── 一旦你经过了所有“噢,什么”等废话的调查后,你将会发现骑自行车在他们的生活中是扮演着多大的一个角色。

69、He began to get the knack of cycling one-handed, and increased his speed. ─── 他熟练地单手扶把骑着车,加快了速度。

70、Cycling home from class with Ignatius, we pass the centre where the non-EU immigrants study Dutch. ─── 和艾格奈丢斯从教室骑车回家时,我们经过非欧盟国家移民学习荷兰语的中心。

71、The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling. ─── 安静的乡村道路很适合骑自行车。

72、This includes walking, cycling, playing, housework, climbing stairs as well as sports. ─── 包括行走、骑车、玩耍、做家务、爬楼梯以及各项体育运动。

73、Life is like bicycle-riding. As long as you don't stop cycling, you won't fall. ─── 人生就像骑脚踏车,只要不停止蹬踏,你就不会摔倒。

74、Cycling in the fast traffic lane is really dangerous. ─── 在快车道上骑自行车, 可真悬。

75、Unplug the wire harness connector from the low pressure cycling clutch switch on the top of the accumulator. ─── 从蓄压器顶部的低压循环离合器开关上拔下线束接头。

76、What are the physical traits common to most of those who are at the pinnacle of cycling? ─── 大部分顶尖的自行车车手所共同具有的生理特质是什么呢?

77、Strap your phone on a thigh with a sports armband holster with Velcro extension band or just put it in a pocket of your cycling tights. ─── 带您的手机上大腿与体育袖标与尼龙搭扣皮套延长带或把它放在口袋的自行车紧身衣。

78、Children often go cycling and rowing in the park, sometimes they fly kites in the countryside. ─── 孩子时常骑脚踏车兜风和在公园中划,有时他们在乡下地方中飞风筝。

79、Footwear is not compulsory for cycling, but is a requirement for running. ─── 在进行自行车阶段的比赛时,选手不一定要穿鞋;但在长跑时,则要求选手穿鞋。

80、He counted his cadence of cycling against the sweep second hand on his watch. ─── 他按照手表秒针跳动的节奏,计算着蹬车的频率。

81、B:?The Road Cycling events are being held on August the 9th, 10th and 13th. ─── 公路自行车赛将在八月九号、十号、和十三号举行。

82、I'm not sure about cycling in such heavy traffic. ─── 在这么拥挤的车辆中骑自行车我不太肯定。

83、A cycling holiday will be too much for an unfit person like me. ─── 像我这种身体,骑自行车度假力不从心。

84、I never worked flat out all day long. I worked in waves between total concentration and total relaxation, cycling many times per day. ─── 我按照自己完全放松和全神贯注的工作之间的周期安排自己的作息时间。

85、Do you think cycling is a good hobby? ─── 你认为骑车是种很好的业余爱好吗?

86、She goes cycling and he watches TV. ─── 她骑单车而他看电视。

87、At one point we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds. ─── 在某个时刻,我们发现自己置身高处,仿佛骑车穿越云层。

88、After cycling period, quarantined fishes and corals may be introduced into the aquarium. ─── 养水期过后,可以加入海水鱼和珊瑚。

89、China and Chinese Taipei split two gold medals in cycling. ─── 中国和中国台北队分别包揽了自行车赛的两块金牌。

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