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09-14 投稿


centrobaric 发音


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centrobaric 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 重心的


centrobaric 短语词组

1、centrobaric definition ─── 中心体定义

centrobaric 相似词语短语

1、centrosomic ─── 中心体

2、centibar ─── n.中心杆;厘巴

3、centroid ─── n.(数)形心

4、centric ─── adj.中心的;重要的;(硅藻)放射性对称的

5、centreboards ─── 中插板

6、centreboard ─── 中插板

7、centromeric ─── 着丝粒的

8、centimetric ─── 厘米

9、centauric ─── 百金

centrobaric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Finally, the method of triangle is compared with energy centrobaric correction method, with the conc... ─── 最后将三角形法和能量重心法进行了对比,得出了三角形法受信噪比变化影响较小的结论。

2、Research of centrobaric track of hydraulic support based virtual sample machine technique ─── 基于虚拟样机技术的液压支架重心轨迹曲线的研究

3、Testing precision analysis of centrobaric of laser facula ─── 激光光斑重心测试精度理论分析

4、Energy Centrobaric Correction Method for Discrete Spectrum ─── 离散频谱的能量重心校正法

5、Sobel operator and gray square centrobaric arithmetic were synthesized with the improved SUSAN operator in subpixel corner detection. ─── 改进的SUSAN算子进行亚像素角点检测时,综合应用了索贝尔边缘算子、灰度平方重心法等方法。

6、It's as simple and simple, but Potter independently to the magazine most in need of expression of thought centrobaric kuyto. ─── 不离这么单一而又简便,却匠心并立不天把该纯志最必要表达的脑筋不沉心托不入来了。

7、Finally, the method of triangle is compared with energy centrobaric correction method, with the conclusion that noise has less effects on the method of triangle. ─── 最后将三角形法和能量重心法进行了对比,得出了三角形法受信噪比变化影响较小的结论。

8、energy centrobaric spectrum correcting method ─── 能量重心频谱校正法

9、Energy centrobaric correction method ─── 能量重心法

10、The common model of polarized medium is introduced, a detailed analysis is given to the polarization of medium, and finally the application of molecule's centrobaric model of is pointed out. ─── 摘要介绍介质极化的一般模型,对极子极化进行了详细的推导,并通过分析后,指出分子重心模型的适用范围。

11、The general calculating formula for selfweight and centrobaric are derived from the research of the weight retain wall, and the corresponding program developed with VC++ is given. ─── 通过对重力式挡土墙的研究,推导出了计算其自重和重心的统一公式,并在此基础上用VC++进行可视化设计编程。

12、The centrobaric method was used to determine the position with the maximum modulation value of fringes and the position was used as the point of zero light path difference. ─── 采用重心法确定干涉条纹调制度的最大值位置,并以此作为零光程差位置。

13、Testing precision analysis of centrobaric of laser facula[J]. ─── 引用该论文 孙爱鲜,王晶,何衡湘,陈亦庆.

14、Energy Centrobaric Correction Method for Discrete Spectrum ─── 离散频谱的能量重心校正法

15、Finally, the method of triangle is compared with energy centrobaric correction method, with the conclusion that noise has less effects on the method of triangle. ─── 最后将三角形法和能量重心法进行了对比,得出了三角形法受信噪比变化影响较小的结论。

16、Testing precision analysis of centrobaric of laser facula ─── 激光光斑重心测试精度理论分析

17、Sobel operator and gray square centrobaric arithmetic were synthesized with the improved SUSAN operator in subpixel corner detection. ─── 在利用改进的SUSAN算子进行亚像素角点检测时,综合应用了索贝尔边缘算子、灰度平方重心法等方法。

18、The energy centrobaric method is made use of correcting the Doppler spectrum, the simulation predicted value of the target velocity is obtained. ─── 用能量重心校正法对多普勒频移校正,进而得到物体的运动速度的模拟计算值。

19、Compared with the energy centrobaric correction method, the proposed method is not well for the signal of large frequency intervals and is well for the signal of smaller frequency intervals. ─── 而对密集频谱的校正,全相位法则要好于能量重心法。

20、Using four subpixel-locating methods to obtain the center of micro parts, which are template-matching method, core-shape method, centrobaric gray method, and edge-fitting method.3. ─── 2.利用模板匹配法、型心法、灰度重心法和边缘拟合法等四种亚像素定位方法实现了对零件中心位置的检测;

21、Abstract: The general calculating formula for selfweight and centrobaric are derived from the research of the weight retain wall, and the corresponding program developed with VC++ is given. ─── 摘 要: 通过对重力式挡土墙的研究,推导出了计算其自重和重心的统一公式,并在此基础上用VC++进行可视化设计编程。

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