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09-07 投稿


culter 发音

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英:  美:

culter 中文意思翻译



culter 相似词语短语

1、cullers ─── n.(Cullers)人名;(英)卡勒斯

2、colter ─── n.犁刀;犁头;切割器;n.(Colter)人名;(英)科尔特

3、cutler ─── n.刀匠;刀剪商;n.(Cutler)人名;(英)卡特勒;(芬)库特勒

4、coulter ─── n.犁刀;n.(Coulter)人名;(英、法)库尔特

5、boulter ─── n.粗长钓丝;蝇绳

6、culler ─── n.检尺员

7、culver ─── n.斑鸠;n.(Culver)人名;(英)卡尔弗

8、occulter ─── 遮光体

9、coulters ─── n.犁刀;n.(Coulter)人名;(英、法)库尔特

culter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The effects of silver carp and Lutai-topmouth culter on algae control in eutrophic water were studied through indoor experiments. ─── 摘要利用室内受控生态系统实验,研究鲢鱼和芦台鲌鱼对富营养化水体中藻类的控制作用。


3、The 203 Culter dabryi shinkainensis were collected during fishery biology investigation of Xin Kai Lake in Dang Bi town of Xin Kai Lake at 2001. ─── 20 0 1年在兴凯湖档壁镇对兴凯鱼白进行渔业生物学调查,共采集兴凯鱼白203尾。

4、Keywords Spiral culter;mathematical model;numerical control; ─── 螺旋铣刀;数学模型;数字控制;

5、Culter's blood sedimentation tube ─── 卡尔特(氏)血沉管

6、Studies on the artificial propagation and fry and fingerling rearing of Culter alburnus ─── 赤东湖翘嘴鲌人工繁殖和苗种培育技术研究

7、In Dr. Cutler's study the occurrence of orgasm was not as important as the fact that sex was with another person. ─── 在Dr.Culter的研究里,性高潮的出现并不像事实上和另一个人性爱表现出来的那么重要。

8、An Experiment on New Stocking Model of Top - Mouth Culter Erythroculter ilishaeformis Fingerlings ─── 翘嘴红鲌鱼种新型放养模式试验

9、Here, culter ” “ refers to the paper in the direction perpendicular to the paper on warp, paper orientation, walk in the past, you will see both sides of the paper or production up and erect. ─── 这里说的“翘”,是指纸弛在笔直于行纸标的纲的上爆不收的翘曲,这时逆着行纸标的纲的看功去,不离会看到纸弛或制品的单方进取翘。

10、The effects of silver carp and Lutai-topmouth culter on algae control in eutrophic water were studied through indoor experiments. ─── 利用室内受控生态系统实验,研究鲢鱼和芦台鲌鱼对富营养化水体中藻类的控制作用。

11、Embryonic Development of Culter alburnus ─── 翘嘴红鲌胚胎发育研究

12、Artificial Breeding of Mongolian Culter Erythroculter mongolicus ─── 蒙古红鲌规模化人工繁育技术研究

13、Artificial Propagating and Cultural Techniques of Top - Mouth Culter Erythroculter ilishaeformis ─── 翘嘴红鲌人工繁殖和饲养技术

14、Tests on Cage Culture of Redfin Culter Erythropterus ilisheformis in Reservoirs ─── 水库网箱养鲌试验

15、Studies on the Optimum Protein Requirement of Fingerling Topmouth Culter ─── 翘嘴红鲌幼鱼最适蛋白需求量的研究

16、Redfin culter had high growth rates in 2-year-old and 4-year-old fish. ─── 红鳍原鲌2龄鱼和4龄鱼体长、体重增长率较高。

17、In order to improve the protecting and exploiting of Culter ablurnus Bailewsky in Xingkai Lake, the biological traits of growth and breeding of Culter ablurnus Bailewsky were presented in this paper. ─── 本文着重介绍及评述近年来对兴凯湖翘嘴鲌生长、发育及繁殖研究的现状及成果,以促进对兴凯湖翘嘴红鲌的资源保护与开发。

18、Topmouth Culter ─── 翘嘴红鲌

19、Population dynamics and ecological responses of fishes in Culter in Taihu Lake ─── 太湖鲌鱼数量变化规律及生态效应分析

20、frozen culter ─── 冻白鱼

21、Analysis of the Genetic Diversity in Suzhou and Yixing Cultivated Populations of Topmouth Culter ─── 翘嘴红鲌苏州和宜兴养殖种群的遗传多样性分析

22、Artificial Breeding of Mongolian Culter Erythroculter mongolicus ─── 蒙古红鲌规模化人工繁育技术研究

23、Lutai-topmouth culter ─── 鲌

24、An Experiment on the Culture of Top - Mouth Culter Erythroculter ilishaeformis by Mixed Feed ─── 配合饲料喂养翘嘴红鲌试验

25、Culter albumus ─── 翘嘴鲌

26、Artificial Propagating and Cultural Techniques of Top - Mouth Culter Erythroculter ilishaeformis ─── 翘嘴红鲌人工繁殖和饲养技术

27、Topmouth culter enjoys great popularity for its delicious and tender meat, high protein, rich amino acid and components. ─── 鲌肉质鲜美、细嫩,蛋白含量高,富含人体所需要的多种氨基酸,营养成分极高。

28、Culter dabryi ─── 达氏铂

29、Analysis of the Genetic Diversity in Suzhou and Yixing Cultivated Populations of Topmouth Culter ─── 翘嘴红鲌苏州和宜兴养殖种群的遗传多样性分析

30、Study on the Winter Fry Rearing Technique of Large - Size Top - Mouth Culter Erythroculter ilishaeformis ─── 翘嘴红鲌大规格冬片鱼种培育试验

31、Redfin culter had high growth rates in 2-year-old and 4-year-old fish. ─── 鲌2龄鱼和4龄鱼体长、体重增长率较高。

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