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09-16 投稿


collectorship 中文意思翻译



collectorship 短语词组

1、collectorship of port new york ─── 纽约港收藏家

collectorship 相似词语短语

1、coadjutorship ─── 计算机

2、conductorship ─── n.导体;售票员;领导者;管理人(conductor的变形)

3、coanchorship ─── 合作

4、lectorship ─── n.大学讲师教职(等于lectorate)

5、coeditorship ─── n.合编者(coeditor的变形)

6、collectors ─── n.收藏家;收集者;聚集剂;[电子]集电极(collector的复数)

7、electorship ─── n.选举人,选举团成员

8、colleagueship ─── n.同事关系,共事关系

9、collector ─── n.收藏家;[电子]集电极;收税员;征收者

collectorship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is a stamp collector. ─── 他是一个集邮者。

2、 双语使用场景

3、A collector of rare insects will show us some of his latest discoveries. ─── 一位稀有昆虫采集家将给我们看一些他的最新发现。

4、Failure) A collector of ogre teeth? Ha, I think not. ─── 失败)收集食人魔的牙?哈,我可不信。

5、He regarded the National Day edition of that paper as a collector's item. ─── 他把国庆节那份报纸视为收藏家的珍品。

6、A collector of or specialist in phonograph records. ─── 唱片收藏家;唱片鉴赏家,唱片研究家

7、One type is the iconoscope. It contains three essential parts--a mosaic, a collector ring and an electron gun. ─── 一种是光电摄象管,它有三个基本部件--嵌镶光电阳极、集电环和电子枪。

8、Outside along the street were the refuse cans from the houses waiting for the collector. ─── 外边沿街放着一家家的垃圾桶,在等待收垃圾的。

9、Lord Lloyd-Webber is an art collector with a passion for Victorian art. ─── 劳埃德勋爵,韦伯是一个艺术收藏家,以热情的维多利亚艺术。

10、"Please show me your seat ticket",the ticket collector said. ─── “请拿出票”,收票员说。

11、He is an acquisitive collector. ─── 他是一个贪得无厌的收集者。

13、The region in a transistor between the emitter and the collector. ─── 基极晶体管中发射极和集电极之间的区域。

14、US millionaire and art collector, Beatty came to live in Ireland in 1949. ─── 一位美国百万富翁和艺术收藏家,1949年来到爱尔兰居住。

15、Use DiagConfig if you need to alter the collector's configuration information. ─── 如果您需要修改收集程序的配置信息,请使用DiagConfig。

16、He obtained the rarebook through a collector. ─── 他通过一个收集家得到了这个珍本。

17、The Shanghai collector laughed to see Mr. Lin's doubtful expression, but his laugh had an odd ring to it. ─── 上海客人看着林先生那迟疑的神气,就笑; 那笑声有几分异样。

18、He tried to slip past the ticket collector at the dock. ─── 他设法从码头上收票人身边溜过去。

19、Extraction at Berkeley of a keystone from a tile on the Stardust cometary dust collector. ─── 在伯克利进行的从“星尘”号彗星尘埃收集器中提取楔石。

20、The Shanghai collector frowned. ─── 上海客人在旁边皱眉头。

21、The duration of collection cycles in a copying collector is driven by the number of live objects. ─── 复制收集器的收集周期时间是由活跃对象的数量决定的。

22、Synchronization blocks hold weak references to managed objects and must be scanned by the garbage collector. ─── 同步块保留对托管对象的弱引用并且必须由垃圾回收器扫描。

23、"Please show me your seat ticket," the ticket collector said. ─── “请拿出票根”,收票员说。

24、Introduces the functionality of the.NET Framework garbage collector. ─── 介绍.NET Framework垃圾回收器的功能。

25、The garbage collector traces the reference tree in the background. ─── 内存回收器跟踪后台的引用树。

26、Probably.He claims his next move was going to be phoning the garbage collector. ─── 他宣称下一步行动就是给垃圾回收员打电话。

27、Can all glass vacuum collector tube operate with water inletting? ─── 全玻璃真空集热管不能顶水运行吗?

28、The garbage collector tracks and reclaims objects allocated in managed memory. ─── 垃圾回收器跟踪并回收托管内存中分配的对象。

29、I have got to fork out a lot of money to the collector of Taxes this year . ─── 今年,我必须付许多钱给税务征收员。

30、The base region is always very much narrower than the emitter or collector regions. ─── 基极总是比发射极和集电极薄得多。

31、Any stamp collector would like to own the one-cent British Guiana. ─── 任何邮票收藏家想以自己的一个仙英属圭亚那。

32、The other daemons also query the collector for information, such as the address of remote machines. ─── 其他守护进程也会向collector查询信息,例如远程机器的地址。

33、He is a big collector of tablet calligraphy. ─── 他是碑拓收藏的大家。

34、As an antique collector, he spends a lot of time in junk shops. ─── 作为为古董收藏者,他在旧货店里花费了大量时间。

35、The 50th Anniversary of the Shanghai Stamp Collector's Association. ─── 关键字:“上海市集邮协会成立50周年纪念大会”的翻译?

36、The Shanghai collector was uncompromisingly firm in his refusal. ─── 上海客人毫无通融地拒绝了林先生的情商。

37、Discophile:a collector of or specialist in phonograph records. ─── "唱片收藏家;唱片鉴赏家,唱片研究家"

38、They love the tax collector as the devil loves holy water. ─── 他们对那个收税人恨之入骨。

39、The density of holes in the base is less than the density of free electrons in the emitter and collector. ─── 基极中空穴的密度小于发射极和集电极中自由电子的密度。

40、A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a 1906 gas head lamp. ─── 一位老式汽车收藏家要弗兰克留神1906年产的煤气前灯。

41、She handed her ticket to the ticket collector. ─── 她把票交给了收票员。

42、Donald, I hear you are a great collector of stamps. ─── 唐纳德,我听说你是一位集邮爱好者。

43、In a direct liquid system, city water circulates through the collector. ─── 在直接液体系统中,城市水循环通过收集器。

44、A discriminating collector of rare books; a dish for the discriminating palate. ─── 一位有鉴赏力的稀有书籍收集者; 为美味鉴赏者而备的一道菜

45、Mother pushed the dust collector across the room to clean it. ─── 妈妈打扫房间,把吸尘器从房间这边推到那边。

46、Record twice as many songs as you plan to release, then ten year's later release the album as a collector's item. ─── 实际录制曲目数量为预计发行曲目数量的两倍,十年之后,把剩下的歌发行为铁杆歌迷。

47、There are two further matters of interest to the serious coin collector. ─── 对于认真的钱币收藏家来说,还有两件事必须一提。

48、A good example is the garbage collector. ─── 垃圾收集器是一个好示例。

49、The number of times the garbage collector has run. ─── 垃圾回收器已运行的次数。

50、He is an unsullied tax collector. ─── 他是一位一身清白的税务员。

51、The garbage collector automatically releases the memory for large objects. ─── 垃圾回收器会自动释放大型对象的内存。

52、A benevolent art collector has donated over 100 masterpieces to the Louvre. ─── 一位善心的艺术收藏家捐赠超过一百件巨作给罗浮宫。

53、It must have been in the possession of a private collector. ─── 它一定是属于一位私人收藏家的。

54、The garbage collector does not free memory for this particular object. ─── 垃圾回收器不释放此特定对象的内存。

55、Save the form and give it a name, such as Parameter Collector. ─── 保存该窗体并赋予它一个名称,如“参数收集器”。

56、He is a tax collector of unsullied reputation. ─── 他是个名声清白的税务员。

57、The number of times the garbage collector has discarded JIT-compiled code. ─── 垃圾回收器已丢弃JIT编译的代码的次数。

58、Chinese collector sabotaged animal head auction. ─── 中国收藏家不满兽首拍卖活动。

59、He is a collector of treasures and antiques. ─── 他酷爱收藏各类宝玩珍品。

60、The collector had arrived from Shanghai two days before, and was pressing Mr. Lin hard. ─── 上海东升字号的收账客人前天早已到镇,直催逼得林先生再没有话语支吾了。

61、The number of times the garbage collector has compacted the heap. ─── 垃圾回收器已压缩堆的次数。

62、A solar energy collector;a dust collector. ─── 太阳能集电器;集尘器

63、He sounded like an enthusiastic collector who had been outbid at auction. ─── 他说话的口气,就像一位热心的收藏家在拍卖中输给了对手。

64、Windows Server 2008: "Creating Data Collector Sets" in Reliability and Performance Monitor Help. ─── 可靠性和性能监视器帮助中的Windows Server 2008:“创建数据采集器集”。

65、Today a 1967 Cougar in good condit is a collector's item. ─── 到今天,一辆没有破损的1967年生产的美洲豹车是汽车搜集家的一项瑰集品。

66、A record collector played some goodies for me on his record player. ─── 一位收藏家用他的唱机为我播放了几张好东西。

67、Run Garbage Collector This subroutine forces the garbage collector to run. ─── Run Garbage Collector此子例程强制垃圾回收器运行。

68、It'll be difficult to get past the ticket collector without paying. ─── 不付钱很难瞒过检票员的。

69、Running out of cash again. Fetch me the tax collector. ─── 又没钱了。把税收官给我叫来。

70、He's a Teddy Bear collector. ─── 他是个玩具熊收藏家。

71、He is an outstanding walnut fondler, collector, and appraiser. ─── 他是把玩、收藏、鉴定山核桃行当中的佼佼者。

72、Other GC algorithms, such as the parallel collector, may break down some of the values into finer bits of information. ─── 其他GC算法,如并发收集器,可能将一些值分解为更细的信息。

73、Optimizes the solar energy absorbed by the collector. ─── 优化集热板的太阳能吸收。

74、The count of the objects that were not moved by the garbage collector during a compaction. ─── 不能由垃圾回收器在压缩期间移动的对象的计数。

75、He is something of a book collector. ─── 他可说是位藏书家。

76、You're something of a book collector. ─── 你可以称得上书籍收藏家。

77、The other, the parallel scavenge collector, is designed for higher throughput on large heaps. ─── 另一个是并行清除收集器,它是为在大堆上的更高吞吐能力而设计的。

78、He is a big collector, with a house full of his extensive precious collections. ─── 他是个大收藏家,可以说是拱璧满室了。

79、A frantic rush and Mr. Pan emerged as if from a dream through the narrow exit guarded by the ticket collector. ─── 一阵的拥挤,潘先生像在梦里似的,出了收票处的隘口。

80、Credible talent, impassioned collector, Diviner of hope. ─── 个人简介:Photographer, Illustrator- Portrait, Fantasy, Fetish.

81、I've got to fork out a lot of money to the collector of Taxes this year. ─── 今年,我必须付许多钱给税务征收员。

82、It is the stamp record kept by the Collector of Stamp Revenue that counts. ─── 印花税署署长所保存的印花记录才最重要。

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