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08-21 投稿


stigmatized 发音

英:[?st?ɡm?ta?zd]  美:[?st?ɡm?ta?zd]

英:  美:

stigmatized 中文意思翻译




stigmatized 词性/词形变化,stigmatized变形

动词第三人称单数: stigmatizes |动词现在分词: stigmatizing |名词: stigmatization |动词过去式: stigmatized |动词过去分词: stigmatized |

stigmatized 同义词

stigmatized 反义词


stigmatized 短语词组

1、stigmatized define ─── 污名化定义

2、stigmatized definition ─── 污名化定义

3、stigmatized property meaning ─── 污名财产意义

4、stigmatized property ─── 污名化财产

5、stigmatized diseases ─── 污名化疾病

6、stigmatized homes for sale ─── 有污名的房屋出售

stigmatized 相似词语短语

1、stigmatiser ─── 柱头炎

2、enigmatized ─── vt.使成谜;使费解

3、stigmatise ─── v.使背负恶名,侮辱(等于stigmatize)

4、unstigmatized ─── 未着色

5、astigmatizer ─── n.夜间测距仪;[光]像散器

6、stigmatizer ─── 污名化物

7、stigmatize ─── vt.诬蔑;玷污;给…打上烙印

8、stigmatised ─── v.(使)感到羞耻;(使)受圣伤痕(stigmase的过去式及过去分词,stigmatise等于stigmatize)

9、stigmatizes ─── vt.诬蔑;玷污;给…打上烙印

stigmatized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What a dull world this is if every imaginative maker of legend is stigmatized as a liar! ─── 如果每一位富于想象力的传说作者都被打上说谎者的烙印,这将会是如何枯燥的一个世界啊!

2、stigmatized as a coward and a liar ─── 被指责为胆小鬼和说谎的人.

3、proto-nation, incipient nation, nation, indigenous stigmatized incipient nation, multinational unit. ─── 原型民族、初期民族、民族、污名化的初期民族、原住民族多元一体。

4、They feel that somebody should not be prosecuted for transmitting the virus because it could cause HIV carriers to be stigmatized even more than they already are. ─── 他们认为不应该以传播艾滋病毒为由起诉艾滋病患者,因为这样会使得艾滋病患者受到更多的非难。

5、This poor fellow occasionally let slipinconsiderate remarks, which the law then stigmatized as seditious speeches ─── 那个倒霉鬼会时常于无意中吐出一些牢骚话,那是被当时法律认为“叛逆言论”的。

6、They are more possibly to be stigmatized and marginalized. ─── 他们更可能被妖魔化、边缘化。

7、For a while, places like Henan were so stigmatized people from the province dared not reveal their hometowns when seeking jobs elsewhere. ─── 有段时间,河南人都披上了这种莫明的印记,甚至求职时不敢注明家乡省分。

8、Such a view has been stigmatized as mechanical jurisprudence ─── 蔑称这种观点为机械法学。

9、"Here is a person stigmatized by the diagnosis of suicide, when that is an absolutely wrong, false, erroneous diagnosis," Miner said. ─── 米诺说:“此人被污蔑成自杀,这显然是错误的,虚假的的诊断。”

10、But each player was wary of being stigmatized by a second Olympic smudge and was subjected to a sitdown interview process. ─── 但是他们每个人都不愿意再遭受一次在雅典所受到的耻辱,在新闻发布会上,球员们都很强烈的表现出了这一点。

11、Part of the difference may also be that women in the U. S. are often stigmatized if they express considerable ambition. ─── 中美女性也许还有部分别的差异:在美国,如果女性表现出相当大的野心的话,她们就会受到羞辱。

12、To strengthen their own identity and sense of cultural superiority, civil officials stigmatized military men as immoral and ignorant. ─── 文人官僚为了强化他们的认同与文化优越感,指责武人放荡与愚昧。

13、They often still balk at being stigmatized as weird. ─── 实际上,他们依然害怕别人指责自己“怪里怪气”。

14、Many migrant workers sell their cheap labor in Taiwan because of a relatively weaker economy in their own countries.For that reason, they are often marginalized and stigmatized in this foreign land. ─── 摘要外籍劳工,因为母国的经济弱势而飘洋过海出卖廉价劳动力,在台湾劳动市场中垫底、在社会对待上被边缘化、污名化。

15、These are people, Dr.Schroeder notes, who already suffer from being stigmatized. ─── 斯纳德博士说,这群人因为人们的漠视和歧视已经吃尽了苦头。

16、Fed officials worried that banks weren't using the discount window because they feared being stigmatized as weak, so they created TAF, in which money is auctioned off en masse and with more anonymity. ─── 美联储官员当时担心,银行因为害怕被市场视为实力疲弱而不愿求助贴现窗口,因此他们创建了定期拍卖工具项目,以更为匿名的拍卖方式向诸多银行一并提供资金。

17、James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), who advised the obese to "Look in the mirror because you are the one to blame." In our society, perhaps no group is more stigmatized than the obese. ─── JamesSensenbrenner(R-WI)曾经就建议肥胖者"照照镜子就知道你们该骂".在我们的社会,估计没有任何群体会像胖人们一样被歧视虐待了。

18、Midlands English is one of the more stigmatized of English dialect groupings. The most famous of these dialects is Brummie. ─── 中部英语在英语方言群中比较有标志性。其中最有名的当属伯明翰口音了。

19、Help Me Help My Child will witness anxious, withdrawn and stigmatized children transform into healthy young people with a better outlook through the course. ─── 通过专家的分析以及跟踪多个典型的案例,让家长了解这些最常见病症的成因、症状以及正确的治疗方法。

20、which the law then stigmatized as seditious speeches. ─── 那是被当时法律认为“叛逆言论”的。

21、Children in single-parent families must not be stigmatized. ─── 单亲家庭的孩子不应该受到侮辱。

22、First, we move beyond an exclusive focus on intense dirty work occupations by mapping the broader landscape of stigmatized work. ─── 首先,我们扩大了研究领域,将原文仅限于从事高强度苦力活的相应职业扩大到蓝领领域的所有工作范畴;

23、Such a carefully noble girl, was the church, the court stigmatized as "witches" , "murderers" , and was sentenced to the gallows. ─── 这样一个心地高贵的女孩,竟被教会、法庭诬蔑为“女巫”、“杀人犯”,并被判处绞刑。

24、She would be stigmatized. ─── 她将蒙受耻辱。

25、Let us not forget how many people were oppressed, humiliated, and stigmatized during historical eras in which it was considered unacceptable to be single, divorced, or gay. ─── 让我们别忘了在这个历史性的时刻,还有多少人因为单身、因为失婚、因为是同性恋,而不被接受、而受到压迫、羞辱、与污名的迫害。

26、Villagers who live close to red wells are stigmatized. ─── 居住临靠红色水井的村民感觉受到侮辱。

27、stigmatized youth ─── 劣等生不良少年

28、He has been stigmatized as a coward and liar. ─── 他被描述成一个懦夫和说谎者。

29、He once was stigmatized as a Communist, and suffered unjust persecution. ─── 他曾经被扣上过红帽子,遭受了不公的迫害。

30、The 13-year-old hemophiliac from Kokomo, Ind., was diagnosed with AIDS in 1984, then banned from attending his public middle school. A human face for a stigmatized disease, he died in 1990. ─── 来自印第安纳州的13岁血友病患,1984年诊断出感染爱滋病毒,结果被他就读的公立中学拒收,并引发风波。1990年去世。

31、"Because a babyface is disarming, we hypothesized that it would provide an advantage to black leaders who have a history of being stigmatized as too threatening to occupy positions of high power. ─── “由于娃娃脸然人放松警惕,我们得出假说,即娃娃脸能有利于黑人领袖,过去他们被污名化,说他们太过威胁而不可被授予高位。

32、anyone who did was tracked down, stigmatized and attacked politically. ─── 否则,就要追查,就要扣帽子、打棍子。

33、However, the 71-82 age group performed worse when they felt stigmatized. ─── 但71-82岁的老年人在感到自己被“污名化”时记忆表现较差。

34、Will the number of men marrying much younger women continue to grow as people live longer and such relationships become less stigmatized? ─── 随着人类寿命的延长,和比自己年轻许多的女性结婚的男性数量是否会增加?人们对这种关系的蔑视程度是否会减轻?

35、But it is voluntary, leading some critics to say banks taking part are stigmatized. ─── 但这是银行自愿参与的,一些批评人士对此表示,参与计划的银行会因此蒙羞。

36、Does he not re-collect with what marks of indignation any member was stigmatized as an enemy to this country who mentioned with common respect the name of General Washington? ─── 他难道不记得如果有谁以常人的敬重态度提到华盛顿将军的名字,他就会以激昂慷慨的言辞把人家污蔑为国家的敌人吗?

37、Memory also suffers if senior citizens believe they are being "stigmatized," meaning that others are looking down on them because of their age. ─── 老年人的记忆受损还发生在他们相信自己被“污名化”时,也就是别人因为年龄而歧视他们。

38、First, the Roth opinion noted that the purpose of guaranteeing a hearing to a stigmatized employee is simply "to provide the person an opportunity to clear his name"; ─── 首先,"罗斯"案的意见指出,确保遭受诬蔑的雇员得到听证的、目的完全在于"为当事人提供澄清名誉的机会";

39、Those who say they feel stigmatized also performed more poorly. ─── 那些感到“受辱”的人表现更糟糕。

40、They stigmatized him as a traitor. ─── 他们给他加上卖国贼的污名。

41、Its victims have been highly stigmatized -- often blamed for their condition and made to feel unclean. ─── 患者受到其它人的非常责难,经常责备他们的病情并认为他们不干净。

42、He was stigmatized as a violator of the agreement. ─── 他受到破坏协定的指责。

43、Organizers said the fear of being stigmatized at work or in their communities is discouraging many people at risk of HIV infection from being tested. ─── 组织者表示,由于担心在工作或社区中遭到指责,许多HIV感染风险人群因此都不愿接受检测。

44、It takes a very special personality to be able to do well in such a stigmatized industry. ─── 要像在这个备受侮辱的行业中做好,就需要具备非常特殊的人格。

45、Besides being socially stigmatized with a perceived "alien" identification, the status of the ethnic-Chinese is further complicated by economic, class, and ideological denigrations. ─── 除了一直以来被土著印尼人视为异类之外,经济,等级和荷兰殖民期间造成的恶名也是印尼华人的问题愈加复杂。

46、Stigma-HIV is highly stigmatized in many countries where people who are HIV positive may experience social rejection and discrimination. ─── 很多国家还存在严重的艾滋病歧视问题。HIV感染者可能经历过社会的孤立和歧视。

47、He was stigmatized as an ex-convict. ─── 他遭人污辱,说他给判过刑。














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