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08-18 投稿


fantasia 发音

英:[f?n?te?zi?]  美:[f?n'tez??]

英:  美:

fantasia 中文意思翻译



fantasia 网络释义

n. 幻想曲;集成曲;幻想作品n. (Fantasia)人名;(意、葡)凡塔西亚

fantasia 词性/词形变化,fantasia变形


fantasia 短语词组

1、fantasia bittersweet ─── 苦乐参半幻想曲

2、fantasia monsta x ─── 梦幻蒙斯塔x

3、fantasia brillante ─── 精彩幻想曲

4、fantasia disney ─── 幻想迪斯尼

5、fantasia xx ─── 幻想曲xx

6、fantasia garden ─── 幻想花园

7、fantasia movie ─── 幻想片

8、fantasia speaking in tongues ─── 说方言的幻想曲

9、fantasia castle original mix ─── 幻想城堡原版混搭

10、fantasia in c minor c ─── 小调幻想曲

11、fantasia future ─── 幻想未来

12、ice fantasia ─── 冰幻想曲

13、Fantasia Sango ─── 幻想曲桑戈

14、fantasia group ─── 幻想曲组

15、blue fantasia ─── 蓝色幻想曲

16、fantasia vhs ─── 幻想曲vhs

17、fantasia 1940 ─── 幻想曲1940

fantasia 相似词语短语

1、fantasias ─── n.幻想曲(fantasia的复数形式)

2、fantasize ─── vt.幻想;想像;vi.幻想

3、fantasies ─── n.梦想,幻想(fantasy的复数);n.(Fantasies)人名;(法)方塔西

4、fantastic ─── adj.奇异的;空想的;异想天开的;古怪的;极好的,极出色的;不可思议的;不切实际的;(数量)极大的;n.古怪的人;adv.极其,非常

5、fantasied ─── n.幻想;白日梦;幻觉;adj.虚幻的;vt.空想;想像;vi.耽于幻想;奏幻想曲(等于phantasy)

6、fantasmic ─── 好极了

7、fantasist ─── n.幻想曲作曲家

8、fantasise ─── vi.耽于幻想;vt.幻想(等于fantasize)

9、fantasmal ─── 好极了

fantasia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A controversial question that Fantasia's World tried to answer in her post: Are you making your country poorer? ─── Fantasia's World针对这项争议不休的问题,提出解答:女人,妳让埃及更穷吗?

2、Mi fantasia eres tu. You are my fantasy. ─── 你最喜爱的的性幻想是甚麽?

3、Fantasia themes from La Traviata ─── 茶花女主题幻想曲

4、TCHAIKOVSKY. P.I.: Piano Concerto No. 3 / Concert Fantasia (Mewton-Wood, W. Goehr) (1951 ─── 柴科夫斯基.P.I.:第3钢琴协奏曲/音乐会幻想曲(缪顿-伍德,W.哥尔)(1951

5、Fantasia Sango is a game made by ... ─── 幻想三国志幻想三国志游戏幻想三国志老板。

6、Fantasia: What is the position, direction and speed of the tropical storm centre? ─── 幻想曲:该热带暴风圈的中心位置、前进方向以及每小时风速为何?

7、This time it's from Fantasia Sango another ... ─── 希望有一天也能被拍成电视!

8、Akon won favorite male soul/rhythm &blues artist, and Rihanna bested former "Idol" Fantasia to win favorite female soul/R&B artist. ─── 艾库恩获得了最受欢迎灵魂/节奏和蓝调男艺术家奖项,瑞汉娜击败前“美国偶像”范塔斯赢得了最受欢迎灵魂/R&B女艺术家奖项。

9、Fantasia: and its change is a drop of 3 millibars in the last hour. ─── 幻想曲:比前一个小时下降三毫巴。

10、Utopia: Fantasia . Fantasia. This is Utopia. How do you read me? ─── 理想国: 幻想曲。 幻想曲。 这里是理想国。 我的信号你收得到吗?。

11、Apres Une Lecture Du Dante......Franz Liszt(Fantasia quasi Sonata ─── 但丁读后感......弗朗兹.李斯特(但丁幻想奏鸣曲

12、In learning her favorite piece, Chopin's impromptu Fantasia, she practiced so much that the score sheet was worn to tatters. ─── 在学习她最喜爱的一首曲子《肖邦幻想即兴曲》时,练习得非常勤奋,甚至连琴谱都被她翻烂了。

13、The thing about most crushes, though, is that they tend to fade faster than Fantasia's career.Easy come, easy go. ─── 然而大多数迷恋往往消退的比美国“超女”范塔西雅波尼诺(电视节目“美国偶像”第三季冠军)成名的速度还要快,来得容易,去得也容易。

14、Rimsky-Korsakov: Fantasia on Russian Themes, op.33 Rimsky-Korsakov: Fantasia on Russian Themes, op.33 ─── 林姆斯基-高沙可夫:俄罗斯主题幻想曲,作品337.林姆斯基-高沙可夫:俄罗斯主题幻想曲,作品33

15、fantasia overture ─── 幻想序曲

16、Chapter three analyzes the philosophy of queering change, and its limit and transcendence as a "gay fantasia" . ─── 第三章讨论该剧体现的“变革”哲学以及“同性恋幻想”的阈限和超越:酷儿性和变革。

17、Latin Fantasia Parade of Samba and Latin Dances ─── 拉丁森巴热舞巡礼

18、Way back in 1939, an HP product was used to help construct the amazing audio in Fantasia. ─── 早在1939年,一款惠普产品就被用来在《幻想曲》中营造惊人的音效。

19、Fantasia on an ostinato For Solo Piano ─── 独奏钢琴的固定音型幻想曲

20、Fantasia: I read you fair, with signal strength 3. ─── 幻想曲:你的信号我们收听得很清楚,信号强度为三。

21、And there it was, the cake of my dreams, Chocolate Fantasia, three layers of chocolate caramel mousse cake. ─── 那就是它,我日思梦想的蛋糕——巧克力幻想(ChocolateFantasia),一个三层巧克力焦糖奶油蛋糕。

22、The Tallis Fantasia grows out of the simplest Renaissance plainchant into glowing string textures of ravishing beauty. ─── 《泰利士主题幻想曲》由最原始的文艺复兴单声部圣咏作起点,发展成一首美不胜收的多层次弦乐作品。

23、Then I knew that about that movement there had been so many and so different opinions, but the "official" saying by Beethoven was merely "Quasi una fantasia (Like a fantasy)" . ─── 继,余知关乎是章,见仁见智之说,众矣,而已知之贝氏“官方”所言,仅“似幻想曲”耳。

24、the vibe from here to Asia, dip trip, flip fantasia ─── 了共鸣,我像是从这儿去了亚洲,跳跃吧,翻腾吧

25、Fantasia has mixed reviews at the time of it’s release, and was a commercial failure, which is sad because Walt Disney spent a lot of time developing the movie. ─── 可能是别的什么吗?许多人称赞它是最优秀的动画片,它并没有随时间流逝而被遗忘,它还是像72年刚发布一样受欢迎。

26、Fantasia also introduced stereophonic sound to theaters, an element not employed by other studios until more than a decade later. ─── 幻想曲也介绍给立体声影剧院、不受雇于其他成份,直到十多年后的工作室。

27、Du Mingxin's fantasia symphony God of the Luo River, Tan Dun's Piano Symphony, Qu Xiaosong's Mong Dong and First Symphony, ─── 杜鸣心的交响幻想曲《洛神》,谭盾的《钢琴协奏曲》,瞿小松的《Mong Dong》和"第一交响曲",

28、Here to pay tribute to her gospel roots is our American Idol, Fantasia! ─── 在这里称颂她的福音根源是我们的美国偶像,幻想曲!

29、A new film, Secrets of the Lost Temple, was launched as part of the Film Fantasia simulator ride in Christmas 1997 to offer guests greater thrills. ─── 超动感影院会在一九九七年圣诞节开始放映一出全新的电影,名为"古殿之谜",让游客体验更多新奇刺激的感受。

30、The fantasia in Red Devil ─── 红魔,十年的寂寞

31、Fantasia in C Major for bassoon and piano. ─── 布札:大管独奏-幻想曲(钢琴伴奏版).

32、yeaterday was the history;Tomorrow is a fantasia;That's why we call Today present. ─── 大哥,我知道,因为你是发贴狂人,灌水高手,所以给你发了个勋章。高兴吧。

33、No, the first amine with full classic music background should be Fantasia produced by Diasy. Right? ─── 《银英传》是第一套以古典音乐为背景音乐的动画吗?

34、4.Having launched four years ago as a division of Fantasia Accessories, LuLu truly understands its demographic a young-minded, contemporary consumer who's fully in tune with current trends. ─── 对幻想曲的研究四年后,露露从中明白了在其调查中,最能适应发展潮流的幻想曲爱好者,正是那些具有新思维的,热爱思考的人。

35、Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis ─── 塔利斯主题幻想曲

36、Can't wait to listen to the fantasia! ─── 等不及想听狂想曲了。

37、Fantasia: Yes. I will also alter course to avoid the storm. Out. ─── 幻想曲:是的。我也将改变航向以远离暴风圈。通话完毕。

38、Akon won favorite male soul/rhythm & blues artist, and Rihanna bested former "Idol" Fantasia to win favorite female soul/R&B artist. ─── Akon赢得了最受欢迎soul/rhythm&blues的男艺人奖,美国偶像大赛中最受欢迎的Rihanna赢得了最佳soul/R&B艺术家奖。

39、Fantasia for piano, chorus, and orchestra ("Choral Fantasy"), Op. ─── 幻想曲钢琴,合唱,和乐团(“合唱幻想曲”),作品。

40、Fantasia: I have no information tropical storm. ─── 幻想曲:我没有热带暴风圈的消息。

41、Piano Sonata No. 13 in E flat major ("Quasi una fantasia"), Op. ─── 钢琴奏鸣曲第13号在电子商务大调(“准联合国协会幻想曲”),作品。

42、Fantasia can arise anew...from your dreams and wishes. ─── 魔幻界可以凭借你的梦和愿望重获新生.

43、Fantasia Set ─── 奇幻的梦境

44、Leave Seoul for Bangkok at night. Participating the Andre Kim Fashion Fantasia in Bangkok Show. Airport photos in photo zone. ─── 晚上离开首尔向曼谷出发.参与安德烈金曼谷时装秀.机场照片在照片区里.

45、billbergia fantasia ─── 美叶水塔花

46、Fantasia Sango is a game made by Taiwan company ... ─── 幻想三国志游戏幻想三国志老板。

47、Fantasia: Utopia. This is Fantasia. ─── 幻想曲:理想国。这里是幻想曲。

48、the film classic 'Fantasia' ─── 经典电影《幻想曲》

49、We saw Fantasia in a far off land, ─── 遥远之地传来了幻音

50、Fantasia on Hungarian Popular themes ─── 匈牙利民歌主题幻想曲

51、The peak of Mickey Mouse's golden decade was his starring role as the Sorcerer's Apprentice in the feature Fantasia (1940), a major artistic innovation. ─── 高峰米老鼠的黄金十年是他主演的角色魔法师的徒弟在专题幻想曲(1940)主要艺术创新。

52、Etude Fantasy;Fantasia on an Ostinato; ─── 放大图片 Corigliano: Violin Sonata;

53、Fantasia in F Minor ─── f小调幻想曲

54、Academy Fantasia" or "AF" is the most popular reality show in Thailand owned by "True Visions TV" (formerly known as UBC). ─── 梦幻学院或者称为AF是泰国的最流行的真人秀节目,它隶属于真视TV(以前叫做UBC)旗下。

55、And the gauze of curtain of wine red be born of chameleon type, red olivine trillium 7 colour crisscross, gyroidal crystalline light more simple romantic sheet accord with plays a stereo fantasia. ─── 而变色龙式的酒红落地幔纱,红黄绿白紫七彩交错,螺旋形水晶灯更将简单的浪漫单符弹奏成一首立体的幻想曲。

56、In this text, the writer arrive main rightnessfrom the Baroque period into the modern period of the history of thekeyboard fantasia do a lot of sortings. ─── 在本文中,笔者将主要对从巴洛克时期到近现代时期的键盘幻想曲的历史做一番整理。

57、Michelangelo Antonioni's only American film, an atonal fantasia on the late 1960s. ─── 安东尼奥尼拍摄的唯一一部美国电影,一部关于1960年代晚期的无调性幻想曲。

58、Fantasia: Do you have any more information? ─── 幻想曲:你有没有进一步的消息?

59、Fantasia on a Theme of Handel ─── 《韩德尔主题幻想曲》

60、LEGNANI: Fantasia, Op. 19 / 36 Caprices, Op. 20 ─── 莱格纳尼:随想曲三十六首(作品20)/幻想曲(作品19)

61、The drawing was made to promote the computer game Fantasia Sango IV by UserJoy Technology Co., a Taiwanese game development company. ─── 这张图是帮台湾宇峻奥汀公司的游戏幻想三国志4所绘制的游戏宣传图。

62、Fantasia: I have no information tropical storm, ─── 幻想曲:我没有热带暴风圈的消息,

63、Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue (BWV 903) ─── d小调半音阶幻想曲与赋格

64、Do you know that Disney's "Fantasia 2000" is coming soon? ─── 你知道迪斯尼的“幻想2000”很快就要上映了吗?

65、Not only was Fantasia ambitious in it’s animation, it was also ambitious in it’s use of sound. ─── 这是一个巨大的成功,是一部最成功的电影,是第一部彩色画电影,给观众留下很深刻的印象。

66、Fantasia (1940), which coordinated animated segments with famous classical music pieces, was an artistic and technical achievement. ─── “幻想曲(1940)”是艺术和技术的成就,它把动画部分与著名的古典音乐片段协调在一起。

67、“Fantasia 2” is especially for you and your family member. ─── 约定你携带家人一起来出席这场“家人有乐2”音乐会吧。

68、The scene is a strange, borderline psychedelic dance number that plays like an out-take from "Fantasia. " ─── 整个场景就像是直接从“狂想曲”剪接过来的舞蹈片段,既奇怪又带有边缘迷幻色彩。

69、In this 20-part television series based on a classic Chinese fable, Lien is a fish spirit living in the fantasia world. ─── 小莲和她母亲银花是魔幻中修练鲤鱼精,她们寄住在宰相金宠府邸后园的一个池塘中。

70、Modelling for Andre Kim Fashion Fantasia in Bangkok. ─── 为安德烈金曼谷时装秀走秀.

71、Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes, S123/R458, "Hungarian Fantasy" ─── 匈牙利民间主题幻想曲,S123/R458,"匈牙利幻想曲”

72、piano concertos 1 and 2; totentanz*; malediction*; fantasia on hungarian folk themes* wandererfantasie*; + dohnanyi: variations ─── 钢琴协奏曲集1与2;死之舞;诅咒*;匈牙利民歌旋律幻想曲*(匈牙利幻想曲)流浪者幻想曲*;+多纳尼:变奏曲集

73、Du Mingxin's fantasia symphony God of the Luo River, Tan Dun's Piano Symphony, Qu Xiaosong's Mong Dong and First Symphony ─── 杜鸣心的交响幻想曲《洛神》,谭盾的《钢琴协奏曲》,瞿小松的《Mong Dong》和"第一交响曲"

74、Fantasia - 1940 ─── 幻想曲

75、LUENING, O.: Symphonic Fantasia No. 1 / ANTHEIL, G.: Serenade No. 1 / HOWE, M.: Stars / Sand (Adler, Antonini, Strickland) (1957 ─── 卢宁,O:第一交响幻想曲/安泰尔:第一小夜曲/豪:星辰/沙(阿德勒,安东尼尼,斯特里克兰)(1957)





- 生命和死亡的意义

- 伦理的思辨

- 未来的认知

- 极端生存的价值观











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