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08-21 投稿


domestication 发音

英:[d??mest??ke??n]  美:[d??mest??ke??n]

英:  美:

domestication 中文意思翻译



domestication 词性/词形变化,domestication变形


domestication 短语词组

1、domestication synonym ─── 归化同义词

2、domestication of dogs ─── 狗的驯养

3、domestication strategy ─── 驯化策略

4、domestication syndrome ─── 驯化综合征

5、domestication catalog bedding ─── 家化目录床上用品

6、domestication of microorganism ─── 微生物的驯化

7、domestication theory ─── 归化理论

8、domestication definition ─── 归化定义

9、domestication of plants ─── 植物驯化

domestication 相似词语短语

1、domesticate ─── vt.驯养;教化;引进;vi.驯养;使习惯于或喜爱家务和家庭生活

2、domesticative ─── 驯化的

3、domesticated ─── adj.家养的;驯服的;喜欢家庭生活的;v.驯养(domesticate的过去分词);使习惯于家庭生活

4、domesticating ─── 驯化(domesticate的现在分词)

5、domesticates ─── vt.驯养;教化;引进;vi.驯养;使习惯于或喜爱家务和家庭生活

6、domesticities ─── n.家庭生活;专心于家务;对家庭的挚爱

7、tostication ─── tostication公司

8、domesticator ─── 使归化者

9、mastication ─── n.咀嚼;粉碎

domestication 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、According to paleolinguistic research, the domestication of pigs is a feature of Proto-Austronesian culture. ─── 古语言学研究指出,养猪是原南岛语族的生业之一;

2、There are more than 20 families,80 Chinese names,Latin names,alias of domestication and introduction of edible fungi. ─── 共20科80余种食用茵驯化、引种栽培食用菌的中文名称、拉丁学名、别名、最早出菇的文献报道。

3、However, exploiture and utilization have been blocked due to its weakness on the studies of introduction, domestication and cultivation. ─── 然而,在引种、驯化及培育方面研究薄弱,阻碍了该科资源的开发和利用。

4、experiments with domestication probably occurred in many places, as people living in ever-drier environments cast around for more predictable food supplies. ─── 随着人们居住环境不断变得干燥,以及食物供给的可预测性越来越强,驯化尝试很可能会在很多地方进行。

5、This review summarizes researches on Tricholoma mongolicum. Mainly concerns domestication and cultivation, psychology, fairy ring ecology, pharmacological research and functional food development. ─── 摘要对蒙古口蘑的驯化栽培、生理、蘑菇圈生态、药理学研究及功能性食品开发等方面进行了综述。

6、Towards Domestication and Foreignization from the Point of Power Differentials ─── 从权势差异的角度再谈归化与异化

7、Compared the effect of different planting depth of domestication Cymbidium faberi's growth planted in lean-to type greenhouse of north China. ─── 摘要以中国葱兰下山驯化苗为试材,研究北方日光温室中不同盆栽深度对其生长的影响。

8、Keywords gamma-linolenic acid;Mortierella alpina;domestication; ─── 亚麻酸;被孢霉;驯化;

9、Abstract: The choice of foreignization or domestication when d oing transition has been a hot issue in the community of translation studies for a long time. ─── 摘 要: 关于“归化与异化”的问题,是翻译界争论的焦点之一。

10、There are different forms of domestication at various levels, such as, lexis, syntax, discourse, stylistics, rhetoric and so on. ─── 归化在翻译理论和实践中有着不同层次不同形式的体现,如,词法层次、句法层次、篇章层次、文体层次、修辞层次等等。

11、The methods of domestication and cultivation Lactarius deliciosus were groped preliminarily. ─── 初步摸索出驯化栽培松乳菇的方法。

12、Domestication of FPV in goose embryo and cloning and sequence analysis of part of TK gene ─── FPV在鹅胚上的驯化及部分TK基因的克隆与序列分析

13、strategies of foreignization and domestication ─── 异化归化策略

14、It also analyzes the relationship between alienation, domestication and the transmitting of meme. ─── 在此基础上分析了归化翻译和井化翻译与模因传播的关系。

15、Domestication of Viverricula indica to Defecate in Restricted Areas and Feed Immediately ─── 小灵猫定点排粪及即时取食的驯化研究

16、The Domestication of Islamic Law in China and the Establishment of Islamic Common Law of the Hui People ─── 伊斯兰法中国本土化与回族伊斯兰习惯法的形成

17、Having returned to an untamed state from domestication. ─── 从驯服到变野的状态的

18、GONG Guan-qun,TAO Xiu-xiang,ZHANG Xing,et al.Research on optimal domestication of thiobacillus ferrooxidans and desulfurization[J].Journal of China University of Mining &Technology,2006,35(4):510-514. ─── [6]巩冠群,陶秀祥,张兴,等.氧化亚铁硫杆菌优化培养及脱硫的研究[J].中国矿业大学学报,2006,35(4):510-514.

19、domestication of aerobicsettling condition ─── 好氧-沉淀驯化

20、domestication vs. foreignization ─── 归化-异化

21、She was quite afraid to be subjected to the domestication of humans. ─── 她很害怕受人类驯化。

22、The debate over domestication and foreignization has lasted for centuries and still besets the translators today. ─── 归化和异化之争已经持续了几个世纪并且仍然困扰着当今的译者。

23、Plants That Associate the Wild and Domestication ─── 介于野生和栽培之间的植物群

24、Title: Preliminary Study on the Domestication and Artificial Breeding of Introduced Tench Tinca tinca L. ─── 关键词:丁(鱼岁);驯养;人工繁殖;苗种培育

25、domestication of microorganism ─── 微生物的驯化

26、The factors that influence the strategy of domestication or alienation comes from differences in culture, faith, history, ethic, values, and etc. ─── 影响归化或异化策略的因素涉及文化、信仰、历史、伦理道德、价值观等方方面面的差异。

27、Getting a job is like enrolling in a human domestication program. You learn how to be a good pet. ─── 拥有一份工作,就像加入一项人类的驯化项目,你要学的就是怎么成为一条好的宠物。

28、From these considerations, I shall devote the first chapter of this abstract to variation under domestication . ─── 根据上述理由,我把摘要的第一章用来专门讨论在家养状态下的变异。

29、Report on the diversity and introduction and domestication of wild orchid resources in Yunnan ─── 云南野生兰花资源的多样性及其引种驯化

30、Keywords hemical industry;technology;equipment;domestication;policy; ─── 化学工业;技术;装备;国产化;政策;

31、Though archaeological evidence points to the beginnings of caribou domestication at 2,000 years ago, the Nenets' tradition of mass herding is no more than 400 years old. ─── 尽管考古学的证据指出驯鹿驯养的起源于2000多年前,但涅涅茨族的大规模放牧传统不超过400年历史。

32、Genomics Meets Ethology: A New Route to Understanding Domestication, Behavior, and Sustainability in Animal Breeding ─── 基因学与动物生态学相结合:了解动物育种中的驯化、行为及可持续性的新途径

33、domestication of anaerobic-aerobic condition ─── 厌氧-好氧驯化

34、Globalization has made more distinct the problem of domestication of general value and generalization of domestic experiences. ─── 摘要全球化使得普世价值的本土化和本土经验的普世化问题日益彰显。

35、Some proposals are provided for utilization and conservation of new cultivars, introduction and domestication, propagation and landscape application of gesneriaceae. ─── 对广西苦苣苔科植物资源保护与开发、引种驯化、选育、园林应用等方面提出了相应的建议。

36、The main key mechanical equipments with hidden trouble in domestication hydrocracking unit are feed stock pump,fresh hydrogen compressor,recycle hydrogen compressor etc. ─── 国产化加氢裂化装置存在隐患的关键动设备主要有:原料油泵、新氢压缩机、循环氢压缩机等。

37、Keywords Two in one machine set;Hydrofin-ing;Application;Domestication; ─── 二合一机组;加氢精制;应用;国产化;

38、These missionaries employ such translation methods as adequacy, omission, amplification and domestication in order to attain their goal of plundering Chinese people. ─── 为了达到掠夺中国的目的,他们在译程中采用不同的翻译方法:既有完整性的翻译,也有增添删减的翻译以及高度归化的翻译。

39、the domestication,breeding,and improvement of animals; the technology of animal husbandry ─── 动物的驯化、饲养和改良;动物饲养的技术

40、Keywords ethylene industry;market;raw materials;plant capacity;domestication; ─── 乙烯工业;市场;原料;装置规模;国产化;

41、It must be recognized, however, that in translation itself there underlies a paradox of domestication and foreignization, showing that the twin terms are not in antagonism but in antimony. ─── 但必须认识到的是,翻译从其本身概念内涵上看是归化与异化的悖论;

42、Some applied experiences on domestication field of high speed gear pair with special structure for large-scale refrigerator are recommended. ─── 介绍了一种结构特殊的大型冷冻机高速齿轮副国产化方面的一些实用经验。

43、Anaerobic ammonia oxidation activity under different low temperature domestication strategy ─── 不同低温驯化策略下的厌氧氨氧化活性

44、Domestication of Acrylonitrile Reactor Internals ─── 丙烯腈反应器的内构件国产化

45、The period leading up to the domestication of cereals was one of erratic climate change, as the last ice age ended. ─── 第四纪冰河时代结束,人们开始耕种谷物之前的时期气候变化无常。

46、However, all of them focus on contesting if Sherman's masquerade reinforces or subverts the domestication of the female body by the male voyeuristic and fetishistic gaze under patriarchy. ─── 但是,既有的女性主义艺评,都聚焦于探讨:雪曼的扮装到底是顺应或者解构巩固父权秩序的男性观视?

47、From the perspective of translation strategy, Arthur Waley adopts domestication translation, while W. ─── Arthur Waley的版本以归化翻译为主,W.

48、Each district is in deepness development, it is the content of science and technology such as domestication pisciculture high advanced and practical technology gets bedding face accumulates promotion. ─── 各地在深度开发中,一是驯化养鱼等科技含量高的先进实用技术得到大面积推广。

49、Foreignization/ Domestication ─── 异化、归化

50、For example, shipping in predynastic Egypt was already established by the 4th millennium BC along with domestication of the donkey, with the dromedary possibly having been domesticated as well. ─── 例如,公元前4千年,随着对驴子的驯养,很可能同时也驯养单峰骆驼,王朝统治以前的(尤指公元前3100年的古埃及)埃及已经有了海运。

51、The state shall encourage the domestication and breeding of wildlife. ─── 国家鼓励驯养繁殖野生动物。

52、low temperature domestication strategy ─── 低温驯化策略

53、In Chinese translation field different schools also have debates on foreignization and domestication, which show that there is absolute and one-sided attitude towards the two translation strategies. ─── 在中国翻译界,不同的流派也有着关于归化异化的争论,这些争议表明了在翻译界存在着对这两种翻译策略的绝对、片面的态度。

54、What is involved in the "taming" of a wild animal? Why are some species easier to tame than others? What is the difference between taming and domestication? ─── 什么涉及野生动物的“驯化”?为什么有些物种比其它物种容易驯服?驯化和驯养之间有什么差别?

55、Of these, the domestication of intermediate wheatgrass, a perennial relative of wheat, is perhaps in the most advanced stages. ─── 其中,中间偃麦草的驯化进度可能是最快的。

56、All activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China concerning the protection,domestication,breeding,development and utilization of species of wildlife must be conducted in conformity with this Law. ─── 在中华人民共和国境内从事野生动物的保护、驯养繁殖、开发利用活动,必须遵守本法。

57、A dominant bacteria has got through domestication, screening, and rescreened using Alginate as a sole source of carbon. ─── 以海藻酸钠为唯一碳源,通过驯化培养、初筛、复筛得到一株优势菌。

58、Corresponding domestication dog, when oral administration usually can blend a plant in the meat, even some dogs can become the veggie completely. ─── 对应驯化的狗,喂食时通常会在肉中参杂些植物,甚至有些狗会完全成为素食者。

59、Not any translated literary text with obscure words is worth praising, be it by means of foreignization, domestication or whatever. ─── 在文学翻译中,语言晦涩,佶屈聱牙的译文乏善可陈。

60、Keywords streptococcus thermophilus;se-enriching;domestication; ─── 嗜热链球菌;富硒;驯化;

61、In order to decreasing costs of operation and maintenance, the domestication plan was proposed.The calculation methods of liquid ammonia gasification rate and the bearing seal spillage were suggested. ─── 为降低使用和维修成本,提出了国产化改造方案,并给出了液氨的气化率和密封的泄漏量计算方法。

62、Rounded up in Mysore, India's famous wild elephant drive, a pint-size pachyderm splashes through a stream between two adults, all destined for domestication. ─── 印度著名的一条野生大象河,一只小象在两只成年大象之间通过一道水花飞溅的小溪,这些象是被围捕过来驯化的。

63、Studies on Natural Mate Domestication to Anopheles minimus from West Areas of Yunnan Province ─── 云南西部地区微小按蚊自然交配驯化研究

64、Domestication of cattle alone may have been responsible for a doubling of world human population in a few generations. ─── 牛的驯服独自地可能在几世代之内已经负责世界的成两倍人人类的人口。

65、The discussion of domestication and foreignization in translation can be traced back to a very long time ago, home or abroad. ─── 摘要古今中外,翻译中归化与异化的论争源远流长;

66、In northwestern China, there is no evidence for endemic domestication of any animals. ─── 在中国西北,没有任何当地动物驯化的迹象。

67、In northwestern China , there is no evidence for endemic domestication of any animals . ─── 在中国西北,没有任何当地动物驯化的迹象。

68、Domestication of a Nitrile Hydratase Producing Strain and Optimization on Its Nitrile Hydratase Producing Conditions ─── 产腈水合酶菌株的驯化选育及其产酶条件的优化

69、About the way to handle with the cultural differences, there are two heated disputed methods of "domestication" and "dissimilation". ─── 对于文化差异的处理,在翻译界一直有“归化”和“异化”之争。

70、Variation patterns and rule of morphology variation in Lilium regale Wilson was revealed to provide theoretical basis for introduction and domestication, and cross breeding. ─── 摘要揭示岷江百合的形态变异式样及变异规律,为引种驯化、杂交育种提供依据。

71、alienation and domestication ─── 归化与异化

72、Ancient DNA study also provided valuable insights into biological domestication and archeology of both domesticated animals and crop plants. ─── 在动植物驯化及考古方面,古DNA证据也为科学家提供了许多有价值的信息。

73、Domestication and Foreignization Methods in Translating English Color Terms of Object ─── 实物颜色词翻译中的归化与异化

74、Her explorer husband resisted all her attempts at domestication. ─── 她的冒险家丈夫反对她在驯化方面做的努力。

75、As two methods of dealing with cultures in translation,domestication and foreignization have served as one heatedly-discussed topic. ─── 归化与异化作为翻译中处理文化因素的两种策略,历来是翻译界争论的焦点之一。

76、Because of the domestication of wild animal, man-made chemical components interfere the original natural processes of biology, and bring about consequently the ecology disasters for the world. ─── 人工驯养野生动物,让人造的化学成分进入了大自然本来的生物过程,其产生的危害给世人带来了生态性的灾难。

77、domestication by low temperature ─── 低温驯化

78、As society underwent domestication, people also became localized over time. ─── 在整体台湾社会内地化的同时,台湾人民也逐渐土著化了。

79、The author points out that the transformation of meme leads us in dealing with the source language text flexibly by means of alienation and domestication. ─── 指出:模因在翻译中的嬗变促使我们用归化和异化的方法灵活地处理源语文本。

80、Units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in the protection of wildlife resources, in scientific research on wildlife, or in the domestication and breeding of wildlife shall be awarded by the state. ─── 在野生动物资源保护、科学研究和驯养繁殖方面成绩显著的单位和个人,由政府给予奖励。

81、The proposed areas of the domestication of African crops lie in a band that extends from Ethiopia across southern Sudan to West Africa. ─── 非洲作物驯化的建议区域位于一条从埃塞俄比亚、苏丹南部到西非的带状地带。

82、Generally speaking, the writer of the article is in favour of domestication, esp., as far as language expression is concerned. ─── 一般来说,笔者还是倾向于“归化”,尤其就语言表达层面而言。

83、Domestication of Betula alnoides in China: Current Status and Perspectives ─── 我国西南桦研究的回顾与展望

84、They might be the result of human domestication, institutionalization, or public schooling. ─── 它们可能是人类教化、制度化或公共教育的结果。

85、Polysystem believes that domestication is usually adopted when translated literature is at the core of literature system and foreignization is employed when at the periphery in a specific societal-historical context. ─── 摘要多元系统论指出一定社会历史语境中,翻译文学处于文学系统中心位置时,往往采用异化策略,反之则采用归化策略。

86、After the domestication,the decoloration rate of bromamine acid and COD removal rate reach 90% and >50%,respectively. ─── 在驯化期结束后,活性污泥对溴氨酸的脱色率和COD去除率可以分别达到90%和>50%。

87、introduction and domestication ─── 引种驯化

88、Secondly, a tentative exploration into some poetological manipulation of Lin Shu"s domestication is made. ─── 接下来,这一部分分析了影响林纾归化策略的诗学因素。

89、The argument of “intentional painting” is in fact based on the nationalization and domestication of painting. ─── “意象油画”的提出实际上是建立在“油画民族化”和“油画本土化”基础上的。

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