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09-07 投稿


kingfish 发音

英:['k??f??]  美:['k??f??]

英:  美:

kingfish 中文意思翻译



kingfish 短语词组

1、yellowtail kingfish n. ─── 黄尾鰤

2、kingfish ingram ─── 英格拉姆金鱼

3、kingfish band ─── 金鱼乐队

4、kingfish restaurant ─── 金鱼餐厅

5、kingfish techniques ─── 金鱼技术

6、kingfish bethlehem pa ─── 伯利恒金鱼

7、kingfish calories ─── 金鱼卡路里

8、kingfish bay ─── 金鱼湾

9、kingfish hey joe ─── 金鱼嘿乔

kingfish 词性/词形变化,kingfish变形

名词复数: kingfish |

kingfish 相似词语短语

1、finfish ─── n.长须鲸

2、pinfish ─── n.菱体兔牙鲷;重牙鲷

3、lungfish ─── n.[鱼]肺鱼

4、kingfisher ─── n.[鸟]翠鸟;鱼狗

5、kingfishes ─── n.[鱼]无鳔石首鱼;首领,掌握绝对权力的人

6、tin fish ─── 鱼雷

7、pigfish ─── n.石鲈;鸡鱼科的小鱼

8、fin fish ─── n.长须鲸

9、clingfish ─── n.喉盘鱼

kingfish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The company has already raised captive-bred yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and mulloway (Argyrosomus hololepidotus), which are now in significant commercial production. ─── 该公司已经成功饲养出圈养繁殖的黄尾鰤及腋斑白姑鱼,这两种鱼目前已成为重要商品。

2、(One caveat: Avoid large deepwater varieties such as tilefish, kingfish, and swordfish, which are chock-full of mercury. ) ─── (警告:方头鱼,箭鱼和鳔是含有汞元素的深水鱼种,许尽量避免。)

3、southern kingfish ─── n. 索氏短蛇鲭

4、The Kingfish mistakes a valuable ring for fake, sells it to Andy, finds out the truth, and tries to get it back. ─── 头领错将贵重的戒指当作赝品,把它卖给了安迪,了解真相后试图将其收回。

5、Biological Characteristics and Culture Technique of Yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi ─── 黄尾鰤的生物学特性与养殖

6、Btr garlic Kingfish, Rs.220, tips Rs. ─── 55,这顿饭吃了一个小时。

7、if you go boat fishing with us, you will find that catching kingfish is the same as you catching snappers. ─── 生活有时像被太监强*,反抗是痛苦,不反抗还是痛苦!

8、Amos 'n'd Andy, " Kingfish at the Ballgame" (circa 1953). ─── 《先知安迪》之〈法兰西万岁〉(大约在1953年)。

9、“We can get the most wonderful red clams, eels and frogs' legs, kingfish, turbot and live hamachi (yellowtail tuna). ─── “我们可以得到最上乘的蛤蜊、鳝鱼、田鸡腿、无鳔石首鱼、大比目鱼和活油甘鱼(黄色尾巴的金枪鱼)。

10、great kingfish ─── n. 大西洋马鲛

11、The company has already raised captive-bred yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and mulloway (Argyrosomus hololepidotus), which are now in significant commercial production. ─── 该公司已经成功饲养出圈养繁殖的黄尾鰤及腋斑白姑鱼,这两种鱼目前已成为重要商品。

12、For dinner, we were offered roast duck salad, roast vegetables and rice served as little fried balls called arancini, curry of kingfish or kangaroo steak. ─── 晚餐有烤鸭色拉、烤蔬菜和一种叫“阿兰希尼”的油炸小球状米饭,另加咖喱鱼块或袋鼠肉排。

13、It is still good time to catch salmon from Pacifica pier while you can still catch other sea fishes such kingfish, surfperch, mackerels smelt etc. ─── 我在南湾,但可以开车两个小时的范围内钓鱼。本人是钓鱼新手,收获还不多。

14、We can get the most wonderful red clams, eels and frogs' legs, kingfish, turbot and live hamachi (yellowtail tuna). ─── 我们可以得到最上乘的蛤蜊、鳝鱼、田鸡腿、无鳔石首鱼、大比目鱼和活油甘鱼(黄色尾巴的金枪鱼)。

15、The company has already raised captive-bred yellowtail kingfish and mulloway. ─── 该公司已经培育出人工饲养的黄尾王鱼和马洛威。

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