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08-21 投稿


confirmedly 发音

英:[[k?nf?:'medl?]]  美:[[k?nf?:'medl?]]

英:  美:

confirmedly 中文意思翻译



confirmedly 短语词组

1、confirmedly definition ─── 确定的定义

confirmedly 相似词语短语

1、confirmable ─── adj.可证实的;可确定的

2、confirmees ─── 确认

3、confirmed ─── adj.坚定的,根深蒂固的;确认的;v.确证;使坚定;批准(confirm的过去式和过去分词)

4、confinedly ─── adv.以有限的方式

5、concertedly ─── 协调地,一致地

6、confessedly ─── adv.公开承认地;明白供认地;自称地

7、confirmee ─── 确认人

8、concernedly ─── adv.担心地;关心公众事务地

9、confirmer ─── n.证实者;保兑人

confirmedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We have opened a confirm credit in your favour. ─── 我们已开出以贵方为受益人的保兑信用证。

2、The NTSB could not confirm that information. ─── 但是国家运输安全理事会没有证实这条消息。

3、Hello. I wish to confirm our reservation. ─── 你好。我想确认我们的机位。

4、Confirm thy soul in self-control! ─── 巩固自我控制的精神。

5、Fills in product warranty confirm behind payment. ─── 填写产品保修确认后付款。

6、Would you like me to confirm the appointment? ─── 您想让我确认一下您的预约吗?

7、Mr. Smith. I am writing to confirm that. ─── 史密斯先生,我想确认。

8、With your concurrence (ie If you agree), I will confirm the arrangement. ─── 你若同意,我就把这项安排定下来了。

9、Can you write and confirm your booking? ─── 你能写信来确认你的预订项目吗?

10、Confirm your reservation in advance. ─── 事先确定你的订位。

11、Please review and confirm aswell. ─── 回顾和请证实。

12、Our suppositions were fully confirm ed. ─── 我们猜测的事已全部证实.

13、You may confirm this booking next week. ─── 你可以在下周确认。

14、Implementation of completely safety examination always is a way of the enterprise management in present. It should be continued confirmedly, but examined manner has to be improved. ─── 组织安全大检查,目前仍然是企业不可或缺的管理办法,应该坚定不移地开展下去,但有些检查方式需要改进。

15、Did you confirm the quotation you offered? ─── 你能确定你所提供的报价单吗?

16、Can you confirm the report that charges are likely to be brought ? ─── 你对有可能提出指控的报导能进行确认吗?

17、Hello, Mr. Hammer. Jack Ross here. I am calling to confirm our appointment on Monday at ten o'clock in your office. ─── 喂,先生。我是。我打电话来确认下周一11点在贵公司会面的约定。

18、Can you confirm my hotel reservation in New York? ─── 你可以确定我在纽约预定的旅馆吗?

19、But Manski's model did not confirm this conjecture. ─── 但曼斯基的模型并无法证实这个推测。

20、Could you confirm the dispatch date? ─── 您可以确定发货日期吗?

21、Yes, I confirm the above statement. ─── 不错,我证实了上述声明.

22、Yeah, do that. Then you can confirm it. If it's positive. ─── 好,希望你能给我个肯定答复。

23、Confirm the sale target in the agent legion. ─── 双方明确代理区域的销售目标。

24、Can you confirm that the meeting is at 00 a. m.? ─── 你能确认一下,开会的时间是早上十点吗?

25、He stood up confirmedly and went to the ruins. ─── 他坚定地站起身,向那片废墟走去。

26、Access prompts you to confirm the deletion. ─── Access将提示您确认删除。

27、I need to confirm with my boss first. ─── 我得先跟我的老板确认一下再说。’还有一个说法是

28、Vendor to confirm acceptance to Part Order. ─── 卖方确认接受部分定单。

29、Confirm your domain name change with your ISP. ─── 与ISP确认您的域名更改。

30、We confirm our call of last week respecting our offer to you. ─── 关于上周本公司通过电话给您的报价,我们特予以确认。

31、Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of---- we can arrange for you to be met. ─── 如您确能参加,请来函告知您抵达的时间以便我们为您安排会晤。

32、Examination of a cadaver to determine or confirm the cause of death. ─── 尸体解剖对尸体的检验以决定或确认死亡原因

33、This is to confirm that the enclosed quote is $/pc. ─── 我公司所报价格确定是单价,是每件单价。

34、Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job. ─── 她的资历和经验决定她适宜做这项工作。

35、Rebel leaders could not or would not confirm this disclosure. ─── 叛乱领导人不可能也不愿意证实这一消息。

36、Information confirm gravely advice possible countermeasure. ─── 已确认消息极为不好,请电告有何良策。

37、Ferguson would not confirm his full line-up. ─── 弗格森爵士不会确定自己的阵容。

38、Can you confirm that the meeting is at 9:00 a.m.? ─── 你能否确认一下,开会的时间是早上9点吗?

39、Good. Do I have to confirm before Saturday? ─── 好,周六以前我需要确认一下吗?

40、I'll confirm your appointment as soon as possible, Mr. White. ─── 怀特先生,我会尽快给您确认的。

41、Hello. This is Rick Li. I'd like to confirm my reservation. ─── 喂,我是李瑞克,我想确定我订的机位。

42、To consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction. ─── 官方地或正式地同意;证实或批准。

43、I wrote a memorandum to confirm our verbal agreement. ─── 我写了份备忘录以确认我们的口头协议。

44、We must confirm whether it is true or not. ─── 我们必须确认那是不是真的。

45、Our observations confirm that... ─── 我们的观察证实...

46、But I would like to confirm a flight tomorrow. ─── 但我想确定一班明天的飞机。

47、Make sure you wait for the bank to confirm the check has cleared. ─── 一定要等银行确认你的支票已兑现。

48、Then confirm the MBC by incline to utcnsil method. ─── 再以倾注平皿法确定最小杀菌浓度(MBC)。

49、We waited three hours to have an ultrasound confirm her theory. ─── 我们等着超声波出来做进一步确认,足足等了3个小时。

50、Can you confirm what happened? ─── 你能证实一下发生了什么事吗?

51、Before long, an oddity confirm Bell's suspicion. ─── 不久,一件怪事印证了贝尔的怀疑。

52、I want to confirm something details frist. ─── 我想先核实一下一些具体情况。

53、Confirm your password change with your ISP. ─── 与ISP确认密码更改。

54、When do you think the manager will confirm you in office? ─── 你认为经理什么时候会批准你上任?

55、In love, please running bravely, confirmedly and desperately, then even though tumbling, you also can say like this: We are florid. ─── 在爱情里,也请勇敢地、坚定地、拼命奔跑吧,然后,即使跌掉,你也可以说,自己是华丽的。

56、Oh,don't care for it,and X-ray will confirm this. ─── 噢,没什么,只是一点小伤,X光片会证实这一点。

57、We will confirm your order asap! ─── 我们会尽快与您联系确认!

58、MML:- Sorry.Can't confirm at the moment. ─── 嚟到尽量嚟,之前我会电联是但一位。

59、Nuclear deformations confirm shell structure. ─── 原子核形变证实壳层结构。

60、Well, the scientists said, We want to confirm it. ─── 但是科学家说:我们想要确认。

61、How to believe confirmedly in the world where all rules can be broken and all morals dissipates slowly? ─── 在这个所有规则都可以被打破,所有道德都在慢慢消散的世界里,要怎么去坚定地相信?

62、I want to confirm the di mension first. ─── 我想先核实一下尺寸大小。

63、When asked to confirm the update, click Yes. ─── 在要求确认更新时,单击“是”。

64、The President refused to either confirm or deny this rumor. ─── 总统拒绝证实或否认这种传闻。

65、We can confirm a room for next Saturday. ─── 我们可以确认下星期六有一个房间。

66、there must be a kind of love that stand confirmedly as a mountain, deeply as sea, widely as sky! ─── 总有一种爱情,是象山一样执着,象海一样深沉,象天空一样广阔的!

67、He looked around to confirm that he was alone. ─── 他四处张望,要确定周围没人。

68、I am writing to confirm the booking made by telephone. ─── 我写此信以确认通过电话做的预订。

69、He stood up confirmedly and went to the ruins. ─── 他坚定地站起身,向那片废墟走去。

70、But we'll have to confirm with our head office. ─── 但我们需向总公司作最后确认。

71、You'll need to type in your password a second time to confirm it. ─── 你将需要第二次输入你的密码以验证它。

72、We can confirm a room for next Sunday. ─── 我们能确定一间下周日的房间。

73、With your concurrence, I will confirm the arrangement. ─── 你若同意, 我就把这项安排定下来了.

74、We shall confirm the reservation by telephone. ─── 我们会打电话来确认预约事宜。

75、O. K. , W confirm our acceptance of your offer. ─── 好的,我们接受你的报盘。

76、Click Yes to confirm the deletion. ─── 单击“是”确认删除。

77、Hello, my name is Susan and I am calling to confirm my reservation. ─── 喂,你好,我叫苏珊,我大电话确定我的预定。

78、I'd like to phone him then and confirm the meeting time and place. ─── 到时我会给他打电话确定见面时间和地点。

79、I'd like to confirm your reservation for tomorrow,sir. ─── 先生,我想确认您明天的订位。

80、To marry an American was perhaps to confirm the special relationship. ─── 与美国人结婚可能是加强两国间特殊关系。

81、Our underwater explorations also helped to confirm the theory. ─── 我们的水下考察也有助于证实这个理论。

82、I'll have to get back to you to confirm our stock. ─── 我回头向你确认我们的存货。

83、If I were you, I would confirm this issue bravely. ─── 如果我是你,我会勇敢地证实这一问题。

84、When should I confirm this booking? ─── 我应该在什么时候来确认这次订的票?

85、If we want to built this credendum , it is necessary for us to believe the democracy is a ideology of "humanistic subject" confirmedly. ─── 这种信条的建立,需要我们坚定不移地相信民主首先是一种“以人为本”的价值思想体系。

86、The quality is not confirm to the instruction. ─── 产品的质量与文字说明不相符。

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