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09-12 投稿


chelonian 发音

英:[[k?'l??n??n]]  美:[[k?'lo?n?rn]]

英:  美:

chelonian 中文意思翻译



chelonian 短语词组

1、chelonian egg ─── 龟卵

2、chelonian reptile ─── [网络] 海龟爬行动物

3、chelonian cuffs ─── 龟头袖口

4、chelonian bones ─── 龟头骨

5、chelonian tag ─── 切罗尼亚标签

6、chelonian def ─── 切罗尼亚定义

7、chelonian bliss ─── 切罗尼亚极乐

chelonian 词性/词形变化,chelonian变形

异体字: Chellean |

chelonian 相似词语短语

1、Devonian ─── adj.泥盆纪的;英国德文郡的;n.泥盆纪

2、chelonians ─── n.任何一种龟类爬行动物;龟,海龟;adj.与龟有关的;龟类的,海龟科的

3、Scillonian ─── n.锡利群岛人;adj.锡利群岛的

4、chthonian ─── 阴间的,冥府的(希神亡灵、神等)

5、phelonions ─── 麻黄

6、echeloning ─── n.梯形;梯次编队;梯阵;阶层;vi.形成梯队;vt.排成梯队

7、Charonian ─── 卡隆

8、phelonion ─── 麻黄

9、phaelonion ─── 斐隆

chelonian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The breastplate that the data that augur place uses basically is chelonian the bladebone with the ox. ─── 所用的材料主要是龟的腹甲和牛的肩胛骨。

2、The teacher says with the tone of afford for thought: "Chelonian buttocks is the buttock of bastard! ─── 老师以耐人寻味的口气说:“龟腚就是王八的屁股!”

3、Does summer often eat chelonian Ling to cream high what profit is there? Why should add honey? ─── 夏天常吃龟苓高膏有什么好处?为什么要加蜂蜜?

4、Current, breed upsurge of turtle artificially already slowly retire, have many breed aquatics door already changed direction raise chelonian. ─── 目前,鳖的人工养殖热潮已慢慢退去,有不少养殖户已转向养龟。

5、"The unkennel that bring a snake " it is established guiding principle " dragon of phoenix chelonian of god of bovine ghost snake and Lin is long, this is our place expect, also we are hoped. ─── “引蛇出洞”是既定方针“牛鬼蛇神与麟凤龟龙并长,这是我们所料到,也是我们所希望的。”

6、Wang Huaina thinks, china's at present common handler is divided kind, one kind is constant be angry and fierce " ground beetle " , one kind always is genteel " chelonian " , very drab. ─── 王怀南认为,现在中国常见的经理人分两类,一类是时常吹胡子瞪眼的“土鳖”,一类总是文绉绉“海龟”,十分单调。

7、Eat chelonian Ling to cream every day can you have side effect? ─── 天天吃龟苓膏会有副作用吗?

8、Here teems with all sorts of fish, shrimp, crab, chelonian, turtle, snail and lotus lotus root to wait. ─── 这里盛产各种鱼、虾、蟹、龟、鳖、螺和莲藕等。

9、One is Heng Xingzhen's Zhu Yunlong, raise chelonian to already had 6 years, have many 2000, at present already extend pool of 200 many square metre chelonian, can raise chelonian 20 thousand; ─── 通州市有两个养龟鳖的大户在省内外很有影响。一位是恒兴镇的朱云龙,养龟已有6年,现有2000多只,目前已扩建200多平方米龟池,可养龟2万只;

10、Current, the 8 acting lines that Xia Pu is located in Japanese chelonian hill mother of a glass board only can cut 8 40 inches of face plate. ─── 今朝,夏普位于日本龟山的八代线一块玻璃母板仅能切割8片40英寸面板。

11、And limited company of paint of Wuhan crane chelonian is the private enterprise that a farmer runs however. ─── 而武汉鹤龟涂料有限公司却是一个农民办的私营企业。又有谁能想到。

12、Chelonian Species Diversity and Current Status in China ─── 中国龟鳖物种多样性及濒危现状

13、Eat chelonian Ling to had creamed everyday? ─── 每天都吃龟苓膏好么?

14、Chelonian, forest the amphibious reptile such as frog, bullfrog, snake, also have artificial home, make a of animal husbandry new scenery line. ─── 龟、林蛙、牛蛙、蛇等两栖爬行动物,也都有人工的家园,成为牧业的一道新的风景线。

15、Inspiration results from zoomorphism, wait with eagle, snake, chelonian, panda statuary the surface that is material, it is the painstaking effort classic of the Great Master of rare survival. ─── 灵感源于动物形象,以鹰、蛇、龟、熊猫等雕像为素材的表面,是硕果仅存的大师的心血杰作。

16、Progress in the research of chelonian blood cells ─── 龟鳖类血细胞研究的进展

17、A terrestrial or freshwater chelonian. ─── 一种大陆边缘生或淡水生海龟

18、Ur more slowly than the chelonian walloping in the peanut butter. ─── 你比一群在花生酱中乱窜的海龟还要慢。

19、Does chelonian Ling cream what feeling adding vinegar is? ─── 龟苓膏加醋是什么感觉?

20、Progress in the research of chelonian blood cells ─── 龟鳖类血细胞研究的进展

21、Current, two brands with the biggest sale of sanitarian wine industry are strong wine and wine of chelonian of coconut island deer. ─── 目前,保健酒行业销售量最大的两个品牌是劲酒和椰岛鹿龟酒。

22、Does chelonian Ling cream ate after all what to effect you can have? ─── 龟苓膏吃了到底能起什么作用?

23、There is a lot of crocks, bucket on Chi An, there is green wool chelonian inside. ─── 池岸上放着许多缸、桶,里面培养着绿毛龟。

24、Small tortoise: Went abroad, I just can turn " chelonian into " , such won't somebody bullies me! ─── 小乌龟:出国了,我才能变成“海龟”,这样就不会有人欺负我了!

25、Begin to learn " chelonian ceases " , every breathe, loose force rests little when, breathe again say offer, all need free act according one's capability. ─── 初学“龟息”,每呼吸一次,松力休息少时,再呼吸吐纳,均须自由量力而行。

26、Of course the child also does not suit to cream with chelonian Ling, fill bad to be met empty fire, Xu Yang. ─── 当然孩子也不适合用龟苓膏,补不好就会虚火、虚阳。

27、Chinese chelonian ─── 中国龟瞥

28、Make love, so mother chelonian is lying on his back to let me do. ─── 做爱,所以母龟就仰躺着让我搞。

29、The 3rd day, big in chelonian is really ravenous, happen to coincide the ground says: We still are a small chelonian then the portion ate to stop. ─── 第三天,大中龟实在饿极了,不约而同地说:咱们还是把小龟的那份吃了罢。

30、On the network, must abide by 6 clear thinking: Argument of barrier of argument of race of hare of strategic argument, profit pattern argument, rate argument, elevator argument, chelonian, market. ─── 在网络上,必须遵循六条明确的思路:战略论点、盈利模式论点、速度论点、电梯论点、龟兔赛跑论点、市场壁垒论点。

31、Chelonian mom listened to one face spellbound: Why should go abroad? ─── 龟妈妈听了一脸茫然:为什么要出国?

32、Why cannot eat chelonian Ling to cream every day? ─── 为什么不能天天吃龟苓膏?

33、But he emphasizes, oneself can be used in the style of the company " doughty " will describe, it is hawkish " chelonian " . ─── 但他强调,自己在公司的作风可以用“强悍”来形容,是强硬派的“海龟”。

34、Chelonian Species Diversity and Current Status in China ─── 中国龟鳖物种多样性及濒危现状

35、To adjust taste, chelonian Ling creams in add more have the part such as honey, red jujube, the diabetic is unfavorable edible; ─── 为了调节口味,龟苓膏中多加有蜂蜜、红枣等成分,糖尿病患者就不宜食用;

36、The Caribbean, sunshine, Hemp, happy are Mr Chelonian Mr Chelonian band is a very interesting hot band, Mr Chelonian is very hight! ─── 海龟先生在09小酒馆、宽巷子的永远年轻新年摇滚音乐会上的演出确实比以往更具感染力!加油!海龟先生的小伙子们!

37、The dream of chelonian: The bunny that enters race is proud. ─── 龟的梦想:参加赛跑的兔子都骄傲。

38、Benson is a co-author of the study published recently in the journal Chelonian Conservation and Biology. ─── 本森是该研究的发起人之一,研究成果发表在不久前出版的《龟鳖保护与生物学》杂志上。

39、The person that chelonian Ling creams applicable crowd loses for empty of old people, constitution, ill hind the person of rehabilitation period. ─── 龟苓膏适用人群为老年人、体质虚弱者、病后康复期的人。

40、There is a lot of crocks, bucket on Chi An, there is green wool chelonian inside. ─── 池岸上放着许多缸、桶,里面培养着绿毛龟。

41、Raise grows Jiang Zhanglin to dig a slimy pool to add crock of 4 mud contented to raise green wool chelonian in court limit horn at first. ─── 浙江海宁市有个利用庭院养珍品电获利多的表花镇名贵动物养殖场。扬长蒋张林最初在庭院边角挖个泥池加4只泥陶缸养绿毛龟。

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