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09-04 投稿


butchery 发音

英:['b?t??r?]  美:['b?t??ri]

英:  美:

butchery 中文意思翻译



butchery 词性/词形变化,butchery变形

名词复数: butcheries |

butchery 短语词组

1、butchery of the mountain man ─── 屠杀山人

2、butchery for beginners ─── 新手屠宰场

3、butchery font ─── 屠宰字体

4、make a butchery of ─── 屠杀

5、butchery bh ─── 屠宰场

6、butchery tax ─── 屠宰税

7、butchery vt ─── 屠宰场

8、swiss butchery ─── 瑞士屠宰场

9、butchery waste ─── 屠宰废物

10、butchery nh ─── 屠宰场nh

11、ambrose butchery ─── 安布罗斯屠场

12、butchery sl ─── 屠宰场

13、butchery form ─── 屠宰形式

butchery 相似词语短语

1、botchery ─── 博奇里

2、bitchery ─── n.贱人行为

3、butcherer ─── 屠夫

4、butcherly ─── adv.如屠夫地;残忍地;adj.残忍的;笨手笨脚的

5、butchers ─── n.屠宰者(butcher的复数形式)

6、butcher's ─── n.肉店

7、cutchery ─── 卡特奇里

8、butcher ─── n.屠夫;肉店;刽子手;(火车或剧院的)小贩;v.屠杀(人);屠宰(动物);弄砸;n.(Butcher)(美、爱、英)布彻(人名)

9、butchered ─── n.屠夫;肉店;刽子手;(火车或剧院的)小贩;v.屠杀(人);屠宰(动物);弄砸;n.(Butcher)(美、爱、英)布彻(人名)

butchery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The reward in the Florida horse butchery case, in which 17 horses have been killed for their meat, has risen to $US8000. ─── 佛罗里达马匹屠杀案中有17匹马被杀了食用,针对该案件的奖金已经高达8000美元。

2、butchery waste ─── 屠宰场废水

3、Design and operation of butchery wastewater treatment project ─── 屠宰废水处理工程设计与运行实例

4、make a butchery of ─── 粗手笨脚地弄糟

5、fell trees indiscriminately; wanton felling of trees; tree butchery ─── 滥伐树木

6、So violence isn't merely organized butchery in the name of God, in the name of society or country. ─── 所以暴力并不仅仅是以上帝之名、以社团或者国家之名,进行的有组织的屠杀。

7、It became clear to us that we were witnessing the aftermath of a massacre, the cold-blooded butchery of helpless and defenceless civilians. ─── 这向我们清楚表明,我们在目击一场大屠杀后的残余,一场对无助无武装平民的冷血屠杀。

8、But “in the final analysis, it is not any foreign strangers but the human himself turns the paradise into the butchery. ─── 但是“归根结底不是什么外来的怪物,而是人本身把乐园变成了屠场。”

9、Contemporary English chroniclers accused him of atrocities, some no doubt warranted, however, in Wallace's eyes the war, since its beginning, had been marked by brutality and butchery. ─── 当代英国编年史学家指控华勒斯是行为残暴的罪犯,有的人甚至提出了切确的证据,然而,在华勒斯眼中,战争从一开始,就被划上残酷与屠杀的记号了。

10、The shopping centre is situated in a listed industrial area that includes an old butchery and water tower. ─── 该购物中心位于一个工业区的上市,其中包括旧屠杀和水塔。

11、"A powerful wind will rise in the North, carrying heavy fog and the densest dust, and it will fill their throats and eyes so that they will cease their butchery and be stricken with a great fear. ─── “强风会在北部刮起,带着沉重的烟雾和密集的尘土,它会把它们吹进他们的喉咙和眼睛,以致他们会在极大的恐惧中停止了他们的屠场,变得患病。

12、It became clear to us that we were witnessing the aftermath of a massacre, the cold-blooded butchery of helpless and defenceless civilians. ─── 这向我们清楚表明,我们在目击一场大屠杀后的残余,一场对无助无武装平民的冷血屠杀。

13、The shopping centre is situated in a listed industrial area that includes an old butchery and water tower. ─── 该购物中心位于一个工业区的上市,其中包括旧屠杀和水塔。

14、Alkhan-Yurt, meanwhile, became infamous for the butchery and rape committed there by the Russians soon afterwards. ─── 当时,阿尔罕-尤尔特村因不久之后俄军在那里犯下屠杀和奸淫掠夺的罪行而声名狼藉。

15、butchery tax ─── 屠宰税

16、True butchery. ─── 完全的屠场。

17、Crucially, the butchery was similar to that used by humans to cut up deer carcass in the early Stone Age. ─── 很残酷,屠割的手法与人们在旧石器时代宰杀鹿的方法类似。

18、Nicholson runs the butchery side, and is one of the few in the business still to visit farms to choose his animals. ─── 尼科尔森负责的是屠杀的部分,他还是少有的几个在工作中能拜访农场选择动物的人。

19、Crucially, the butchery was similar to that used by humans to cut up deer carcass in the early Stone Age. ─── 很残酷,屠割的手法与人们在旧石器时代宰杀鹿的方法类似。

20、Skilled butchery is a mixture of big, bold movements and detailed, precise knife-work. ─── 有技术的宰杀是一个胆大、心细,准确的使用刀的工作。

21、In her view, war is simply a legalized form of butchery. ─── 在她看来,战争就是一种合法的屠杀。

22、professional kitchenwares and knives cutlery for butchery catering fishery,pizza cutter, ─── 产品分类:机械与设备->五金及工具->刀->刀组

23、They seemed ingrained with blood from the thousands of acts of butchery that are part of rural life in a land of enthusiastic meat-eaters. ─── 这双手似乎已渗透了来自屠宰业无数次宰杀的殷红血液,在热衷于肉食的地方,屠宰活动是乡村生活的一部分。

24、We expected mild surgery, what we've got this morning is savage butchery. ─── 我们原本希望的是一个温柔的小手术,而今天早上我们得到的却是-次野蛮的大屠杀。

25、I was horrified by the butchery the insensitive Hollywood company had perpetrated on this finely-crafted film. ─── 我震惊于麻木的好莱坞公司对如此优秀的电影进行了如此残酷的削割。

26、butchery site ─── 屠宰场所

27、I am not one to write forum posts but I have to say that NBCs butchery of this unique event was so outrageous that I had to speak up. ─── 我不是一个经常发表论坛文章的人,但我必须说,NBC对于这样一个独一无二事件的屠戮行为实在是太嚣张了,我必须表明我的看法!

28、Butchery, F&V, Fish, Delicatessen, Bakery, Fridge ─── 精肉,蔬果,鱼,熟食,面包,冷冻冷藏,杂货

29、The butchery, worthy of a Quentin Tarantino film, began shortly before midnight on Friday when the four men knocked at the apartment of a Chinese hairdresser in the centre of Empoli. ─── 这场屠杀,对Quentintarantino电影来说是很值得,发生在周五午夜前。那时,四个男人敲开了位于Empoli中心地带的中国美发廊的公寓。

30、Butchery: Will now always grant 20 runic power, regardless of the creature type killed. ─── 杀戮:总是给予20点符文能量,不管杀死的是什麽生物类型。

31、The butcher, who has made some unattractive cuts in his one day of butchery, discovers that his home is no. 29 Nageligasse. ─── 割肉割得无聊的屠夫发现自己住在拿格里街29号。

32、Boasting of his fights, his cruelties and his butchery. ─── 对他的战斗、他的残忍和他的滥杀的吹嘘。

33、"But never mind.Don't fret about it, dear.""It was so foolish of me!Oh why should Nature's law be mutual butchery!" ─── 裘德在那儿找到她,跟孩子在一块儿,还有不多几个箱子、篮子和几捆东西,再就是不打算卖的两把椅子、一张桌子,两人就坐在椅上说话,心事重重。

34、The existing site is listed as industrial historical area with buildings of an old butchery complex, which included the water-tower and old butcher hall. ─── 现有的网站列为工业的历史与建筑领域的一个老屠杀复杂,其中包括水塔老屠夫大厅。

35、Mr Gwynne is frank about the butchery on both sides. ─── 先生坦诚了双方的暴行。

36、Findan. For the butchery you committed in Irollan. ─── 你使艾罗兰生灵涂炭。

37、Pure butchery. ─── |纯粹的屠杀。

38、Store owner METRO Group is using RFID in the butchery to guarantee freshness, increase customer safety and efficiently manage inventory. ─── 店主麦德龙集团是使用RFID在屠宰,以保证新鲜度,提高客户的安全和有效地管理库存。

39、The history of man according to Hegel is the history of butchery of victims by the powerful and the ruthless. ─── 根据黑格尔的学说,人类历史就是一部强权对弱者的凌辱史。

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