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08-21 投稿


tranquility 发音

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英:  美:

tranquility 中文意思翻译



tranquility 网络释义

n. 宁静;平静

tranquility 短语词组

1、tranquility hill ─── 宁静山

2、tranquility weighted blanket ─── 宁静重毯

3、experience tranquility ─── 体验宁静

4、little tranquility ─── 小 ─── 小的宁静

5、dawning tranquility hammer ─── 晨曦宁静锤

6、perfect tranquility ─── 完美的宁静

7、Palace of Earthly Tranquility ─── 坤宁宫

8、moment of tranquility ─── 宁静时刻

9、moments of tranquility ─── 宁静时刻

10、recollected in tranquility ─── 平静的回忆中得之

11、tranquility definition ─── 宁静定义

12、tranquility overnight underwear ─── 宁静过夜内衣

13、tranquility diapers ─── 宁静尿布

14、domestic tranquility ─── 国内治安

15、tranquility chevrolet ─── 宁静雪佛兰

tranquility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Days of tranquility or peace; calm season; quiet, a happy period. ─── 和平或安静的日子,平静的季节,平静幸福的时期。

2、Improved Tranquility ? Removed and replaced by the new talent Improved Rebirth. ─── 增加宁静-被删除,并被新的天赋强化重生所取代。

3、A calm or tranquil state of mind; self-possession. ─── 冷静,沉着头脑镇定或沉着的状态; 自我克制

4、Tranquil and tender is the night. ─── 夜是静寂的,柔和的。

5、Keeping a peaceful and tranquil heart is important to a man. ─── 人不动心,保持一颗平静心是重要的。

6、People enjoyed the tranquility of a slower pace of life. ─── 人们享受着慢节奏生活的宁静。

7、And his mind is in perfect tranquility. ─── 他的心境极其宁静。

8、Her tranquility? A pine in a lonely valley. ─── "其静若何,松生空谷"

9、It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation, which give happiness. ─── 不是财富与辉煌,而是宁静与工作带来幸福。

10、Life in the countryside is very tranquil. ─── 农村的生活十分安宁

11、Hunting game is forbidden in this tranquil woods. ─── 在这个宁静的树林,狩猎是被禁止的。

12、But now, in her new life, temporal and spaceless, she was more tranquil. ─── 但现在,在她短暂又无限的新生活里,她更安静了。

13、The morning sea was tranquil after the storm the night before. ─── 前夜暴雨之后的早晨,大海非常平静。

14、No, the way to peace and tranquility is to expel a few million more Palestinians! ─── 不是,通向和平安宁的办法是将几百万巴勒斯坦人驱逐出去。

15、Listeners on Earth heard the countdown from Tranquility Base. ─── 地球上的听众听到静海谷底倒计时的声音。

16、The Bishop fixed a tranquil eye on the man. ─── 主教用镇静的目光瞧着那人。

17、Due to staying in tranquility and leisure, he avoids entanglement and disturbance from the outside world. ─── 处闲静之场所,外界的纷扰也就停止了。

18、Tranquility: Be not distuibed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. ─── 十一、冷静:不因小事,寻常之事,不可避免之事而慌乱。

19、And also found a tranquil home for their hearts. ─── 也寻得了一方宁静的精神家园。

20、Some colors can make us feel calm and tranquility. ─── 一些颜色可以使我们感到冷静,安宁。

21、Road can be very Avenue Road, it is not surprising that Zhuge said, "the weak, for the wise, Tranquility Zhi Yuan. " ─── 道可道非常道,难怪诸葛先生说“淡薄以明智,宁静以致远。”

22、The hotel is a haven of peace and tranquility. ─── 这家旅馆是一处安宁的去处。

23、Imagine you are floating in a pool in a serene and tranquil garden. ─── 在一个安宁与寂静的花园之中,你正漂浮在一个池塘之上。

24、So that takes more meditations with peace and tranquility. ─── 因此那需要更多平静的思考。

25、In a state of purity and tranquility, when things become clear, our life also becomes transformed. ─── 在安定清净的状态中,自己明白了,生命也就转换了。

26、But now everything here is so peaceful and tranquil. ─── 不过现在这儿一切都这样安宁、恬静。

27、He wanted, she supposes, to cheat her of her tranquility as he had cheated them. ─── 她推测,他是想像耍弄她们那样耍弄她。

28、From tranquility to investment fever, auctions have now become a major way of buying and selling stamps. ─── 从怡情养性到投资热潮,拍卖会成为邮票交易的重要管道。

29、She leads a tranquil life in the country. ─── 她过着恬静的乡村生活。

30、The feeling is the opportunity Donald claimed all the senses, the more want a moment of tranquility is often wasted. ─── 坐立不安的感觉也是乘机夺去所有的理智,越想得到片刻的安宁却往往得不偿失。

31、Another advantage of country life is that it is more tranquil. ─── 乡下生活的另一个优点是它比较宁静。

32、A calm or tranquil state of mind;self - possession. ─── 冷静,沉着头脑镇定或沉着的状态;自我克制

33、Fame and tranquility can never be bedfellows. ─── 名声很宁静永远不能是同床者。

34、Tranquility: Things will go more smoothly than you thought. Just relax. ─── 宁静:事情会比你想象的更顺利,请放松.

35、Living here in the country, you can feel peace and tranquility . ─── 住在乡间,你会感觉到平和与宁静。

36、Tranquility is another word when u are freighted with masses of memory, then u can be set free from all. ─── 偶尔迷上了朱天心的小说《古都》,在查拉康的资料时看到的,震人心的宁静文字,朱天心的“你”和我内心有一种莫名的相似。

37、The fourth precept is to refrain from stealing, being tranquil and detached. ─── 四诫偷盗莫贪小,知足守份没烦恼。

38、Huck's face lost its tranquil content immediately, and took a melancholy cast. ─── 哈克脸上立即失却了它那自得其乐的精神,换了一副发愁的样子。

39、Listening to some quiet and unobtrusive music is my favorite way to find some tranquility after a long day. ─── 在漫长的一天后,听听一些安静平和的音乐是我寻找宁静的最佳方法。

40、They walked in the cool, tranquil night air together. ─── 他们一起走在凉风习习,宁静安详的夜里。

41、Perhaps there is less to fight about, with the country in a period of tranquility and the dangers of drug abuse and other unwholesome behavior well known. ─── 也许没有什么可争斗的,因为这个国家正处于一段安宁的时期,吸毒和其他不健康行为的危害也广为人知。

42、In this tranquil night, you may know what I am thinking? ─── 在这个宁静的夜晚,你可知道我在想些什么吗?

43、But underneath its tranquil facade, it buzzes with biochemical chatter. ─── 不过在平静的表面以下,它的生化分子在吵吵哄哄.

44、If you had the bodily strength and the inner tranquility,naturally, you can become more and more joyful. ─── 如果你有了身体的力量和内心的平静,很自然地,你就会变得越来越喜悦。

45、"I love tranquil solitude" (Percy Bysshe Shelley). ─── “我热爱安静的独处” (帕西·碧西·雪莱)。

46、How can a mother be tranquil when her son is on a long journey? ─── 儿子出门远行,当妈的怎能清心呢?

47、If you'll only not tell papa, my going need not disturb the tranquility. ─── 你只要不告诉爸爸,那我去,也碍不着任何人的平静。

48、There was a busy, bustling, disputatious tone about it, instead of the accustomed phlegm and drowsy tranquility. ─── 他们都带着一种忙碌、慌乱,好争论的神气,一点也不象往日那样心平气和并且保持着昏沉沉的宁静。

49、There is a tranquility about him. ─── 他神态安祥。

50、Or gleam in tranquil majesty. ─── 你的骄傲的美闪烁壮观。

51、"Music and dance of the peaceful and prosperous times are tranquil and happy. ─── 太平盛世的乐音安谧祥和,、

52、So aromatic and tranquil and honorable! ─── 如此芳香华贵!

53、The world is far from being tranquil and mankind is faced with many grave challenges. ─── 世界还很不安宁,人类面临着许多严峻挑战。

54、Then when you are in harmony with nature you will have the tranquility to begin to dream beautiful dreams. ─── 你跟自然保持和谐,便可以得到宁静,接著你便开始有美丽的梦想。

55、In this steady castle of tranquility, he hits the way of practice. ─── 在这个稳固的城堡里修行之路正式开始。

56、When you are tranquil, you can be at ease. ─── 靜而后能安;

57、Artistic conception of Erhu finds expression mainly in the leisure in performing and in the tranquility of timbre. ─── 二胡艺术的意境美,主要表现为演奏的舒缓和音色的空幽。

58、He looked at the man with a tranquil eye. ─── 他以平静的眼神看着那个男人。

59、Huck's face lost its tranquil content, and took a melancholy cast. ─── 哈克脸上悠然自得的神情消失了,马上呈现出一脸的愁相。

60、They lived a tranquil life in the countryside. ─── 他们在乡下过着宁静的生活。

61、There was a tranquil expression on her face. ─── 她脸上露出安详的神情。

62、In the center of a typhoon, there's no rain or wind, only tranquility. ─── 在台风的中心那里既没有雨也没有风一片宁静。

63、That undershirt with an extremely horrifying tranquility was put. ─── 他对加盟米兰表现得异常冷静。

64、In the tranquility she imparted there was an alloy of inexpressible sadness. ─── 在她传播的这种宁静中,掺杂着一种无法表达的忧郁。

65、There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. ─── 在黑人得到公民权之前,美国既不会安宁,也不会平静。

66、You will preserve the ways of Tranquility and teach my principles as the world drifts toward despair. ─── 你将保存宁静之道并且在世界漂向绝望时把它教给我的信徒。

67、A tranquil spirital shelter of the Hatfield House... the chapel..... ─── 一个可以安静的心灵庇护所....

68、There ought to have been a tranquil bark in such an anchorage, and there was. ─── 在这样的港湾中理应有一只平静的小舟,而小舟也确实存在。

69、Jing elder brother, listen to your song 'absence' think your voice gives me a good sense of tranquility! ─── 靖哥哥、听着你的歌‘缺席’觉得你的声音带给我一种好宁静的感觉!

70、When there is passivity, pensiveness, and tranquility of body and mind, do not stick there, but proceed. ─── 不过人都走到书店里了,手贱得很,自然要翻翻有的没有的。

71、The tenacious heart can break, or can be tranquil? ─── 固执的心会破碎,还是会平静?

72、All was tranquility and repose. Suddenly into the picture staggered Walter Cronkite. ─── 一切都安谧与恬静。突然,沃尔特?克朗凯特蹒跚着闯入了画面。

73、Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. ─── 冷静:不要让琐事,普通或不可避免的事故来扰乱自己。

74、You are now feeling peaceful and calm and tranquil. ─── 你现在感受到平安,祥和以及宁静。

75、When listening to this song, you may feel nothing but warmness, tranquility, musical flow of a brook and a moment of purity in your heart. ─── 听这首歌的时候,你只感到温暧,宁静,小溪淙淙的流过,还有心灵片刻的纯净。

76、He has swapped talk of plain "rupture" for the vacuous "tranquil rupture". ─── 他将空洞无物的“平静决裂”替换为清晰明了的“决裂”。

77、Perhaps his life had been too unstable up till then, and he was attracted by the tranquility of the place. ─── 也许前半生太奔波,这儿的安宁吸引了他吧,他居然很喜欢这里。

78、To cause to leave a tranquil condition; disturb. ─── 使不安宁,使不稳定使离开平静状态;干扰

79、The grassland stretches 'neath the firmament tranquil. ─── 天似穹庐

80、More than anything, Rogers wanted to impart a sense of wonder and tranquility, to provide a bit of solace from our hectic, everyday lives. ─── 罗杰更希望传递一种美好而平静的感觉,并以此舒缓我们在日常生活中的浮躁情绪。

81、According to the view point of a man of practice, tranquility seems the only requirement. ─── 以修行者的角度看,心灵的宁静似乎是修行唯一的要求。

82、In modern life, people's complex interrelationship between the tranquility of a sudden conflict, even extreme behavior. ─── 在现代生活中,人们的相互关系错综复杂,在平静中会突然发生冲突,甚至采取极端行为。

83、The countryside is very tranquil, with less people. ─── 乡下挺安静的,人没那么多。

84、The tranquil dance is similar to a mother singing her baby to sleep. ─── "舞蹈就像是在哄孩子入梦的母亲,宁静安详。

85、Along with lively tranquility, they melt into a kind of strange background. ─── 他们随着嘈杂的静寂淡入陌生的光景。

86、There was a tranquil expression on his face. ─── 他脸上有一种安祥自若的表情。

87、He was as tranquil as if nothing had happened. ─── 他那副悠闲的样子就像什么事也没发生似的。

88、Tranquility : Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. ─── 十一、宁静。勿因琐事或普通而不可避免的事件而烦恼。

89、"Citizen Manette, be tranquil. ─── “曼内特公民,安静。

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