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waltz 发音

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waltz 中文意思翻译





waltz 网络释义

vi. 跳华尔兹舞;旋转;轻快地走动vt. 硬拖;与…跳华尔兹舞adj. 圆舞曲的;华尔兹舞的n. 华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲n. (Waltz)人名;(英、葡、德、匈、波)华尔兹

waltz 词性/词形变化,waltz变形

动词过去分词: waltzed |动词现在分词: waltzing |动词过去式: waltzed |动词第三人称单数: waltzes |名词: waltzer |

waltz 短语词组

waltz off with

1. 轻松顺利地赢得

He waltzed off with the first prize.


1、waltz around ─── [网络] 华尔兹周围

2、Waltz step ─── [体]华尔兹步法

3、waltz through ─── 顺利地通过

4、Waltz with Bashir ─── [电影]和巴什尔跳华尔兹

5、Waltz spin ─── 华尔兹旋转

6、french movie waltz ─── 法国电影华尔兹

7、magic waltz ─── 魔术华尔兹

8、waltz through something ─── 华尔兹穿过什么东西

9、her waltz ─── 她的华尔兹

10、dream waltz ─── 梦幻华尔兹

11、celtic waltz ─── 克尔特华尔滋

12、christoph waltz ─── 克里斯托夫华尔兹

13、emperor waltz op ─── 皇帝华尔兹作品

14、Vienna waltz ─── 维也纳华尔兹

15、minute waltz ─── 分钟华尔兹

16、little fairy waltz ─── 小仙女华尔兹

17、Boston waltz ─── 波士顿华尔兹

18、waltz off (with something) ─── 华尔兹(带着什么)

19、Viennese waltz ─── 维也纳华尔兹

waltz 相似词语短语

1、waltzers ─── 华尔兹

2、Katz ─── 卡茨(人名)

3、Waitz ─── 魏茨

4、waltzed ─── n.华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲,圆舞曲;v.跳华尔兹舞;大摇大摆地走;轻易完成;与……跳华尔兹舞,领着……跳华尔兹;轻快地走动;硬拖;adj.圆舞曲的;华尔兹舞的;关于华尔兹的;n.(Waltz)(美、法、德)华尔兹(人名)

5、waltzer ─── n.跳华尔兹舞的人;游乐场的旋转游戏车;n.(Waltzer)(美、法)瓦尔策(人名)

6、waltzes ─── n.华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲,圆舞曲;v.跳华尔兹舞;大摇大摆地走;轻易完成;与……跳华尔兹舞,领着……跳华尔兹;轻快地走动;硬拖;adj.圆舞曲的;华尔兹舞的;关于华尔兹的;n.(Waltz)(美、法、德)华尔兹(人名)

7、waltzing ─── n.华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲,圆舞曲;v.跳华尔兹舞;大摇大摆地走;轻易完成;与……跳华尔兹舞,领着……跳华尔兹;轻快地走动;硬拖;adj.圆舞曲的;华尔兹舞的;关于华尔兹的;n.(Waltz)(美、法、德)华尔兹(人名)

8、walty ─── adj.船易横倾的

9、to waltz ─── 跳华尔兹

waltz 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She waltz up to us and announces that she is leaving. ─── 她蹦蹦跳跳地来到我们面前说她要走了。

2、At the “Haunted mansion”in Disneyland,there are animated ghosts that dance the Viennese Waltz in the ballroom scene. ─── 在那在狄斯耐乐园 "常到大厦 ",有在舞厅现场中跳舞维也纳的华尔滋的活生生的鬼。

3、Waltz,nymph,for quick jigs vex Bud. ─── 华尔兹旋律式快速的吉格与巴的变的焦虑。

4、I'm hopeless how to indite a waltz. ─── 创作圆舞曲我是一窍不通。

5、They waltz to the tempo of the music. ─── 他们跟着音乐的节奏跳华尔兹舞。

6、She played two Chopin works, a nocturne and a waltz. ─── 她便演奏了两首肖邦的作品,一首夜曲,一首华尔兹。

7、The night,they were playing the beautiful Tennessee Waltz. ─── 在乐队奏起优美的田纳西华尔兹那个夜晚。

8、She and Arthur were whirling round in a waltz in the midst of a great deal of queer, but exceedingly joyful company. ─── 她和亚瑟夹在那五光十色,狂欢不已的人群中,随着华尔兹的乐声,飞也似地盘旋着。

9、They ended their party with a waltz. ─── 他们以一曲华尔兹舞曲结束了这次聚会。

10、A rhythm of One Two Three One Two Three is characteristic of waltz. ─── 一二三一二三的节拍是华尔滋舞曲的特色。

11、"The dancing is about to begin and the first number will, of course, be a reel, followed by a waltz. ─── "舞会就要开始了,第一个节目当然是弗吉尼亚双人舞。 接着是一场华尔兹。

12、She played a Chopin waltz as an encore. ─── 她应听众的要求又加演了一首肖邦的圆舞曲。

13、What happened was not a dream, "Waltz With Bashir" insists, it was real, and that was the most nightmarish thing of all. ─── 发生的不是梦境,“与巴席尔跳华尔兹”强调,它是真实的,而那才是最大的梦魇。

14、She can waltz in here after six months of being gone and just take over? ─── 在离开六个月之后,她还能在这里游刃有余,并能接管吗?

15、A traditional folk dance group then dances a whirling waltz while the audience shares their pleasure. ─── 一支传统的民间舞蹈团接着跳起旋转式的华尔兹舞曲,一些观众同时也分享着自己的喜悦。

16、From the yacht, they go to a garden where they waltz together and kiss. ─── 俊表与丝草两人搭渡轮到了一个美丽的花园,在花园中跳华尔兹并亲吻。

17、He slipped as he tried to waltz on the parquet floor. ─── 他想在镶木地板上旋几个舞步时滑倒了。

18、He showed her how to dance waltz. ─── 他教她怎样跳华尔兹舞。

19、Any of various social dances, such as the fox trot, tango, or waltz, in which couples follow aconventional pattern of steps. ─── 交际舞:一种社交舞,如狐步舞、探戈或华尔兹,由一对对舞者随常规的步式起舞。

20、In the middle section the "fixed idea" reappears in waltz time, introduced by flute and oboe. ─── 在中部,长笛和双簧管用园舞曲的节奏再次引出了“固定乐思”。

21、"No--but--well, let's don't talk about it. Thank goodness the waltz is beginning. ─── "不----但是----好,我们别谈这个了,谢天谢地,华尔兹开始了。

22、The Waltz was born from the Viennese Waltz soft dance music. ─── 圆舞曲是诞生在维也纳的华尔滋轻舞曲。

23、Waltz is a kind of very beautiful dance. ─── 华尔兹是一种非常优美的舞蹈。

24、"Waltz With Bashir" is one of Israel's first animated features, and it's going to be a hard act to follow. ─── “与巴席尔跳华尔兹”,是以色列一流动画片中的一部,它将成为一部难以效仿的片子。

25、Waltz, Kenneth N. Man, the State, and War. New York: Columbia University Press, 1965. ─── 《人、国家和战争》。纽约:哥伦比亚大学出版社,1965年。

26、In most Viennese heads, nothing except the waltz is so firmly and so affectionately fixed as the one truly indigenous musical form. ─── 大多数维也纳人坚定而充满感情地把圆舞曲看作一种属于自己的音乐形式。

27、Man: Ladies and gentlemen, we now come to the last dance of the evening. I hope you enjoy the farewell waltz. ─── 司仪:各位,现在是今晚的最后一曲。希望你们享受这个告别的华尔兹。

28、Gypsy dance has influenced western dance styles like the Waltz and the foxtrot. ─── 吉普赛人的舞蹈已经影响了西方的舞蹈风格,例如是华尔兹和狐步舞。

29、Murray taught the foxtrot, the tango and the waltz. ─── 默里教过狐步舞、探戈舞和华尔兹舞。

30、She was, of course, aware of her mother's quiet disapproval, so she made sure that they parted as soon as the waltz was over. ─── 当然,她也察觉到了她母亲的不满,华尔兹一结束,她就决定和他分开了。

31、The band is playing an old-fashioned waltz as we move gracefully across the floor. ─── 乐队演奏着旧式的华尔兹,我们在地板上优美地滑动着。

32、"Waltz of the Flowers," "Habanera," the "Blue Danube". ─── “花之圆舞曲”、“哈巴内拉舞曲”、“蓝色多瑙河”。

33、Oh, you waltz so well, Captain Butler. ─── 唔,巴特勒船长,你的华尔兹跳得真棒。

34、Waltz. Waltz is my favorite. ─── 华尔兹。华尔兹是我最喜欢的。

35、He can keep his head through the whirl of a ravishing waltz, and rest afterwards in a dark conservatory, catching nothing more lasting than a cold. ─── 他可以在华尔兹销魂的旋转中保持冷静,而后在黑暗的温室中休息片刻,他得到的东西并不比一场感冒更长久。

36、The movement of a waltz is very different from that of a march. ─── 华尔兹的韵律和进行曲的韵律是不同的。

37、She waltz off with the school prize for maths and science. ─── 她轻而易举赢得了全校数学奖和理科奖。

38、C: Oh, it's too scary. How about "The Great Waltz"? ─── 丙:噢,太吓人了,看[舞曲大王]怎么样?

39、She repeated the waltz as an encore,eg.at a piano recital. ─── 她应听众的要求把华尔兹舞曲又演奏了一遍(如在钢琴独奏会上).

40、Traditional dances include the waltz, quickstep, tango, foxtrot, and so on. ─── 传统舞蹈包括华尔兹、快步舞、探戈、狐步舞等等。

41、When it struck up a familiar waltz tune I decided to invite him for a dance. ─── 当乐队奏起一首熟悉的华尔兹舞曲时,我决定邀请父亲跳舞。

42、She danced the waltz with me. ─── 她和我一起跳了华尔兹舞。

43、May I have the pleasure for the next tango or waltz? ─── 下次的探戈或华尔兹可以和我跳吗?

44、Alley alley, is the last waltz, night fencing, cold water down in wine, window, this night, for you, drunk drunk. ─── 西祠胡同,已是物是人非事事休,夜深篱落,冷水迢迢里,把酒临窗,此夜,为你,醉如泥。

45、Will the next waltz be all right? ─── 下个华尔兹一起跳可以吗?

46、With a strong sense of rhythm, music hip-hop away from the beautiful waltz, XXX will provide us with this elegant dance. ─── 随着街舞强烈节奏感的音乐远去而来的是优美的华尔兹,XXX会向我们介绍这优雅的舞蹈。

47、He can keep through the whirl of a ravishing waltz, and rest afterwards in a dark conservatory, catching nothing more lasting than a cold. ─── 他能通过一曲强度的华尔兹舞保持旋转,并且后来在一所黑的音乐学校休息,没抓住什么比冷更持续的。

48、Waltz nymph,for quickj igs vex Bud. ─── 女神轻快的华尔滋舞步激怒了巴德。

49、Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. ─── 女神,轻快的华尔兹激怒了巴德。

50、Listen! They are playing a waltz now.Come along please! ─── 听!现在在放华尔兹了。过来跳吧!

51、For his part, Harnoncourt rejects the notion16 that he will be teaching his fellow Viennese how to shape a waltz. ─── 不过,在哈农考特方面,他却拒绝接受这种看法,即去教他的维也纳同行如何塑造华尔兹。

52、People began to follow the Viennese waltz custom of dancing in restaurants between the courses of a meal. ─── 人们开始沿着维也纳华尔兹舞的习惯,在餐厅就餐时跳探戈。

53、Life is like anEndless Waltz. ─── 人生如同华。

54、The following Saturday, Nov. 29, the class taught will be Viennese Waltz. ─── 在11月29号的周六,他们还会教授维也纳华尔兹.

55、Yes, I'd love to. Waltz is my favorite. ─── 好的,我很乐意。华尔兹是我最喜欢的舞曲。

56、All right. Let's see “The Great Waltz” then. I like the music and all the famous stars in the show . ─── 好的,我们就看[舞曲大王]吧,我喜欢这部电影的音乐和著名的影星。

57、May I have that pleasure for the next waltz or tango? ─── 下次的华尔兹或探戈可以和你跳吗?

58、She repeated the waltz as an encore,eg at a piano recital. ─── 她应听众的要求把华尔兹舞曲又演奏了一遍(如在钢琴独奏会上)。

59、If you can't answer those questions, then do you really know what makes Wall Street waltz? ─── 如果你回答不出这些问题,那么,你真的知道是什么促进华尔街的发展吗?

60、In the overture, the author incorporates several tunes from the operetta itself, including the famous waltz. ─── 在序曲中,小约翰.史特劳斯巧妙地把剧中所有精彩片段融聚在一起,还把他著名的华尔滋荟萃其中。

61、Three-fourths meter is waltz time. ─── 三/四拍是华尔滋曲的节拍。

62、Thus, small Zorro started to learn from the waltz and Chou Xuejia. ─── 于是,小佐罗开始学起了华尔兹和抽雪茄。

63、He took her to the dance hall to dance her favourite slow waltz to the tune of "auld Lang Syne". ─── 他带她到舞厅,伴随着“友谊地久天长”的曲调,跳她最爱跳的慢华尔兹。

64、The Blue Danube is considered the "King of Waltz". ─── 《蓝色的多瑙河》被认为是“华尔兹之王”。

65、The band struck up (a waltz). ─── 乐队开始演奏(华尔兹舞曲).

66、Certainly. By the way, do you like the waltz? ─── 可以。顺便问一下,你喜欢华尔兹吗? ?

67、Saint-Saens/Ysaye Caprice after a study in form of a Waltz. ─── 圣桑在研究了圆舞曲的形式和特点之后所创作的随想曲,由伊萨伊整理改编。

68、They are playing a waltz by Strauss. ─── 他们在演奏一首斯特劳斯的圆舞曲。

69、The waltz and fox trot were the dances she knew. ─── 华尔兹和狐步舞是她跳得最好的舞步。

70、The waltz is a beautiful dance. ─── 华尔兹是一种优美的舞蹈。

71、She repeated the waltz as an encore, eg at a piano recital. ─── 她应听众的要求把华尔兹舞曲又演奏了一遍(如在钢琴独奏会上).

72、I have no a clue how to compose a Waltz. ─── 创作华尔兹曲我是一窍不通。

73、The "Blue Danube," "Habanera," "Waltz of the Flowers. ─── “蓝色多瑙河”、“哈巴内拉舞曲”、“花之圆舞曲”。

74、History is much like an endless waltz. ─── 历史就像是曲无尽的华尔兹,战争、和平、变革,周而复始。

75、Waltz, tango, foxtrot, rumba... oh, so beautiful! ─── 哦,真是件美妙的事。

76、People began to follow the Viennese waltz custom of dancing in restaurants between the courses of a meal. ─── 人们开始沿着维也纳华尔兹舞的习惯,在餐厅就餐时跳探戈。

77、I say,Gaston,do play the Invitation to the Waltz! ─── 好吧,加斯东,请为我弹一首《邀舞曲》!

78、A 3-month term in learning steps of ballroom dance such as Cha-cha, Rumba, Samba, Jive, Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, and Viennese Waltz. ─── 三个月为一期。以各种国际标准交际舞为主,包括拉丁类:查查、伦巴、桑巴、牛仔舞;摩登类:华尔滋、维也纳华尔滋、探戈、狐步舞等。

79、next dance will be a waltz. ─── 接下来是华尔兹舞。

80、Her singing of "Evening Waltz" was easy and lively, well-balanced and appropriately controlled in volume. ─── 她唱的“晚会圆舞曲”轻松愉快,层次分明,音量的控制也恰到好处。

81、A rhythmof One Two Three One Two Three is characteristic of waltz. ─── 一二三一二三的节拍是华尔兹舞曲的特色。

82、He took heR to the dance hall to dance heR favourite slow waltz to the tune of "auld Lang Syne" . ─── 他带她到舞厅,伴随着“友谊地久天长”的曲调,跳她最爱跳的慢华尔兹。

83、She played a Chopin waltz as an encore. ─── 她应听众的要求又演奏了一首肖邦的圆舞曲。

84、Oh, the band has changed to a waltz. ─── 喔,乐队改奏华尔兹了。

85、Waltz is a slow dance in ? time developed in the 18th century. ─── 华尔兹舞是一种始于18世纪的3/4拍慢舞。

86、She repeated the waltz as an encore. ─── 她应听众的要求把华尔兹舞曲又演奏了一遍。

87、He danced the waltz with me. ─── 他同我跳华尔兹舞。

88、The waltz originated in Germany from the energetic folk-dances of the country people. ─── 华尔兹起源于德国乡村人民热情欢快的民间舞蹈。

89、Tales from Vienna Woods is one of Strauss's famous waltz. ─── 《维也纳森林的故事》是斯特劳斯著名四舞曲之一。

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