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09-12 投稿


phantasm 发音

英:['f?nt?z(?)m]  美:['f?nt?z?m]

英:  美:

phantasm 中文意思翻译



phantasm 短语词组

1、phantasm meaning ─── 幻觉意义

2、phantasm cast ─── 幻象铸造

3、phantasm 2 ─── 幻觉2

4、phantasm 4 ─── 幻象4

5、phantasm 3 ─── 幻象3

6、phantasm definition ─── 幻觉定义

7、phantasm 1979 ─── 幻象1979

phantasm 词性/词形变化,phantasm变形

形容词: phantasmal |

phantasm 相似词语短语

1、phantasma ─── n.幻像,空想

2、phantasime ─── 幻觉

3、phantasmal ─── adj.幻影的;幽灵的;空想的

4、phantasmas ─── n.幻像,空想

5、fantasm ─── n.幻觉

6、phantasy ─── n.幻想;怪念头;vi.幻想;vt.想象

7、phantasmic ─── adj.幻想的;幻影的

8、phantasms ─── n.幻想,幽灵;错觉;空想

9、phantast ─── 幻觉

phantasm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、in like manner as the appearance of objects in daylight, to the eye of a man in health, is denominated their true and real colour, even while colour is allowed to be merely a phantasm of the senses. ─── 大半时间我都是望著电脑萤幕沉思,看著每个字跟每个字的空格间,那纯然无一物的区域里似乎都塞满了玄机。

2、For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm of the cat; ─── 有好几个月我摆脱不了那只猫幻象的纠缠。

3、Some people just cannot accept the fact that the 2D world is a fleeting phantasm. ─── 有些人就是无法接受二次元世界是飘渺虚幻的事实。

4、"Make Nessaj and Phantasm stronger by buying Strength items like Armlet of Mordiggan (when activated) and Heart of Tarrasque." ─── "购买提升力量的装备,例如食尸鬼王的臂章(激活)和魔龙之心来使混沌骑士和他的幻象更强大。"

5、the phantasm of a dream ─── 梦中幻影

6、The eastern part of Jerusalem is called the Old City and represents the religious time, spirituality and phantasm. ─── 耶路撒冷的东半部分叫做老城,代表了宗教年代、精神与幻觉。

7、The illusionist creates a whole army of phantasmal warriors. The phantasm attack the enemy, but will sometimes move in unpredictable ways. ─── 幻像师创造一整支幻像武士组成的军团,这些幻像攻击敌人,但也有时会行为失常。

8、The eastern part of Jerusalem is called the Old City and represents the religious time, spirituality and phantasm. ─── 耶路撒冷的东半部分叫做老城,代表了宗教年代、精神与幻觉。

9、Phantasm is in the game, though I'm not sure its working properly. ─── 幻像是在游戏中,虽然我适当地不是确信它的工作。

10、On Literary Vision and Rhetorical Phantasm ─── 论文学视域与修辞幻象

11、country of beauty phantasm ─── 美的假象国家

12、"Servant, before he/she say anything, use NOBLE PHANTASM now!" ─── 到底可以追加什麽道具呀!?(喂!)

13、Standing against the gloomy and impenetrably dark background, the phantasm in the picture is colourful and magnificent. ─── 沉闷抑郁、密不透气的黑色背景,映衬著色彩缤纷、绚丽夺目的画中幻景。

14、Abstract: The subject phantasm is the product of subject essence and dynamic characters in the literary hermeneutics. ─── 摘 要: 主体幻象的提出是时文学阐释活动中主体本质和动态特征关注的必然结果。

15、The diversity of literary vision offers rhetorical phantasm great space in both form and content ,while the aesthetic value of rhetorical phantasm extends the expression vision of literary language. ─── 文学视域在表现内容和表现形式上的多样性给修辞幻象以极大的空间,修辞幻象的审美价值也拓展了文学语言的表现视域。

16、the phantasm of a dream ,phantom of a dream . gets to me. ─── 梦中幻影,梦中的幻象,令我沉醉。

17、Noble Phantasm formed in her hand. ─── 崇高幻像中形成她的手。

18、The more we know about the phantasm of death , the more we will treasure our life . ─── 瞭解死亡幻象,让我们更珍惜生命存在的价值.

19、It's phantasm, but I hear voice, is belong to fall. ─── 那是生命停止之前最后一段呼吸。

20、Phantasm 、Susanne Braumann & Varpu Haavisto; ─── 海峡经典之作CCS 17498;

21、On the Subject Phantasm of Literary Hermeneutics ─── 论文学阐释中的主体幻象

22、N i for one would rather regret the reality then its phantasm, ─── 我宁可让自己因事情发生了而后悔,而不是后悔一切只停留在空想中。

23、the personal , human sentiment for one brief moment gained the ascendant over the artificial phantasm of life , that he had served so long ─── 个人所具有的人类感情,暂时地战胜了他长期为之效劳的那种虚假的人生幻影。

24、Is Phantasm in the game?What's it like?Are there screens? ─── 幻像是在游戏中吗? 它像甚么? 有荧屏吗?

25、The personal, human sentiment for one brief moment gained the ascendant over the artificial phantasm of life, that he had served so long. ─── 个人所具有的人类感情,暂时地战胜了他长期为之效劳的那种虚假的人生幻影。

26、For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm of the cat. I went so far as to regret the loss of the animal. ─── 有好几个月,这只猫的样子都在我脑海里阴魂不散。我甚至后悔失去了它。

27、The subject phantasm constructs inter-space from subject diversity, context and subject imagination, changes for literary hermeneutics. ─── 在文学阐释中,主体幻象从主体差异、语境变化及主体的想象性变化等方面建构阐释所需的间性空间。

28、subject phantasm ─── 主体幻象

29、For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm of the cat. I went so far as to regret the loss of the animal. ─── 有好几个月,这只猫的样子都在我脑海里阴魂不散。我甚至后悔失去了它。

30、Try taking away the phantasm and the entire human contribution you sober realist. ─── 冷静的现实主义者啊,试着脱离幻觉以及整个人类所做的贡献吧。

31、Like dream,like phantasm,it is a labyrinth what is occult one by one,make me to find the one way...... ─── 如同梦境,如同幻影,是玄机重重的迷宫,让我在寻找那唯一的出口.......

32、Flying When Gossamer Phantasm becomes the target of a spell or ability, sacrifice it. ─── 当薄纱幻象成为咒语或异能的目标时,将它牺牲。

33、2.By means of breaking out away from the shackle centrifugal force, the space is extended unlimitedly and thus to bring a Utopian space phantasm. ─── 通过摆脱地心引力的桎梏,空间的疆域被无限放大,从而带来一种乌托邦式的空间幻像。

34、She is the only Dead Apostle who managed to use Marble Phantasm . ─── 她是唯一能用空想具现化的死徒。

35、What's your favorite scene?When I re-watched the series last year, my favorite episode was "Phantasm. ─── 什么是您在剧中喜爱的场面?当我去年重新观看时,我喜爱的一集是“幻想”(不知所云)。

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