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08-21 投稿


ignominiously 中文意思翻译



ignominiously 短语词组

1、ignominiously define ─── 不光彩地定义

2、ignominiously synonym ─── 不光彩的同义词

3、ignominiously pronunciation ─── 难听的发音

4、ignominiously in a sentence ─── 在一句话中不光彩地

5、ignominiously antonyms ─── 不光彩的反义词

6、ignominiously definition ─── 不光彩的定义

ignominiously 词性/词形变化,ignominiously变形

名词: ignominiousness |副词: ignominiously |

ignominiously 同义词

without | mean | untitled | immoral | graceful | reprehensible | elegant | contemptible | dishonourable | dastardly | disgraceful | degraded | black | abject | base |shameful | ungentle | despicable | low | dishonorable | honor | noble

ignominiously 反义词


ignominiously 相似词语短语

1、inofficiously ─── 不充分地

2、invidiously ─── adv.惹人怨恨地;不公平地

3、ignominious ─── adj.可耻的;下流的

4、ignominiousness ─── 耻辱

5、ingeniously ─── adv.贤明地;有才能地

6、ignominious end ─── 可耻的结局

7、innoxiously ─── 无害地

8、insidiously ─── adv.阴险地;隐伏地;暗中为害地

9、ignominies ─── n.耻辱;不体面;丑行

ignominiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As is usual with right natures, the deity that lies ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him like a ray. ─── 像光明的天性通常那样,被卑鄙耻辱地锁在倏忽幻灭的肉体里的神明,像一道光线一样,从他身上射了出来。

2、The World Economic Conference in mid-1933, for instance, collapsed ignominiously. ─── 比如,1933年中举办的世界经济研讨会,就不光彩地失败了。

3、To flee ignominiously ─── 抱头鼠窜

4、"O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin." ─── 我的宗族呀!你们当进真主所为你们注定的圣地,你们不可败北;否则,你们要变成亏折的人。”

5、Their soldiers had to retreat ignominiously after losing hundreds of lives. ─── 在损失数百条生命后,他们的士兵被迫灰溜溜地撤退了。

6、The cat turned chicken the moment Yossarian released him and fled from Humgry Joe ignominiously like a yellow dog. ─── 尤索林刚一松手,那只猫就胆怯起来,象个卑鄙的家伙似的避开亨格利·乔,可耻地逃走了。

7、Originally should stay me to have a meal, the end flee ignominiously. ─── 本应留我吃饭,最后抱头鼠窜。

8、In an old clothes basket, like a bundle of laundry, or groceries, the servant of Jesus Christ was dropped from the window and ignominiously fled from the hate of his foes. ─── 你看被装在一只旧的衣筐里面!像一包送出去洗濯的衣服一般!耶稣基督的仆人竟这样坍台地从窗户口缒下去!

9、58. As is usual with right natures, the deity that lies ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him like a ray. ─── 像光明的天性通常那样,被卑鄙耻辱地锁在倏忽幻灭的肉体里的神明,像一道光线一样,从他身上射了出来。

10、And while this committee has failed ignominiously, it contains the seed of an idea that might show us a way out of paralysis. ─── 尽管超级委员会不光彩地失败了,但它却指出了一个也许能让我们摆脱僵局的思路。

11、Arrived another place, is again frighten by light flee ignominiously. ─── 到了另一处,又被灯光吓得抱头鼠窜。

12、But Britain (like Italy) was ignominiously forced out. ─── 但英国(像意大利一样)却不光彩地被排除在外了。

13、This means that the country's next head of state could find himself ignominiously hauled through the courts and even jailed. ─── 这意味着这个国家的下一任总统可能会看着自己被不光彩的带上法庭甚至投入监狱。

14、He hadn't been on the grounds here at the All England Club since 2002, when he exited ignominiously in the second round. ─── 自从2002年他耻辱性的第二轮出局以来,他就未曾踏上全英俱乐部的场地。

15、For instance,the more versatile Singaporeans,with richer experiences of life,might have been deterred from taking part for fear of losing face within sight of friends and relatives,should they perform ignominiously. ─── 例如,一些阅历丰富的新加坡人,可能害怕会在亲人和朋友面前出丑,而不愿意参加节目。

16、Die, Ai Zai, see him flee ignominiously, be defeated and flee of appearance, certain have already affirmed me to be a sex wolf. ─── 呜呼,哀哉,看他抱头鼠窜,落荒而逃的样子,一定已经认定我是女色狼了。

17、For instance, the more versatile Singaporeans, with richer experiences of life, might have been deterred from taking part for fear of losing face within sight of friends and relatives, should they perform ignominiously. ─── 一些阅历丰富的新加坡人,可能害怕会在亲人和朋友面前出丑,而不愿意参加节目。

18、The cat turned chicken the moment yossarian released him and fled from humgry joe ignominiously like a yellow dog . ─── 尤索林刚一松手,那只猫就胆怯起来,象个卑鄙的家伙似的避开亨格利乔,可耻地逃走了。

19、IN 1995 Alfa Romeo ignominiously pulled out of America, having managed to sell only 400 cars there that year. ─── 1995年阿尔法罗密欧耻辱地从美国败退;那一年他们只卖出了400辆车。

20、It is a miracle of grace indeed, that Jesus should forsake the thrones and royalties above, to suffer ignominiously below for you. ─── 但是对每一个信徒而言,当他看到救赎与自己有关时,才是救赎的最大奇妙。

21、But Britain (like Italy) was ignominiously forced out. ─── 但英国(像意大利一样)却不光彩地被排除在外了。

22、If I interpret your letter right, you are ignominiously married. ─── 如果我对你的来信理解正确的话,你已不顾廉耻地嫁了人。

23、Their attempt failed ignominiously. ─── 他们的企图可耻地失败了。

24、This means that the country's next head of state could find himself ignominiously hauled through the courts and even jailed. ─── 这意味着这个国家的下一任总统可能会看着自己被不光彩的带上法庭甚至投入监狱。

25、Die, Ai Zai, see him flee ignominiously, be defeated and flee of appearance, certain have already affirmed me to be a sex wolf. ─── 呜呼,哀哉,看他抱头鼠窜,落荒而逃的样子,一定已经认定我是女色狼了。

26、The infantry went to the ground, and ignominiously withdrew under cover of darkness. ─── 步兵扑倒在地,在夜幕掩护下恨恨而退。

27、From 5 1/2 years of experience we in China are convinced that it is the better part of wisdom not to accept failure ignominiously, but to risk it gloriously. ─── 我中国人民根据五年又半之经验,确信光明正大之甘冒失败,较诸卑鄙可耻之接受失败,更为明智。

28、The Biancocelesti were ignominiously dumped down to Serie B, where they would play an unprecedented derby with newly promoted Frosinone (a nice city some 50 kilometres from Rome). ─── 拉齐奥被罚降入意乙,他们可能将会面对新的德比,与Frosinone的德比(一个距离罗马仅仅50公里的城市)。

29、If I interpret your letter right, you are ignominiously married. ─── 如果我对你的来信理解正确的话,你已不顾廉耻地嫁了人。

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