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09-10 投稿


totters 发音

英:[?t?t?z]  美:[?tɑ?t?rz]

英:  美:

totters 中文意思翻译




totters 词性/词形变化,totters变形

名词: totterer |形容词: tottery |动词第三人称单数: totters |动词过去式: tottered |动词现在分词: tottering |动词过去分词: tottered |

totters 短语词组

1、totters crossword ─── 蹒跚纵横字谜

2、totters meaning ─── 蹒跚而行的意思

3、totters for sale ─── 蹒跚待售

4、teeter totters ─── 字幕

5、totters def ─── 蹒跚而行

6、totters lane ─── 蹒跚小巷

7、totters means ─── 蹒跚而行意味着

totters 相似词语短语

1、potters ─── n.[陶瓷]陶工(potter的复数);v.闲逛(potter的单数第三人称)

2、otters ─── n.水獭;水獭皮(otter的复数形式)

3、rotters ─── n.自动瞄准干扰发射机;无赖;n.(Rotter)人名;(英、法、德、匈、罗、捷、瑞典)罗特

4、tatters ─── n.破衣服;梭织者;碎片(tatter的复数);v.撕碎;把…穿破(tatter的三单形式)

5、stotters ─── 斯托特夫妇,

6、cotters ─── n.制销;栓;佃农;vt.用销固定;n.(Cotter)人名;(西、罗、葡)科特尔;(英)科特

7、lotters ─── 彩票投注者

8、jotters ─── n.笔记本;便笺薄

9、trotters ─── n.(平板筛浆机)隔膜支脚;猪、羊蹄(trotter的复数)

totters 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Other government-backed funds are thought to have been buying as well, which may explain why the banks’ share prices have held up even as banks elsewhere totter. ─── 其他政府扶持的基金也认为会被购买,这也恰好能够解释为什么当其他地区的银行已经摇摇欲坠的时候这些银行的股价还能够维持稳定。

2、It is a choice you make, a plan you lay, when for an instant truth arises in your own deluded mind, and all your world appears to totter and prepare to fall. ─── 它是当真理乍现于你错乱的心田,你的整个世界顿时显得摇摇欲坠时,你所作出的一个选择和策划。现在,你病倒了。

3、He totters and falls into the arms of Roxane and his friends. ─── 他踉踉跄跄倒在了罗克珊和他朋友们的手中。

4、totter to one's feet ─── 摇晃着站起来

5、But today, they have few new options -- excepting another bailout -- should financial markets seize up again or a large institution totter. ─── 但目前,如果金融市场再度失控,或是一家大型机构崩溃,政府除了再次实施救助之外,可选择的新举措依然无几。

6、It totters when she licks it with her tongue. ─── 母牛用舌头舔舔,他便摇摇晃晃站立不了。

7、* stagger: To move or stand unsteadily, as if under a great weight;totter. ─── 这里马丁意思在白人警察的肆虐下, 黑人步履艰难.

8、Give me words, that you won't be the girl who bears a broken heart and totters from one man's house to another by mid-night. ─── 答应我,永远不要去做那种午夜背着行李,从一个男朋友家,流落到另一个男朋友家的女人。

9、4 You rocked the earth, split it open; repair the cracks for it totters. ─── 你曾使大地震动,使地裂土崩,求你弥补裂缝,因它摇摇不定。

10、She went away weeping audibly, and he felt a pang of sorrow shoot through him at sight of her heavy body and uncouth gait.As he watched her go, the Nietzschean edifice seemed to shake and totter. ─── 马丁从第二天的报纸上读到了许多关于他自己的东西,那些东西他自己也觉得新鲜。

11、As the euro totters, the world waits for the German chancellor to act. Will she? ─── 随着欧元面临崩溃,世界等待着德国总理行动。她会吗?

12、"dodder:To shake or tremble, as from old age; totter." ─── 老态龙钟:因年老而颤抖;蹒跚而行.

13、Old and bent, ashy pale and toothless, he managed with the help of two crutches, to totter into the King’s presence. ─── 35.他人老背驼,面色苍白,牙齿脱落,在两根拐棍的帮助下,蹒跚而行,来到国王的面前。

14、They include a group of distressed-debt funds that gave it rescue financing over the summer, then committed $4.5 billion more as the firm continued to totter. ─── 这些包括一些帮助公司度过今年夏季并在公司每况愈下的时候继续追加45亿美金的困难基金。

15、[NIV] They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter. ─── 4[和合]他们用金银妆饰它,用钉子和锤子钉稳,使它不动3摇。

16、And they will totter from sea to sea, And from the north even to the east; ─── 12他们必飘流,从这海到那海,从北边到东边;

17、Then she totters out of the bathroom again, ─── 然后再摇摇晃晃的走出来,

18、In the early years of the 21st century a frail old woman totters around her London home, assailed by memories that rise up unbidden. ─── 本世纪初,一个虚弱的老妇人蹒跚在她伦敦住处附近,被难以自控的涌起的记忆所困扰。

19、Finally "Granny", small and plump, still wearing defiantly high heels, totters through the metal detector, her hands vainly clutching her ruined hairstyle. ─── 最后,这位身材矮小的胖胖的“奶奶”,还穿着高跟鞋,缓慢的通过了金属探测仪,双手徒劳地抓着她被毁的发型。

20、Small children and very old people totter as they walk. ─── 小孩和老人走路蹒跚。

21、Teeter totter, caught up between bein a father and a prima donna ─── 以及摇晃蹒跚,在作为一位父亲和一位哭泣的女孩之间徘徊

22、Old and bent, ashy pale and toothless, he managed with the help of two crutches, to totter into the King's presence. ─── 他人老背驼,面色苍白,牙齿脱落,在两根拐棍的帮助下,蹒跚而行,来到国王的面前。

23、Go, leave, totter! ─── 去吧,离开,蹒跚着走吧!

24、He who is too impoverished for such an offering Selects a tree that does not rot;He seeks out for himself a skillful craftsman To prepare an idol that will not totter. ─── 穷乏献不起这样供物的、就拣选不能朽坏的树木、为自己寻找巧匠、立起不能摇动的偶像。

25、You have made the land quake, You have split it open; Heal its breaches, for it totters. ─── 诗60:2你使地震动、而且崩裂.求你将裂口医好.因为地摇动。

26、I'd put on her high heels and totter around the bedroom, catching glimpses of myself in the mirror. ─── 我穿上她的高跟鞋在卧室里踉踉跄跄地行走,并对这镜子偷瞥自己的形象。

27、mend its cracks for it totters. ─── 那时约阿布归来,在盐谷杀了一万二千人。

28、With that, Kami raised the club wearily and began to totter straight at the 'Cat confronting him, preferring a quick death from claws to a slow one from flame... ─── 想到这个,卡米虚弱地举起大棒,朝面前的大猫踉跄走去,与其慢慢死在火中,不如死在它的利爪下来得干脆利落。

29、NASB: He who is too impoverished for such an offering Selects a tree that does not rot; He seeks out for himself a skillful craftsman To prepare an idol that will not totter. ─── 和合本:穷乏献不起这样供物的、就拣选不能朽坏的树木、为自己寻找巧匠、立起不能摇动的偶像。

30、GORDON totters, then rights himself: Well, ’tis time.My heart is tired of running. ─── 戈登(摇摇晃晃,后挺直身子):是啊,是时候了。

31、With that overturned, the clan authority, the religious authority and the authority of the husband all begin to totter . ─── 地主政权既被打翻,族权、神权、夫权便一概跟着动摇起来。

32、They decorate it with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers So that it will not totter. ─── 他们用金银妆饰他、用钉子和锤子钉稳、使他不动摇。

33、Mr. Dewitt: Mr. Seaver, when you were under my tutelage I was prohibited by law from inflecting bodily harm; Now that you've matriculated, I can wail the totter outta ya. ─── 校长:西弗先生,以前在我学校里,因为教育法我不便教训你,现在你总算毕业了,那我就可以让你好好尝尝我的厉害了。

34、totter; shaky; crumble ─── 摇摇欲坠

35、You have caused the earth to quake; You have split it open. Heal the breaks in it, for it totters. ─── 2你使地震动,而且崩裂。求你将裂口医好,因为地摇动。

36、The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard And it totters like a shack, For its transgression is heavy upon it, And it will fall, never to rise again. ─── 地要东倒西歪、好像醉酒的人.又摇来摇去、好像吊床.罪过在其上沉重、必然塌陷、不能复起。

37、With that overturned,the clan authority,the religious authority and the authority of the husband all begin to totter. ─── 它既被打翻,族权、神权、夫权便一概跟着动摇起来。

38、They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter. ─── 他们用金银妆饰它,用钉子和锤子钉稳,使它不动3摇。

39、As the Libyan regime totters, it no longer seems hyperbolic to call the events in the Middle East, "the Arab 1989" . ─── 利比亚政权正摇摇欲坠,此时若把中东爆发的这一系列事件称为“阿拉伯的1989”,似乎已不再是炒作之词。

40、And they will totter from sea to sea, And from the north even to the east; They will rove about, seeking the word of Jehovah, But they will not find it. ─── 12他们必飘流,从这海到那海,从北边到东边;往来奔跑寻求耶和华的话,却寻不着。

41、She managed to totter back to her seat. ─── 她东倒西歪地好不容易回到了座位上。

42、He who is too impoverished for such an offering Selects a tree that does not rot; He seeks out for himself a skillful craftsman To prepare an idol that will not totter. ─── 赛40:20穷乏献不起这样供物的、就拣选不能朽坏的树木、为自己寻找巧匠、立起不能摇动的偶像。

43、Most nights, Jessica totters off back to the river for a mudbath. ─── 到了晚上,吃饱喝足后的杰西卡就会到河里享受“淤泥浴”,但是有时她也会带着一身的泥走进房间,躺倒在托尼夫妇的床上。

44、GORDON totters, then rights himself: Well, 'tis time. ─── 戈登(摇摇晃晃,后挺直身子):是啊,是时候了。

45、7 Though nations rage and kingdoms totter, God's voice thunders and the earth trembles. ─── 异民尽管扰乱,万邦尽管骚动,天主一发喝声,大地即刻消溶。

46、He was standing by the car we'd seen going around that had HT on the license plate, which I joked (before I knew he was the driver) must stand for "Harry Totter". ─── 我喊道,“你是车站警卫!那个说‘九又四分之三站台?你真有趣’的车站警卫。之前我在车站就想到了这句话。”

47、Everywhere religious authority totters as the peasant movement develops. ─── 神权的动摇,也是跟着农民运动的发展而普遍。

48、To shake or tremble, as from old age; totter. ─── 老态龙钟因年老而颤抖;蹒跚而行

49、stagger: sway when standing or walking; walk or stand unsteadily; totter (动) ─── 这男孩因沉重书籍的负担而蹒跚跌倒。

50、What opposes love is not hate but apathy;What contradicts art is not ugliness but apathy;What totters believes is not the difference but apathy;What destroys life is not death but apathy. ─── 爱的对立面不是仇恨,而是冷漠;艺术的对立面不是丑陋,而是冷漠;信仰的对立面不是异端,而是冷漠;生命的对立面不是死亡,而是冷漠。

51、so he falls a jumping and shaking the bough, at which the bear began to totter, but stood still, and begun to look behind him, to see how he should get back; ─── 于是他开始跳着摇动那树枝,熊开始在树上摇摇欲坠,只好站住不往上爬,并开始往身后瞧,看自己怎样爬回去。

52、I laughed and told him about the Harry Totter bit and when he responded I knew his voice sounded very familiar. ─── 他回答的时候,我觉得他的声音真的很熟悉。

53、Just a few more days till we totter in the road--" ─── 再过几天,我们将蹒跚着走上大路----

54、early years of the 21st century a frail old woman totters around her London home, assailed by memories that rise up unbidden. ─── 本世纪初,一个虚弱的老妇人蹒跚在她伦敦住处附近,被难以自控的涌起的记忆所困扰。

55、1.[Formal] destitute; impoverished; 2.to stagger; to totter ─── 竭蹶

56、Unenlightened as we are, we totter from day to day under the full sway of such delusive and afflictive karma, suffering immensely. ─── 当我们在杀那些动物时,他们也知道死苦,哀哀而鸣,而这哀鸣就是怨恨,杀了它,我们就与它结下了冤业,将来冤冤相报,生生相杀,永脱不出生死轮回。

57、Now we maun totter down, John, ─── 如今啊,到了下山的时候,

58、When he was able to totter about the house, he turned his hands to weaving baskets of split oak and mending the furniture ruined by the Yankees. ─── 待到他能够在屋里到处走动了,他便着手编制橡树皮篮子,修补被北方佬损坏的家具。

59、an empire that had begun to totter. ─── 已经开始动摇的帝国

60、If we are not killed by youthful stupidity or ill-luck, then it is our fate to live on like the trees;older and older until at last we totter and fall. ─── 如果我们没有在年少的时候因为愚蠢或是坏运气而死去,那么,我们的命运和生活就象那些树,慢慢变老,最后我们会摇晃,然后倒下。

61、Babies and very old people totter as they walk. ─── 小孩与老年人走路蹒跚。

62、to sway; to shake; to totter ─── 飘摇

63、They stagger from liquor, They reel in their visions, They totter in their judgments. ─── 他们见异象时摇摇晃晃,行审判时摇摆不定。

64、Everywhere religious authority totters as the peasant movement develops. ─── 神权的动摇,也是跟着农民运动的发展而普遍。

65、Unfortunately, the economy is likely to totter again as the second-round effects of tumbling profits and rising unemployment squeeze investment and consumer spending. ─── 不幸的是,由于暴跌的利润和增加的失业挤出了投资和消费性支出所导致的第二轮的影响,经济看起来摇摇欲坠。

66、Balance this 120cm rod with its weighted end on a fingertip, and it totters and falls. ─── 以你的指尖将这根120公分长之棒子重端朝下并平衡之,他会摇晃并且掉下。

67、Other government-backed funds are thought to have been buying as well, which may explain why the banks' share prices have held up even as banks elsewhere totter. ─── 据信,其他政府背景的基金公司也开始了收购活动,这也许能解释为什么在世界各地银行股暴跌不止的情况下,中国银行股价能够止住下跌。

68、"They decorate it with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers So that it will not totter. ─── 耶10:4他们用金银妆饰他、用钉子和锤子钉稳、使他不动摇。

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