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09-12 投稿



ferrule 发音

英:[?fer?l]  美:[?feru?l]

英:  美:

ferrule 中文意思翻译




ferrule 网络释义

n. 套圈;金属箍;金属包头vt. 给…装金属箍

ferrule 词性/词形变化,ferrule变形


ferrule 短语词组

1、ferrule definition ─── 套圈定义

2、ferrule in fiber ─── 光纤套圈

3、ferrule connectors ─── 套管式连接器

4、crimp ferrule ─── 压接套圈

5、ferrule connection ─── 卡套连接

6、ferrule holes ─── 套圈孔

7、ferrule type fuse ─── 套圈式熔断器

8、ferrule resistor ─── [电] 套圈电阻器

ferrule 相似词语短语

1、ferrate ─── n.高铁酸盐,铁酸盐

2、fertile ─── adj.富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的

3、ferrite ─── n.铁酸盐;铁素体

4、cerule ─── 天堂

5、ferule ─── n.(惩罚孩子的)戒尺;校纪;v.用戒尺责打

6、overrule ─── vt.否决;统治;对…施加影响

7、ferrugo ─── 费鲁戈

8、ferrules ─── n.套管;金属环(ferrule的复数形式);v.装以金属铁(ferrule的第三人称单数形式)

9、ferruled ─── n.套圈;金属箍;金属包头;vt.给…装金属箍

ferrule 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ferrule's technique almost is controlled by the Japan and the United States.And the molding designs are blank in the domestic. ─── 努力钻研模具设计技术、规范和方法,在现场实际调研的基础上,并提出多个模具设计方案;

2、* Has excellent anti-static properties to avoid reattachment of dust to the ferrule after cleaning. ─── * 极佳的抗静电特性 ,防止清洁后吸附灰尘 。

3、Keywords Optical fiber connector;ceramic ferrule;CCD microscopical magnifier;image-processing;coaxiality; ─── 光纤连接器;陶瓷插针;CCD显微放大;图像处理;同轴度;

4、An in vitro study evaluating ferrule effects on fracture resistance of pulpless teeth with flared canals restored with different post-and-core systems ─── 牙本质领圈对漏斗状桩核修复牙折裂强度影响的实验研究

5、A ferrule and eraser are crimped into place on each pencil. ─── 把金属环和橡皮头固定到每一根铅笔上。

6、Study on Rotary-pressing Formation Process for the End of Stainless Steel Ferrule ─── 不锈钢护套端部旋压成形工艺研究

7、It has a bayonet mount and a long cylindrical 2. 5 mm ceramic (usually) or polymer ferrule to hold the fiber. ─── 它具有一个卡口固定架,和一个2.5毫米长圆柱体的陶瓷(常见)或者聚合物卡套以容载整条光纤。

8、Keywords pressure rotor and fender ring;ferrule fine-blanking;new technology;numerical simulation; ─── 增压转子挡圈;精密套冲;新工艺;数值模拟;

9、cutting ferrule ─── 卡套

10、SC receptacle;LC receptacle;Module Ferrule;Optical Fiber S... ─── 主营产品: 光器件封装结构件;

11、of why the center of my ferrule has no black nickel on it would take pages to explain. ─── 为什么在我的金属箍的中间部分没有黑镍这个问题,就得用上好多页纸才能回答清楚。

12、Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-33: Examinations and measurements - Ferrule withdrawal force ─── 光纤互联装置和无源部件。基本试验和测量步骤。第3-33部分:金属箍拔出力

13、The purpose of this article is to review the types and designs of the ferrule and to identify the factors that influence the ferrule effect. ─── 本文就箍结构的类型、设计、作用及影响箍效应相关因素的研究进展作一综述。

14、A simple method was proposed using a metal ferrule for suppressing the interference current. ─── 并提出了用开口金属环抑制这种干扰电流的简便方法。

15、After undergo the operation of 18 hours and several weeks of careful, Michal left hospital with the ferrule on his back. ─── 在经历了18个小时的手术和数周的精心护理之后,迈克尔出院了,背部装有金属杆。

16、Effects of various ferrule lengths on in vitro fracture resistance of premolars restored using prefabricated fiber post-and-core system ─── 不同高度的箍结构与牙根抗力的实验研究

17、Taper Bearing Ferrule ─── 圆锥轴承套圈

18、Each pencil is painted. A recess is cut to accept the ferrule (the metal ring that holds the eraser to the pencil). ─── 每根铅笔都被刷上油漆,装点打扮,并加上相应的标识。同时铅笔的一端被特意地处理为凹口,以安置固定橡皮头的金属环。

19、Keywords post and core techniques;ferrule effect;finite element analysis; ─── 桩核冠修复;箍效应;有限元分析;

20、Leave some of the tip on the ferrule to ensure you do not damage the ferrule. ─── 留一些皮头在先角上以避免在后续操作的时候损伤先角。

21、Olivary spray ports are arranged at the nozzle at a liquid outlet of the mixing hole and the cutting ferrule. ─── 在混合孔出液口处的喷嘴及卡套上开设有橄榄形喷出口。

22、1 Do you remember the ferrule game during your childhood? ─── 您还记得童年的套圈游戏吗?

23、For compression end connection, first slide compression nut onto copper tube, then slide on ferrule. ─── 对于压缩端口连接,首先将压缩螺母移动到铜管上,然后装上套圈。

24、The ferrule is divided into two parts of an upper part and a lower part, which is fastened by a screw and connected with a cathode air chamber ceramic tube. ─── 卡套分为上、下两部分,通过螺钉紧固并与阴极气室陶瓷管连接。

25、Keywords arc stud welding;ferrule;welding process;arc behavior; ─── 电弧螺柱焊;套圈;焊接过程;电弧行为;

26、Hose tail and ferrule for crimping and swaging ─── 卷缩和弯曲的软管口和金属环

27、adjustable ferrule ─── 可调夹套

28、ferrule connector ─── 套管式连接器

29、ferrule of metal for walking stick ─── 拐杖用金属包头

30、Keywords ferrule;ferrule orientation;assembling precess;precision lathe; ─── 套圈;套圈定位;装配工艺;精密车床;

31、front ferrule ─── 前箍

32、ferrule connection ─── 卡套连接

33、Another ring for the difference between the base-level, allowing the ferrule at the base of the non-standard technology of surface markers. ─── 为区别另一套圈的基准面,允许在该套圈的的非基准面上标工艺标志。

34、The ferrule of heat insulation tube was seriously corroded in short time under the conditions of injecting steam into the oil well. ─── 某采油厂在实施油井注蒸汽解堵过程中,隔热管接箍在短时间内发生严重腐蚀。

35、Keywords Taper bearing ferrule Automatic turning product line PLC control; ─── 关键词圆锥轴承套圈;车削生产线;PLC控制;

36、In Vitro Study of Effects of Central Incisors Restored with Different Post-core Materials without Ferrule ─── 无箍效应时不同桩核材料修复上颌中切牙的体外实验

37、It also uses a 2.5 mm ferrule, but some of the early ones use ceramic inside stainless steel ferrules. ─── 它同样也使用2.5毫米的卡套,但早期FC连接器中的一部分产品设计为陶瓷内置于不锈钢卡套内。

38、Tao in Taiwan Ferrule 2. ─── 台湾大陶陶瓷插芯2。

39、Keywords post-core technique;ferrule effect;fracture resistance;mode of failure; ─── 桩核技术;箍作用;抗折强度;断裂模式;

40、The Assembling Process of Ferrule Orientation on the False Twisters ─── 假捻器套圈定位装配新工艺

41、graphite ferrule ─── 石墨套圈

42、Semiautomatic Single Ferrule Inner Diameter and Eccentricity Amount Sorting Machine ─── 半自动单插芯内径和离心距分拣机

43、ferrule ,umbrella ─── 伞柄金属包头

44、Install the column nut and Vespel or graphite ferrule at each column end; pull the nut and ferrule down the tubing approximately 5 cm. ─── 在柱两端按装螺母和Vespel或石墨垫。将螺母和垫圈顺着柱拉下约5厘米。

45、ferrule terminal ─── 套圈端点

46、eraser are crimped into place on each pencil. ─── 把橡皮头固定到每一根铅笔上。

47、beaded ferrule ─── 扩口箍

48、Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of the Various Forms of Ferrule Effect in Post Crown ─── 桩冠修复中不同形式箍效应的三维有限元分析

49、Keywords pressure rotor and fender ring;ferrule fine-blanking;numerical simulation;new technology; ─── 增压转子/挡圈;精密套冲;数值模拟;新工艺;

50、Research on automatic turning product line of taper bearing ferrule ─── 圆锥轴承套圈车削自动线的研制

51、wooden handle with ferrule ─── 木柄套箍木凿

52、LABORATORIAL RESEARCHING ON GRINDING Empirical Study of ZrO_2 Ceramic Ferrule Bore ─── 二氧化锆陶瓷插芯内孔研磨实验研究

53、wooden ferrule ─── 木质环圈

54、pile ferrule ─── 桩箍

55、It has been proposed that the use of a ferrule as part of the core or artificial crown may be of benefit in reinforcing the endodontically treated teeth restored with post-and-core systems. ─── 桩核修复时,在残冠残根的断面设计箍结构,使其成为桩核或冠修复体的一部分,由此产生的箍效应可以增强修复后牙体组织的机械强度,从而受到越来越多的重视。

56、conduit ferrule ─── 导槽

57、ferrule fitting connection ─── 卡套接头连接

58、taper ferrule ─── 圆锥套圈

59、Dual ferrule ─── 双金属环

60、A Method for Improving Heat-transmitting Capacity of the Plastic Harmonic Transmission with ferrule ─── 一种用金属环提高塑料谐波传动导热能力的方法

61、Install the valve onto the copper tube and gently slide compression nut and ferrule up to the valve to engage. ─── 在铜管上安装阀门,然后轻轻地把压缩螺母和套圈移到阀门上并进行啮合。

62、grommet ferrule ─── 封线体压圈

63、Keywords ZrO_2;optical fiber ferrule materials;modification; ─── 氧化锆;光纤套管材料;改性;

64、NOTE:1)You must clean the ceramic ferrule and it's tip with alcohol and absorbent cotton very carefully before using. ─── 注意:1)在使用前请将插针体和插针端面用酒精和脱脂棉清洗干净。

65、In regard to product technology, we have imported the EO rigid pipe ferrule technology and No-Skive hose clamping technology so as to ensure the technical requirements of reliability and no leakage for the fluid circuit. ─── 在产品技术上我们引进EO硬管卡套技术和无需剥胶的软管扣压技术,确保液压系统管路的可靠性、无泄漏的技术要求。

66、The thumb ferrule is set outside the ferrule of index finger on the backplate with steel wires. ─── 拇指套圈通过钢丝安装在掌背护板的食指套圈外侧;

67、Keywords taper ferrule;closed type cold rolling;pair;DEFORM; ─── 圆锥套圈;闭式冷辗扩;成对;DEFORM;

68、ferrule ,walking-stick ─── 手杖金属包头

69、We want to buy Fiber Optic Components and assemblies, Connector, Adaptor, Attenuator, Ferrule, Patchcord Optical Instrument and Parts ─── 我们要采购光纤部件和组件,连接器,适配器,衰减器,套圈,跳线光学仪器及零件

70、the sand gathering net is sheathed at the bottom of the fixed lever of the sand gathering net through the upper ferrule. ─── 采沙网通过其上的套圈套接落于采沙网固定杆底部。

71、swivel ferrule ─── 旋转套圈

72、zirconia ferrule connector ─── 二氧化锆套筒连接器

73、The ferrule terminal embodiment of the present invention includes a ferrule portion and a barrel portion. ─── 本发明的套圈端子实施例包括套圈部分和筒部分。

74、ferrule spring ─── 套圈弹簧

75、drill with ferrule ─── 方钻

76、The effects of ferrule and various material of post and core on the fracture resistance of anterior teeth residual root ─── 不同桩核材料及箍结构对前牙残根抗折力影响的研究

77、We want to buy Fiber Optic Cable and Components (Connector Kit, Ferrule, Patch Cord), Polisher for Ferrule. Telecommunication Cables and Equipment ─── 我们要采购光纤电缆和组件(连接器套件,套圈,跳线),抛光机,为套圈。电信电缆及设备

78、Study of dual metal ferrule in the restoration of post and core crown ─── 双重金属领圈在桩核冠修复治疗中的临床研究

79、The effect of ferrule length on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with different post-and-core materials ─── 不同桩核和箍结构与牙根抗力的实验研究

80、firmer chisel with ferrule ─── 套箍木工凿

81、The tapered legs, each fitted with a brass ferrule caps the bottom, appear elegant. ─── 琴脚设计呈锥形,最底下套有黄铜金属环,呈现出尊贵气派。

82、plastic molded ferrule connector ─── 模塑套管连接器

83、Its ferrule followed lightly on the path, squealing at his heels. ─── 手杖上的金属包头沿着小径轻快地跟随着他,在他的脚后跟吱吱作响。

84、A new complex ferrule fine-blanking technology, combined with the idea of ferrule punching, is introduced in the researching on the pressure rotor and fender ring in this paper. ─── 本文以油泵增压转子/挡圈为研究对象,结合套冲工艺思想,在精密冲裁中引入复合型精密套冲新工艺。

85、Another ferrule that is used to enclose the wrist and antebrachium is linked to the crossbar of the U-shaped rack through elastic strings. ─── 一用于腕臂套置的腕臂套圈通过弹力带连接在U形前支架的横杆上。

86、Use pilot lead-in to guide assembly into hole and press knurl into panel until ferrule shoulder contacts surface.Thread sizes #4 to 1/4"and M3 to M6. ─── 用铆套铆入部分将组件插入孔内,然后压入门板,直至铆套肩部接触到门板表面. 牙纹规格:#4 to 1/4和M3 to M6.

87、Numerical Simulation of Closed Type Cold Rolling with Pair Taper Ferrule Based on DEFORM ─── 基于DEFORM的圆锥套圈成对闭式冷辗扩数值模拟

88、Install the valve onto the copper tube and gently slide compression nut and ferrule up to the valve to engage. ─── 在铜管上安装阀门,然后轻轻地把压缩螺母和套圈移到阀门上并进行啮合。

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