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09-06 投稿



corollaceous 发音

英:[[?k?r?'le???s]]  美:[[?k?r?'le???s]]

英:  美:

corollaceous 中文意思翻译



corollaceous 相似词语短语

1、cornaceous ─── adj.山茱萸科的

2、porcellaneous ─── 瓷器的

3、coriaceous ─── adj.皮质的;像皮革的;强韧的

4、capillaceous ─── adj.毛细管的;毛状的

5、convolvulaceous ─── adj.旋花科植物的

6、caryophyllaceous ─── adj.石竹科的

7、strobilaceous ─── adj.似球果的

8、corallaceous ─── adj.似珊瑚的;珊瑚质的

9、ampullaceous ─── adj.瓶状的;似双耳细颈瓶的

corollaceous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The flower has short canister, corollaceous 2 lips, lobation is unequal, diversity of design and color, have white, purple, lilac or pink. ─── 花有短筒,花冠2唇,裂片不相等,花色多样,有白色.紫色.淡紫色或粉色。

2、Ovarian 5 rooms, be mixed closely by scale small fluff, style slightness is extended corollaceous outside, base ministry clean or by small fluff. ─── 子房5室,密被鳞片和微柔毛,花柱细长伸出花冠外,基部洁净或被微柔毛。

3、Corollaceous purple or white, labial form, bottom manages account, labrum makes jellaba record, 2 crack, labium open and flat, 3 crack; ─── 花冠紫色或白色,唇形,下部管状,上唇作风帽状,2裂,下唇平展,3裂;

4、Cyme top lays sickle condition, collect is umbrella room shape, corollaceous violet garden orchid color or purple, rare white. ─── 镰状聚伞花序顶生,集为伞房状,花冠紫园兰色或紫色,稀白色。

5、What bought last year is corollaceous, how much to buy car caustic danger to protect this year appropriate? ? ? ─── 去年买的花冠,今年买车损险保多少合适???

6、Does Si Ke amount to He Fang of bright acute ancestral home? Does with corollaceous Fukesisai region horse third class contrast how? ─── 斯柯达明锐祖籍何方?与花冠福克斯思域马三等对比如何?

7、Staminal 4, small 2 strong, degrade stamen is shorter, the move is strange corollaceous canister is mid, filament slightness, compressed, antheral elliptic, 2 rooms; ─── 雄蕊4,微2强,退化雄蕊较短,着生花冠筒中部,花丝细长,扁平,花药椭圆形,2室;

8、Antheral exceed corollaceous lobation. ─── 花药超出花冠裂片。

9、Corollaceous red or orange is gules, form of bell shape funnel, brim department is small 2 lips form, lobation 5, hemicycle; ─── 花冠红或橙红色,钟状漏斗形,檐部微二唇形,裂片5,半圆形;

10、Corollaceous thick, invert, have apparent white nap, many arrange flagging panicle cheek by jowl. ─── 花冠厚.反转,有明显的白色绒毛,多朵紧密排列成下垂的圆锥花序。

11、Corollaceous funnel shape, the canal is long, outside by filar wool, lobation 5, short needle, indrawn tweezers adds up to shape to arrange; ─── 花冠漏斗状,管长,外面被丝毛,裂片5,短尖,内向镊合状排列;

12、Corollaceous funnel shape, the canal is long, outside by filar wool, lobation 5, short needle, indrawn tweezers adds up to shape to arrange; ─── 花冠漏斗状,管长,外面被丝毛,裂片5,短尖,内向镊合状排列;

13、rocket Tuo: When rocket, should according to corollaceous size, will decide the size of land. ─── 起花坨:起花时,应根据花冠大小,来决定土地的大小。

14、Corollaceous thick, invert, have apparent white nap, many arrange flagging panicle cheek by jowl. ─── 花冠厚。反转,有明显的白色绒毛,多朵紧密排列成下垂的圆锥花序。

15、rocket Tuo: When rocket, should according to corollaceous size, will decide the size of land. ─── 二、起花坨:起花时,应根据花冠大小,来决定土地的大小。

16、In each calm in the night that is like water, what nightingale is taking beauty is corollaceous bring for the woman fine-looking the blessing with happiness. ─── 在每一个沉静如水的黑夜里,夜莺带着漂亮的花冠为女人带来美貌与幸福的祝福。

17、Corollaceous weak pink, inside have purple spot, staminal filament does not have wool. ─── 花冠淡粉红色,内间有紫色斑点,雄蕊花丝无毛。

18、Corollaceous white, 2 lips form; ─── 花冠白色,2唇形;

19、Corollaceous color has yellow, brown, dark purple to wait. ─── 花冠的颜色有黄。褐。暗紫色等。

20、Corollaceous white, extend bud piece besides, there is undercoat outside, labial form, labrum whole reason or crack a bit, labium is shallow crack, have 3 violet spot; ─── 花冠白色,伸出苞片之外,外有短毛,唇形,上唇全缘或稍裂,下唇浅裂,有3行紫斑;

21、The flower has short canister, corollaceous 2 lips, lobation is unequal, diversity of design and color, have white, purple, lilac or pink. ─── 花有短筒,花冠2唇,裂片不相等,花色多样,有白色。紫色。淡紫色或粉色。

22、Corollaceous weak pink, inside have purple spot, staminal filament does not have wool. ─── 花冠淡粉红色,内间有紫色斑点,雄蕊花丝无毛。

23、Can Yo is staminal 2, hide inside, the move is strange corollaceous base ministry, degrade staminal, filament bends, antheral and detached; ─── 能育雄蕊2,内藏,着生花冠基部,具退化雄蕊,花丝弯曲,花药分离;

24、Corollaceous Zhong Zhuang, labrum 2 crack, labium 3 crack; ─── 花冠钟状,上唇2裂,下唇3裂;

25、Corollaceous white or pink, form of bell shape canister. ─── 花冠白色或粉红色,钟状筒形。

26、Staminal 5, short at corollaceous, filament does not have wool, antheral and purple, egg is globose; ─── 雄蕊5,短于花冠,花丝无毛,花药紫色,卵球形;

27、The problem of corollaceous car, thank! ─── 花冠车的问题,谢谢!

28、Inflorescence of form of total account umbrella, 15-20 having a flower, corollaceous canister shape, bell form, pink, base the ministry has amaranth spot piece, upside has a streak. ─── 总状伞形花序,有花15-20朵,花冠筒状,钟形,粉红色,基部有紫红色斑块,上部有斑纹。

29、I are some thing abundant cropland corollaceous now want to change Kaimeirui excuse me former be Feng Tian is the car inexpensive? ─── 我现在有的事丰田花冠想换凯美瑞请问原先就是丰田车能便宜吗?

30、Help advance somebody's career the yellow that varietal corollaceous impression is different depth, all sorts of bulk are provided on the dot of red, violet, speckle of different figure. ─── 栽培变种的花冠底色为不同深浅的黄色,上具各种大小不同外形的红.紫.褐斑点。

31、Corollaceous color has yellow, brown, dark purple to wait. ─── 花冠的颜色有黄.褐. 暗紫色等。

32、Corollaceous Zhong Zhuang, amaranth, the flesh is qualitative, a bit 2 lips form, lobation circle, brim wave shape, have toothed, the Fu when bud covers with tiles shape is arranged; ─── 花冠钟状,紫红色,肉质,稍二唇形,裂片圆形,边缘波状,有锯齿,花蕾时覆瓦状排列;

33、Gem is corollaceous, necklace, bracelet, dangler and ring all without exception are radiative set off figure, fine-looking, elegant the ray with grade. ─── 珠宝花冠、项链、手镯、耳环和戒指无不放射着映衬身材、美貌、优雅和品位的光线。

34、taking the long bine top that is born from which, corollaceous and lesser, univalve answer valve is differ, design and color has blue of white pink purple to wait, thunder-and-lightning. ─── 花簇生在从中抽生出的长茎顶端,花冠较小,单瓣复瓣不一,花色有白色粉色紫色蓝色等,鲜艳夺目。

35、flower has short canister, corollaceous 2 lips, lobation is unequal, diversity of design and color, have white, purple, lilac or pink. ─── 花有短筒,花冠2唇,裂片不相等,花色多样,有白色。紫色。淡紫色或粉色。

36、Configuration feature: This varietal feature is style does not have wool, corollaceous amaranth, there is rufous spot inside, cry ' piece after working above dark Brown, below Brown. ─── 形态特征: 本变种的特征是花柱无毛,花冠紫红色,内有红褐色斑点,叫‘片干后上面暗褐色,下面褐色。

37、Is in Fosan card collect pulled and corollaceous did cab? ─── 在佛山卡罗拉和花冠做了出租汽车?

38、Staminal 8, differ long, extend slightly corollaceous outside, filament radical ministry by short fluff or be bordering on without wool; ─── 雄蕊8,不等长,略伸出花冠外,花丝基部被短柔毛或近 于无毛;

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