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09-07 投稿



frothiness 发音

英:[[f'r?θ?n?s]]  美:[[f'r?θ?n?s]]

英:  美:

frothiness 中文意思翻译



frothiness 短语词组

1、frothiness in urine ─── 尿泡沫

2、frothiness definition ─── 泡沫定义

3、frothiness define ─── 起泡性定义

frothiness 词性/词形变化,frothiness变形

形容词比较级: frothier |形容词最高级: frothiest |名词: frothiness |副词: frothily |

frothiness 相似词语短语

1、frothless ─── 无泡沫的

2、drouthiness ─── 干旱

3、growthiness ─── 生长速度

4、frothiest ─── 多泡沫的(frothy的最高级);微不足道的

5、frouziness ─── 嬉闹

6、frostiness ─── n.酷寒;无情;冷淡

7、frowsiness ─── 冻僵

8、filthiness ─── n.污秽;肮脏,不洁

9、frowziness ─── n.不整洁;有臭味;闷热

frothiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Soy protein concentrate Ultrasonic wave The frothiness; ─── 大豆浓缩蛋白;超声波;起泡性;

2、But signs of frothiness are also cropping up in odd places: garlic has become an unlikely target for Chinese speculators. ─── 不过,泡沫的迹象却出现在一个奇特的地方:看似绝无可能的大蒜成为中国投机商的目标。

3、But signs of frothiness are also cropping up in odd places: garlic has become an unlikely target for Chinese speculators. ─── 然而,各式各样的泡沫依然充斥这各个令人意想不到的领域,大蒜买卖成为从事投机生意的中国商人一个把握不大的目标。

4、What is scary is that the current frothiness of emerging markets, centred on China, may be only a taste of what is to come. ─── 令人恐慌的是,以中国为中心的新兴市场目前的泡沫可能只是未来危机的冰山一角。

5、The most effecting conditions of solubility,emulsibility and frothiness from concentration,temperature and reacting time were established. ─── 并对改性后的蛋白质的应用进行了展望。

6、It combats the ridiculous frothiness of reality TV and the consumerism that has sort of become our national religion. ─── 它打击了荒唐无聊的真人秀节目的泡沫,也冲击着已经有点儿成为我们全民信仰的消费主义思想。

7、They had suspected that part of the frothiness in the markets was the result of too much illicit lending. ─── 他们已经怀疑市场泡沫的部分原因在于过多的非法借贷。

8、Keywords soy protein concentrate;microwave;frothiness; ─── 大豆浓缩蛋白;微波;起泡性;

9、Such frothiness may return if anxieties about Europe's Banks are resolved by official stress tests. ─── 如果对欧洲银行的焦虑被官方的压力测试解决,这样的泡沫可能反弹。

10、What is scary is that the current frothiness of emerging markets, centred on China, may be only a taste of what is to come. ─── 令人害怕的是,当前新兴市场,尤其是中国的产生泡沫的趋向可能只是将来会发生的事情的先兆。

11、What is scary is that the current frothiness of emerging markets, centred on China, may be only a taste of what is to come. ─── 令人害怕的是,当前新兴市场,尤其是中国的产生泡沫的趋向可能只是将来会发生的事情的先兆。

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