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09-11 投稿



consenter 发音


英:  美:

consenter 中文意思翻译



consenter 短语词组

1、consenter meaning ─── 同意人含义

2、consenter definition ─── 同意人定义

consenter 相似词语短语

1、consent ─── n.准许,同意;赞同,同意;正式批准文件,批文;(古)一致,和谐;v.同意,准许;(古)赞成(意见、看法等);n.(Consent)(法、荷、美)孔桑(人名)

2、consents ─── n.准许,同意;赞同,同意;正式批准文件,批文;(古)一致,和谐;v.同意,准许;(古)赞成(意见、看法等);n.(Consent)(法、荷、美)孔桑(人名)

3、consorter ─── 配偶

4、commenter ─── n.批评家;评论家

5、consented ─── n.准许,同意;赞同,同意;正式批准文件,批文;(古)一致,和谐;v.同意,准许;(古)赞成(意见、看法等);n.(Consent)(法、荷、美)孔桑(人名)

6、consulter ─── n.商量者

7、concenter ─── vt.集合;vi.聚集于一点

8、conserver ─── 油枕

9、conster ─── 康斯特

consenter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His father would not consent to his leaving school. ─── 他的父亲不会同意他放弃学业。

2、You'd better withhold your consent for the time being. ─── 你最好暂时不要同意。

3、He read my silence as consent. ─── 他把我的沉默看作同意。

4、Based on consent or agreement; contractual. ─── 契约的根据一致同意或约定的; 合同的

5、He gave us implicit consent to take the apples. ─── 他默许我们拿苹果。

6、The 1977 amendments essentially codified this consent decree. ─── 1977年的修正案实质上把双方同意的判决编入了法典。

7、He was the most capable person in our group by common consent. ─── 大家公认他是我们小组中最能干的人。

8、He only gave his consent in order to gratify her wishes. ─── 他只是为满足她的愿望才同意的。

9、 双语使用场景

10、Her silence implied consent. ─── 她的沈默意味著同意。

11、Children under 16 cannot give consent to medical treatment. ─── 16 岁以下的儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。

12、The firm will consent to your taking a leave of absence. ─── 公司会允许你请假。

13、To permit, consent to, or approve (an act). ─── 允许;许可;核准(某事)。

14、Her parents refused their consent to the marriage. ─── 她的父母不答应这门婚事。

15、Her parents didn't consent to the marriage. ─── 她的父母不在同意这桩婚事。

16、Will your mother consent to the marriage? ─── 你母亲同意这桩婚姻吗?

17、She won't consent to him staying out late/to his staying out late. ─── 她不允许他呆在外面太晚。

18、He gave his consent for the project to get under way. ─── 他同意将这个计划付诸实施。

19、Alexander signified his consent with a nod. ─── 亚历山大点头表示同意。

20、His consent to your proposal speaks volumes for his good will. ─── 他赞成你的提议充分证明他的友善。

21、He considered his consent too weighty to be given in a hurry. ─── 他认为自己的意见举足轻重、不能遽尔表示出来。

22、Subject to your consent, I will try again. ─── 你要是同意, 我再试一试。

23、They pressed him hard for his consent to the arrangement. ─── 他们极力要求他同意这个安排。

24、To give one's consent,often at the insistence of another;concede. ─── 同意,让步通常是因为他人的坚持而同意;让步

25、Her silence gave implicit consent. ─── 她的沈默表示默许。

26、He was chosen leader by general consent, when everyone agreed. ─── 他为大家一致赞同选为领袖。

27、A temporary cessation of fighting by mutual consent; a truce. ─── 停战经双方同意暂时停止战斗;休战

28、They agreed with on consent. ─── 他们一致同意。

29、They screwed consent out of him. ─── 他们迫使他同意。

30、He misinterpreted her silence as giving consent. ─── 他把她的沉默误认为是同意。

31、He was chosen leader by general consent. ─── 大家一致同意选他当领导人。

32、Your silence infers consent. ─── 你的沉默就是表示同意。

33、She misinterpreted my silence as giving consent. ─── 她把我的沉默误解为答应。

34、How did you manage to get their consent [approval]? ─── 你怎么得到他们的同意的?

35、By common consent he will be the new manager of the company. ─── 大家一致同意由他出任公司经理。

36、Does your smile stand for your consent? ─── 你的微笑表明你已经同意了吗?

37、He expressed his consent with an inclination of the head. ─── 他点头表示同意。

38、The odds are that she will give her consent. ─── 她大约会同意。

39、He threw me a smile that telegraphed consent. ─── 他朝我微笑,流露出同意的神情。

40、Would you consent to work for us? ─── 你同意为我们工作吗?

41、He vacillated between refusal and consent. ─── 到底要拒绝或答应他犹豫不决。

42、He has gone without her consent. ─── 他没有得到她的同意就走了。

43、He has obtained the consent of the dean for going abroad. ─── 他出国已经取得系主任的同意。

44、"Without my uncle Rat"s consent. ─── “没有我老鼠叔叔的同意”,

45、Have you hand in you consent yet? ─── 你交手术志愿书了吗?

46、Do not read my silence as consent . ─── 不要把我的沉默看作同意。

47、To give one's consent, often at the insistence of another;concede. ─── 同意,让步通常是因为他人的坚持而同意;让步

48、Her smile implied her consent to our proposal. ─── 她的微笑暗示她赞成我们的提议。

49、His father did not consent to his going abroad. ─── 他父亲不同意他去国外。

50、He made the decision without my prior knowledge or consent. ─── 他瞒着我做出了决定。

51、Consent for gathering this information may be express or implied. ─── 同意获取这些资料可能是明确或暗示的。

52、He coaxed consent out of the dean. ─── 他骗取了主任的同意。

53、Her smile suggests her consent. ─── 她的微笑意味着同意。

55、He surprised me into consent. ─── 他用出其不意的方法使我同意了。

56、Informed Consent for Diagnostic Genetic Testing. ─── 基因诊断测试的知情同意。

57、He would sooner die than consent to such a plan. ─── 他宁死也不肯同意这种计划。

58、Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals. ─── 你的沉默意味着你默许这些提议。

59、On no consideration can I consent. ─── 任何情况下我都不答应。

60、He gave his consent to the proposal. ─── 他同意该提案。

61、Did the king consent to your plan? ─── 国王同意你的计划吗?

62、He unwillingly yielded his consent to their proposal. ─── 他勉强地同意了他们的提议。

63、She signified her consent with a smile. ─── 她以微笑表示了她的承诺。

64、He screwed consent out of her. ─── 他逼着她表示同意。

65、One that withholds agreement or consent upon which progress is contingent. ─── 坚持不合作者,不让步的人拒绝同意或满意与进程有关事项的人

66、He gave his consent right away. ─── 他当即表示同意。

67、You can't obtain my consent by force. ─── 你不能强迫我同意。

68、Will you answer all of my questions before I sign the consent form? ─── 在我签署知情同意书之前能回答我全部问题吗?

69、They interpreted his silence as consent. ─── 他们把他的沉默理解为赞同。

70、He is charged with taking a car without the owner's consent. ─── 他因未征得车主的同意自行开走车而受到指控。

71、Your teacher will consent to your going if you keep at him. ─── 假如你坚持要求,你的老师会答应你去的。

72、He signifies consent with a smile. ─── 他微笑表示同意。

73、By common consent the village green was turned into a playground for children. ─── 大家一致同意把村中的草地改为儿童游戏场所。

74、They would not consent to my leaving school. ─── 他们不同意我辍学。

75、The odds are that he will give his consent. ─── 他大概会同意的。

76、I wonder if you will be consent to Mr. Black's analysis. ─── 不知你是否同意布莱克先生的分析。

77、He made twenty and twenty suggestions regarding the management of the club, but none of them received the general consent. ─── 他对俱乐部的管理提了无数的建议,但没有一条建议得到大家的同意。

78、"Don't you ever try to talk me into consent on his behalf. ─── “你不要为他做说客。

79、He gave his consent to their marriage. ─── 他对他们的婚姻予以了首肯。

80、His smile was testimony of his consent. ─── 他的微笑表明他同意了。

81、His wife hesitated a little in giving her consent to this plan. ─── 他妻子在同意这项计划之前就犹豫了一下。

82、She was chosen by common consent to speak for the group. ─── 大家一致同意她作选举人

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