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09-12 投稿



petitioning 发音


英:  美:

petitioning 中文意思翻译




petitioning 词性/词形变化,petitioning变形

动词现在分词: petitioning |动词过去式: petitioned |动词过去分词: petitioned |名词: petitioner |形容词: petitionary |动词第三人称单数: petitions |

petitioning 相似词语短语

1、positioning ─── n.[计]定位;配置,布置;站位,走位(游戏术语);v.[计]定位(position的现在分词);放置

2、renditioning ─── 返回

3、restationing ─── 恢复

4、positionings ─── n.[计]定位;配置,布置;站位,走位(游戏术语);v.[计]定位(position的现在分词);放置

5、petitionists ─── 请愿者

6、petitionings ─── 请愿书

7、partitioning ─── n.分割;分区;v.把…分成部分;隔开(partition的ing形式)

8、editioning ─── 编辑

9、petitionist ─── n.请愿;请愿书;祈求;诉状(petition的变形)

petitioning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He said "Bonjour, mon petit ami. ─── 他说:“早上好,我的小朋友。”

2、The petit jury listens to the evidence offered by the prosecution and the defense (if it chooses to offer any) during a criminal trial and returns a verdict of guilty or not guilty. ─── 在刑事案件初审中小陪审团听取由控方和辩方(如果它选择提供任何的话)提供的证据,并且做出有罪或无罪的判决。

3、Ca t a plu, le petit voyage? ─── 你喜欢我们的旅行吗?

4、Members need not have completed all of the eligibility requirements before submitting a petition, but they should be reasonably close to completing all of the requirements before petitioning. ─── 会员提交申请时不需要已经完成认证考试的所有资格要求,但也应该接近完成所有要求。

5、Some winemakers are also introducing new red varieties such as Tempranillo and Petit Verdot. ─── 一些酿酒师还引进了新的品种,如坦普拉尼罗和小味儿多。

6、During the interview, you will be asked to provide evidence of your identity and your relationship to your petitioning relative. ─── 在面试过程中,您需要提供证明与您亲属关系的证明。

7、”“You know, I really do believe she's un petit peu amoureuse du jeune bomme. ─── “您可知道,我真的相信,她有点爱上那个年轻人了。”

8、He is incredibly experienced, not only on the business side of gaming a hands-on developer and producer,” said Marc Petit, vice president of product development, Discreet. ─── 他拥有令人难以置信的丰富经验,不仅仅是在商业方面作为一个承前启后的开发商和制作人。”

9、You're petitioning for a stay, is that right? ─── 你请求暂缓行刑, 对吧?

10、He burst inside his marker in the left channel and raced onto Petit's lofted pass before beating Shay Given. ─── 他在左路疾跑杀入到后卫身后,接应到佩蒂特的低传,打进吉文身后球门。

11、For Mr Perry is a man of faith, one of two governors who have lately tried to end a drought by petitioning the almighty. ─── 由于佩里先生是个有信仰的人,他就是最近曾试图通过向全能的上帝祈祷以结束干旱的两届州长之一的那位。

12、Petit Saint Vincent Agreement with Saint Lucia; ─── 小圣文森特和圣卢西亚协议;

13、" Le Petit Nice is the first restaurant in Marseille to be given Michelin's top marks. ─── 小尼斯餐馆是马赛市唯一得过米其林头奖的餐厅。

14、The petitioning began last month when some 60 former diplomats and officials urged the committee to reject Mr. ─── 上个月,大约60名前外交官和官员敦促外交关系委员会驳回博尔顿的提名。

15、It usually comprises a greater number than the trial, or petit (also, petty) jury, having since early common law days had between 12 and 23 members. ─── 它通常由比一般审讯、小型陪审团成员人数还要多的人组成,自早期的习惯法以来,它有12至23个陪审员。

16、prayer is so often an exclusive petitioning on behalf of one person: ourself. ─── 太多时候我们关怀的对象只有一人,就是自己。

17、Ca t'a plu le petit voyage? ─── 你喜欢我们这次小小的旅行吗?

18、3.Although it is standard practice for the NSC to send an I-140 RFE to both the petitioning employer and the attorney of record, sometimes neither party receives the RFE. ─── 3. 虽然移民局的标准做法是向申请人和律师同时发送I-140 RFE,但有时候却发生两方都没有收到通知的状况。

19、That 1998 vintage had the power of Petit and Vieira and the guile of Bergkamp. ─── 1998年最佳是佩蒂特和维埃拉的力量,博格坎普的聪明。

20、1928 On return to Brussels, Herge is named editor-in-chief of Le Petit vingtieme, the weekly children's supplement to Le Vingtieme siecle. ─── 1928年,埃尔热回到布鲁赛尔,他别任命为Le Vintieme siecle报纸的儿童增刊Le Petit vingtieme的主编。

21、She has been suffering from petit mal since childhood. ─── 她从小就患有癫痫病。

22、Located in the 3rd Arrondissement (it faces the Christian Lacroix-designed hotel Le Petit Moulin), the store caters to a discerning clientele looking to make an impact. ─── 如果碰巧缺少合适的礼服、手袋或首饰,通常的做法就是去租一件来,这样既可以为自己剩下开销,又能免去买贵重物品时那种千挑万选的麻烦。

23、Indeed, hospital officials sometimes cite petitioning as the sole reason for a patient's confinement. ─── 实际上,医院的官员有时以上方作为关押病人的唯一理由。

24、The news of 40 parents petitioning in Beijing for their missing children has been censored by the mainstream media and major internet news portals in China. ─── 25日,我在北京的酒店里。一大早,彭先生来找我,早前我推荐过他的寻人博客因此而认识。

25、Auberge du Petit Matelot : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

26、With our 2006 Petit Verdot , it is a variety that did particularly well in a difficult vintage. ─── 2006年我们的小维铎葡萄这个品种在一个困难的年期表现尤为突出。”

27、Ca t'a plu, le petit voyage? ─── (老爷爷)你喜欢我们的旅行吗?

28、but never cease from petitioning because the King delays to reply. ─── 再击一次燧石罢!

29、One other feature of emancipationist petitioning is now well established. ─── 请愿的另一个特点现在已经很明显了。

30、They are petitioning their employers for better working conditions. ─── 他们为改善工作条件正在向雇主请愿。

31、Philippe Petit: If I die, what a beautiful death! ─── 如果我死了,将会是一次多么美妙的死亡啊!

32、Normally Petit and Tiago are coming in as replacements. ─── 一般来说,佩蒂特和蒂亚哥是他们替补。

33、ca t'a plu, le petit voyage? --Ah oui, beaucoup. ─── 你喜欢我们的旅行吗?--非常喜欢。

34、Aurelia Petit especially is fascinating to watch. ─── 奥雷利娅尤其是迷人的小收看。

35、"They don't want to see people go petitioning" to higher levels of government in a publicly embarrassing way, he adds. ─── 大多数在海外发现含三聚氰胺的产品相比较于中国国内十几万婴儿食用的奶粉其有毒物质含量并不高。

36、Reports in Portugal claim that Ferguson and Queiroz have identified Petit, of Benfica, as a possible solution to their midfield conundrum, but Mahamadou Diarra, of Lyons, is their first choice. ─── 在葡萄牙的报道说福格森和奎罗兹考察了本菲卡的佩蒂特,把他作为一个中场难题的解决方案。但是里昂的迪亚拉是第一选择。

37、Qui es-tu? dit le petit prince. Tu es bien joli... ─── “你是谁?”小王子说,“你很漂亮。”

38、Ah oui? dit le petit prince qui ne comprit pas. ─── 小王子不解其意。说道:“啊?是吗?”

39、If investment banks can overcome the stigma of petitioning the central bank, this will guard them against the sort of run that saw Bear rejected by lenders in the short-term markets. ─── 只要投资银行不觉得向央行求助有多丢人,这一决定就可以保证它们在遇到像贝斯登那样的短期借贷困境时不至陨殁。

40、Petit Griffon Bleu de Gascogne ─── 小格里芬·蓝加斯科涅猎犬

41、Tiens, quel petit pied! ─── 哎呀,多么小的一双脚!

42、Petit is a fighter, very good defensively but without Costinha’s aerial quality. ─── 佩蒂特是一个斗士,拥有非常好的防守能力,但没有科斯蒂尼亚那样天才的水平。

43、That it is the right of the subjects to petition the king, and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal. ─── 向国王请愿,乃臣民之权利,一切对此项请愿之判罪或控告,皆为非法。

44、Experience France in Wuhan Tiandi and enjoy a glass of wine in the elegant atmosphere of Le Petit Paris. ─── 初春的寒意,也挡不住巴黎吧带给你的法兰西风情的暖意。

45、However, for every food blogger who offers up a genuine challenge to the professional critics, there are 10 who don't know their amuse bouche from their petit fours. ─── 任何一个食物博主对专业的评论家都是一个真正的挑战,然而这里我们却请了10位分不清开胃小店和小点心之间不同的评委。

46、-Ca a-t-elle plu le petit voyage? ─── 你喜欢这个小小的旅行么?

47、Before long, the crystal will find itself settled in the petit universe. ─── 不久,结晶将会找到它自己在小宇宙中的安顿位置。

48、an anticonvulsant drug (trade names Emeside and Zarontin) used to treat petit mal epilepsy. ─── 一种用来治疗癫痫症的抗癫痫的药物(商标是Emeside和Zarontin)。

49、When petitioning for a settlement, the debtor shall submit a draft settlement agreement . ─── 债务人申请和解,应当提出和解协议草案。

50、Upon observing the ill treatment of many elders by their children, she undertook a writing campaign, petitioning businessmen and congressmen to set aside a day in the year to honor mothers. ─── 她看到许多老年人受到子女的虐待,于是发起了一场写信运动,陈请商人和国会议员们在一年中规定的一天来对母亲表示敬意。

51、Petitioning each year for laborers—and hoping the government provides enough, and that they arrive on time—is no way to run a business. ─── 为劳工请愿——希望政府能提供足够的劳工,并保证他们准时到达——这是不可能经营一项业务的。

52、The boundary to petit universe deep inside us fading, ─── 在我们内心深层小宇宙的界线消褪

53、Jean qui pleure, and Jean qui rit: John who weeps and John who laughs.One of these two persons, .. might with more accuracy have been called Petit Jean, than Petit Andre. ─── “孩子,你说得不错,”那农民说道,“也许你还会说原来那个穿的是绿外套,而这个穿的是灰上衣。

54、The right of the people peaceably to assemble for the purpose of petitioning congress for a redress of grievances ─── 人民和平集会之权利其目的即为向国会请愿并申诉其不平

55、At steak houses, order the petit filet mignon. ─── 在牛排馆,点小菲力牛排。

56、When i went to the bathroom and I found out that the water was everywhere, I said "Petit Mouton Noir..... ─── 于是我又说"下次请你见到洗手盘附近有水时,你拿毛巾弄乾它,可以吗?

57、Petitioning for bankruptcy tends to be the last resort. ─── 请求破产往往是最后的手段。

58、The taste is persistent and rich with an impressive concentration of ripe and round tannins. 2% petit verdot adds a touch of violet and blackberry to the finish. ─── 口味持久,丰饶,丹宁成熟,圆润,令人久久难忘。2%的小文铎葡萄带来一丝紫罗兰与黑莓的余味,颇为精致。

59、Farmers and other disgruntled citizens upset over corruption, land grabs, pollution and other issues have turned to the centuries-old practice of petitioning the emperor. ─── 对腐败、强征土地以及其他事情不满的农民和市民求助于向皇帝请愿这种有悠久历史的方式。

60、Petit Saint Vincent Agreement with Saint Lucia ─── 小圣文森特和圣卢西亚协议

61、“It's not for me to tell you to be patient, any more than it was for others to counsel patience to African-Americans petitioning for equal rights half a century ago”, he said. ─── 他说,“不需要我告诉你们得有耐心,同样,半个世界前,也不需要其他人告诉正祈求平等权利的美国黑人要有耐心。”毋庸置疑,他的观众听了之后很满意。

62、"There is no doubt China's legal and petitioning systems are entering a period of considerable crisis. " ─── “毫无疑问,中国的法律和信访体系将进入一段相当程度的危机时期。”

63、Over the years, Wenger has sold Emanuel Petit, Marc Overmars and Nicolas Anelka at times when the players seemed to be in their prime. ─── 在这些年里,他曾经卖掉了佩蒂、奥维马斯、阿内尔卡,每一个在当时看上去都处于巅峰。

64、He also said that Zanu-PF would contest the results of 52 constituencies by petitioning the electoral court which still has to be established. ─── 他还说,非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线要通过向选举法庭提出呼吁来抗争52个选区的选举结果,而选举法庭还有待成立。

65、As a matter of fact, I would happily spend extra time on cakes, tarts, breads and petit fours. ─── 事实上,我会很高兴花额外的时间在蛋糕,果馅饼和花色小蛋糕上。

66、When Lyn Petit from Ridgewood, N. J., Was a stay-at-home ─── 不出门的;经常呆在家里的

67、petit four ─── petits fours 糖霜小蛋糕

68、Making a petit point pillow is exacting work ─── 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。

69、The people of Wiscasset are petitioning the federal government to remove the spent fuel. ─── 威尔卡西特的人们向联邦政府请愿要求移除废弃燃料.

70、Previously Chelsea have signed Albert Ferrer, Winston Bogarde, Emmanuel Petit and Boudewijn Zenden from Barcelona. Gudjohnsen is the first player they have bought from us. ─── 以前切尔西曾经从巴萨引进了费雷尔,博加德,佩蒂特和岑登,古德是他们第一个从我们这里买走的球员.

71、Name: All Pago names refer to ancient names of the parcels or lands; there is no translation except for Petit Verdot, which takes the name from the type of grape. ─── 名字:所有帕果的名字均源自远古对陆地的称呼;除小维戈之外其余葡萄品种都没有翻译的名称。

72、Tintin was born in this unpromising environment, in a weekly children's supplement, Le Petit Vingtieme. ─── 丁丁就是在这种毫无希望的环境中诞生的,最初刊载于二十世纪报的每周儿童副刊上。

73、Militaire, uniforme un peu trop petit, regard gentil. ─── 军人,身穿窄小的军服,目光和蔼。

74、Others here think they could come round to the idea of Starbucks, though for them it would never replace the corner cafe or the typical Parisian petit noir coffee . ─── 也有人认为他们可以接受星巴克。然而对于他们来说,星巴克永远都无法代替街角的咖啡馆或巴黎特有的小杯黒咖啡。

75、A Miner’s Protective League had formed, petitioning for the removal of the Chinese "for the protection of native industry". ─── 于是,他们成立了矿工保护联盟,请愿,“为保护本土产业”应赶走华工。

76、Le Petit Sherwood Taipei Hotel ─── 台北小西华饭店

77、Head notes of lemon and bergamot.Heart notes of petit grain and neroli. ─── 因为这个契机,1854年娇兰又被选为拿破仑三世皇后创制御用香氛。

78、After living in the U. S. for a certain number of years, an immigrant can apply for citizenship by petitioning for naturalization. ─── 住在美国数年后,移民可以请求归化成为美国公民。

79、petitioning creditor ─── [法] 出具请求书的债权人, 破产申请债权人

80、A blend of 59% Syrah and 23% Grenache, and the rest Carignan, Petit Syrah, and Alicante, it is a beauty. ─── 以59%西拉和23%歌海娜为主,还有少量佳丽酿、小西拉和阿利坎特,美妙无比。

81、petit souper ─── 两三人小吃

82、While you may have tried Petit Verdot as part of a blend, this is now your opportunity to try as a stand alone wine and savour all it has to offer. ─── 你可能品尝过小维铎葡萄混合酒,现在是有机会品尝小维铎葡萄单独酿制的葡萄酒,品味一下它的特色。

83、When petit Mouton Noir looked at this picture and he said "too bad! ─── 可惜小黑羊说从相中看好像未贴墙纸一样喎!

84、Ask in faith nothing wavering; but never cease from petitioning because the King delays to reply. ─── 用不移的信心呼求;不要因为王的耽搁停止呼吁。

85、The 2005 Pico Madama is composed of 50% Monastrell and 50% Petit Verdot. ─── 2005年的玛达玛山峰葡萄酒由50%慕尔韦度和50%小维多混酿而成。

86、Ca ta plu, le petit voyage? ─── 你喜欢我们的旅行吗?

87、Medieval bureaucracy, with its constant duplicating, petitioning and delaying, sometimes threatens to bury the reader. ─── 不断重复、情愿、拖延的中世纪政府让读者沉迷其中。

88、Waiting above the crowded streets, on top of a building 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. ─── 在拥挤的大街上空,在110层楼高的建筑物顶部等待的是菲力浦·帕体特。

89、Tu es si peur comme un petit lapin, tu es si timide comme une petite fille. ─── 你惊恐得像只小兔子,你害羞得像个小姑娘。

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