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09-11 投稿



depurative 发音

英:[?depj?re?t?v]  美:[?depj??re?t?v]

英:  美:

depurative 中文意思翻译




depurative 短语词组

1、depurative tea ─── 净化茶

2、depurative define ─── 净化定义

3、depurative meaning ─── 净化意义

4、depurative herbs ─── 净化草药

5、depurative means ─── 净化手段

6、depurative def ─── 净化def

7、depurative diet ─── 净化饮食

8、depurative recipe ─── 净化配方

depurative 相似词语短语

1、depuratives ─── adj.净化的;纯化的;n.净化剂;纯化剂

2、depurate ─── vt.使净化;提纯;vi.净化;清洁

3、depurating ─── vt.使净化;提纯;vi.净化;清洁

4、reputative ─── 声誉

5、depuration ─── n.净化(作用)

6、reparative ─── adj.修缮的;赔偿的;弥补的

7、separative ─── adj.分离性的;倾向分离的;区别性的

8、durative ─── adj.持续的,持续性的;n.持续性

9、decorative ─── adj.装饰性的;装潢用的

depurative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We have modem and professional aseptic depurative working room and workshop department,which have passed the Chinese Quality Standard Centificate of drugs. ─── 现代化无菌净化室和生产车间达到中国药品生产企业标用的认证质量标准。

2、Don't worry, although these vegetables taste a little bitter, they are contain rich depurative substance. ─── 不要担心所有的蔬菜都有一点微苦,是由于它们含有净化物质。

3、Organic contained gas depurative catalyst and depurative apparatus technology ─── 含有机物气体催化净化催化剂及净化装置技术

4、Don't worry,although these vegetables taste a little bitter,they are contain rich depurative substance. ─── 不要担心所有的蔬菜都有一点微苦,是由于它们含有净化物质。

5、Be like this only, internet just has depurative possibility, ability can realize the network environment of green health truly. ─── 唯有如此,互联网才有净化的可能,才可真正实现绿色健康的网络环境。

6、Application of Waste Oil in Production Lines after Depurative Treatment at Baosteel ─── 宝钢废旧油净化处理返回生产线使用的实践

7、The definition, structure and influence factors of depurative effect for contamination removal in constructed wetland system are introduced. ─── 简要介绍了人工湿地的定义、结构组成和系统对污染物去除效果的影响因素。

8、Depurative strategies ─── 净化策略

9、The depurative effect of greenland on SO_2 in air in Pingdingshan mining area ─── 平顶山矿区绿地对大气SO_2净化效应研究

10、The experiment result demonstrate:(1) The depurative ability of equipments can be improved through adjusting the density of fiber filter material . ─── 实验结果表明:(1)调整纤维滤料密度,可相应调节设备运行出力。

11、The definition, structure and influence factors of depurative effect for contamination removal in constructed wetland system are introduced. ─── 简要介绍了人工湿地的定义、结构组成和系统对污染物去除效果的影响因素。

12、" he expresses further, "Pay treasure and Yahoo to start what this plan makes a person admiring to begin hand in hand, we expect domestic net buys an environment to get depurative! ─── 他进一步表示,“支付宝与雅虎携手启动该计划一个令人赞赏的开始,我们期待国内的网购环境得到净化!”

13、biology -zoology water body's automatically depurative system ─── 生物--生态水体净化系统

14、maintain, it can keep clear and new with the leather depurative. ─── 保养,用普通家用清洁剂及皮革护理剂就可保持历久常新。

15、How to keep long-term depurative water quality and form a hygeian hydrophily ecosystem in manmade lake is a key topic we concerned. ─── 建设良好的水生生态系统,使人工湖长期保持水体的清洁是人们关注的重要课题。

16、skin disinfector, air depurative and deodorizer. ─── 皮肤的消毒剂、空气的清洁剂和除臭剂。

17、A great deal of waste oil produced in production lines can be reused after depurative treatment. ─── 宝钢生产线产生的大量废旧油,经过净化处理调质后应可以再使用。

18、secondly, optimize the inscape of energy consumption and turn into depurative model. ─── 优化能源消费构成结构并使其向清洁型发展;

19、Our company possesses an 800-square-meter depurative workshop, automatic machines and the complete analyzing equipments. 40% of our employees are professional technicians. ─── 一流的设备和高水准的员工队伍是产品质量的保证,同时也使公司具有新产品的开发能力。

20、A great deal of waste oil produced in production lines can be reused after depurative treatment. ─── 宝钢生产线产生的大量废旧油,经过净化处理调质后应可以再使用。

21、Be like this only, internet just has depurative possibility, ability can realize the network environment of green health truly. ─── 唯有如此,互联网才有净化的可能,才可真正实现绿色健康的网络环境。

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