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09-12 投稿



foreordination 发音

英:[?f??r??rdn?e? ??n; ?fo?dn?e? ??n]  美:[?f??r??d??ne???n]

英:  美:

foreordination 中文意思翻译



foreordination 词性/词形变化,foreordination变形

动词现在分词: foreordaining |动词过去式: foreordained |动词过去分词: foreordained |名词: foreordainment |动词第三人称单数: foreordains |

foreordination 短语词组

1、foreordination define ─── 宿命定义

2、foreordination def ─── 宿命论

3、foreordination definition ─── 宿命定义

4、foreordination mean ─── 命中注定

5、foreordination lds ─── 宿命

6、foreordination meaning ─── 宿命意义

foreordination 相似词语短语

1、reordination ─── 再定向

2、coordination ─── n.协调,调和;对等,同等

3、reordinations ─── %1千字节重定向

4、superordination ─── n.上位

5、preordination ─── n.预定;预先注定命运

6、foramination ─── 觅食

7、co-ordination ─── n.协调,调和;对等,同等

8、fluorination ─── n.[化学]氟化作用

9、foreordain ─── v.(上帝、命运)预先决定

foreordination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At most we call it foreordination, which are beyond our control. ─── 所以生老病死与人的命运无关,最多我们只能称其为宿命,是我们难以左右的。

2、To foreordain or elect by divinewill or decree. ─── 命中注定通过神意或神谕来预先注定或选择。

3、To destine or determine in advance;foreordain. ─── 预先注定预先注定或决定;预先注定

4、Shakespear's life gives us a strong feeling of Foreordination. ─── 莎翁的一生给人一种强烈的宿命感。

5、My foreordination made its presence before me.When leaving New Hole, I took a last glimpse of the Buddha, who looked so aloft in sedateness, with his eyelids always half drooping. ─── ,当迈出佛窟,不自觉地回神再望一下,佛一直半垂着眼帘,神态安详,超然无我,人与佛竟然两种神态。

6、foreordain grouping ─── 预分组

7、Sometimes we were not willing to give in the destiny, but we had to give in the foreordination! ─── 有的时候不甘愿输给命运却不得不屈服于宿命!

8、But I won't that sunflower. Foreordination dissimilar. ─── 我却像葵花。宿命是相似的。

9、Mortals can not change so-called foreordination at all. ─── 韩菱纱:人根本改变不了所谓的命。

10、Everyone has his foreordination. No one will responsible for your life, but yourself. ─── 没有人会对你的生命负责,除了你自己。

11、Is it call “foreordination”? ─── 这叫宿命?

12、To foreordain or elect by divine will or decree. ─── 命中注定通过神意或神谕来预先注定或选择

13、This foreordination with the deep-rooted chivalrous culture and legal incompetence in modern China is perhaps difficult to get rid. ─── 在侠义文化根深蒂固,律法制度很不健全的近现代中国,这大概是难以摆脱的宿命。

14、Foreordination is usually used to explain the unexplained. ─── 宿命往往被用于解释无法被解释的东西。

15、This is a condensed foreordination. ─── 这是一场浓缩的宿命。

16、Oedipus myth was interpreted in a reading attitude of symbolism.The narrative theme, presented as a story told with foreordination, states hostility and conflict between the father and the son. ─── 摘要以“象征主义”的阅读态度解读俄狄浦斯神话,其叙事主题是以宿命式的故事情节展现表达了父子之间的敌对与冲突状况。

17、(2)According to the dimension of "foreordination - reality", these six factors can beseparated into the factors of foreordination and factors of reality; ─── 中国人在进行成败归因的时候更多地归因于能力努力等现实因素.

18、But I act as a geer sunflower. Foreordination similar. ─── 有些人却像葵花。宿命是相似的。

19、To appoint,decree,or ordain in advance;foreordain. ─── 预先任命、命令或注定;预先注定

20、Form his poetry of mourning for friends, we can comprehend that it is time that can explain YiMin's tragic foreordination. ─── 从他的悼友诗中我们能看到时间解释了遗民的悲剧宿命。

21、To fix upon, decide, or decree in advance; foreordain. ─── 预定预先决定、判决或颁布;预先注定

22、Far-reaching and Nihility: the Cultural Foreordination of Female "Writing Privately" ─── 高蹈与虚无:女性"私人化写作"的文化宿命

23、And this was foreordination? ─── 那么,这是宿命吗?

24、4.To fix upon, decide, or decree in advance;foreordain. ─── 预定预先决定、判决或颁布;

25、Foreordination similar. ─── 宿命不同。

26、To destine or determine in advance; foreordain. ─── 预先注定预先注定或决定;预先注定

27、Guan often said there were some kind of foreordination between him and stones. ─── 关柏春常说自己和石头之间有一种缘分。

28、To fix upon,decide,or decree in advance;foreordain. ─── 预定预先决定、判决或颁布;预先注定

29、tragic foreordination ─── 悲剧宿命

30、But I won't that sunflower. Foreordination dissimilar. ─── 我们不是葵花。宿命不同。

31、This may be called foreordination. ─── 这或许是一种宿命。

32、A rational paradox may be the "foreordination" of any academic community with distinctive characteristics. ─── 这一合理的悖论或许是任何希冀创建带有自身学派特色的知识共同体的一种“宿命”。

33、Sometimes we were not willing to give in the destiny, but we had to give in the foreordination! ─── 有的时候不甘愿输给命运却不得不屈服于宿命!

34、To appoint, decree, or ordain in advance; foreordain. ─── 预先任命、命令或注定;预先注定

35、From his poetry of mourning for friends, we can comprehend that it is time that can explain YiMin's tragic foreordination. ─── 对于他悼友诗的阅读,尤其可以窥见他作为遗民的心态变化,解读到他悼念遗民亡友时的复杂情感,从而了解到一代遗民的悲剧宿命。

36、It be foreordain that the company will suffer a spectacular collapse ─── 这个公司注定要彻底垮台

37、this was foreordination? ─── 这是宿命吗?

38、It is Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology makes us see the possibility of foreordination broken and dystopian modernity, and he also indicated a road leading to an Alternative Modernity. ─── 正是芬伯格的技术批判理论使我们看到了打破宿命的、敌托邦的现代性的可能,并且指出了一条通向可选择的现代性的途径。

39、Guan often said there were some kind of foreordination between him and stones. ─── 关柏春常说自己和石头之间有一种缘分。

40、Pursuit, Puzzle and Historic Foreordination--Rethinking about Ding Ling's Literature Writing in Yan'an Period ─── 追求、困惑与历史宿命--对丁玲延安时期文学创作的再思考

41、It is foreordain that the company will suffer a spectacular collapse. ─── 这个公司注定要彻底垮台。


宿命的英文为:DestinyDestiny也翻译为命运,指不可避免要发生的事,注定了要发生的事著名歌手Jaci Velasquez也以Destiny为歌曲名创作了此歌。Jaci Velasquez(杰西.韦拉斯克斯)1979年10月15日生于美国,10岁开始歌唱,13岁就到白宫去参加表演,1995年的第一张单曲就创下了CCM排行榜第一名的好成绩,之后更是佳绩不断,包括拉丁格莱美奖提名等等,至今唱片销量已超出300万张,在当地可以说是家喻户晓,演唱风格则是兼具热情奔放、柔缓抒情,相信听过专辑之后定会对她动听的嗓音、极富特色的演唱风格留下较深的印象。


destiny fate

1. foreordination


1. 信仰宿命论的,依据宿命论的相信宿命论教义的或以宿命论教义为基础的

Believing in or based on the doctrine of predestination.

2. 有些东方哲学倾向于宿命论吗?

Do some oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism?

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