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09-10 投稿



fobbing 发音

英:[?f?b??]  美:[?fɑ?b??]

英:  美:

fobbing 中文意思翻译



fobbing 词性/词形变化,fobbing变形

动词现在分词: fobbing |动词过去分词: fobbed |动词第三人称单数: fobs |动词过去式: fobbed |

fobbing 短语词组

1、fobbing essex ─── 泡沫塑料

2、fobbing beer ─── 啤酒

3、fobbing ark ─── 方舟

4、fobbing cost ─── 离岸成本

5、fobbing def FOB ─── 定义

6、fobbing define fobbing ─── 定义

7、fobbing system ─── 起球系统

fobbing 相似词语短语

1、bobbing ─── v.(使在水中)上下快速移动;颠簸;突然出现(或消失);微微鞠躬(或屈膝)行礼;把(头发)剪成齐短发;乘大雪橇;轻敲(bob的现在分词)

2、fubbing ─── fubbing公司

3、flobbing ─── 鞭打

4、dobbing ─── vt.向…捐钱;将责任强加给(dob的变形)

5、cobbing ─── n.人工敲碎;小块料

6、hobbing ─── n.滚齿机;滚刀

7、jobbing ─── v.打零工;买卖股票;(非正式)欺骗;背叛;假公济私;戳;(用尖物)刺进(job的现在分词);adj.打零工的

8、fibbing ─── v.撒小谎(fib的现在分词)

9、gobbing ─── n.充填;鼓泡物料;v.吐唾沫(gob的现在分词)

fobbing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But fobbing them off with crumbs risks alienating a vocal, largely Democratic, constituency. ─── 但是如果拿一些琐碎的事情来搪塞,将与民主和民众背道而驰。

2、Offer firm reply here Friday 100000 tons cotton 24 pences propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment. ─── 兹报实盘以你星期五复到为准100000吨棉花每磅24便士亚历山德里船上交货价二月装船。

3、If you have ,please send me model number , qty and FOB price. ─── 如果您是本网注册会员,请登录后查看联系方式。

4、Don't try fobbing off last year's goods on me! ─── 别想拿去年的陈货来骗我!

5、Both FOB and CIF terms would be acceptable to us. ─── 不管是离岸价,还是到岸价,我们都能接受。

6、We do not accept any claim for compensation for loss incurring in transit, because you bought the goods FOB Shanghai. ─── 对于运输途中发生的任何损失的索赔我们都不予接受,因为您买的这批货是上海港船上交货价。

7、He tried to fob us off with the excuse that he had been ill, and so had overlooked the matter. ─── 他企图以病为借口欺骗我们,说因为生病才忽略了这件事。

8、Don't try to fob me off with excuses. ─── 休想找借口骗我。

9、Our offer is RMB 320 per set of tape - recorder , FOB . Tianjin . ─── 我们的报价是每台收录机320元人民币,天津离岸价.

10、The above price includes transportation fees(FOB Shanghai). ─── 上述报价为包括运费(上海港)等费用。

11、If you are lucky, you will grow to become Fobulous Gangsta Fob. ─── 如果你运气好,你会逐渐成长为一名。

12、We regret unable to quote on FOB basis,as it is our general practice to do business with all our client on CIF basis. ─── 很遗憾,我们不能以FOB为基础报价,因我们与客户做生意常用CIF价。

13、There's no need to worry, for your husband knows how to fob the gang off. ─── 不用着急,你丈夫知道怎么样把那帮人打发走。

14、We think an appropriate price should be around 270 francs per ton, FOB Marseilles. ─── 我们认为每吨马赛船上交货应为二百七十法郎左右比较合理。

15、We are pleased to offer you 120,000 cotton poplin blouses at US $16.80 each, FOB Xingang. ─── 我们愿意卖给你十二万件棉府绸女衫,每件新港离岸价16.80美元。

16、The coherence with FOB was very good (22/24) . ─── 与FOB有较好的一致性(22/24)。

17、Please let us know what quantities you are able to deliver at regular intervals, quoting your best terms FOB Brisbane. ─── 恳请告知贵方定期所能发货的数量,望给予FOB布里斯班最优惠价格。

18、The peddler tried to fob off a worthless article on little Tom. ─── 小贩企图把件废品卖给小汤姆。

19、We have concluded the business on an FOB basis, so the insurance should be effected by you. ─── 你们这批货是以F。O。B。条件成交的,应该由你方自行投保。

20、Don't try fobbing off last year's good s on me! ─── 别想拿去年的陈货来骗我!

21、Frozen IQF Peeled Garlic,260/360/ KG, IN5 KGS CARTONS, Pls Quote FOB and CIF Naples Italy price. ─── 冷冻大蒜米,260/60公斤,每5公斤装一纸板箱,请报FOB和CIF到意大利那不勒斯港口的价格.

22、We'd rather have your FOB prices ,because we always import on a FOB prices . ─── 我们希望得到你方离岸的价格,因为我们总是按离岸价进口的.

23、A Canadian exporter is sending a shipment to France, and the sales contract specifies FOB. ─── 一家加拿大出口商在装船发货去法国,销售合同细则规定为装运港船上交货。

24、Obtain quaint from general company as to fob price per unit on basis 200 units. ─── 已得知通用公司的FOB单价,但订货不能少于200件。

25、Offer subject our confirmation 100000 tons cotton 24 pence propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment. ─── 兹报盘以我方确认为准100000吨棉花每24便士亚历山德里亚船上交货价二月装船。

26、The quotations are all in US dollars net FOB. ─── 我们报实价美元离岸价。

27、Offer subject our confirmation 100000 tons cotton propound FOB Alexandria Feb shipment. ─── 兹报盘以我方确认为准,100000吨棉花,亚历山德里亚船上交货价,二月装船。

28、As already stated in our previous letter,the price of the machine be $800,000,packed and delivered FOB,Yokohama. ─── 如前文所述,该机器带包装、横滨港船上交货价为80万美元。

29、Buying Copper Cathode FOB Or CIF. ─── 信息主题:美国求购铜。

30、It's US$ 400 per ton FOB Shanghai. ─── 上海离岸价是每吨400美元。

31、We can supply 1000 tons of tallow at US $ 300 per ton FOB Sydney. ─── 我公司可供一千吨兽脂,每吨300美圆,FOB(离岸价)悉尼。

32、Our quotation is FOB UK Ports, package fee included, in sterling pound. ─── 我们的报价将是以英镑为单位,FOB英国口岸价,包括包装费.

33、Our low FOB quotations do not include this possible hidden fee. ─── 我们所报的FOB价格并不包括这些可能发生的隐藏费用。

34、Don't let him fob you off with any more excuses. ─── 别让他再以任何借口哄骗你了。

35、For you, FOB stands for Fabulous Oriental Being. ─── 对你来说,FOB的意思是超级棒的东方人。

36、Carriers will not accept any direct bookings form you for FOB shipments. ─── 在fob方式下,承运人不会接收你的任何直接的订舱。

37、Our rice is fob Dalian RMB 3900/TON. ─── 我们的大米是大连离岸价3900元每吨。

38、Under fob term, instead of the seller, it is the buyer who will arrange for the shipping space. ─── 在船上交货条款下,订舱由买方安排而不是由卖方安排。

39、Notes: The FOB Ningbo quotation includes the commodity inspection fee, dock fee, Book fee. ─── 备注:此fob宁波价已包含:商检费、码头费、定舱费。

40、Please let us know what quantities you are able to deliver at regular intervals,quoting your best terms FOB Brisbane. ─── 恳请告知贵方定期所能发货的数量,望给予布里斯班最优惠离岸价。

41、P> 705 Do you offer FOB or CIF? ─── 你们报船上交货价还是到岸价?

42、Well, Mr Smith, you know, our prices are quoted on FOB net basis. ─── 史密斯先生,你知道,我们报的是fob净价。

43、I understand all your prices are on CIF basis. We'd rather have you quote us FOB prices. ─── 得知你方报的都是到岸价,希望能给我们报船上交货价。

44、I'd rather keep the FOB quotation in our contract. That's more convenient. ─── 我宁愿在合同中保留离岸价格条件,这更方便。

45、We have requirements for Air Compressure , please send us your best FOB offer. ─── 寻找丰田的空调压缩机,请供应商联系我们.

46、Wanted Cashew nuts all catagories. Quote Fob. ─── 印度需求腰果仁。

47、Our best FOB Shenzhen price is US$8 per piece for minimum 5,000 pcs. ─── 我们最好的深圳离岸价是8美元/每只,最低数量5000只.

48、If you can lower FOB price from U.S. 26,000 to U.S. 25,000 per ton you will obtain more order. ─── 如果你方可以将FOB价格从每吨2.6万美元降至2.5万美元,你方可获得更多订单。

49、We offer you firm for three days on fob basis . ─── 我们向您报3日内有效实盘。

50、We are buying wiper motor. Pl. Send lowest FOB price for 100MT urgently. ─── 我们求购汽车雨刮电机,请尽快把100MT的报价单发过给我们。

51、Be all your price on a fob or cif basis? ─── 你们的报价是船上交货价还是成本加运费和保险费的到岸价?

52、We used to do business with them on fob basis. ─── 我们过去和他们按船上交货价做生意。

53、Why do they now fob off what once they would have welcomed eagerly? ─── 他们一度求之不得的东西为什么现在要予以排斥呢?

54、She tried to fob all her junk off onto me. ─── 她设法向我骗售她的所有旧货。

55、Your boyfriend is a Gangsta Fob. ─── 你男朋友是个。

56、We hope to import on a FOB basis. ─── 我们希望按FOB(离岸价)进口。

57、Don't try fobbing off last year's goods on me! . ─── 别想拿去年的陈货来骗我!。

58、The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. ─── fob术语要求卖方办理货物出口清关。

59、The "export total sales" in the formula should be the export FOB specified in the export invoice. ─── 公式中的“出口销售额”以出口发票计算的出口货物离岸价格为准。

60、She swipes an access fob, enters a PIN and attaches the hydrogen nozzle. ─── 她输入PIN码并接上氢气输气管。

61、In that case, we'd prefer to go under the terms of FOB. ─── 如果是这样的话,我们希望以离岸价处理。

62、Unit and total price FOB your port of shipment, seaworthy packing included. ─── 全部价格为FOB到贵方运输港口,包括耐航包装费。

63、We can book 20 000 tons of fertilizers at US $ 200 per ton FOB Osaka. ─── 我公司可订购二万吨化肥,FOB(离岸价)大阪,每吨二百美圆。

64、We do not accept any claim for compensation for loss incur intransit, because you bought the goods FOB shanghai. ─── 对于运输途中发生的任何损失的索赔我们都不予接受,国为您买的这批货是上海港船上交货价。

65、"Never fob off passengers, however. ─── “但是永远不要对旅客搪塞了事。

66、An all-new power rear liftgate is available, controlled via the key fob. ─── 一个全新的电力后方尾的情况下,通过控制关键离岸价。

67、In the case of fob or ex - work term , Insurance be to be effect by the buyer after loading . ─── 在fob或工厂交货条件下,货物装运后由买方负责投保。

68、All your quotations are on FOB Vancouver basis may I ask if you allow any discount. ─── 你方报价全是FOB范库弗峰的,请问是否有折扣?

69、You shall finish this fob before you take your vacation. ─── 你应该在休假前完成你的工作。

70、We'll sell you 120,000 cotton poplin blouses at US $15.40 per piece FOB Xingang. ─── 我们卖给你二十万件棉府绸女衫,每件新港离岸价15.40美元。

71、But we hope to import on FOB basis. ─── 但是我们希望按FOB条件进口。

72、We 'd rather have your FOB price, we always import on a FOB basis . ─── 我们希望得到你方离岸价格,我们总是按离岸价进口的。

73、L/C5867 please cancel insurance term because order finalizes FOB a wait amendment by cable. ─── 信用证第5867号请删去保险条款由于订单按船上交货价立等电告修改。

74、If you are in a position to offer this article on FOB basis, please quote us your lowest price. ─── 如有可能请报该商品FOB优惠价。

75、Now I attach our sample photos,pls tell me whether you can make or not.And quote us the FOB price.thanks. ─── [现在我附上我们的样品照片,麻烦老板告诉我你能做否。并且为我们报给船上交货价格。谢谢。

76、In most cases we sell our goods on FOB while we buy on CIF basis. ─── 多数情况下我们按FOB价售出商品,但买进商品却按CIF价。

77、We'd rather have you quote us fob price. ─── 我们希望你方报船上交货价。

78、We offer you firm for three days on FOB basis. ─── 我们向您报3日内FOB有效实盘。

79、We want to buy a manganese oxide with 62% pls send us your spec and your quote price FOB. ─── 我们求购含量为62%的氧化锰,请给我们提供你的说明书和离岸价格。

80、Jean Valjean fumbled in his fob and pulled out a five-franc piece. ─── 冉阿让从他的背心口袋里摸出一个值五法郎的钱币。

81、We want to buy adidas brand and nike brand socks. Pls quote FOB p ...... ─── 信息内容:求购运动服、运动鞋等,请提供相关的详细资料和报价。

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