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09-13 投稿



vomer 发音

英:[['v??m?]]  美:[['vo?m?]]

英:  美:

vomer 中文意思翻译



vomer 词性/词形变化,vomer变形

形容词: vomerine |

vomer 短语词组

1、vomer bone picture vomer ─── 骨图

2、vomer def ─── 页脚

3、Selene vomer ─── [网络] 突颌月鲹;铁头刀;月鰺

4、wing of vomer ─── [医] 犁骨翼

5、vomer cartilagineus ─── [医] 犁鼻软骨

6、vomer bone purpose ─── 犁骨

7、vomer perpendicular plate ethmoid ─── 垂直筛板

8、vomer bone ─── 犁骨

9、vomer is ─── 页脚

10、vomer gif ─── 呕吐物中毒

vomer 相似词语短语

1、vomiter ─── n.呕吐的人

2、omer ─── n.俄梅珥(古希伯来的干量);n.(Omer)人名;(英、德、葡、罗、塞)奥默;(索、阿拉伯)奥马尔

3、gomer ─── n.歌篾(人类始祖诺亚之子);高莫(人名)

4、comer ─── n.来者,来的人;有成功希望的人;n.(Comer)人名;(罗)科梅尔;(英)科默

5、vower ─── n.宣誓者

6、Homer ─── n.荷马(公元前9世纪前后的希腊盲诗人);本垒打

7、voter ─── n.选举人,投票人;有投票权者

8、venomer ─── 毒液

9、vomers ─── n.[解剖]犁骨

vomer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results were as follows:The vomer of reindeer is very developed. ─── 结果表明:驯鹿的犁骨特别发达。

2、Keywords cleft lip and palate;vomer flap;nasal deformity;cleft lip;lceft palate;deformity; ─── 唇腭裂;犁骨瓣;鼻畸形;唇裂;腭裂;畸形;

3、ala of vomer ─── 犁骨翼

4、posterior border of vomer ─── 梨骨后缘

5、os vomer ─── 犁骨

6、The central supporting system of the nose is the septum, which articulates with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid posteriorly and the vomer inferiorly. ─── 鼻部的中央支持系统是鼻中隔,其与后方的筛骨垂直板和下方的犁骨接合在一起。

7、Simultaneous Repair of Cleft Lip and Closure of Cleft Hard Palate with Vomer Flaps in Patients with Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate ─── 单侧完全性唇腭裂患儿唇裂修复同期硬腭裂隙封闭的临床观察

8、The vomer itself rests on the maxillary and palatine crest. ─── 骨位于上颌骨及腭嵴之上。

9、The vomer is one of the unpaired facial bones of the skull. ─── 犁骨是头骨中不成对的面部骨骼之一。

10、and by having teeth on the front of the vomer rather than on the shaft. ─── 并且牙在宝剑的前面而不是在轴上。

11、The central supporting system of the nose is the septum, which articulates with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid posteriorly and the vomer inferiorly. ─── 鼻部的中心支持系统是鼻中隔,其与后方的筛骨垂直板和下方的犁骨接合在一起。

12、vomerine teeth Teeth on the vomer or prevomer. ─── 犁骨齿在犁骨或前犁骨的牙齿。

13、The vomer itself rests on the maxillary and palatine crest. ─── 犁骨位于上颌骨及腭嵴之上。

14、groove of vomer ─── 犁骨沟

15、ethmoid Unpaired skull bone on the anterior part of the neurocranium forming part of the nasal cavity and located above the vomer. ─── 筛骨不成对的头盖骨硬骨,在脑颅形成部份的鼻洞较前端而且位于犛骨上面。

16、An iridescent, silvery marine fish(Selene vomer) of Atlantic waters, having a compressed body and a steep frontal profile. ─── 月鲹大西洋中生活的一种闪光的银色海鱼(月鲹月鲹属),身体扁,额部高

17、by a boat-shaped, rather than flat, vomer (bone) on the roof of the mouth; ─── 是在雅鱼的上腭上有一个被称为“上方宝剑”的(鼻的)犁骨;

18、vomer flap operation ─── 犁骨粘膜骨膜瓣修复术

19、vomer mucoflap operation ─── 犁骨粘膜瓣术

20、Functional palatoplasty with upper and back migration of levator veli palatini using mucosal flap of vomer ─── 腭帆提肌止点后上推移术与传统腭裂整复术的比较

21、An iridescent, silvery marine fish(Selene vomer ) of Atlantic waters, having a compressed body and a steep frontal profile. ─── 月鲹大西洋中生活的一种闪光的银色海鱼(月鲹月鲹属),身体扁,额部高。

22、Methods:One hundred and thirty-four cases langenback(two-flap),20 cases three-flap,16 cases palatopharyngeal ring tied,6 cases posterior pharyngeal flap,4 cases vomer flap. ─── 方法对180例腭裂修复进行总结,兰氏法134例,三瓣法20例,腭咽环扎法16例,咽后壁瓣法6例,梨状骨瓣法4例。

23、1. An iridescent, silvery marine fish (Selene vomer) of Atlantic waters, having a compressed body and a steep frontal profile. ─── 月鲹:大西洋中生活的一种闪光的银色海鱼(月鲹月鲹属),身体扁,额部高

24、vomer subanalis ─── 肛下犁突

25、vomer cartilagineus ─── [医] 犁鼻软骨

26、cuneiform part of vomer ─── 犁骨楔状部

27、Choanal atresia.In this newborn baby there is bony connection between the vomer and the lateral palatine bone. ─── 在这个新生儿我们可见在犁骨与侧颚骨间为骨性连接。

28、wing of vomer ─── [医] 犁骨翼

29、Simultaneous Repair of Cleft Lip and Closure of Cleft Hard Palate with Vomer Flaps in Patients with Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate ─── 单侧完全性唇腭裂患儿唇裂修复同期硬腭裂隙封闭的临床观察

30、ethmoid Unpaired skull bone on the anterior part of the neurocranium forming part of the nasal cavity and located above the vomer. ─── 筛骨不成对的头盖骨硬骨,在脑颅形成部份的鼻洞较前端而且位于犛骨上面。

31、This paper followed-up 74 cases of completed cleft palate repaired with two flapspalatoplasty(or plus vomer flap). All cases were examined using NPF. ─── 应用鼻咽镜(NPF)对74例完全性腭裂术后患者进行了随访,术式均为二大瓣术。

32、The vomer itself rests on the maxillary and palatine crest. ─── 犁骨位于上颌骨及腭嵴之上。

33、Vomer(Selene vormer) ─── 月森

34、Repair of anterior palate including vomer flap ─── 包括梨皮瓣前腭修复术

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