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09-06 投稿



entrancing 发音

英:[?n?tr?ns??]  美:[?n?trɑ?ns??]

英:  美:

entrancing 中文意思翻译




entrancing 网络释义

adj. 使人入神的;令人欣喜的v. 使入迷(entrance的ing形式)

entrancing 同义词

fascinate | delight | admission | trance | appearance | incoming | ingress | entry | catch | beguile | capture | enthrall | entering | hypnotize | mesmerize | ticket | enthral | enchant | entryway | spellbind | way in | entranceway | engross | arrival | enamour | thrill | enamor | bewitch | charm | entree | intrigue | captivate | pass | becharm

entrancing 反义词


entrancing 常用词组

entrance examination ─── 入学考试

college entrance examination ─── 高考;大学入学考试

main entrance ─── 大门,正门入口;主要入口

entrancing 词性/词形变化,entrancing变形

动词过去分词: entranced |副词: entrancingly |动词现在分词: entrancing |动词第三人称单数: entrances |动词过去式: entranced |名词: entrancement |

entrancing 相似词语短语

1、untracing ─── 取消比赛

2、entraining ─── v.使……上火车;卷走,冲走;用蒸馏带走;导致,产生;与其同步(entrain的现在分词)

3、entrailing ─── 训练

4、enhancing ─── v.提高,增强(enhance的现在分词)

5、trancing ─── n.恍惚;出神;着迷,入迷;vt.使恍惚;使发呆

6、entrenching ─── vt.确立,牢固;用壕沟围住;挖掘;vi.侵犯;挖掘壕沟

7、entrancingly ─── 使人神魂颠倒的,使人入神的

8、-trancing ─── n.恍惚;出神;着迷,入迷;vt.使恍惚;使发呆

9、entrapping ─── v.使落入陷阱;使陷入困境;诱骗(entrap的现在分词)

entrancing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Enjoy three entrancing game modes with Power Gems and Hyper Cubes. ─── 享受三个着迷的游戏模式与电力宝石和超立方体。

2、Anatomic and clinical study of a new method to fix ulna with intramedullary nail entrancing from head of ulna ─── 尺骨头进针固定尺骨的解剖及临床应用研究

3、The rain mists which now crowned the wooded hills and the fresh clearness of the different greens were entrancing. ─── 树木繁茂的山上,烟雨朦胧;别样的绿树清新明朗,令人神迷。

4、"At once out came several fairies, lotus sleeves swaying, feathery garments fluttering, lovely as spring blossom, entrancing as the autumn moon." ─── "一语未了,只见房中又走出几个仙子来,皆是荷袂蹁跹,羽衣飘舞,姣若春花,媚如秋月."

5、But Chinese commercial banks has to solve many problems, such as entrancing the market is more difficult, bad assets is too more and the expenditure to construct banks net is too much. ─── 而中国银行业内部存在着市场准入难度加大、不良资产过多以及网络扩展费用高等难题。

6、The reform and exploration of items on the examination for entrancing into senior middle schools ─── 初中物理升学考试内容的改革与探索

7、It takes the traveler back to a sedate world when the journey was as entrancing as the destination. ─── 只有旅行的过程和旅行的目的地一样令人愉快时,游客们才算被带回了一个宁静的世界。

8、Clear the entranc of the liferaft immediately after entering.Sit down in the liferaft immediately. ─── 当进入救生筏后应立即保持入口畅通,坐在救生筏内.

9、Be faced with challenge and countermeasure of agricultural products exports in Xiangfan City after entrancing the WTO ─── 加入WTO后襄樊市农产品出口面临的挑战和对策

10、It was as if he breathed some fragrant perfume, soft, grateful, entrancing. ─── 他好象是正在吸进一股馥郁温柔,怡情悦性的香气。

11、"He was that entrancing combination of man of action and intellectual. ─── 在他身上,实干家和知识分子的气质得到了很好的结合。

12、Cleaning all the sundries in the construction field;Avoiding cross construction;Prohibiting all the irrelative from entrancing in. ─── 施工现场须清走所有杂物,最好避免交叉施工、禁止无关人员出入。

13、The filling power of dried cut tobacco is significantly influenced by drying methods, the temperature and moisture content of entrancing cut tobacco and drying medium conditions. ─── 烘丝方式、来料温度和水分、干燥介质状态参数等对烘后烟丝的填充力有显著影响。

14、It takes the traveler back to a sedate world when the journey was as entrancing as the destination. ─── 只有旅行的过程和旅行的目的地一样令人愉快时,游客们才算被带回了一个宁静的世界。

15、You will have a comprehensive picture of her entrancing face. ─── 这张美丽的脸蛋给您的大致印象。

16、In fact, this entrancing telescopic portrait gives the impression the witch has fixed her gaze on Orion's bright supergiant star Rigel. ─── 事实上,这一望远镜拍摄到的迷人肖像,感觉是女巫正紧盯着猎户座明亮的超巨星参宿七。

17、The Strategic Choice of Science and Technology Development in Chinese Livestock Industry After entrancing the World Trade Organization ─── 入世后我国畜牧业科技工作的战略选择

18、Though they offer entrancing subjects for study, they were in the first place written to be enjoyed. ─── 虽然它们给我们提供了饶有兴味的研究题目,但它们写出来首先还是为了让别人欣赏的。

19、At once entrancing and meditative yet seductive and passionate the intense rhythms and sounds of Sitar Secrets will completely envelop and enthrall you! ─── 西塔琴主要用于北印度古典音乐,但优美的声音使其成为印度最具代表性的乐器...

20、With vocals that remind you of Brian Ferry over deep, dark, entrancing music, you will still be buzzing long after the last note floats away. ─── 伴随着BrianFer深邃、低沉、令人着迷的音乐,将让你一直沉醉其中。

21、I might never have heard that entrancing sound, or smelt that bewitching smell! ─── 永远听不到那种叫人醉心的声响,闻不到那股叫人着迷的气味了!

22、The Entrancing Point of Improving the Construction of Market Capital of China ─── 入世后我国资本市场结构优化切入点

23、bewitching smile; Roosevelt was a captivating speaker; enchanting music; an enthralling book; antique papers of entrancing design; a fascinating woman. ─── 迷人的微笑;罗斯福是一个有魅力的演说家;迷人的音乐;迷人的书;装帧迷人的古代文献;迷人的女人。

24、” When the entire mountain is brimmed with red color, the beauty of the valley is nothing but entrancing. ─── 古人有云:“九九杨落地,十九杏花开”,当此时,漫山遍野一片绯红如云,灿然秀态媚人。

25、英文概要: Now available in paperback, the entrancing story of how one woman’s journey of self-discovery gave her the courage to persevere in re-creating her life. ─── 中文概要: 现在,这本平装书终于上市了:一个生动有趣的故事,为我们娓娓到来一个女人自我发现,获得勇气努力重塑生活的旅程。

26、Hats off to Shaun Wright-Phillips, whose return to the fold of the talented is entrancing all of us, and hats off to Alex, who seems to be the missing link between man and potato. ─── 向赖特菲利普斯致敬,他重新找回的才能使得我们所有人神魂颠倒。同样向阿莱士致敬,他看起来像男人和土豆之间不可或缺的一环。

27、He was that entrancing combination of man of action and intellectual. ─── 在他身上,实干家和知识分子的气质得到了很好的结合。

28、Capable of casting a charm or spell; entrancing. ─── 迷惑的,受诱惑的能够发出魅力或咒语的;迷惑的

29、The ear hears an entrancing, melodious sound and it's nothing more than that.A grating, discordant sound is simply that. ─── 耳朵听到悦耳动听的声音,它就只是如此而已,刺耳的噪声亦复如是。

30、Cleaning all the sundries in the construction field; Avoiding cross construction; Prohibiting all the irrelative from entrancing in. ─── 施工现场须清走所有杂物,最好避免交叉施工、禁止无关人员出入。

31、Intraesophageal pressure, es ophageal insufflation testing, esophageal BaM perspective and laryngofiberscopy were carried out, respectively. Results The mean pressure, 1cm bel ow the entranc e of esophagus in the two groups, was 5 mmHg. ─── 结果食管入口下1cm处,测得两组平均压力均为5mmHg。

32、By day the square is awash with tourists like us, but night something entrancing and romantic happens ─── 白天,广场上像我们这样的游客熙熙攘攘,但夜幕降临后,这里便出现令人神往而浪漫的情景。

33、In the Philippines, an entrancing healer, allegedly, has the ability to materialize and dematerialize matter. ─── 据说在菲律宾一位巫医有将事物实体化和虚无化的双重能力。

34、I might never have heard that entrancing sound, or smelt that bewitching smell! ─── 我可能从来没有听到过那种令人神魂颠倒的声音,或者闻到过那种迷人的气味!

35、The rice developing strategy of Jianghan plain after entrancing the WTO ─── 加入WTO后江汉平原的水稻发展战略

36、entrancing music ─── 令人陶醉的音乐

37、Extremely attractive; entrancing. ─── 令人销魂的极其迷人的;极好的

38、These great works offer entrancing subjects for study. ─── 这些小说巨著给我们提供了饶有兴味的研究题目。

39、The character uses his own Disquieting aura to affect the minds of others, from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone. ─── 以自身的恶躁气息影响他人心智,如操弄眼镜蛇般使人出神,或在他人思想中创造虚假身分等。

40、Every bend of the wooded road revealed an entrancing panorama. ─── 在那绿阴路上每拐一个弯就看到一幅豁然开朗的迷人美景。

41、He was a lovely boy, clad in skeleton leaves and the juices that ooze out of trees but the most entrancing thing about him was that he had all his first teeth. ─── 他是一个很可爱的男孩,穿着用干树叶和树浆做的衣裳。可是他身上最迷人的地方是他还保留了一口乳牙。

42、Mesmerism: The character uses his own Disquieting aura to affect the minds of others, from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone. ─── 迷术:运用自身躁动灵气来影响他人心灵之法,如催眠和误导他人等。

43、This strange entrancing delight had come. ─── 新奇的令人神魂颠倒的快乐已经到来了。

44、When I first met Jennie I thought her the most entrancing girl I had ever laid eyes on. ─── “这就可以说明你那时候对我怎么看法了,”他的对座人插嘴说。

45、Though they offer entrancing subjects for study, they were in the first place written to be enjoyed. ─── 虽然它们给我们提供了饶有兴味的研究题目,但它们写出来首先还是为了让别人欣赏的。

46、The ear hears an entrancing, melodious sound and it's nothing more than that.A grating, disharmonious sound is simply so. ─── 耳朵听到悦耳动听的声音,它就只是如此而已,刺耳的噪声也是如此。

47、The more circumscribed became her state, the more entrancing seemed this other. ─── 这一切逐步地发展着,赫斯渥也开始考虑啤酒店的前景来。

48、Although entrancing and beautiful, these smooth forms almost remove themselves from the low realms of simple human emotion and basic mental connection. ─── 数码流线设计在建筑领域中很盛行,就像法国快餐在餐饮业中很盛行一样。

49、He was that entrancing combination of man of action and intellectual. ─── 他身上,实干家和知识分子的气质得到了很好的结合。

50、It was as if he breathed some fragrant perfume, soft, grateful, entrancing . ─── 他好象是正在吸进一股馥郁温柔,怡情悦性的香气。

51、tint the skin with the bloom of peaches which no hand has touched ?and you will have a comprehensive picture of her entrancing face. ─── 皮肤颜色就像未经人手触摸过的蜜桃上的绒衣: 这些就是这张美丽的脸蛋给您的大致印象。

52、Entrancing colleage to study is not a difficult thing today. ─── 如今进大学读书并不是难事.

53、Tts capability freely appearing-disappearing also entrancing gradually.This is a weak process gradually,accompanying with some conception trains,for exemption: concise,magnitude,co... ─── “替代未列”、“替代未定”和“替代已列”的“等”之间构成了逐步虚化的语义等级,同时它们也分别具有“求简”、“求全”、“求多”等认知特点。

54、China Entrancing WTO and Policy Reform for Agricultural Science and Technology ─── 入世与我国的农业科技政策改革

55、Ground preparation Cleaning all the sundries in the construction field; Avoiding cross construction; Prohibiting all the irrelative from entrancing in. ─── 场地准备施工现场须清走所有杂物,最好避免交叉施工、禁止无关人员出入。

56、As she finished her prayers and Suellen, then Carreen, began their decades, her mind was still speeding onward with her entrancing new thought. ─── 她念完祷告后,苏伦和卡琳相继照章办事,这时她的心仍在那条诱惑人的新思路上向前飞跑。

57、In fact, this entrancing telescopic portrait gives the impression the witch has fixed her gaze on Orion's bright supergiant star Rigel. ─── 事实上,这一望远镜拍摄到的迷人肖像,感觉是女巫正紧盯着猎户座明亮的超巨星参宿七。

58、She put her heart and soul into her singing, entrancing all who heard her. ─── 有人便到旅店去找韩娥,请她再来演唱。

59、5. bewitching smile; Roosevelt was a captivating speaker; enchanting music; an enthralling book; antique papers of entrancing design; a fascinating woman. ─── 迷人的微笑;罗斯福是一个有魅力的演说家;迷人的音乐;迷人的书;装帧迷人的古代文献;迷人的女人。收藏指正

60、tint the skin with the bloom of peaches which no hand has touched ? and you will have a comprehensive picture of her entrancing face. ─── 皮肤颜色就像未经人手触摸过的蜜桃上的绒衣:这些就是这张美丽的脸蛋给您的大致印象。

61、Effects of entrancing WTO on Hubei provincial planting industry production and its contermeasure ─── 加入WTO对湖北省种植业生产的影响及应对措施

62、After entrancing to the WTO, China becomes the global manufacturing center for electrical appliances, but the competition of electrical appliances has became more fierce . ─── 中国加入WTO之后,成为全球家用电器的制造中心,家电行业的竞争更加激烈。

63、After entrancing WTO in 2001, Chinese enterprises must compete with external companies abiding by the same rules according to the international practices. ─── 2001年中国加入WTO以后,按照国际惯例,中外企业将在同一的规则下进行竞争。

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