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espalier 中文意思翻译
espalier 网络释义
n. 墙树;墙式树木
espalier 短语词组
1、espalier drainage pattern ─── 方格水系
2、espalier drainage ─── 格状水系
espalier 词性/词形变化,espalier变形
动词过去分词: espaliered |动词过去式: espaliered |动词第三人称单数: espaliers |动词现在分词: espaliering |
espalier 相似词语短语
1、espaliering ─── n.墙树;墙式树木
2、espier ─── n.窥见者;探索者
3、to espalier ─── 给埃斯帕利埃
4、espaliers ─── n.墙树;墙式树木
5、scalier ─── adj.有鳞的;积垢的;劣等的(scaly的变形)
6、shalier ─── 沙利埃
7、escalier ─── 楼梯间
8、espaliered ─── n.墙树;墙式树木
9、spanglier ─── 斯潘利尔
espalier 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Study on light energy capture in grapery with espalier form ─── 篱架葡萄园光能截获量研究
2、To provide with an espalier. ─── 给(花木等)支棚架提供攀架
3、I look rather sadly at the three eating apples that were sacrificed for the espalier. ─── 为了制作墙树,不得不牺牲了三个已经成熟的苹果,我看着它们悲从中来。
4、One cultivar makes a good espalier. ─── 一个品种才是好葡萄.
5、In areas with short (less than 120 days between frosts), cool summers, espalier trees against a south-facing, light-colored wall to take advantage of the reflected heat. ─── 地区短期(少于120天29.41-31.07之间),夏季凉爽,葡萄树对南面临浅色墙壁,以利用反射热量.
6、A trellis or other framework on which an espalier is grown. ─── 攀架或者其它框架墙树,树篱可长在其上的格子或框架
7、fruit espalier ─── 果篱
8、odd espalier, with its branches of lead and iron, was the first thing that struck jean Valjean. ─── 奇形怪状由铅皮管和铁管构成的枝桠最先引起冉阿让的注意。
9、This study focused on the differences between the management of conventional horizontal trellis training model and vertical trellis(espalier) training model of top-grafting sand pears (Pyrus spp.). ─── 摘要本研究目的在于比较台湾惯行水平棚架整枝与新设计之直立垣篱式整枝高接梨园之优劣。
10、Young trees "harp," forming opposite branches as a natural espalier. ─── 幼树"竖琴",形成对面分行作为天然葡萄.
11、a trellis or other framework on which an espalier is grown ─── 墙树,树篱可长在其上的格子或框架
12、readily adaptable to espalier. ─── 易于适应葡萄.
13、Discussion on Proper Distribution of Grapevine on Trellis and Espalier and Expression of Growth of Red Globe in Xinjiang ─── 全球红葡萄在新疆的表现及合理架面管理探讨
14、To train as or on an espalier. ─── 使(花木等)成匍匐状使用攀架或使其象攀架一样
15、Most cultivars are ill-adapted to espalier. ─── 大部分品种不适应,葡萄.
16、Having created the espalier frame, we chose some lateral branches to train against the walls. This was the most painful part. ─── 制作好墙树的框架后,我们开始选择一些横向生长的枝条固定到墙上,这是最困难的一部分。
17、espalier training ─── 篱形整枝
18、Study on light energy capture in grapery with espalier form ─── 篱架葡萄园光能截获量研究
19、This odd espalier, with its branches of lead and iron, was the first thing that struck Jean Valjean. ─── 那种奇形怪状由铅皮管和铁管构成的枝桠最先引起冉阿让的注意。
20、espalier growth form ─── 匍地生长型
21、created the espalier frame, we chose some lateral branches to train against the walls. This was the most painful part. ─── 制作好墙树的框架后,我们开始选择一些横向生长的枝条固定到墙上,这是最困难的一部分。
22、espalier drainage ─── 格状水系
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