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09-12 投稿



hyperaesthesia 发音

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hyperaesthesia 中文意思翻译



hyperaesthesia 短语词组

1、hyperaesthesia sexualis ─── [医] 性欲亢进, 性感过敏

hyperaesthesia 相似词语短语

1、hypaesthesia ─── 触觉减退;神经衰弱

2、hyperaesthesic ─── 感觉过敏

3、hyperesthetic ─── adj.感觉过敏的

4、hypersthenia ─── n.体力过盛

5、paraesthesia ─── n.感觉异常;触觉异常

6、hyperesthesia ─── n.[内科]感觉过敏

7、hypaesthesic ─── 催眠的

8、hypesthesia ─── n.[内科]感觉减退(等于hypaesthesia)

9、hyperaesthetic ─── 超美的

hyperaesthesia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、acoustic hyperaesthesia ─── 听觉过敏

2、Conclusions: Mechanical gastric hyperaesthesia is present in a portion of FD patients, whereas the proximal gastric compliance is normal in FD patients. ─── 结论:部分FD患者中存在着胃机械感觉过敏,近端胃顺应性正常。

4、Aims: To appraise whether it exists mechanical gastric hyperaesthesia in FD patients and to learn concomitantly any change in gastric compliance. ─── 目的:探讨FD患者是否存在胃机械感觉过敏,同时了解胃顺应性变化。

5、olfactory hyperaesthesia ─── 嗅觉过敏

6、 双语使用场景

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