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09-11 投稿



grapy 发音

英:[['gre?p?]]  美:[['gre?p?]]

英:  美:

grapy 中文意思翻译



grapy 短语词组

1、grapy lotion ─── [医] 灰色洗液, 黑汞洗液, 黑色洗液

grapy 词性/词形变化,grapy变形

形容词最高级: grapiest |形容词比较级: grapier |

grapy 相似词语短语

1、graph ─── n.图表;曲线图;vt.用曲线图表示;n.(Graph)人名;(英)格拉夫

2、grapey ─── 葡萄的;似葡萄的

3、gapy ─── adj.患张口病的

4、crapy ─── adj.皱褶的

5、grapery ─── n.葡萄园

6、gripy ─── adj.似绞痛的

7、gravy ─── n.肉汁;不法利润;轻易得来的钱

8、grape ─── n.葡萄;葡萄酒;葡萄树;葡萄色;n.(Grape)人名;(法)格拉普;(德、瑞典)格拉佩

9、gray ─── adj.灰色的;苍白的;灰白头发的;阴郁的;n.灰色;暗淡的光线;vi.成为灰色或灰白;vt.使成灰色或灰白;n.(Gray)人名;(意)格拉伊;(英、法、葡、瑞典)格雷

grapy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Predominance and Evaluation of Ecoclimatic Condition of Grapy Production in Xinjiang ─── 新疆葡萄产品的优势及其生态气候条件评价

2、Beautiful clear and grapy bouquet. This fresh dry white wine is clean and well-balanced. Good depth and flavor. With smoked salmon, seafood, grilled or steamed fish, and tropical fruits. ─── 葡达特拉酒庄创建于1949年,是波尔多地区主要酒庄之一,出口高品质,优惠价格的小古堡葡萄酒。

3、cherry - scented smoke from grapy ' s pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray , wispy swirls danced around our heads. ─── 从祖父烟斗里喷出的白色烟雾在我们脑袋周围上下旋绕,它们散发的樱桃香味使贪婪的蚊子不敢靠近。

4、Since be vinous a kind of form, so grapy produces a division crucial. Dry city district shares 6 grapes to produce a division. ─── 既然是葡萄酒的一种形式,那么葡萄的产区至关重要。干邑地区共有6个葡萄产区。

5、Grapy theory and landscape index are combined to judge the relationship of green lands'ecological effects and its landscape pattern. ─── 以图论和景观指数相结合的方法,评判生态效能与绿地生态效能与景观格局的关联性。

6、Stone bay village is pressed down in mulberry field, the Hou Wenhai that mentions 49 years old, plant with the village grapy farmer people say:" Often await a grape to consider appeared. ─── 在桑园镇石湾村,提起49岁的侯文海,同村种葡萄的农户们都说:"老候把葡萄琢磨透了。

7、grapy lotion ─── [医] 灰色洗液, 黑汞洗液, 黑色洗液

8、Since be vinous a kind of form, so grapy produces a division crucial. Dry city district shares 6 grapes to produce a division. ─── 既然是葡萄酒的一种形式,那么葡萄的产区至关重要。干邑地区共有6个葡萄产区。

9、Nicely balanced with fruit and texture and a grapy structure beneath it.Good acid.Rather primary, oak-derived dark fruit crumble character. ─── 口感紧实、饱满,酸度适中,并呈现出橡木和黑色果实的芬芳。

10、The problem of finding optimal diameter double network with a fixed number of vertices has been widely studied by grapy theory and computer science researchers. ─── 摘要到给定顶点数的双环网的最小直径是图论和计算机工作者广泛研究的问题。

11、Fruit production diversification, zoology is changed, in produce change, grapy of brew of the measure of industrialization and the foot of mountain of He Lan Shandong develops a problem. ─── 水果生产多样化、生态化、中产化、产业化的措施及贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄的发展问题。

12、Beautiful clear and grapy bouquet. This fresh dry white wine is clean and well-balanced. Good depth and flavor. ─── 清新雅致的葡萄果香,芬芳诱人。口感鲜爽,略干,酒体纯净,平衡,口味精致富有深度。

13、Keywords near infrared spectroscopy;grapy wine;alcoholicity; ─── 近红外光谱;葡萄酒;酒精度;

14、Do not eat to say to grapy person, she is feeling is not arranged, be forced to go straight towards a career. ─── 吃不到葡萄的人说,她就是感情不顺,只好去奔事业。

15、This kind of artificial results grapy cost is reaped than the machine for certain should get high much, but on quality, clearly, also be close friends more. ─── 这种人工的收获葡萄的成本肯定比机器收割要高得多,但质量上,显而易见,也要好得多。

16、Do not have method, who calls a family the place big, suit to cultivate grapy place much also. ─── 没办法,谁叫人家地方大嘛,适合种植葡萄的地方也多。

17、France has some of woman to be engaged in for a long time stepping on grapy to work, get among them benefit greatly also, color of skin is very beautiful. ─── 法国有些女人长期从事踩葡萄的工作,也深得其中的好处,肤色美丽非常。

18、grapy wine ─── 葡萄酒

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