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09-08 投稿



estivate 发音


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estivate 中文意思翻译



estivate 反义词


estivate 词性/词形变化,estivate变形

estivate 同义词

vacation | holiday | aestivate |summer

estivate 相似词语短语

1、estivates ─── v.(动物)夏眠,夏蛰;过夏季

2、aestivated ─── v.夏眠,夏蛰(同estivate)

3、estimated ─── adj.估计的;预计的;估算的

4、estivated ─── v.(动物)夏眠,夏蛰;过夏季

5、aestivates ─── v.夏眠,夏蛰(同estivate)

6、estivator ─── 夏蛰动物

7、estimate ─── n.估计,估价;判断,看法;v.估计,估量;判断,评价

8、aestivate ─── v.夏眠,夏蛰(同estivate)

9、estimates ─── n.估计;预算(estimate的复数);概数;v.评价(estimate的三单形式);估量

estivate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A few days ago, the the Ministry of Communication holds coal of report of the estivate that greet a peak to carry the conference in Guangzhou. ─── 日前,交通部在广州召开迎峰度夏电煤运输会议。

2、The beautiful that a round mass of food of steamed bread of pink of cake of fabaceous congee, dish congee, evaporate, beans, porridge, bean curd is child estivate is tasted. ─── 豆粥、菜粥、蒸蛋糕、豆粉馒头、麦片粥、豆腐丸子等是孩子度夏的佳品。

3、On one estivate, 110 million dollars get spent every year, some of it not on herbal remedies or galoshes. ─── 每年夏天这里要花掉1.1亿美元好,还不算上橡胶手套和草药的钱。

4、How is estivate just healthy? ─── 怎样过夏天才是健康?

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