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09-11 投稿



editorially 发音

英:[?ed??t??ri?li]  美:[?ed??t??r??li]

英:  美:

editorially 中文意思翻译



editorially 词性/词形变化,editorially变形

动词第三人称单数: editorializes |动词过去分词: editorialized |名词: editorialization |动词现在分词: editorializing |动词过去式: editorialized |

editorially 相似词语短语

1、editorialist ─── n.主笔;撰写社论者

2、editorialise ─── 发表社论

3、editorialize ─── vi.发表社论;(在报纸等的文章中)加编者按语;vt.(就某事)发表社论;插入主观评论

4、mediatorially ─── 调停地

5、equatorially ─── 赤道平面上地;环状结构平面上地

6、editorials ─── n.社论;述评(editorial的复数)

7、editorial ─── adj.编辑的,主编的;社论的;n.(报刊)社论,(美国电台)评论

8、territorially ─── adv.在领土方面

9、monitorially ─── 监测

editorially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The paper said editorially that it is against the spirit of the Central Committee of our Party to refuse to solve the problem of husband and wife living in two separate places. ─── 这家报纸的社论说,拒不解决夫妻分居两地的问题,是同中央的精神背道而驰的。

2、2) The paper said editorially that McMillan has stolen the Western leadership during Dulles' absence. ─── 参考译文:这家的报纸的社论说,麦克米兰公司在杜勒斯卧病期间窃走了西方的领导权.

3、But signposting an advertorial clearly, while editorially desirable, can also mean that consumers do not feel much compulsion to read it. ─── 不过,在编辑乐意的情况下将一篇软文非常清晰地标示出来也意味着,消费者不觉得有多大必要去看那篇文章。

4、Chlorine, Retained, Tensile Loss: Single Sample Method Editorially Revised 1994. ─── 氯,存留的,张力损耗:单个取样法。

5、20.It strikes me as bad manners for a magazine to accept one of my advertisements and then attack it editorially - like inviting a man to dinner then spitting in his eye. ─── 我觉得,在一本杂志上刊登了广告,却攻击它的内容,是不礼貌的,这正如邀请人共赴宴席,却朝他的脸上吐痰一样。

6、The paper said editorially that nuclear cooperation between the two countries is out of the question for the present. ─── 这家报社的社论说,两国目前还谈不上核合作。

7、Winners in the additional 13 categories are either peer-to-peer or editorially selected. ─── 获得其它13个种类奖项的获奖者也需通过类似过程。

8、The world needs at least two respected, editorially independent and authoritative English-language business papers. ─── 这个世界至少需要两家受到尊重、编辑独立、具有权威的英语商业报纸。

9、“One of the things that I find most people misunderstand about cover design on ‘the outside’ is that so much of what happens is determined editorially, or in a marketing meeting. ─── “我发现大多数人都把封面设计误解为'外面',其中之一是他们都认为大多数封面设计是以编辑性或由营销会议确定的。

10、The paper said editorially that it is against the United Nations Charter to attempt to solve the crisis in the region with military force. ─── 这家报纸的社论说,试图用武力解决该地区的危机违反《联合国宪章》。

11、Although it comes from the same publisher as Nature itself, the two journals are editorially independent. ─── 尽管它来自和自然本身的同一出版社,这两种杂志有着独立的编辑。

12、paper said editorially that the olympic spirit is transcedent. ─── 报纸的社论说,奥林匹克精神是永世长存的。

13、Although it comes from the same publisher as Nature itself, the two journals are editorially independent. ─── 尽管它来自和自然本身的同一出版社,这两种杂志有着独立的编辑。

14、Chlorine, Retained, Tensile Loss: Multiple Sample Method Editorially Revised 1994. ─── 氯,存留的,张力损耗:多次取样法。

15、The original ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A was published in October 1966 and was not revised except editorially until June 1975. ─── 最早的ASNT推荐实施细则SNT-TC-1A是1966年发布的。除了编辑上的错误,直至1975年6月未经任何修改。

16、The paper said editorially that nuclear cooperation between the two countries is out of the question for the present. ─── 这家报社的社论说,两国目前还谈不上核合作。

17、The world needs at least two respected, editorially independent and authoritative English-language business papers. ─── 这个世界至少需要两家受到尊重、编辑独立、具有权威的英语商业报纸。

18、the paper commented editorially on the scandal. ─── 这篇论文以编辑的身份评价了这个丑闻。

19、RTHK is a publicly-funded, editorially independent broadcaster whose mission is to inform , educate and entertain people through the provision of balanced and objective programmes. ─── 香港电台虽以公帑经营,但编辑方针独立,在资讯、教育及娱乐方面,为市民提供取材客观、分量均衡的广播节目。

20、The paper said editorially that McMillan has stolen the Western leadership during Dulles' absence. ─── 这家的报纸的社论说,麦克米兰公司在杜勒斯卧病期间窃走了西方的领导权。

21、Publishers must become more astute financially and creative editorially to retain their grip in the digital world. ─── 出版商在经济上必须更加精明,选编图书时得更富创意,才能在电子出版界站稳阵脚。

22、The Taiwan Cinefest is a completely independent, editorially neutral, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to building support and appreciation for Taiwanese cinema here in the UK. ─── 伦敦台湾电影节2009为在伦敦举行的电影活动中最为关注台湾电影及影像艺术的团体之一。

23、The paper said editorially that blogs have developed into a fourth source of news, after newspapers, radio, and television. ─── 这家报纸的社论说,博客(网上个人日志)已经成了继报纸、广播和电视之后的第四种新闻来源。

24、The paper said editorially that it is against the guideline of the Central Committee of our Party to refuse to solve the problem of husband and wife living in two separate places. ─── 这份报纸的社论说,拒不解决夫妻分居两地的问题,是同中央的精神背道而驰的。

25、I_tuoi_giochi Negozio online di Giochi Uniti, distributore di giochi da tavolo e di carte dei principali editori italiani. ─── 地区/亚洲/中国/广东/汕头/商业与经济-广东汕头超声电子股份有限公司研制超声电子仪器、双面及多层印制电路板及液晶显示器。

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