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09-07 投稿



gorm 发音


英:  美:

gorm 中文意思翻译



gorm 网络释义

gorm 相似词语短语

1、Norm ─── n.标准,规范

2、gorms ─── vt.(用油腻或胶黏的东西)弄脏;玷污(up);n.(Gorm)人名;(丹)戈姆

3、corm ─── n.[植]球茎

4、borm ─── v.涂抹

5、Form ─── n.形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格;vt.构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造;vi.形成,构成;排列;n.(Form)人名;(英)福姆;(法、德)福尔姆

6、germ ─── n.[植]胚芽,萌芽;细菌;vi.萌芽

7、gormy ─── 戈姆斯

8、dorm ─── n.宿舍(等于dormitory);n.(Dorm)人名;(瑞典)多尔姆

9、gor ─── abbr.气油比(gasoilratio);普通操作要求(generaloperationalrequirement);n.(Gor)人名;(西)戈尔

gorm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you provide a couple of specially named fields, GORM automatically timestamps your class, as shown in Listing 15. ─── 如果您提供几个特别的命名字段,GORM会自动给它们添加时间戳,如清单15所示。

2、GORM supports configuration of Hibernate types via the DSL using the type attribute.This includes specifing user types that subclass the Hibernate org.hibernate.types. ─── As an example GORM还可以通过DSL的type属性来支持Hibernate类型,包括特定Hibernate的org.hibernate.types.

3、Grails Object Relational Mapping GORM ─── 对象关系映射

4、If you provide a couple of specially named fields (lastUpdated and dateCreated), GORM automatically timestamps the class. ─── 如果你提供了一对特别命名的字段(lastUpdated与dateCreated),GORM就会自动为类增加时间戳。

5、Grails recently released version 0.5, with improved performance, custom URLs, enhancements to GORM and more. ─── Grails最近发布了0.5版本,该版本包括了性能的提高,自定义url,增强GORM等一些特点。

6、Recall that GORM is a thin Groovy facade over Hibernate, so it shouldn't surprise you that all of your old Hibernate tricks will still work. ─── 回忆一下,GORM是一个优于Hibernate的瘦Groovyfacade,因此,那些古老的Hibernate技巧仍然奏效也不足为奇。

7、Later, in " Many-to-many relationships with a dollop of Ajax, " you used GORM to model increasingly sophisticated class relationships. ─── 之后的“使用Ajax实现多对多关系”教您使用GORM建模越来越复杂的类关系。

8、GORM helps mitigate the leaky-abstraction problem by allowing you to represent your object model in a way that makes sense in Groovy. ─── GORM有助于缓解抽象泄漏问题,它支持使用对Groovy有意义的方式表示对象模型,由GORM在幕后处理关系数据库的问题。

9、In " GORM: Funny name, serious technology, " you were introduced to the basics of GORM, including simple one-to-many relationships. ─── “精通Grails:GORM-有趣的名称,严肃的技术”向您介绍了GORM的基础知识,包括简单的一对多关系。

10、Next you instantiate the class, what creates a new object (the instance) in the Gorm main window, and you connect the outlets and the actions to the corresponding components. ─── 下面,以这个组为例进行说明,这将在Gorm主窗口中创建一个新的目标,并且你可以将出口(Outlets)和行为关联到相应的部分。

11、Again, notice that GORM allows you to think in terms of objects instead of primary or foreign keys. ─── 同样地,我们注意到GORM也允许您从对象而不是主键或外键的角度来思考。

12、GORM supports the registration of events as closures that get fired when certain events occurs such as deletes, inserts and updates. ─── GORM支持事件注册,只需要将事件作为一个闭包即可,当某个事件触发,比如删除,插入,更新。

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