nippers 发音
英: 美:
nippers 中文意思翻译
nippers 网络释义
n. [机] 钳子(nipper的复数形式)
nippers 短语词组
1、gouge-nippers ─── [医] 圆凿钳
2、nail nippers ─── 起钉钳;指甲剪
3、cuticle nippers ─── 指甲钳
4、cutting nippers ─── [电] 线剪
nippers 词性/词形变化,nippers变形
nippers 相似词语短语
1、sippers ─── n.吸者,饮者;吸浆管
2、dippers ─── n.长柄勺(dipper的复数)
3、tippers ─── n.给小费的人;翻斗卡车;倾卸车之搬运夫;n.(Tipper)人名;(英)蒂珀
4、rippers ─── n.撕裂者;粗齿锯;裂具;n.(Ripper)人名;(德、匈、葡)里佩尔
5、nipper ─── n.镊子;夹取的人;少年;n.(Nipper)人名;(德)尼佩尔
6、snippers ─── n.手剪
7、kippers ─── n.腌鱼;家伙;vt.腌;n.(Kipper)人名;(德、法、俄)基佩尔;(英)基珀
8、nipters ─── 尼普斯
9、nappers ─── n.打盹的人;拉毛工人;n.(Napper)人名;(德、英)纳珀
nippers 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、We want to buy Brassiere, Panty, Girdle, Waist Nipper, Body Suit, Night Wear, Body Shaping Foundation, Trunks for Men, Socks, All kinds of Underwear ─── 我们要采购胸罩,裤袜,腰带,腰钳,舒适衣服,睡衣,整形服装,男人运动裤,袜子
2、champagne nippers ─── 剪钳
3、plate nippers ─── 剪板钳
4、vertical nipper jaw ─── 竖式钳口
5、Lever assisted end cutting nipper ─── 杠杆顶切钳
6、Keywords centre gauge of the part;wire angle;cylinder combing;nipper plate close;reverse of the split roll;timing plus orientation; ─── 元件中心距;整体锡林;齿面角;锡林梳理;钳板闭合;分离罗拉倒转;定时定位;
7、nippers for fragments ─── 牙碎片切断钳
8、front cutting wire nippers ─── 前割式钢丝切断钳
9、Pliers and nippers for electronics - Single-purpose nippers - Pliers for gripping and manipulating ─── 电讯夹扭钳和剪切钳。专用钳。夹扭钳
10、Pliers and nippers for electronics - Test methods ─── 电讯夹扭钳和剪切钳。试验方法
11、Keywords comber;detaching distance;timing of opening-closing of nipper;timing of cylinder combing;timing of detaching and overlapping;nipper pressure; ─── 精梳机;落棉隔距;钳板开闭口定时;锡林梳理定时;分离接合定时;钳口压力;
12、Pliers and nippers. Multilingual nomenclature. ─── 夹钳和虎钳.多种语言名称表
13、Keywords Comber;Eccentric Axis Parameter;Nipper Parameter;Processing Property;Influence; ─── 精梳机;偏心轴参数;钳板参数;工艺性能;影响;
14、hope to import to usa market - nipper for nail art and neck shutter ... ─── 查看“医药保健-个人保养-指甲护理”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
15、Pliers and nippers - Pliers for gripping and manipulating - Dimensions and test values ─── 夹扭钳和剪切钳。夹扭钳。尺寸和试验值
16、punching nippers ─── 冲孔钳
17、Schmidt's nipper for teeth ─── 施密特(氏)牙咬切钳
18、PONGO: Perdy, we better get these little one nippers off to bed if we're going for a W-A-L-K. ─── 柏蒂,亲爱的,我们最好在我们出动散步之前最好选领孩子们上床。
19、Look at its nippers, so scary and ugly. ─── 看它的螯,多么吓人多么丑陋。
20、cutting nipper ─── 切钳
21、cutting nippers ─── 剪钳老虎钳
22、champangne nippers ─── 剪钳, 老虎钳
23、diagonal cutting nippers ─── 斜嘴钳
24、'Richards assented to the proposition.'This house ain't so exactly ringing with merry-making,' said Miss Nipper, 'that one need be lonelier than one must be. ─── 到了薄暮的时候,男管家们(他们家里的人到外面吃晚饭去了)开始站在门口;
25、He's a cheeky little nipper. ─── 他是个小赖皮.
26、Lempert's nippers ─── 伦珀特(氏)手术镊
27、To avoid this, check your drugstore for nail "nippers" that are shaped to follow the natural curve of the nail. ─── 避免长成嵌甲的方法就是,去药店买个专门用来修指甲的小镊子,按照指甲自然弧度来剪。
28、adjustable cut nippers ─── 活刃剪钳
29、bone nipper ─── [医] 骨钳
30、cable nippers ─── 电缆钳
31、Pandanyi for urban and famous, in turn, his 建外SOHO Hainabo nipper and his reputation is getting the light, not of first red, sales continued to look good. ─── 潘石屹因现代城而出名,反过来,他的建外SOHO和海南博螯却沾了他名气的光,未建先红,销售一路看好。
32、thread nipper assembly ─── 夹纱装置
33、Pliers and nippers - Methods of test ─── 夹扭钳和剪切钳。试验方法
34、plate nipper ─── [医] 剪板钳
35、The larva takes aim at the snail's tentacles. It strikes with its poison nippers. ─── 小萤火虫瞄准了蜗牛的触角,并用自己带毒的螯出击。
36、nippers for stumps ─── 残根切断钳
37、nipper knife ─── 上钳板
38、He's a cheeky little nipper ─── 他是个小赖皮
39、a pair of nippers ─── 一把钳子
40、This article introduced the structure, theory and usage of a newtype well repairing hydraulic nippers, and also analyzed its advantages and prospects of its popularizing and applying. ─── 介绍了新型修井配套工具油田修井液压钳安全自动装置的结构、原理和使用方法,分析了它的优点和推广应用前景。
41、top nipper arm ─── (精梳机的) 上钳板臂
42、waist nipper ─── 掐腰,掐腰内衣
43、level front cutting nippers ─── 平面剪切钳
44、1.Can I borrow your nipper? ─── 我能借你的小镊子吗?
45、plain-cut nippers ─── 普通剪钳
46、PONGO: Perdy, we better get these little one nippers off to bed if we're going for a W-A-L-K. ─── 柏蒂,亲爱的,我们最好在我们出动散步之前最好选领孩子们上床。
47、end cutting nippers ─── 中心剪丝钳
48、Pliers and nippers - End cutting nippers - Dimensions and test values ─── 夹扭钳和剪切钳。顶切钳。尺寸和试验值
49、Includes Nail Clippers, Sapphire Nail File, Tweezers, Nail Scissors & Cuticle Nippers. ─── 包括指甲钳、指甲锉刀,镊子、指甲剪和去角质钳。
50、Pliers and nippers - Diagonal cutting nippers - Dimensions and test values ─── 夹扭钳和剪扭钳。斜剪钳。尺寸和试验值
51、barbed wire nippers ─── 带刺铁丝剪钳
52、side cutting wire nippers ─── 侧咬式钢丝切断钳
53、Witness testimony described the assaults as nipper tipping, and the incident was preceded by a racist attack. ─── 社区人权团体协会的伍素屏表示,Middleton一案的陪审团成员有些来自Middleton本人所在的社区。
54、I'm not ever going to forget what you've done for the nippers. ─── 我永远忘不了你为这些小孩子所做的一切。
55、thread nipper bar ─── 夹线调节板
56、Methods Adoptting ocular estimate and mouse nippers method. ─── 方法采用目测法与鼠夹法。
57、cut nippers with spring ─── 弹簧剪钳
58、This one easily crack seashells. You may imagine what is going to happen if it catches somebody with its nippers. ─── 这只能轻易打开海贝。你可以想象如果人被它的钳子夹住了会怎么样。
59、for lower teeth nippers ─── 下颌牙切断钳, 弯形牙切断钳(美式31号拔牙钳)
60、nipper plate ─── 下钳板
61、thread nipper bar guide block ─── 夹线调节板导向块
62、4.So what if the little nippers don’t read? ─── 如果这些小家伙不阅读会怎么样?
63、finger and toe nail nippers ─── 指甲刀
64、'Did I ever tell you, old boy,' he said, chuckling round the stem of his pipe, 'about the time when those two nippers of mine set fire to the old market-woman's skirt because they saw her wrapping up sausages in a poster of B.B.? ─── “我还没说哩,伙计,”他叼着烟斗,一面说道:“有次我那俩小家伙,在市场把个老太太裙子给点着啦! 那老家伙? 她拿B.B.的像片包香肠!
65、Keywords Lapping Mechanism;Automatic Lap Changing;Automatic Joint;Cylinder Speed Change Carding Mechanism;Nipper Opening Control Set;Draft Set; ─── 成卷机构;自动换卷;自动接头;锡林变速梳理机构;钳板开口控制装置;牵伸装置;
66、nipper pliers ─── 尖嘴钳剪丝钳
67、Study with th ree cranks in different radii and have a test on the nipper of E7/6 type comber with two cranks in different radii,and draw a conclusion in consistent with the oretic analyzes. ─── 研究3种不同曲柄半径精梳机钳板的运动规律及运动特性;并在E7/6型精梳机上采用2种不同的曲柄半径进行了试验,得到了与理论分析相一致的结论。
68、cuticle nippers ─── 指甲钳
69、manicure nippers ─── 修指甲钳
70、Pliers and nippers for electronics--General technical requirements ─── 电讯夹扭钳和剪切钳通用技术条件
71、Abstract: This article introduced the structure, theory a nd usage of a newtype well repairing hydraulic nippers, and also analyzed its advantages and prospects of its popularizing and applying. ─── 介绍了新型修井配套工具油田修井液压钳安全自动装置的结构、原理和使用方法,分析了它的优点和推广应用前景。
72、S-type wire nippers ─── S形钢丝切断钳
73、Automatic operating safety device of oilfield well rep airing hydraulic nippers ─── 油田修井液压钳安全自动操作装置
74、wire nipper ─── 剪线钳剪镍钳
75、Holding nippers of crabs and facin the chrysanthemum ─── 持螯对菊
76、Keywords well repairing hydraulic nippers safety automatic operation assorted device; ─── 修井液压钳;安全;自动操作;配套装置;
77、diagonal side cutting nippers ─── 平口斜嘴钳
78、nipper, pincher, quitter, shirker, pince-nez ─── 夹鼻眼镜。开小差的人。
79、heavy duty diagonal cutting nippers ─── 大型斜嘴偏口钳
80、The larva takes aim at the snail's tentacles.It strikes with its poison nippers. ─── 小萤火虫瞄准了蜗牛的触角,并用自己带毒的螯出击。
81、Pliers and nippers - General technical requirements ─── 夹扭钳和剪扭钳。一般技术要求
82、Can I borrow your nipper? ─── 我能借你的小镊子吗?
83、The writer analyses the influence of nipper innovation on dropping and combing, and the change of top comb location on combers is analysed too. ─── 从理论和实践上分析了精梳机钳板机构的改进对落棉和梳理的影响以及顶梳定位的改变。
84、nail and wire nippers ─── 穿定和钢丝钳
85、Pretty smart for a nipper of seven, eh?' ─── 七岁小孩儿吔,有点子聪明,嗯哼?”
86、gouge nippers ─── 圆凿钳
87、detaching nipper ─── 拔取钳板
88、nippers for teeth ─── 牙切断钳
89、nippers for upper teeth ─── 上颌牙切断钳, 直形牙切断钳
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