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palmitic 发音

英:[p?l?m?t?k]  美:[p?l?m?t?k]

英:  美:

palmitic 中文意思翻译



palmitic 短语词组

1、palmitic amide ─── [化] 棕榈酸酰胺; 十六酰胺; 十六烷酰胺

2、palmitic acid ─── [化] 棕榈酸; 软脂酸; 十六酸; 十六烷酸 ─── [医] 棕榈酸, 软脂酸, 十六酸

3、palmitic acid ethyl ester ─── 棕榈酸乙酯

palmitic 常用词组

palmitic acid ─── 棕榈酸;软脂酸;[化]十六酸

palmitic 相似词语短语

1、albitic ─── 钠长石

2、Islamitic ─── adj.伊斯兰教的

3、psammitic ─── adj.[地质]砂屑的;[地质]砂质的

4、politic ─── adj.(行动)明智的,讲策略的;(人)谨慎的,精明的;v.从事政治活动

5、pelitic ─── adj.泥质的

6、palmitin ─── n.甘油棕榈酸酯;软脂精

7、dolomitic ─── adj.含白云石的

8、calcitic ─── 钙质的

9、Hamitic ─── adj.含的;含米特人的;含米特语的;含语族的;n.含米特语;含语族

palmitic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Catalpa ovata G.Don;Catalposide;Vanillic acid;Sterol;Palmitic acid; ─── 梓白皮;梓苷;香草酸;甾醇;十六碳酸;

2、The main organic acids inA actinidia chinensis a re: malic acid, citric acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid. ─── 猕猴桃中的有机酸主要是苹果酸、柠檬酸、棕榈酸、油酸和亚油酸等。

3、In addition, oleic acid and linoleic acid content also about 30%, but also some 5% about other palmitic acid. ─── 此外,油酸和亚油酸的含量也在30%左右,还有5%左右的其他软脂酸。

4、an insoluble calcium salt of stearic acid and palmitic acid; it is formed when soap is mixed with water that contains calcium ions and is the scum produced in regions of hard water. ─── 硬脂酸和棕榈酸的不溶的钙盐,在肥皂与含有钙离子的水混合时形成,是硬水地区产生的浮渣。

5、Keywords lipase;catalyze;sucrose;palmitic;sucrose palmitate; ─── 脂肪酶;催化;蔗糖;棕榈酸;蔗糖棕榈酸酯;

6、A saturated fatty acid; glycerides of palmitic acid occur widely in plant and animal oils and fats. ─── 一种饱和脂肪酸,广泛存在于植物和动物油脂和脂肪中的棕榈酸甘油脂。

7、palmitic aldehyde oxime ─── 棕榈醛肟

8、The contents of palmitic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic in tea corbicular pollen and mixture (5~10 days) tea bee bread were 1.3%, 0.2%, 0.16%, 2.5% and 1.1%, 1.0%, 0.3%, 1.0%, respectively. ─── 新鲜茶蜂花粉和混合茶蜂粮样品中软脂酸、硬脂酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸的含量分别为 1 .3%、0 .2%、0 .1 6%、2 .5%和 1 .1%、1 .0%、0 .3%、1 .0%。

9、palmitic aeid ─── 棕榈酸

10、Result:Four kinds of acid from the Trachyspermum Ammi(L.)were identified including linoleic acid,oleic acid,stearic acid,palmitic acid.The linoleic acid and oleic acid were main components among them. ─── 结果:从阿育魏种子中分离出了4种脂肪酸,它们分别是亚油酸、油酸、棕榈酸、硬脂酸,其种子主要脂肪酸为亚油酸和油酸。

11、Soy bean oil and its products normally contains only 7 to 11% palmitic acid ─── 豆油及豆油制品在正常情况下只含7-11%的软脂酸。

12、Keywords phase equilibria;binary system;naphthalene;lauric acid;myristic acid;palmitic acid; ─── 相平衡;二元系;萘;月桂酸;肉豆蔻酸;棕榈酸;

13、Palmitic acid seemed to decrease the elongation percentage, although no conclusive results were found on tensile strength. ─── 实验结果尚无法确实认定添加软脂酸对薄膜拉伸抗张强度之影响,但可显示会减少薄膜延展率。

14、Palmitic acid, its salts and esters; salts and esters of stearic acid ─── 棕榈酸及其盐和酯、硬脂酸盐、酯

15、Among all kinds of genetic main effects, the embryo effects were the largest for palmitic, stearic and linoleic acids, and cytoplasm effects were the largest for oleic and linolenic acids. ─── 在脂肪酸组分的遗传主效应中,棕榈酸、硬脂酸和亚油酸含量是以胚主效应为主。

16、Among them,oleic acid(24.89%),palmitic acid (24.82%)and linoleic acid(16.86%) were major components. It is reported that linoleic acid had growth inhibition effect against lung adenocarcinoma cells. ─── 其中油酸(Oleic acid,24.89%)、棕榈酸(Palmitic acid,24.82%)和亚油酸(Linoleic acid,16.86%)为主要成分,据文献报道亚油酸具有肺腺癌细胞生长抑制活性。

17、Keywords honey comb;palmitic acid;gas chromatography spcclromctry: modified to melhyle esters; ─── 蜂房;棕榈酸;气相色谱;甲酯化;

18、Keywords Pinellia ternate(Thunb.) Breit;4-aminobutyric acid;alanine;palmitic amide; ─── 关键词半夏;4-氨基丁酸;丙氨酸;棕榈酰胺;

19、palmitic anhydride ─── 棕榈酸酐

20、a saturated fatty acid; glycerides of palmitic acid occur widely in plant and animal oils and fats. ─── 一种饱和脂肪酸,广泛存在于植物和动物油脂和脂肪中的棕榈酸甘油脂。

21、Conclusion:The main constituents in water-solubles from fungus garden of Odontotermes formosanus are palmitic acid,linolei acid and oleic aid. ─── 结论:白蚁菌圃的水溶性化学成分中含有丰富的游离脂肪酸。

22、Compared with self-fertilized of NC, the content of oleic acid increased significantly, whereas the content of stearic acid, palmitic acid and linoenic acid declined. ─── 与普通玉米自交相比,授高油玉米花粉的普通玉米籽粒中油酸含量显著升高,硬脂酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸含量有所降低;

23、In the next place, Sodium oleic-acyl lactylate and Sodium palmitic-acyl lactylate were good at steamed bread. ─── 脂肪酸碳链长度越短的脂肪酰乳酸钠添加到馒头中的作用效果越差。

24、Keywords llex kudincha;Aquifoliaceae;triterpene;ester;palmitic acid; ─── 苦丁茶冬青;冬青属;三萜酯;棕榈酸;三萜;

25、Keywords Xanthochrous nilgheriensis Teng;supercritical CO 2 extraction;palmitic acid; ─── 环棱褐孔菌;超临界提取;棕榈酸;

26、palmitic acid glyceride ─── 甘油棕榈酸酯

27、palmitic monoethanolamide ─── 棕榈酸单乙醇酰胺

28、Among selection response components, maternal and cytoplasm general responses and/or interaction responses were more important for palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids contents. ─── 在普通狭义遗传率中,棕榈酸含量、油酸含量和亚麻酸含量以细胞质普通遗传率和母体普通遗传率为主。

29、The dominant unsaturated fatty acid was oleic, and saturated fatty acid palmitic. ─── 不饱和脂肪酸以油酸为主,饱和脂肪酸以棕桐酸为主;

30、And contribution of factors on fen-flavor type of tobacco in order was damascenone>palmitic acid >methyl. ─── 对烟叶清香型风格形成贡献由大到小的影响因子为大马酮>棕榈酸>甲酯。

31、Keywords Sapium fat;high_grade purity;palmitic acid;oleic acid; ─── 乌桕脂;高纯度;棕榈酸;油酸;

32、palmitic aldehydase ─── 棕榈醛; 十六(烷)醛

33、OBJECTIVE To assay lauric acid, myristic acid and palmitic acid in the fatty oil of Chinese gall by GC, for evaluating the quality of the fatty oil of Chinese gall. ─── 目的建立气相色谱法同时测定五倍子油中月桂酸、肉豆蔻酸及棕榈酸3种主要脂肪酸含量的方法,为五倍子油及其制剂的工艺研究与质量控制提供评价指标与评价方法。

34、Keywords Palmitic acid;Oleic acid;Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL);Macrophage;Endotoxin; ─── 软脂酸;油酸;极低密度脂蛋白;巨噬细胞;内毒素;

35、palmitic acid ─── 棕闾酸软脂酸棕榈酸十六酸软质酸

36、palmitic acid ester ─── 棕榈酸酯

37、1. The glyceryl ester, C3H5(OOC16H31)3, of palmitic acid, found in palm oil and animal fats and used to manufacture soap. ─── 棕榈精棕榈酸的甘油基酯,C3H5(OOC16H31)3,在棕榈油和动物脂肪中发现,用来生产肥皂收藏指正

38、Keywords GC;Cupisheng Ointment;Beeswax;Palmitic acid; ─── 气相色谱法;促皮生软膏;蜂蜡;十六烷酸;

39、The glyceryl ester, C3H5(OOC16H31)3, of palmitic acid, found in palm oil and animal fats and used to manufacture soap. ─── 棕榈精棕榈酸的甘油基酯,c3h5(ooc16h31)3,在棕榈油和动物脂肪中发现,用来生产肥皂

40、Objective:To optimize the extraction technology of palmitic acid of Xanthochrous nilgheriensis Teng. ─── 目的:筛选环棱褐孔菌中棕榈酸的提取工艺。

41、Effects of palmitic acid, oleic acid and VLDL on the sensitivity to endotoxin of macrophages ─── 软脂酸、油酸和极低密度脂蛋白对巨噬细胞内毒素敏感性的影响

42、For the general heritability, maternal and cytoplasm heritabilities were the main components for palmitic, oleic and linolenic acids contents. ─── 棕榈酸含量和油酸含量是以普通狭义遗传率为主。

43、the glyceryl ester,C3H5(OOC16H31)3,of palmitic acid,found in palm oil and animal fats and used to manufacture soap ─── 棕榈精,棕榈酸的甘油基酯,C3H5(OOC16H31)3,在棕榈油和动物脂肪中发现,用来生产肥皂

44、Palmitic acid seemed to decrease the elongation percentage, although no conclusive results were found on tensile strength. ─── 实验结果尚无法确实认定添加软脂酸对薄膜拉伸抗张强度之影响,但可显示会减少薄膜延展率。

45、Keywords capillary gas chromatography;palmitic acid;stearic acid;fatliquoring agent; ─── 毛细管气相色谱法;软脂酸;硬脂酸;加脂剂;

46、Stearic acid if formed from palmitic acid. It is an intermediate in the synthesis of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids. ─── 硬脂酸由棕榈酸形成,是合成油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸的中间物质。

47、Eight compounds were obtained and were identified as: palmitic acid(1),corosolic acid(2),daucosterol(3),urs-12-en-28-ol(4), oleanolic acid(5),uroslic acid(6),4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid(7),and 2,6-dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone(8). ─── 得到8个单体化合物:棕榈酸(1),科罗索酸(2),胡萝卜苷(3),乌索烷-12-烯-28-醇(4),齐墩果酸(5),乌索酸(6),对羟基间甲氧基苯甲酸(7)和2,6-二甲氧基-对苯醌(8)。

48、palmitic acid monoethanolamide polyglycoside ─── 棕榈酸单乙醇酰胺葡萄糖苷

49、a triglyceride of palmitic acid. ─── 棕榈酸的甘油三酸酯。

50、Ingredients:Rose extract,whitening factor,palmitic acid, lauric acid, tetradecanoic acid, fatty acid methyl taurate. ─── 成分:玫瑰提取液,美白因子,棕榈酸,月桂酸,肉豆蔻酸,脂肪酸甲基牛磺酸钠。

51、Ingredients: lavender extract, whitening factor, moisturizing factor,palmitic acid, lauric acid, tetradecanoic acid, fatty acid methyl taurate. ─── 成分:薰衣草精华,美白因子,羟乙基纤维素,丙二醇,甘油,甲基丙烯酰乙基甜菜碱,甲基丙烯酸酯共聚物。

52、A method for determination of palmitic acid and stearic acid in leather fatliquoring agent was developed using the capillary gas chromatography(GC). ─── 建立了毛细管气相色谱法测定皮革加脂剂中软脂酸和硬脂酸含量的方法。

53、The nonionic surfactant palmitic acid monoethanolamide polyglycoside(PMEAPG),which has not been reported in the literature,was obtained by transglycosidation of PMEA with n-butyl glycoside. ─── 以棕榈酸和单乙醇胺反应,生成棕榈酸单乙醇酰胺,再与丁苷进行转苷化反应,得到文献未曾报到过的棕榈酸单乙醇酰胺葡萄糖苷非离子表面活性剂。

54、an ester of glycerol and palmitic acid. ─── 甘油和棕榈酸形成的酯。

55、Keywords Pancreatitis;Pancreatic Acinar Cells;Palmitic Acid;Cerulein;Gene Chips;Gene Expression; ─── 胰腺炎;胰腺腺泡细胞;棕榈酸;雨蛙肽;基因芯片;基因表达;

56、The natural fat of milk from which butter is made, consisting largely of the glycerides of oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids. ─── 乳脂牛奶中的天然脂肪,是奶油的成分之一,主要由含有油酸、硬脂酸和软脂酸的甘油脂混合物构成

57、Approximately 80% of the triacylglycerols in coconut oil are trisaturated, with lauric acid concentrated at the sn- 2 positions, octanoic acids at the sn- 3, and myristic and palmitic at the sn- 1 positions. ─── 在椰子油中约80%三酰基甘油是三饱和的,月桂酸集中分布在sn-2位,辛酸位于sn-3位,肉豆蔻酸和棕榈酸位于sn-l位。

58、The main components in volatile oils are hexadecanoic acid, oleic acid+linoleic acid, linoleic acid amide, palmitic acid amide, stearic acid amide and dibutyl phthalate. ─── 五指毛桃根皮与根木质部所含的化学成分相似,挥发油成分以十六酸、油酸+亚油酸、亚油酸酰胺、软脂酸酰胺、硬脂酸酰胺、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯为主;

59、The content(32 67%)of palmitic acid is the highest. ─── 棕榈酸的含量最高,占挥发油成分总量的3267%。

60、The oil fatty acids of soybean mainly consist of saturated fatty acids (palmitic and stearic) and unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and linolenic). ─── 大豆油脂脂肪酸主要由饱和脂肪酸(棕榈酸、硬脂酸)和不饱和脂肪酸(油酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸)组成。

61、Keywords Capric acid;Lauric aci;Palmitic acid;stearic acid;eutectic mixture;Solid-Liquid transitions for thermal energy storage; ─── 癸酸;月桂酸;软脂酸;硬脂酸;低共熔混合物;固-液相变贮热;

62、By means of the visual polythermal method,this paper studies the solid liquid equilibria of binary mixtures of naphthalene lauric acid,naphthalene myristic acid and naphthalene palmitic acid. ─── 用目视变温法研究了萘-月桂酸、萘-肉豆蔻酸、萘-棕榈酸二元系的固液平衡。

63、Keywords L_ascorbic acid;Room temperature;Esterification;Palmitic acid;L_ascorbic acid 6_palmitate; ─── 抗坏血酸;室温;酯化反应;棕榈酸;L_抗坏血酸6_棕榈酸酯;

64、The Determination of Palmitic Acid in Honeycomb ─── 蜂房中棕榈酸含量测定方法的研究

65、pyridoxine dipalmitate from pyridoxine and palmitic acid. ─── 哆醇与棕榈酸为原料,水溶剂法合成吡哆醇二棕榈酸酯。

66、The main fatty acid are palmitic acid 7.17%, stearic acid 4.16%, oleic acid 25.72%, linoleic acid 62.47%, arachidic acid 0.24%, eicosenoic acid 0.23%. ─── 结果表明,苦楝籽油的主要脂肪酸为棕榈酸717%、硬脂酸4.16%、油酸25.72%、亚油酸62.47%、花生酸0.24%、花生一烯酸0.23%。

67、The researchers also found that one particular type of fat -- palmitic acid which is found in beef, butter, cheese and milk, -- is particularly effective at instigating this mechanism. ─── 研究者们也发现了一种富含于牛肉、黄油、干酪和牛奶的特殊脂肪--棕榈酸,对促成这种机制有专门的功效。

68、On the subject of mechanical properties, addition of glycerin or palmitic acid resulted in the decrease of water vapor permeability for the formed edible films. ─── 薄膜本身之机械性质方面,薄膜水分通透特性会随著甘油或软脂酸的添加而降低。

69、The seeds were rich in fatty oil and the main constituents were palmitic acid (18.225%), stearic acid (2.459%), oleic acid (27.995%), linonic acid (44.522%) and linolenic acid (2.374%). ─── 种子含有丰富的脂肪油,主要成分为:棕榈酸(18。225%)、硬脂酸(2。459%)、油酸(27。995%)、亚油酸(44。522%)和亚麻酸(2。

70、The IUFA and DBI of plasma membrane of Scout66 roots increased because its linolenic acid content increased obviously and its palmitic acid content decreased apparently. ─── Scout66的亚麻酸含量明显上升,棕榈酸则下降明显,其它组分也略有降低,不饱和指数和双键指数明显上升。

71、palmitic aldehyde ─── 棕榈醛十六醛

72、The effects of the presence of palmitic acid and glycerin, in varying mass fractions on the oxygen and water vapor permeability of corn starch based edible coatings were examined. ─── 研究了添加不同量软脂酸和甘油对淀粉基可食膜的水蒸气透过率和氧气透过率的影响,并用于番茄果实的保鲜试验。

73、Ingredients: olive essence, VE, palmitic acid, lauric acid, myristic acid, fatty acid methyl taurate. ─── 成分:橄榄精华,VE,棕榈酸,月桂酸,肉豆蔻酸,脂肪酸甲基牛磺酸钠。

74、Soy bean oil and its products normally contains only 7 to 11% palmitic acid. ─── 豆油及豆油制品在正常情况下只含7 - 11%的软脂酸。

75、7. a saturated fatty acid;glycerides of palmitic acid occur widely in plant and animal oils and fats. ─── 一种蜡质饱和脂肪酸,作为甘油脂广泛存在于动物和植物脂肪中。

76、Keywords pyridoxine;palmitic acid;pyridoxine dipalmitate; ─── 吡哆醇;棕榈酸;吡哆醇二棕榈酸酯;

77、Keywords Pinella ternate (Thunb.) Breit;Juglans regia;constituent;anticancer activity;palmitic amide;gallic acid; ─── 半夏;核桃树皮;化学成分;生物活性;棕榈酰胺;没食子酸;

78、an insoluble calcium salt of stearic acid and palmitic acid; it is formed when soap is mixed with water that contains calcium ions and is the scum produced in regions of hard water ─── 硬脂酸和棕榈酸的不溶的钙盐,在肥皂与含有钙离子的水混合时形成,是硬水地区产生的浮渣

79、ResultsTwenty-five compounds were identified,palmitic acid(24.49%) and linoleic acid(22.02%) of them are main components. ─── 结果分离鉴定出25种成分,其中棕榈酸含量最高,亚油酸次之,为该部位的抗炎、抗癌活性成分。

80、methyl palmitic acid ─── 甲基十六酸, 甲基棕榈酸

81、The Analysis of Thin Layer Chromatography of Citric Acid Esters of Partial Palmitic Acid Glycerides ─── 柠檬酸甘油单、二棕榈酸酯的薄层色谱分析

82、palmitic amide ─── 棕榈酰胺

83、Nine fatty acids were identified,main components of them were palmitic acid(29.27%),linoleic acid(19.75%),11,14,17-eicosatrienic acid(16.63%),tetradecanoic acid(14.69%). ─── 共检出九种脂肪酸成分,主要成分分别为棕榈酸(29.27%)、亚油酸(19.75%)、二十碳三烯酸(16.63%)和十四(烷)酸(14.69%)。

84、The yields of fatty acids from copper-treated EOM, in particular palmitic acid and stearic acid, do not decrease for the interaction of copper with organic acids but increase markedly. ─── 加铜得到的可溶有机质脂肪酸的含量不仅没有因为铜和脂肪酸的作用而减少,反而大幅度增加,尤其是氯仿沥青中的脂肪酸,甲醇沥青中的脂肪酸增幅较小。

85、The relative content of saturated fatty acids was 8.70%,and the main components were palmitic acid and stearic acid. ─── 结果表明,从翅果油树种子油中分离鉴定出11种脂肪酸,其中饱和脂肪酸占8.70%,主要是棕榈酸和硬脂酸;

86、The glyceryl ester,C3H5(OOC16H31)3,of palmitic acid,found in palm oil and animal fats and used to manufacture soap. ─── 棕榈精棕榈酸的甘油基酯,C3H5(OOC16H31)3,在棕榈油和动物脂肪中发现,用来生产肥皂

87、Keywords lipopeptide vaccine;Hepatitis B;cytotoxic T lymphocytes;palmitic acid; ─── 脂肽疫苗;乙型肝炎;细胞毒性T淋巴细胞;棕榈酸;

88、Fatty Liver Models on Cellular Level in Vitro Induced by Ethanol and Palmitic Acid ─── 乙醇和软脂酸诱导的脂肪肝离体细胞模型

89、The first part, synthesized L-AP by a direct esterification from L-ascorbic acid and palmitic acid by lipase-catalyzed int-butyl alcohol. ─── 第一部分,脂肪酶在叔丁醇中催化L-抗坏血酸与棕榈酸直接酯化合成L-AP。



棕榈酸(Palmitic?acid),又称软脂酸,学名十六(烷)酸,是一种在动物 及植物内最普遍发现的脂肪酸之一。从名字可见,它的主要成份是从棕榈树所来的油,即棕榈油及棕仁油。牛油、乳酪、牛奶及肉类均有着这种脂肪酸。棕榈酸阴离子是棕榈酸在生理酸碱值中的观察型态。



棕榈酸(Palmitic Acid)是一种可以在植物和动物中发现的饱和脂肪酸类型。正如其名的含义,它在棕榈油和棕榈仁油中的含量最大

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