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09-08 投稿



hydrotherapy 发音

英:[?ha?dro??θer?pi]  美:[?ha?dr???θer?pi]

英:  美:

hydrotherapy 中文意思翻译



hydrotherapy 短语词组

1、hydrotherapy department ─── [医] 水疗科

hydrotherapy 词性/词形变化,hydrotherapy变形

名词复数: hydrotherapies |

hydrotherapy 相似词语短语

1、hydrothermally ─── adv.热水地;热液地

2、hydrotherapic ─── 水疗

3、homeotherapy ─── n.顺势疗法;同种疗法

4、hydrotherapist ─── n.水治疗法(hydrotherapy的变形)

5、physiotherapy ─── n.物理疗法

6、hemotherapy ─── 血液疗法

7、heliotherapy ─── n.日光浴治疗法

8、hypnotherapy ─── n.[心理][临床]催眠疗法

9、aerotherapy ─── 空气疗法

hydrotherapy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hydrotherapy with whirlpool bath ─── 回旋池浴行水疗法

2、hydrotherapy pool ─── 水疗池

3、Remarks: the session time for the above hydrotherapy treatments will be adjusted according to individual's physical condition, but specialists recommend that each session should not exceed 30 minutes. ─── 注:以上各项水疗时间会因客人的不同体质而调节,但专家建议一定不可多于30分钟。

4、To compare drug treatment for active ulcerative colitis by colon hydrotherapy instrument with conventional drugs treatment. ─── 目的比较使用结肠水疗仪结肠给药与常规药物治疗活动期溃疡性结肠炎的疗效。

5、hydrotherapy apparatus ─── 水疗设备

6、Enemas are the predecessors to modern day colonic irrigation using state-of-the-art colon hydrotherapy equipment. ─── 灌肠是前人现代结肠灌洗用状态--艺术大肠水疗法设备。

7、AIM: To observe prespectively the effect of intestinal hydrotherapy instrument as intestinal preoperative preparations for patients receiving colorectomy. ─── 目的:前瞻性比较观察结直肠手术患者采用肠道水疗仪和常规术前肠道准备的效果。

8、I willingly endured the convoluted process-bed to sliding board, sliding board, sliding board to wheelchair, wheelchair to plastic chair-required to get me into the hydrotherapy pool in the hospital. ─── 我乐意忍受那周而复始式的过程-从床到滑行辅助板,从滑行辅助板到轮椅,再从轮椅到塑料椅子上-而这些都是让我能到达医院进行水治疗法。

9、Keywords Late gestation;Hydrotherapy;Oligohydramnios;Therapeutics; ─── 妊娠晚期;羊水过少;饮水;治疗学;

10、Hydrotherapy with hot packs or compresses ─── 用热包裹或热敷水疗法

11、Hydrotherapy with assisted exercise in pool ─── 水池内水疗法伴辅助运动

12、In addition, ultrastructural observation showed that fusion of mitochondrial cristaes and degranulation of rough endoplasmic reticulum were decreased in colon hydrotherapy group. ─── 电镜下见肠疗组线粒体峰融合及粗面内质网脱颗粒现象较常规组减轻。

13、" New Age's Calming Cleanse package offers purifying spa treatments such as colon hydrotherapy, aromatherapy massage and mud wraps. ─── 新世纪的纯静系列提供了精炼的治疗,有科隆水疗法,香料按摩法,泥敷疗法等。

14、7.Its wide range of hydrotherapy facilities includes relaxing artic pool, saltwater pool and aromatherapy massage pool. ─── 内设大型的水疗浸浴区、香薰牛奶池、盐池、智能按摩浴池和北极冰池。

15、Hydrotherapy is one method of treating a disease through the use of water. ─── 水疗法是一种方法治疗疾病,通过水的使用。

16、Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest health treatments. ─── 特色欧式水疗项目有:身体磨砂,裹疗,水疗的完美结合。

17、Extremity hydrotherapy baths or tanks ─── 水疗浴池

18、Abstract: Objective To investigate the effects of colon hydrotherapy on serum enzymes, inflammatory cytokines and endotoxemia of dogs in heat stroke. ─── 目的研究结肠途径治疗(肠疗)对中暑犬血清酶、炎症因子及内毒素血症的影响。

19、Expert clew: Enjoy sweet fume. Sweet fume effect magical, some have effect reducing weight. Increase the investment to the body appropriately, if all sorts of bodies maintain, hydrotherapy. ─── 专家提示:享受香熏。香熏功效神奇,有些具有减肥功效。适当增加对身体的投资,如各种身体保养、水疗等。

20、hydriatry (hydrotherapy) ─── 水疗法

21、9.A hydrotherapy room, a modality therapy room and an electromyographic biofeedback training room are affiliated to the department. ─── 此后不断引进国外先进水疗康复设备,长期致力于优秀康复人才的培养。

22、Hydrotherapy with cold packs or compresses ─── 用冷包裹或冷敷水疗法

23、Comparative observation on the effects of intestinal hydrotherapy and the conventional enema on colorectal preoperative preparation ─── 水疗与传统灌肠对结直肠术前准备效果的对比观察

24、Clinical Study of Effects of Swimming Hydrotherapy on Body Weight and Jaundice of Newborns ─── 游泳水疗对新生儿体重及黄疸影响的临床研究

25、With this we open the first topic of hydrotherapy reflex effects. ─── 有了这样的感觉,让我们开始水疗的第一个课题反射效应。

26、mechanical hydrotherapy ─── 机械水疗法

27、Cold water bath hydrotherapy ─── 冷水浴水疗法

28、The Pinnacle can also be used for transfers to and from pools and hydrotherapy devices. ─── 叠翠轩也可用于往返游泳池和水疗设备的转移。

29、I've never treated a cat with hydrotherapy before - cats don't tend to like swimming. ─── 我从来没给一只猫做过水疗——要知道,让猫咪下水游泳可不是件容易事。

30、Contrast water bath hydrotherapy ─── [冷热]对比水浴水疗法


32、Colon hydrotherapy equipment can sustain a regulated and safe injection pressure to permit cleaning water to reach th extremities of the colon. ─── 大肠水疗法设备能够维持一个规范和安全注射压力,让水清洗,以达到末端结肠。

33、Keywords functional constipation;colon hydrotherapy;clysis with solut of herbs;disengage constipation powder for injection; ─── 功能性便秘;大肠水疗;中药灌肠;解秘散;

34、hydrotherapy apparatus for lower limb ─── 下肢水疗装置

35、Intervention effects of enriched environment and hydrotherapy on neonatal rats with hypoxia-ischemia brain damage ─── 丰富环境结合水疗对新生鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤的干预效应

36、Hydrotherapy is the treatment of certain diseases in the water. ─── 水疗法是在水中对某些疾病做治疗。

37、Hydrotherapy can definitely ease the pain somewhat. ─── 疗法可以确实缓解部分疼痛。

38、52 Cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome of Diarrbea Pattern Treated by An-chang Decoction and Colic Hydrotherapy ─── 安肠汤加结肠水疗治疗52例腹泻型肠易激综合征

39、Modern colon hydrotherapy equipment, allows individuals to overcome the shortcomings of traditional enema treatments, in the comfort of their own homes. ─── 现代大肠水疗法设备,允许个人以克服的缺点,传统的灌肠治疗,在自己舒适的家。

40、teacher of hydrotherapy ─── 水疗法教师, 水疗技师

41、Our range in manufactory and developing of rehabilitation products include physical therapy,kinesiology,hydrotherapy,functional assessment,occupational therapy and so on. ─── 公司从事专业物理疗法、水疗法、运动疗法、机能评定、作业疗法等康复治疗的系统产品的生产与开发。

42、spa hydrotherapy ─── 矿泉水疗法

43、purpose: The observation unlimited sodium treatment cirrhosis stomach hydrotherapy effect. ─── 目的:观察不限钠治疗肝硬化腹水疗效。

44、Colon hydrotherapy can also be extremely helpful in restoring a healthy bacterial balance. ─── 大肠水疗法也可以极有助于恢复健康的细菌平衡。

45、Keywords intestinal hydrotherapy instrument;intestinal obstruction;curative effect;spinal cord injury; ─── 关键词肠道水疗法;肠梗阻;疗效;脊髓损伤;

46、Abstract: OBJECTIVE To explore the effect of growth and development and jaundice and sleep by neonate’s hydrotherapy and touching. ─── 摘要:目的 探讨新生儿游泳联合抚触对新生儿的生长发育、黄疸及睡眠的影响。

47、Liver cancer in particular shows benefit from colon hydrotherapy &any internal tumors show effectual change too......” Dr. ─── 特别是肝癌患者更能得益,内部肿瘤也会有所改善.....

48、Hot water bath hydrotherapy ─── 热水浴水疗法

49、Douche hydrotherapy ─── 冲洗水疗法

50、Swimming hydrotherapy ─── 游泳水疗

51、Enemas are the predecessors to modern day colonic irrigation using state-of-the-art colon hydrotherapy equipment. ─── 灌肠是前人现代结肠灌洗用状态--艺术大肠水疗法设备。

52、Colon hydrotherapy is the slow inflow of warm purified water into the large intestine using disposable instruments.It is a method of cleaning out the bowel and restoring regular bowel habits. ─── 水疗洁肠是一个慢慢地将纯净水通过仪器注入大肠的过程,是清洁肠和恢复正常的肠习惯的一种方法。

53、Liddell stressed that the strength of the team, in the water-ion filtering national patent has been as large as the effect of hydrotherapy SPA beauty. ─── 利德尔人强调团队的力量,在水离子过滤已经获得国家专利,大到了水疗SPA美容效果。

54、Spas usually have between one and four water pumps, with one circulation pump serving the heating and filtration water loop and the other(s) driving the hydrotherapy jets. ─── 整体式热水浴缸通常比木制浴缸的宽度要窄,通常高度在80-95厘米(32"-36"),以便通过门和走廊/回廊/门厅/过道等。

55、Port Phillip Specialist School - State school for children with disabilities featuring pool and hydrotherapy spa. Overview of school facilities and programs offered. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

56、The Influence of Neonate's Hydrotherapy to Rational Weight Drop And Jaundice ─── 新生儿水疗对黄疸及生理性体重下降的影响

57、purpose:The observation unlimited sodium treatment cirrhosis stomach hydrotherapy effect. ─── 目的:观察不限钠治疗肝硬化腹水疗效。

58、hydrotherapy control stand ─── 水疗控制台, 水疗操纵台

59、hydrotherapy room ─── 水疗室

60、I do recommend that most of my cancer patients take colon hydrotherapy, because they often improve by having such treatment. ─── 我的大部分癌症患者,我都向他们推荐使用结肠水疗法,因为这确实能改善他们的病情。

61、Hydrotherapy in Hubbard tank ─── Hubbard槽内水疗法

62、Professor Liu Zhenhuan's experience on treating children with cerebral palsy by the hydrotherapy of Chinese herb bath ─── 刘振寰教授应用药浴法治疗小儿脑瘫的临床经验

63、hydrotherapy department ─── [医] 水疗科

64、However, these cleansing limitations are not presence when one uses a modern colon hydrotherapy machine. ─── 但是,这些局限性清洗不在场时,人们利用现代大肠水疗机。

65、They tried everything to help, including arsenic, hydrotherapy, aloes, strychnine and codeine - some of which worked temporarily. ─── 他们尝试了所有治疗手段,包括砒霜、水疗、马钱子碱和可待因——其中一些短暂有效。

66、whole body hydrotherapy shower ─── 全身水疗淋浴器

67、Curative Effect Approach on Crohn's Disease using Colon Hydrotherapy combined with Traditional Chinese Drug Retention Enema ─── 大肠水疗法配合中药保留灌肠对克隆氏病的疗效探讨

68、Shower hydrotherapy ─── 淋浴水疗法

69、Colon hydrotherapy uses water to stimulate the colon to exercise. ─── 疗是一种以水力使结肠运动的方法。

70、"Hai Shang Feng Yue" Hydrotherapy hall.fitness center. ─── “海上风月”水疗馆、健身中心。

71、Hydrotherapy Area looks like a map of China. ─── 形状就是一张中国地图。

72、It is well known that the submersion hydrotherapy is very effective for chronic burned wound. ─── 浸浴疗法治疗烧伤残余创面疗效肯定,是国内外公认的。

73、hydrotherapy apparatus for upper limb ─── 上肢水疗装置

74、We may have found the hotel with the ultimate in service: a luxury resort complete with hydrotherapy whirlpool, shiatsu massage and door-to-door limousine service. ─── 我们兴许会找到这样一家旅馆,它配备了最高级的服务:从水疗式按摩池到日式推拿,乃至豪华轿车接送服务,一应俱全。

75、use colon hydrotherapy can eliminate stored toxins and impacted wastes to help restore vitality and improve health...”David Tocher , Certified Colon Hydrotherapist says ─── 用结肠水疗法可以清除肠内储存的毒素和压实的废物,可以帮助恢复活力和改善健康.....”

76、Pure aromatics are added to your hydrotherapy treatment that have therapeutic actions on the body, mind, and spirit which leaves you into a relaxed and refreshed state. ─── 天然海盐与海藻,蕴涵深海精华,矿化肌肤的同时舒缓身心,唤醒您最深层的精神活力。

77、Keywords neonate;hydrotherapy;weight;jaundice; ─── 关键词新生儿;水疗法;体重;黄疸;

78、Hydrotherapy bath or tank accessories ─── 水疗浴室或浴缸附件

79、Burning hot summer, swimming is very " fire " motion, its benefit, if give systemic muscle to do hydrotherapy, blood becomes smooth circularly etc, it is well-known. ─── 炎热的夏季,游泳是很“火”的运动,它的益处,如给全身的肌肉做水疗,血液循环变得顺畅等,都是众所周知的。

80、spray hydrotherapy ─── 喷雾水疗法

81、She cured her own disease by hydrotherapy. ─── 她用水疗法治好自己的病。

82、Modern medicinal bathing or hydrotherapy first became popular in the United States. ─── 沐浴疗法和水疗法首先开始在美国流行。

83、I love the hydrotherapy and massage and acupuncture sessions and every time I get the energy resonance I feel amazing leaving his office. ─── 我爱水疗、按摩、针灸(意为:生物能穴位电针共振)的疗程,当我离开他的办公室,每一次我都得著了能量共振。

84、Analysis Curative Effect of Hydrotherapy to Treat Oligohydramnios ─── 妊娠晚期羊水过少采用饮水治疗分析

85、submersion hydrotherapy ─── 浸泡水疗法

86、Under the second, there would be two units, and the council has pledged to provide a hydrotherapy unit. ─── 一旦被整合进主流教育中,他们就像是被孤立的一群小羔羊,因为没有任何资源可以帮助他们。

87、local hydrotherapy ─── 局部水疗法

88、When properly administered, colon hydrotherapy flushes out harmful bacteria from the large intestine. ─── 当适当管理,大肠水疗法刷新出有害细菌大肠。

89、2.Modern medicinal bathing or hydrotherapy first became popular in the United States. ─── 现代沐浴疗法和水疗法首先开始在美国流行。

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