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09-15 投稿



myosin 发音

英:  美:

myosin 中文意思翻译



myosin 短语词组

1、myosin-ferment ─── [医] 肌浆球蛋白酶

2、myosin fibrin ─── [医] 肌浆 ─── [球蛋白]纤维蛋白

3、Furth's myosin ─── [医] 弗思氏肌浆球蛋白, 副肌凝蛋白原

4、myosin ferment ─── [医] 肌浆球蛋白酶

5、vegetable myosin ─── [医] 植物性肌浆球蛋白

myosin 相似词语短语

1、myogen ─── n.[生化]肌浆蛋白

2、mosing ─── 摩辛

3、amylopsin ─── n.[生化]胰淀粉酶

4、eosin ─── n.曙红(鲜红色的染料)

5、tylosin ─── n.[微]泰乐菌素

6、myoid ─── adj.肌肉的;[解剖]肌样的

7、messin ─── n.(Messin)人名;(法)梅桑

8、lysin ─── n.细胞溶解酶;n.(Lysin)人名;(俄)雷辛

9、myosis ─── n.瞳孔缩小;缩瞳症

myosin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Myocardium Ischemic reperfusion injury Myosin ATPase; ─── 心肌;缺血再灌注损伤;肌球蛋白;ATP酶;

2、Keywords hypoxia;exhaustive exercise;protein degradation;cathepsin D;myosin heavy chain(MHC);gene expression;myofibril ATPase; ─── 低氧;力竭运动;蛋白降解;组织蛋白酶D;肌球蛋白重链(MHC);基因表达;肌原纤维ATP酶;

3、Keywords Neuregulin Heart failure Myosin heavy chain Gene expression Hemodynamics; ─── 心力衰竭;肌球蛋白重链;基因表达;血流动力学;

4、Changes in myosin molecule and its proteolytic subfragments induced by high hydrostatic pressure . ─── 高静水压下,肌球蛋白分子、及其分解蛋白质碎片的变化。

5、Methods: The histochemical characteristics of various types of fibers of the musculus semispinalis capitis were observed by both myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) staining. ─── 方法 :应用肌球蛋白腺苷三磷酸酶 ( ATP酶 )和琥珀酸脱氢酶染色法 ,观察比较各型肌纤维的组织化学特征。

6、Expression of myosin light chain kinase in bronchial smooth muscle of asthma model of rat ─── 哮喘模型大鼠支气管平滑肌肌球蛋白轻链激酶的表达

7、Keywords atrial fibrillation;mitral valve disease;myosin;ATPase; ─── 心房颤动;二尖瓣病变;肌球蛋白;ATP酶;

8、Smooth muscle myosin heavy chains, SMHC ─── 平滑肌肌球蛋白重链

9、Cardiac myosin binding protein c ─── 心脏型肌球蛋白结合蛋白C

10、Keywords trapezius muscle;muscle fiber types;myosin ATPase;SD rat; ─── 斜方肌;肌纤维型;肌球蛋白ATp酶;大鼠;

11、Keywords Rabbit skeletal muscle;Myosin;Turbidity;Solubility;Hardness;WHC;Ultra microstructure;Rheological property; ─── 兔骨骼肌;肌球蛋白;浊度;溶解度;凝胶;硬度;保水性;超微结构;流变学特性;

12、Myosin binding protein- C ─── 心肌肌球蛋白结合蛋白C


14、A Higher Plant Myosin in Luffa cylindrica: Electron Microscopic Visualization ─── 丝瓜肌球蛋白的电子显微学研究

15、Human Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain ─── 心肌肌球蛋白重链

16、Keywords chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);myosin heavy chain(MHC);diaphragmtic;oxygen;aminophlline;pressure; ─── 慢性阻塞性肺;膈肌;肌凝蛋白重链;吸氧;氨茶碱;跨膈压;

17、Extraction and Purification of Myosin from Rabbit Skeletal Muscles and Its Solution Turbidity and Solublility ─── 兔骨骼肌肌球蛋白的纯化及溶液浊度和溶解度研究

18、Altenusin was reported as myosin light chain kinase inhibitor and sphingomyelinase inhibitor.TAN-420E has antitumor activity. ─── TAN-420E曾报道有抗肿瘤活性,易氧化为Herbimycin A,后者是很好的除草剂,并具有一定抗菌活性。

19、The system of actin and myosin that , with other substances, constitutes muscle fiber and is responsible for muscular contraction . ─── 肌动球蛋白由肌动朊与球蛋白组成的系统,并与其他物质一起再组成肌肉纤维并导致肌肉收缩。

20、No change was found in muscle myosin fiber-type composition. ─── 肌球蛋白纤维类型组成没有发现有改变。

21、mammalian myosin ─── 哺乳动物肌球蛋白

22、Effect of compound huangjing oral liquid on myocardial myosin heavy chain in rats with heart failure Chen Jin ─── 复方黄精口服液对心力衰竭大鼠心肌肌球蛋白重链变化的作用

23、Increase of the expression of phosphorylated myosin light chain in rat liver tissue during hepatic fibrogenesis ─── 大鼠肝纤维化过程中肝组织磷酸化肌球蛋白轻链表达增加

24、Effect of endothelial myosin light chain kinase on extravasation migration of sarcoma cells ─── 内皮细胞肌球蛋白轻链激酶在肉瘤细胞向血管外游走过程中的调节作用

25、Alteration of diaphragm myosin ATPase activity after sustained +G Z exposure in rats. ─── +G_Z负荷后大鼠膈肌ATP酶活性的变化

26、"Contraction is achieved by the sliding of thin filaments (of actin) Between thick ones (of myosin); stretch receptors in the tissue provide feedback, allowing smooth motion and fine motor control." ─── 收缩是由细丝(肌动蛋白)在粗丝(肌凝蛋白)之间滑动来完成;组织内的伸长感觉器提供反馈,使肌肉做到平顺运动与细微运动控制。

27、Laing early onset distal myopathy: Slow myosin defect with variable abnormalities on muscle biopsy ─── Laing早发性远端肌病:慢肌球蛋白缺失伴肌活检多种异常

28、21 days after myocardial infarction (MI), both myocardial fiber diameter and myosin ATPase activity were increased in T treated MI group when compared with that of the MI group (P

29、A protein complex in muscle fibers; composed of myosin and actin; shortens when stimulated and causes muscle contractions . ─── 肌肉纤维的蛋白联合体,由球蛋白和肌动朊构成,受刺激变短,从而造成肌肉收缩。

30、Method: Cardiac myosin was isolated and purified from fresh pig heart. ─── 方法:从新鲜猪心中分离提纯心肌肌凝蛋白。

31、Binding of Human Cardiac Myosin Light Chain 1 to Heavy Chain and Actin ─── 人心肌肌球蛋白轻链1与重链和肌动蛋白的结合

32、Key word: surimi, transglutaminase, myosin heavy chain. ─── 关键字:鱼浆、转麸胺酸酶、肌凝蛋白重链。

33、01/22/07 -- A motor protein called myosin X runs the main road of a deeloping neuron, deliering to its tip a receptor that enables it to communicate with other neurons, scientists say. ─── 07年1月22号报道,科学家发现一个被称为肌球蛋白X的动力蛋白在神经元的生长过程中起着主要作用,在它的帮助下,神经元细胞将通过末梢突触而连接起来。

34、Keywords pyrimidines;nucleotides;exons;introns;genome;heart;myosin heavy chains;mesocricetus;human; ─── 关键词嘧啶类;核苷酸类;外显子;内含子;基因组;心脏;肌球蛋白重链;金仓鼠;人类;

35、Furth's myosin ─── [医] 弗思氏肌浆球蛋白, 副肌凝蛋白原

36、Keywords simulated weightlessness;soleus muscle;intrafusal fibre;myosin heavy chains;rat; ─── 关键词模拟失重;比目鱼肌;梭内肌纤维;肌球蛋白重链;大鼠;

37、HOH J F,McGRATH P A,HALE P T.Electrophoretic analysis of multiple forms of rat cardiac myosin:effect of hypothy sectony and throxine replacement[J].Mol Cell Cardial,1987,10:1052. ─── 孟紫强,耿红.二氧化硫吸入对小鼠心脏脂质过氧化和抗氧化指标的影响[J].中华劳动卫生职业病杂志,2003,21(6):448.

38、Haplotypes ;Myosin Heavy Chains ;Human ;Analysis of substances ; ─── 单元型 ;

39、Experimental study on changes of cardial myosin ATPase activity after severe burn injury in rats ─── 严重烧伤早期大鼠心肌肌球蛋白ATP酶活性变化及其机制的实验研究

40、Keywords rabbit;striated muscle;myosin;molecle;Gel;electron microscopy;heating; ─── 兔;骨骼肌;肌球蛋白;分子;凝胶;电子显微镜;加热;

41、subtype of myosin heavy chain ─── MHC亚型

42、Observation of Gel Formation from Rabbit Striated Muscle Myosin Molecules ─── 兔骨骼肌肌球蛋白分子形成凝胶过程的负染观察

43、Keywords Osteoporosis Bushen Yijing Fang Myosin heavy chain Bone mineral density Ovariotomy; ─── 关键词骨质疏松;补肾益精方;肌球蛋白重链;骨密度;卵巢切除;

44、In vitro studies show that cytokine-induced epithelial barrier dysfunction can be mediated by increased myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) expression. ─── 体外实验研究表明肌球蛋白轻链激酶表达增加能介导上皮组织屏障功能障碍,而该功能障碍是由细胞因子诱导的。

45、BDM is not a specific inhibitor on myosin ATPase activity and can affect multiple parts of excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle. ─── BDM并非特异型肌球蛋白ATP酶抑制剂,可对兴奋-收缩偶联的多个环节产生影响。

46、vegetable myosin ─── 植物性肌浆球蛋白

47、conventional myosin ─── 寻常肌球蛋白


49、Keywords Na_2ATP;tail suspension;myosin heavy chain;muscle spindle;intrafusal fibers;extrafusal fibers; ─── 三磷酸酰苷二钠盐;尾吊;肌球蛋白重链;肌梭;梭内肌纤维;梭外肌纤维;

50、1 Nucleotide sequences and putative amino acid sequences of silver crucian carp myosin light chain cDNA. ─── 标题: 图1银鲫肌球蛋白轻链核苷酸序列和推测的对应氨基酸序列.

51、Studies on Preparation, Characteristic Appraisal and Application of Human Cardiac Myosin and Human Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain ─── 心肌肌球蛋白及其重链的研制、特性鉴定和应用

52、HOH J F, McGRATH P A, HALE P T . Electrophoretic analysis of multiple forms of rat cardiac myosin: effect of hypothy sectony and throxine replacement [J]. Mol Cell Cardial, 1987,10:1052. ─── 孟紫强,耿红.二氧化硫吸入对小鼠心脏脂质过氧化和抗氧化指标的影响[J].中华劳动卫生职业病杂志,2003,21(6):448.

53、Myosin heavy chain composition varied throughout anatomical regions of the GG muscle. ─── 肌球蛋白重链组成不同的解剖区域的千兆肌肉。

54、Keywords rabbit skeletal muscle;myosin;hardness;WHC;ultra microstructure; ─── 兔骨骼肌;肌球蛋白;凝胶;硬度;保水性;超微结构;

55、Keywords Gene;Mutation;Prelingual hearing impairment;Myosin; ─── 基因;突变;语前聋;肌球蛋白;


57、antibodies to cardiac myosin ─── 心肌(浆)球蛋白抗体

58、Effects of Hypoxia or Exercise on Protein Catabolism and the Gene Expression of Myosin Heavy Chain (MHC) Isoforms in Rat Skeletal Muscle ─── 低氧、运动对大鼠骨骼肌蛋白代谢及肌球蛋白重链(MHC)亚型基因表达的影响

59、myosin fibrin ─── [医] 肌浆[球蛋白]纤维蛋白

60、Keywords Polymyositis;Animal Model;Immunity;Myosin; ─── 多发性肌炎;动物模型;免疫;肌浆球蛋白;

61、A unique conservation of the pyrimidine-rich introns in the mammalian cardiac myosin heavy chain genes ─── 哺乳类心脏肌浆球蛋白重链基因中的富嘧啶基内含子的唯一保守性

62、Alterations in myosin heavy chain isoform gene expression during the transition from compensatory hypertrophy to congestive heart failure in rats ─── 大鼠心肌肥厚向充血性心衰转变过程中肌凝蛋白重链异构体基因表达的改变

63、Keywords Antibody;Myosin;Myocardial infarction;Left ventricular function; ─── 抗体;肌球蛋白;心肌梗死;左室功能;

64、The monoclonal antibody 2FB has 28.6% cros reaction with skeletal muscle myosin light chains, and 15.2% with smooth muscle myosin light chains; ─── 它们与人骨骼肌及平滑肌肌球蛋自轻链的交叉反应分别为2F_6 28.6%及15.6%;

65、The process occurs as myosin proteins attached to organelles push against microfilaments arrayed throughout the cell. ─── 这个过程发生,当肌球蛋白附着在细胞器上,由细胞细胞上排列的微丝推动的时候。

66、The inhibitory extent of BDM on myosin ATPase activity of soleus and EDL was lower than that on Pt. ─── 在相同浓度下,BDM对Pt的抑制程度远远大于对肌球蛋白ATP酶活性的抑制。

67、precursor lymphocyte regulated myosin light chain ─── 前淋巴细胞调节的肌浆球蛋白轻链

68、anticardiac myosin ─── 抗心脏肌浆球蛋白

69、Keywords spinal cord injury;muscle atrophy;myosin heavy chain;training;review; ─── 关键词脊髓损伤;肌萎缩;肌球蛋白重链;训练;综述;

70、When researchers cut off myosin X's motor - which they beliee happens in spinal cord injuries - axon outgrowth also was hindered. ─── 当研究者们阻断了肌球蛋白X的移动时,轴突生长受到了妨碍,研究者认为在脊髓神经损伤时同样存在这种情况。

71、A muscle is a very large number of fibers close together , containing two different substances myosin and actomyosin . ─── 肌肉是由极多的彼此紧帖的纤维所组成的,它含有两种不同的物质:肌球蛋白和肌动球蛋白。

72、myosin ferment ─── [医] 肌浆球蛋白酶

73、The Direct and Indirect Effect of ACAD on the ATPase Activity of Smooth Muscle Myosin ─── ACAD对平滑肌肌球蛋白ATP酶活性的直接与间接调节作用研究

74、Human myosin light chain kinase,MLCK Elisa Ki... ─── 人肌球蛋白轻链激酶(MLCK)试剂盒;

75、Mechanoenzymes such as myosin, dynein, and kinesin interact with the cytoskeletal filaments and tubules to generate forces that cause movements. ─── 机械酶,例如,肌球蛋白,动力蛋白,驱动蛋白与微丝,微管相互作用产生动力而引起细胞运动。

76、Keywords obliquus externus abdominis muscle;muscle fiber types;myosin ATPase;SD rat; ─── 关键词腹外斜肌;肌纤维型;肌球蛋白ATP酶;大鼠;

77、Keywords cardiomyopathy;hypertrophic;familial;Myosin heavy chain;Mutation;Genetype;Phnotype; ─── 心肌病;肥厚型;家族性;肌球蛋白重链;突变;基因型;表型;

78、cardiac myosin light chains ─── 心肌肌浆球蛋白轻链

79、Changes of the Soleus Muscle Mass and Expression of Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms mRNA after Acute Spinal Cord Transection ─── 大鼠脊髓横断早期比目鱼肌重量与肌球蛋白重链亚型mRNA表达的变化

80、The inhibitory effects of BDM on myosin ATPase activity were higher in EDL than in soleus. ─── 无论在低浓度还是高浓度下,BDM对EDL肌球蛋白ATP酶活性的抑制作用均大于SOL。

81、Our results suggested that ACAD influenced the ATPase activiry of myosin through at least two pathways. ─── 孔雀绿法测定肌球蛋白 ATP酶活性的结果显示:ACAD对MLCK介导的肌球蛋白非钙依赖性磷酸化水平的提高与肌球蛋白ATP酶活性的增强呈线性关系。

82、Cardiac Myosin ─── 心肌肌球蛋白

83、Keywords Mandibular angle/ostectomy;Massester muscle;ATP enzyme;Myosin heavy chain; ─── 下颌角;咬肌;ATP酶;肌球蛋白重链;

84、Keywords Cardiomyopathy hypertrophic;Cardiac myosin binding protein-C;Genes;Mutation; ─── 心肌病;肥大性;肌球蛋白结合蛋白C;基因;突变;

85、Keywords Mandibular angle/ostectomy;Massester muscle;ATP enzyme;Myosin Heavy Chain;Reconstruction; ─── 下颌角/截骨;咬肌/肌纤维;ATP酶;肌球蛋白重链;改建;

86、Method: Cardiac myosin was isolated and purified from fresh pig heart. ─── 方法:从新鲜猪心中分离提纯心肌肌凝蛋白。

87、Signal Pathway of Migration of Smooth Muscle Cells in Myosin Light Chain Without Phosphorylaion ─── 平滑肌细胞迁移的肌球蛋白轻链非磷酸化途径

88、DSC showed these cryoprotectants could increase the heat denaturation temperature of myosin and actin of frozen tilapia surimi, thus they could prevent tilapia surimi from thermodenaturation. 3. ─── DSC分析还揭示,三种抗冻剂均能提高冷冻罗非鱼鱼糜肌球蛋白和肌动蛋白的热变性温度,起到防止蛋白质热变性的作用。

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