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09-11 投稿



troths 发音


英:  美:

troths 中文意思翻译




troths 词性/词形变化,troths变形

动词现在分词: trothing |动词过去式: trothed |动词过去分词: trothed |动词第三人称单数: troths |

troths 相似词语短语

1、tooths ─── n.牙齿;vt.给……装齿;vi.啮合;n.(Tooth)人名;(英)图思

2、troth ─── n.诚实;诺言;vt.与…订婚;n.(Troth)人名;(英)特罗丝

3、trochus ─── n.圆锥形螺壳

4、troughs ─── 海槽

5、broths ─── n.肉汤;液体培养基

6、betroths ─── v.同……订婚;许配

7、trots ─── n.托派分子;托派

8、troches ─── n.片剂;锭剂;[药]糖锭;药片;n.(Troche)人名;(德)特罗赫;(西)特罗切

9、froths ─── n.泡沫,泡;口沫;vi.吐白沫;起泡沫;vt.使生泡沫

troths 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This troth seems to be self-evident. ─── 这个真理似乎是不言而喻的。

3、She has no intention of plight her troth at the moment. ─── 目前她尚无意于婚嫁。

4、by my troth ─── 我保证

5、was anyone see my troth ring? ─── 有人看到我的订婚戒指吗?

6、However, as a custom, the functions of troth are changing with the development of history. ─── 但盟誓作为一种习俗,随着历史的发展,其功能也发生了相应的变化。

7、She has no intention of plighting her troth at the moment ─── 目前她尚无意于婚嫁

8、The East and the West in the spring of the world shall blend,as a man and a woman that plight their troth in the warm spring night. ─── 一种愿景。 东方和西方将在世界的春天里融为一体,就象男人和女人在温暖春夜里的海誓山盟。

9、In judging literary work, art troth is an important criterion but is not sole and indispensable criterion. ─── 艺术真实是评判文学作品的重要标准,但不是唯一、必不可少的标准;

10、In troth, recently the bad news about teachers happened continually, even some teachers were hit by students. ─── 这个字眼太敏感了,把教师说得像流氓一样!

11、This is why a posteriori necessary troth is possible. ─── 这就是后天必然真理之所以可能。

12、Thou smother'st honesty, thou murd'rest troth; ─── 贞德被你扼杀了,忠诚也遭你暗算;

13、Will I give thee it: Troth. ─── 我将给你:真诚。

14、upon my troth ─── 我保证, 请相信我

15、The comparison of the two effects of trapping in apple garden and pear garden manifests that codling truth prefers to eat apple and oriental fruit troth prefers to eat pear. ─── 通过苹果园和香梨园诱蛾效果比较,表明苹果蠹蛾更偏食苹果,梨小食心虫更偏食香梨。

16、You have only to witness a commuter train any morning or evening to see the troth of this. ─── 你只需目睹早上或晚上的上下班火车就能了解这一事实。

17、Carol: Ok everybody. After some more mingling and eating, mum and dad will re-pledge the troth the pledged almost twenty years ago. ─── 卡罗尔:各位请注意大家先吃一点,喝一点,然后爸爸和妈妈将重新宣读结婚时候的誓言。

18、sacrificing one' s life for a belief or troth ─── 殉道说

19、the principle of seeking troth and deepening practice ─── 求真务实

20、WONDER by my troth, what thou and I Did, till we loved ? ─── 我真不明白,你我相爱之前在干什麽?

21、troth plighting ─── 婚誓

22、I believe that troth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order. ─── 我相信,真理和正义是任何一个长治久安的社会秩序之基础。

23、On the other hand, it aims at the "troth of Being" to obtain richer human experience. ─── 另一方面,它尝试以朝向“存在之真理”的开放姿态来获得更为丰富而广阔的人类经验。

24、in troth ─── adv. 的确

25、troth plight ─── 订婚

26、The one-side approach to troth of traditional philosophy, following from its ideology, usually leads to a historically and realistically tragic result. ─── 而以往哲学对于真理的片面理解,往往由意识形态导致历史与现实的悲剧后果。

27、"The first time that the sun rose on thine oathTo love me, I looked forward to the moonTo slacken all those bonds which seemed too soonAnd quickly tied to make a lasting troth. ─── 无牵无挂的时候看到女人荒唐的嫉妒和向男人纠缠着讨时间,讨关心时都在心里摇摇头,发誓自己要做潇洒的女人。

28、At one time, I think so.But now,I almost forget it.Because it is not a troth,is a story! ─── 好多电影中也有这样的镜头,古老而有实在,现在的社会中还有那淳朴的...系鞋带吗?你的文章有的.

29、Some people sometimes ask me what is the secret of such a tremendous troth, and I always answer: “Harmony in the department. ─── 有时有人问我取得如此惊人增长的秘密是什么,我总是回答说:“部门的和谐”。

30、 双语使用场景

31、On Troth of News in Perspective of Linguistics ─── 从语言学视角看新闻真实

32、plight her troth ─── vi. 盟誓

33、whom you, lord, give me as husband, him will I gladly take in troth." ─── 老爷,您要我嫁给谁,我就乐意和他订婚。”

34、LYSANDER One turf shall serve as pillow for us both; One heart, one bed, two bosoms, and one troth. ─── 拉山德:一块草地可以作我们两人枕首的地方;两个胸膛一条心,应该合睡在一个眠床。

35、Two bosoms interchained with an oath, So then two bosoms and a single troth. ─── 两个心胸彼此用盟誓连系,共有着一片忠贞。

36、2. I believe his troth. ─── 我相信他的誓言。

37、I wonder by my troth, what thou and I Did, till we loved? ─── 我真不明白,你我相爱之前在干什么?

38、Troth: the passport of enterprise and society to development ─── 诚信:企业和社会发展的通行证

39、They plighted their troth for the rest of their day ─── 他们俩盟誓结为终身伴侣

40、Let's all drink to Tess and Jason, who are plighting their troth on Saturday. ─── 让我们为苔丝和杰森干杯,他们将于星期六订婚。

41、By my troth, it is well said; 'for himself to mar,' quoth a'? Gentlemen, can any of you tell me where I may find the young Romeo? ─── 说得好:你说他不知好歹哪?列位先生,你们有谁能够告诉我年轻罗密欧在什么地方?

42、I'm single,and has no intention of plighting his troth yet. ─── 他似乎没有能力养活自己的能力,但他也从来不认为自己有责任这么做。

43、seeking troth from facts ─── 实事求是

44、tell a lie, and find a troth. ─── “撒一个谎以便发现一件真事”。

45、She have no intention of plight her troth at the moment. ─── 目前她尚无意於婚嫁。

46、They plighted their troth for the rest of their day. ─── 他们俩盟誓结为终身伴侣。

47、Life troth is the main criterion in judging art truth. ─── 生活真实是判断艺术真实的主要标准。

48、plight one's troth ─── v. 发誓

49、There!My word is my troth!' ─── 大丈夫一言既出,什么马难追,就是这一句话。”

50、There exit some problems in traditional view of art troth. ─── 本文认为,生活可以分为生活现象与生活真实两个层面;

51、Troth: n. ─── 婚约;

52、In this new period, we most insist on idealogy liberation, seeking the troth through facts, keeping pace with the times, constantly reinforcing the theory and implementing theory innovation. ─── 在新时期新阶段,我们必须要坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,不断加强理论武装和推进理论创新,不断开拓马克思主义理论发展的新境界。

53、I wonder by my troth, ─── 说真的,我不懂

54、and there to I plight thee my troth. ─── 依据上帝的神圣仪式,我向你发誓!

55、seek the troth ─── 求真

56、Why didn't you tell me the truth? ─── 你为什么没跟我说实话?

57、In troth I think she would. ─── 的确,我想她会的。

58、Ay, by my troth, the case may be amended. ─── 唉,我巴不得这事有什么办法补救才好。

59、Have you satisfied yourself of the troth of the report? ─── 你确信那报告的真实性吗?

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