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09-16 投稿



epithalamiums 发音


英:  美:

epithalamiums 中文意思翻译



epithalamiums 词性/词形变化,epithalamiums变形

名词复数: epithalamiums |异体字: epithalamion |

epithalamiums 相似词语短语

1、epithalamion ─── n.颂歌(等于epithalamium)

2、thalamium ─── 铊

3、epithelialises ─── 上皮的

4、epithelium ─── n.上皮;上皮细胞

5、epithalamia ─── n.新婚颂诗(epsthalanium的复数形式)

6、epithalamium ─── n.祝婚诗,喜诗,颂歌

7、epithalamic ─── adj.上丘脑的

8、prothalamium ─── n.結婚前祝婚歌

9、epitheliums ─── n.上皮;上皮细胞

epithalamiums 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、nuptial poem | [Latin] epithalamium ─── 祝婚诗歌| 祝婚彩语

2、A song in celebration of a wedding;an epithalamium. ─── 祝婚歌为庆祝婚礼而唱的歌;新婚喜歌

3、 双语使用场景

4、A song in celebration of a wedding; an epithalamium. ─── 祝婚歌为庆祝婚礼而唱的歌;新婚喜歌

5、a song in celebration of a wedding; an epithalamium ─── 为庆祝婚礼而唱的歌;新婚喜歌

7、Now I maintain that this bold metaphor is admirable, and the natural history of the stage has no occasion on a day of allegory and royal epithalamium to take exception at a dolphin who is son to a lion. ─── 我郑重地说,这个大胆的隐喻着实令人钦佩,既然正逢一个大喜的日子,理应妙语连珠,礼赞王家婚庆,故这种戏剧形式的博物志,就丝毫不会对狮子生个海豚儿子而深感不安了。

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