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09-06 投稿



packing 发音

英:[?p?k??]  美:[?p?k??]

英:  美:

packing 中文意思翻译




packing 常用词组

packing machine ─── 包装机;打包机

packing material ─── 包装材料;填充材料

packing list ─── 装箱单

packing 词性/词形变化,packing变形

名词复数形式:packings 原型:pack 现在分词:packing

packing 短语词组

1、automatic packing machine ─── [化] 自动打包机

2、asbestos packing ─── [化] 石棉填料

3、asbestos packing sheet ─── [化] 石棉胶板; 石棉橡胶板

4、anti-packing chemical ─── [化] 除积垢剂

5、a packing list ─── 装箱单

6、ball packing ─── [机] 球(状)填充物

7、case packing ─── 箱包装; ─── 箱装

8、bin packing problem ─── [计] 装箱问题

9、Berl saddle (packing) ─── [化] 弧鞍形填料; 贝尔鞍形填料

10、bit packing density ─── [计] 位存储密度

11、air packing ─── [机] 气对

12、barrel packing machine ─── [机] 装桶机

13、auxiliary packing ─── [化] 辅助填料

14、areal packing density ─── [计] 面存储密度

15、asbestos-packing gasket ─── [化] 石棉橡胶垫片

16、acid-resistant intalox saddle packing ─── [化] 耐酸陶瓷矩鞍形填料

17、packing list ─── [化] 装箱单; 装箱明细表 ─── [经] 装箱单, 花色码单, 包装货物详单

18、anion-exchange packing ─── [化] 阴离子交换填充物

19、bed of packing ─── [机] 填充床

packing 相似词语短语

1、dacking ─── 捣蛋

2、-acking ─── 包装

3、cacking ─── 咯咯叫

4、hacking ─── v.砍;猛踢;非法侵入(他人计算机系统);粗糙快速地编程;不停地咳嗽;骑马消遣;开出租车;在饲草架上放(饲草)(hack的现在分词);adj.刺耳的;n.(Hacking)(美)哈金(人名)

5、pecking ─── vi.啄食;扔石头;吹毛求疵;vt.啄食;扔;n.许多;配克(容量单位,等于2加仑);啄痕;快速轻吻

6、jacking ─── v.提高;顶托;用篝灯猎捕;训斥(jack的现在分词);n.套料;顶托;[纺]走车牵伸;篝灯渔猎;adj.顶推的

7、lacking ─── adj.缺乏的,不足的;没有的,缺失的,不存在的;有缺陷的,不充分的;v.缺少,没有,不足(lack的现在分词)

8、packings ─── [机]填料;填片

9、backing ─── n.支持;后退;支持者;衬背;v.支持(back的ing形式)

packing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Packing charge is included in the contract price. ─── 合同价格中已经包括了包装费用。

2、All prices include postage and packing. ─── 所有的价格都包括邮资和包装费。

3、He found a part-time job packing eggs. ─── 他找到了一份包装鸡蛋的兼职工作。

4、Packing of sodium carbonate for industrial use II. ─── 工业用碳酸钠包装2。

5、Did you get our packing specifications? ─── 你收到我们的装箱说明书了吗?

6、They went hunting with a pack of hounds. ─── 他们带一群猎狗去打猎。

7、Supplier of fully automatic packing machine? ─── 全自动包装机械供应商

8、His new TV came in a big packing case. ─── 他新购的电视机是装在一只大的包装箱内运来的。


10、A pack of wolves nearly tired down a buck. ─── 一群狼把一头雄鹿赶得几乎跑不动了。

11、Anhui Koyu Packing Machinery Co., Ltd. ─── 安徽科裕包装机械制造有限公司。

12、If there's no future for this university, you might as well pack your bags and try your luck somewhere else. ─── 如果这所大学没什么前途的话,你最好打点行装到别的地方碰碰运气。

13、Guangdong Flying Goose Color Packing Co., Ltd. ─── 广东飞鹅彩包装有限公司。

14、He used to smoke a pack of cigarette a day. ─── 他过去经常一天抽一包香烟。

15、Put plenty of wrapping round the china when you pack it. ─── 包装瓷器时在周围多放些包装材料。

16、For double packing and leak-off only. ─── 只有双重填料和无泄漏。

17、You should take your time when packing. ─── 你装箱时应该慢慢来不要急。

18、"Unfair trade agreements have sent good American jobs packing, hurting Missouri workers and communities, " she said in one of her adverts. ─── “不公平的贸易协定已经导致美国人丧失了好工作,伤害了密苏里州的工人和社区,”她在一条竞选广告中说道。

19、On the outer packing, please mark wording, "Handle with Care". ─── 在外包装上请标明“小心轻放”字样。

20、Pack away your books, children. It's time for break. ─── 孩子们,把书收起来,课间休息时间到了。

21、Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it. ─── 包装时请不要将衬衫弄绉了。

22、It came out that he'd been telling a pack of lies. ─── 后来才知道他一直在说谎。

23、Goods which are easily damaged, in particular glasses, need special packing. ─── 容易损坏的商品特别是玻璃,需要特别的包装。

24、He figured that he might as well try to sell the stuff by packing it in small eggs and advertising it through novelty catalogs. ─── 他们指出他们也可以将这种材料填充到小蛋中去并以新奇类产品出售。

25、Jilin Bangtian Plastic Packing Co., Ltd. ─── 吉林省邦田塑料包装有限公司。

26、The packages are intact. The packing is beautiful. ─── 包装完好无损,很美观。

27、But for now the migration of the packing material of this point, the United States and the European Union. ─── 但目前在包装材料的迁移量这一点上,美国与欧盟不一样。

28、Shall we get down to the packing, Mr. Smith. ─── 史密斯先生,我们谈谈包装好吗?史:好吧。

29、The expedition members spent the last day frantically disassembling the boat, packing the equipment and dismantling the camp. ─── 最后一天,探查队成员忙乱地拆解木筏、包装设备和拆下帐篷。

30、Side the fours seals packing machine. ─── 四边封包装机。

31、The effect of change is only packing material. ─── 变动影响

32、Loose packing material used to protect a ship's cargo from damage during transport. ─── 垫料保护船载货物不在运输中受损的散置包装材料


34、When the packing bag is torn along the stretching direction of the heat-seal layer, the opening is in a straight-line shape. ─── 该包装袋在沿着热封层的拉伸方向撕裂时,撕口成直线状。

35、Compressible packing materials; a compressible box. ─── 可压缩包装材料; 可压缩箱子

36、Packing has a close bearing on sales. ─── 包装直接关系到产品的销售。

37、Packing will help push the sales. ─── 包装有助于推销产品。

38、The price includes postage and packing. ─── 本价格包括邮资和包装费。

39、The motor is packing up. ─── 发动机正在逐渐停止转动。


41、Buying Saffron Filling and Packing Machine. ─── 印度求购包装盒。


43、Nanjing Ningfeng Plastic Packing Co., Ltd. ─── 南京宁峰塑料包装有限公司。

44、A person who assists the huntsman in handling a pack of hounds in foxhunting. ─── 帮猎人赶猎狗的人在猎狐中帮助猎手管理猎狗的副手

45、Anselmo swung his heavy pack up. ─── 安塞尔莫背起沉重的背包。

46、He hammered down the lid of the packing case. ─── 他把包装箱钉好。

47、The crux of packing lies in protecting the goods from moisture. ─── 包装的关键是防潮。

48、Packing: In woven plastic bag of 50kgs. ─── 包装:塑料编织袋每袋约50公斤。

49、Packing: Transported by rubber lined truck. ─── 产品包装:副产盐酸用内衬橡胶的槽车装运。

50、Are you packing up already? It's only 4 o'clock. ─── 你已经开始打点行李了?现在刚刚4点钟。

51、Have you seen our new packing specifications? ─── 你看过我们新的包装指示了没有?

52、What she told you was a pack of lies. ─── 她对你说的话是一派谎言。

53、Application of Converter for Food Packing Machine. ─── 变频器在食品包装机上的应用。

54、A pack of hounds chased the fox. ─── 一群猎犬追捕狐狸。

55、The bus was already overcrowded but they were still packing people in. ─── 公共汽车已经拥挤不堪了,可是他们还在让乘客挤进来。

56、Shanghai Central Asia Packing Co., Ltd. ─── 上海中雅包装有限公司。

57、Packing charges are excluded in the quoted prices. ─── 包装费用未算在报价中。

58、She gathered that he was packing his clothes. ─── 她推测他在收拾他的衣服。

59、Don't forget to pack your toothbrush! ─── 别忘了把牙刷放到箱子里去!

60、It's time to pack up. ─── 到收工的时候了。

61、He is packing up his goods preparatory to removal. ─── 他正收拾准备搬动的货物。

62、I hope the packing won't cause any problem. ─── 希望包装不会出现什么问题。

63、Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside. ─── 咱们收拾好东西到乡下去过一个星期吧。

64、Packing: In woven plastic bag about 50kgs. ─── 包装:编织袋每袋50公斤。

65、She can conjure with a pack of poker. ─── 她会用一副纸牌表演魔术。

66、You should pack it up preparatory to sending it by post. ─── 在邮寄之前你应该把它包好。

67、Frequent or premature failure of the packing. ─── 填料经常性更换失败。

68、The act, process, industry, art, or style of packing. ─── 包装,打包包装的动作过程、工业、艺术或样式

69、The packing should be double bags lined with kraft paper. ─── 包装为内衬牛皮纸的双层袋。

70、A pack of wolves or wild dogs. ─── 一群狼,一群野狗

71、I supervise the packing of all mail orders. ─── 我监督所有邮购商品的包装。

72、Buyers always pay great attention to packing. ─── 买方通常很注意包装。

73、Why didn't you pack in immediately when you began to feel dizzy? ─── 你开始感到头晕时为什么不立即停止?

74、You could save a lot of memory by packing decimal digits. ─── 你可以借助于压缩十进制数字的方法来节省大量的存储单元。

75、Smoking's bad for you; you ought to pack it in. ─── 吸烟对你很不好,应该戒掉。

76、He was told to pack his bags. ─── 已经告诉他让他走人。

77、Now then, raise anchor and start that packing; we have wasted enough time. ─── 喂,快点动手包装吧,咱们已经耽误了不少时间。

78、He was busy packing, for he was leaving that night. ─── 他当时正忙于包装行李,因为他就要在那天晚上离开。

79、Packing should be suitable for sea voyage. ─── 包装要适合于海运。

80、I'm glad we have arrived at a complete agreement on the clauses discussed so far. There remains only the question of packing. ─── 很高兴我们各项条款讨论取得完全一致意见,剩下就只是包装问题了。

81、Pack it in, stop arguing! ─── 停下来,不要争吵了!

82、Packing one liter bottle15 bottle per carton. ─── 包装:每瓶一公升,每箱15瓶。


84、Do you need me to help you pack up? ─── 你需要我帮你整理行装吗?

85、She tried to interfere, but I sent her packing! ─── 她想多管闲事,我把她赶走了!

86、We can use wooden cases for packing if you insist. ─── 如果你们坚持,我们可以使用木箱包装。

87、His story is nothing but a pack of lies. ─── 他说的纯粹是一派鬼话。

88、Packing: Carton box or plastic bag. ─── 包装:纸箱或胶袋。

89、I am sorry I've lost the packing list. ─── 对不起,我把装箱单丢了。

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