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09-12 投稿



entranced 发音


英:  美:

entranced 中文意思翻译



entranced 网络释义

adj. 着迷的;狂喜的

entranced 词性/词形变化,entranced变形

动词第三人称单数: entrances |副词: entrancingly |名词: entrancement |动词过去式: entranced |动词过去分词: entranced |动词现在分词: entrancing |

entranced 反义词


entranced 短语词组

1、be entranced with v. ─── 狂喜,入迷

entranced 同义词

catch | incoming | enchant | thrill | entryway | enamor | admission | ticket | charm | mesmerize | arrival | beguile |fascinate | entree | enthrall | way in | captivate | bewitch | becharm | enthral | hypnotize | intrigue | capture | entering | appearance | entranceway | delight | pass | engross | enamour | ingress | spellbind | trance | entry

entranced 相似词语短语

1、enhanced ─── v.提高,增强(enhance的过去式及过去分词);adj.提高的,增强的

2、entrained ─── 夹带

3、entrance ─── n.入口;进入;vt.使出神,使入迷

4、entrances ─── [建]入口

5、entrenched ─── adj.根深蒂固的;确立的,不容易改的;v.确立;保证;挖掘壕沟(entrench的过去分词)

6、-tranced ─── v.(诗、文)(使)昏睡,出神(trance的过去式及过去分词)

7、entrailed ─── 夹带

8、entrapped ─── 截留

9、tranced ─── v.(诗、文)(使)昏睡,出神(trance的过去式及过去分词)

entranced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Intraesophageal pressure, es ophageal insufflation testing, esophageal BaM perspective and laryngofiberscopy were carried out, respectively. Results The mean pressure, 1cm bel ow the entranc e of esophagus in the two groups, was 5 mmHg. ─── 结果食管入口下1cm处,测得两组平均压力均为5mmHg。

2、We are entranced by the epic sweep of the Middle Kingdom, and the Chinese themselves oblige us by talking endlessly of their 5,000 years of civilization. ─── 我们了解中国是从她辉煌的古代开始,而如今的中国人也总是不厌其烦的向我们大谈那五千年的文明史。

3、be entranced with fear ─── 吓得魂不附体

4、But the chords were so sweet that he found himself entranced, and as the last notes faded, he stood very still. ─── “难道在你有生之年里你还没有弹够吗”?死神问。但是他还是同意了让她再弹奏一次,因为他从来没有听过她弹的曲子。

5、He is entranced by the kindness of her smile. ─── 她善意的微笑令他着迷。

6、Entranced, the Garners stopped and began snapping photos. ─── 看见这些野马,盖勒夫妇俩呆住了。

7、be able to hold an audience entranced. ─── 有本事让听众心驰神迷。

8、We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go about their business, unaware(we hope)of our presence. ─── 我们还喜欢出神地凝视着它们忙碌不停而不觉察(但愿如此)我们在观看。

9、The scenic beauty of the place entranced [fascinated] the visitors. ─── 这里的美丽风光把游客们迷住了。

10、When the sirens began to sing, passing sailors where so entranced that they sailed towards the island, only to be dashed to pieces and destroyed on the jagged rocks. ─── 当塞壬开始歌唱时,经过那里的水手就被深深吸引以至他们会朝着那个岛屿航行,然而等待他们的是船只被参差突兀的礁石撞成碎片而遭遇灭顶之灾。

11、I was entranced with the music ─── 我陶醉在音乐中。

12、At night I stare at the dark trees Sithouetted against the quiet stars I am entranced into a complete peacefulness and my last thoughts are of you! ─── 夜晚,我凝视静谧星空衬托下的幽幽树影万籁俱寂最后的思念还是你!

13、During all this time the shepherd stood entranced . ─── 牧羊人一直是神态恍惚地站着。

14、4. We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go about their business, unaware (we hope) of our presence. ─── 译文:我们喜欢盯着它们看,看它们做事入了迷,而它们却不知(但愿如此)我们就在身边。

15、Knowing that Misaki is entranced by the legend of Kijimuna, Jinsei introduces Misaki to a young female writer Kagemi Hiyajo to tell Misaki the darker side of the Kijimuna at Okinawa. ─── 仁成非常真恨早苗,不让她与仁太见面,更对她拳打脚踢。

16、From the first time Alicia stepped onto a stage, she had entranced audiences with her beauty and soulful voice. ─── 从艾丽西娅踏上舞台的那一刻开始,她的美貌与深情的歌声便征服了所有的听众。

17、And as Ibrahim listened, entranced, a shape scarcely more solid than the moonlight rose slowly out of the river and stood before him in the shadowy likeness of a Jinn. ─── 易卜拉欣正听得出了神,一个象月光般淡淡的影子从河中缓缓地升起,站到他面前,模模糊糊地象一个精灵。

18、I was utterly entranced, my heart took fire. It was August 24, 1958, when I flew from Moscow to Tashkent. We reached the airfield at dead of night, when the sky was studded with stars. ─── 是在我没有一点准备、一丝预料的时刻,宇宙便把它那无与伦比的光华、丰采,全部展现在我的眼前了。

19、to be hypnotically entranced ─── 使受催眠似地神志恍惚

20、Many are entranced by Little Fish's seal carvings and enjoy collecting them. ─── 许多人醉心小鱼篆刻,并以收藏为乐。

21、George sat entranced with his own picture. ─── 乔治被自己所憧憬的一切弄得坐在那心迷意醉。

22、Like to see them sitting round in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening.Still life. ─── 这些厚嘴唇的黑人围成一圈坐着,听得入了迷。这副样子倒蛮有看头哩,活像是一幅静物画。

23、Flawless CGI and forays into animation keep things visually lively, and Nim's enviable life is likely to hook kids into the story early and keep them entranced. ─── 完美无瑕的CGI和类似动画的制作让场面十分活泼,尼姆那让人嫉妒的生活也许会钩起孩子们早期的经历从而让他们钻进影院。

24、From the first note the singer 's voice entranced the audience . ─── 演唱者唱出的第一个音符就使听众出神了。

25、She was entranced to see him perform. ─── 他表演时她看得出了神。

26、stand entranced at the sight ─── 站着看那景色出了神

27、to be entranced with the performance ─── 完全被演出迷住了

28、be entranced with the performance ─── 被演出迷住了

29、I am entranced into a complete peacefulness and my last thought are of you. ─── 最后的思绪仍是你。

30、The subtleties of the shifting light entranced Mr Bergman, who decided that his whole film should be lit that way. ─── 光照的细微变化让伯着迷,他决定让整部电影都笼罩在这种光照之中。

31、Flawless CGI and foray s into animation keep things visually lively, and Nim's enviable life is likely to hook kids into the story early and keep them entranced. ─── 动画中无暇的CGI和截图保持了物体视觉上的生动。而且尼莫令人羡慕的生活也很可能使还在们很快进入到故事中并被其吸引。

32、We enjoy staring at them,entranced as they go about their business, ─── 我们喜欢盯着它们,出神地看它们自顾自地忙碌,

33、I became an entranced stargazer for a while. ─── 很快我就迷上了观星。

34、He listened to her, entranced. ─── 他听她讲话听得出了神。

35、Dad didn't take her out off the garden, but he'd walk up and down with her, chatting all the time. She'd gaze up at him, entranced. ─── 父亲没有把萨蒂带出花园,他跟着她在园中四处转,不停地对她讲着什么,而萨蒂则出神地望着父亲。

36、He stood entranced at the wonderful sight. ─── 他着述奇异的景象,出神地伫立在那。

37、be entranced in thought ─── 沉思, 出神

38、Fascinating it may prove to be from a woman who has entranced and repelled Americans, and it's undoubtedly Palin's life.But "her words" is a more suspect claim. ─── 也许一个既令美国人着迷又令他们厌恶的女人其生活的确“引人入胜”,而且毋庸置疑,这确实是佩林的生活,但声称这是“她的语言”却令人生疑。

39、As he was walking out into the clearing where she was grazing, he was entranced by her appearance and could not take his eyes off her. ─── 当他走入她吃草区的林中空地,他为她迷人的外表而迷倒,目不转睛地看着她。

40、Every bee raiser should be wary of the worms to scrawl inside as well as honets,which is the worst enemy to wait just at the entranced of the hole to do harm on purpose。” ─── 你得提防着虫子爬近来,还得提防着大黄蜂。大黄蜂这贼最恶,常常落在蜜蜂窝洞口。专干坏事。”

41、The spectators are entranced by the magic performance. ─── 观众看魔术表演看得着了迷。

42、soon as I met Dick, he entranced me because he has a lovely voice. ─── 我一见到迪克,他就使我着迷,因为他有好听的嗓音。

43、During all this time the shepherd stood entranced. ─── 牧羊人一直是神态恍惚地站着。

44、He listened to her, entranced. ─── 他听她讲话听得出了神。

45、He was entranced that he was at last able to see the ocean. ─── 他因终于能见到海而欣喜若狂。

46、He was entranced in thought . ─── 他沉思而出神。

47、A hypnotist looks for subjects who are easily entranced. ─── 催眠师专找一些易受催眠的人为对象。

48、She was entranced in thought. ─── 她想得出神。

49、He often talked deep into the night surrounded by us entranced in his story. ─── 每每讲到深夜,同学们围在他的身边,听得极其入神。

50、He was entranced that he was at last able to see the ocean. ─── 他因终于能见到海而欣喜若狂。

51、They were entranced with the perfect performance by acrobatics ─── 他们完全被杂技演员的精彩表演迷住了。

52、Ye Meng seemed entranced, her face lifted skyward, her jet black hair ca.wcading down to her waist. The image reminded me of Xiangjun. ─── 望望叶梦,痴了一般,只管仰着脑袋。 那一脉乌黑秀发从肩头蜿蜒而下,垂到腰际,使我忽然想起湘君的神逸来。

53、Be entranced with the music. ─── 沉醉在音乐中。

54、a child who was entranced by a fairy tale ─── 一个对童话着迷的孩子

55、The oracle interpreted dreams, the actions of entranced persons, and physical signs found in the entrails of sacrificed animals. ─── 先知负责解读梦境,着魔者的行为,以及作为祭品的动物内脏上的纹理所包含的神谕。

56、Clear the entranc of the liferaft immediately after entering.Sit down in the liferaft immediately. ─── 当进入救生筏后应立即保持入口畅通,坐在救生筏内.

57、The lilting voice of the singer and graceful movements of the dancer entranced audiences. ─── 歌手轻快活泼的调子和优美的舞姿使观众狂喜和着迷。

58、On Saturday I greeted her at the dorm and was again entranced by her loveliness. ─── 星期六我去她宿舍接她,并再一次被她的美丽所倾倒。

59、Their passionate reassertion of the greatness of past dynasties has both entranced and baffled Western observers, because it does not fit the model of an “evolving communist system. ─── 他们充满激情的谈论过去王朝的辉煌让西方观察家震惊无语,因为这样的做法不符合“演变中的-社-会-主-义系统”模型。

60、Their startling rise i n the late 1990s entranced many investors and, if anything, it made tech stocks seem like a safe bet . ─── 20世纪90年代末科技股的飙升曾令许多投资者感到飘飘然,一时之间,科技股似乎是稳赚不赔。

61、Like one entranced, he looked from the crest of Olivet upon the magnificent temple and gave command that not one stone of it be touched. ─── 他从橄榄山顶上遥望着那壮丽的圣殿,欣赏得出神了,于是便发出命令,不许他的部下动圣殿的一块石头。

62、We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go about their business, unaware (we hope) of our presence. ─── 我们喜欢入迷地看它们做事,它们不知道(但愿如此)我们就在它们身边。

63、Meredith was entranced by the softness of his face. ─── 梅雷迪斯被他脸上的温柔神情迷惑了。

64、The children watched entranced as the circus animals performed . ─── 马戏团的动物们表演时,孩子们都看得入神。

65、She is entranced with cultivating the flowers. ─── 她对养花特别着迷。

66、Provide scene examination on entranced material. Making procedure. Monitor. Finished products shipment. And products trusting. ─── 提供现场来料检查、制程检查与监督、成品出货检查、产品信赖性试验。

67、There is no doubt that one of the reasons players are entranced with the RPG genre, is to see their characters grow in power and strength. ─── 北京佳力翻译公司充分挖掘国内外各专业的优秀人才,整合了一支庞大翻译队伍,加强内部质量管理机制,为实现公司的宗旨奠定了坚实的基础。

68、One of his listeners, a nine-year-old boy, grows so entranced by the story-telling that, when the old man leaves abruptly under mysterious circumstances, the boy devotes himself to finding him again. ─── 其中有一个9岁的小男孩深深地被故事吸引住了。当那位讲故事的老者神秘离去之后,这个小男孩就决定要再次找到他。

69、I am entranced into a complete peacefulness ─── 万籁寂静

70、We were entranced at the beautiful sight. ─── 我们被这美丽的景色迷住了。

71、They were entranced with the performance . ─── 他们完全被演出吸引住了。

72、We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go abouttheir business, unaware (we hope) ofour presence. ─── 喜欢入迷地看做事,不知道(但愿如此)就在身边。

73、With one of the most striking faces I have ever photographed, this women from Mozambique island seemed ideal to portray the beauty of those island women who entranced the Portuguese sailors venturing eastward in the15 th and16 th centuries. ─── 这是我所拍摄过的照片中最慑人的一张脸,这位来自莫桑比克岛的妇女看起来是这些群岛女人们美丽的典型,葡萄牙的水手们在15和16世纪的东进探险时进入了这一地区。

74、In addition, he was a man of soaring imagination and was entranced by human nature. ─── 除此之外,他还有丰富的想象力,而且对人性有着狂热的追求与兴趣。

75、In the legend , it will be in the sun appeared, the goddess of a gentle, make you be entranced, asitsall, eventually die. ─── 传说中,它会在夕阳时现身,那女神般的温柔,令你神魂颠倒,为其倾尽所有,最终死去。

76、First Hitchcock watched, entranced, as she put the dish into the oven. ─── 一开始,当她把盘子放入烤箱时,希区柯克一直出神地盯着她。

77、Her beauty entranced him. ─── 她的美使他神魂颠倒。

78、Including screensavers and Web features, Stargaze will keep spaceheads happy and entranced for hours, and convert the unbelievers. ─── 包括屏保和Web特性,StarGaze会带给天文爱好者持续的欢乐,并转变那些对此持怀疑论者,进入太空的世界。

79、Dad didn't take her out of the garden, but he'd walk up and down with her, chatting all the time. She'd gaze up at him, entranced. ─── 父亲没有带萨蒂走出花园。他跟着她在园中到处转着,始终对她讲着什么,而萨蒂则出神地望着父亲。

80、But how magically his singing violin can conjure up a tendresse, a compassion for Lolita that makes us entranced with the book while abhorring its author! ─── 但是他那魔琴般的故事却召唤出我们对萝莉塔的爱和怜悯,在憎恶书的作者的同时却深深地被书吸引。

81、He circled the entranced Orc. ─── 他围着催眠的兽人转圈。

82、He is entranced by the television. ─── 他看电视看得入了神。

83、entranced at the beautiful sight ─── 被美丽的景色迷住了

84、Europeans are perhaps even more entranced than Americans by Mr Obama's message of “change” and “hope”. ─── 欧洲人或许比美国人更醉心于奥巴马提出的口号:“变革”与“希望”。

85、I strolled on and saw Fawkes the Phoenix and spent a while entranced, stroking his feathers until my aunt urged me forward. ─── 我四处逛,看见凤凰福克斯,我停下来抚摩着他的羽毛直到姑妈催我快点走。

86、This magical iridescent phenomenon has entranced people for centuries both for its beauty and mystery. ─── 这迷人的奇观,正因为它美丽而神秘,令世人神往了几个世纪。

87、He's by no means lonely, but neither is he entranced by popularity and applause. When someone comes along to take his place, Shyu will readily step back. ─── 踽踽独行的他并不寂寞,但他也不迷恋欢呼与掌声。一旦后继有人,徐中雄愿意欣然引退。

88、be entranced with ─── v. 狂喜入迷

89、We sat entranced by her beauty. ─── 我们坐在那里看着她的美貌出神.

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