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09-13 投稿



doodle 发音

英:[?du?d(?)l]  美:[?du?d(?)l]

英:  美:

doodle 中文意思翻译




doodle 网络释义

vi. 涂鸦;闲混;随意弹奏n. 涂鸦;蠢人vt. 乱涂出;闲混;随意弹奏

doodle 词性/词形变化,doodle变形


doodle 短语词组

1、Doodle Jump ─── 涂鸦跳跃

2、abducted doodle jump ─── 诱拐涂鸦跳跃

3、Doodle Devil ─── 涂鸦恶魔; ─── 涂鸦魔鬼;创世恶魔;融合

4、cock a doodle doo ─── 公鸡喔喔叫

5、auto doodle ─── 自动涂鸦

6、cock-a-doodle-doo n. ─── 喔 ─── 喔 ─── 喔(鸡鸣声), 公鸡

7、doodle town ─── 涂鸦镇

8、doodle-bugs (doodle-bug ─── 的复数) n. 探矿杖;飞弹;短程往返火车

9、doodle world ─── 涂鸦世界

10、Yankee-Doodle ─── 扬基歌(美国独立战争时流行的一首歌曲)

11、doodle-bug n. ─── 探矿杖;飞弹;短程往返火车

12、mr doodle doodle ─── 先生。

13、doodle cube ─── 涂鸦方块

14、whang(y)doodle ─── 王(Y)涂鸦

15、piggy doodle ─── 小猪涂鸦

16、doodle jumpios ─── 涂鸦跳跃

17、cock-a-doodle-doos (cock-a-doodle-doo ─── 的复数) n. 喔喔喔(鸡鸣声), 公鸡

18、cute the doodle ─── 可爱的涂鸦

19、Yankee Doodle ─── 扬基歌(美国独立战争时流行的一首歌曲)

doodle 相似词语短语

1、doodles ─── n.涂鸦(doodle复数)

2、noodle ─── n.面条;笨蛋

3、boodle ─── n.贿赂;一组;一群

4、boodler ─── n.受贿者

5、doddle ─── n.轻而易举的事,不费吹灰之力的事

6、boodled ─── n.贿赂;一组;一群

7、doodled ─── v.信手涂鸦(doodle的过去式和过去分词)

8、poodle ─── n.鬈毛狗,贵妇犬;百依百顺的人,走狗;v.悠闲地游荡

9、doodler ─── 涂鸦手

doodle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Use : suitable for the goods doodle in the face, hands Qingrou Looped, a return trip to the massage can be absorbed through skin. ─── 使用方法:取适量本品涂抹于面部,用手轻揉打圈,来回按摩至皮肤吸收即可。

2、Notice that in the process of re-tracing I've( unintentionally) changed all her proportions and made her older than the doodle. ─── 请注意我在重画的过程中不小心把她画得比较成熟。

3、Very modernized plane design element,doodle typeface,autotype's playbill,The very strong design flavor, I like it. ─── 很现代化的平面设计元素,涂鸦的字体,影印版的海报,很强的设计味道,我喜欢.

4、Of course, one cannot talk about @Yankee@ and not mention @Doodle@ or @Yankee Doodle,@ which is an American marching song. ─── 当然,说起“扬基佬”,人们就会提到“笨蛋”或“扬基佬笨蛋”??一首美国的进行曲。

5、With the extensive scrutiny that today's chips undergo, it's now impossible to sneak in a doodle without corporate authorities knowing. ─── 当然,并不是所有发现的图案都可以称得上艺术作品。有些芯片电路上发现的是司法警告字样。

6、Behind the tourist flap - doodle, authentic [ Key West ] cooking is produced by the descendants of Bahamian English and Cubans, who migrated to this coral reef over a century ago(Betty Fussell) ─── 在游客们的无稽之谈中有这样的说法,真正的[基韦斯特岛]烹调食品是由巴哈马群岛一个世纪前移民到此珊瑚礁地带的英国人和古巴人的后代做的贝蒂 富赛尔)

7、If you feel like doodling next to an idea, all means doodle. ─── 当你想在一个观点旁涂鸦的时候,尽管做。

8、So far, my doodle is as static as the virtual paper it's sitting on. ─── 为止,我的涂鸦就像它所在的虚拟纸张一样静止。

9、We seeg these line to the tune of yankee doodle ─── 我们用扬基歌的曲调唱这几句歌词

10、Yankee Doodle went to town, A-riding on a pony. ─── 杨基·嘟得儿,骑着小驹进城去

11、The Google logo was spelt out as series of crop circles, and clicking on the doodle produced a list of web pages related to crop circles. ─── 而点击图标就会出现和麦田圈有关的网页列表。

12、Or i doodle, it doesn't really matter what i doodled, its just i keep myself busy. ─── 我...更害怕;也不愿意轻易的去相信一个人。但是,也发现真正关心自己的朋友。

13、Yankee doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni. ─── Yankee doodle帽上插根羽毛,称为时髦帅哥。

14、Yankee Doodle came to London, just to ride the ponies. I am the Yankee Doodle Boy. ─── 扬基美国人来到伦敦,只是为了骑小马。我是一个真正的美国男孩。

15、make a doodle; draw aimlessly. ─── 制作涂鸦之物;无目的的画。

16、Yankee Doodle came to town. ─── 洋基进城去

17、Yankee Doodle is a tune, that comes in mighty hand. ─── 杨基·嘟得儿是个曲儿,它可供你吹哨、唱吟或弹奏

18、Because metope is easy flyblown, the family that has a child can be doodle more and the injury shows head. ─── 因为墙面轻易弄脏,有小孩的家庭更会为涂鸦而伤透脑筋。

19、MODULE 8 AMERICA Unit 2 Yankee Doodle came to town. ─── 第八模块

20、The files in this folder will show you how to take something as simple as a doodle, scan it in and use it inside your drawing application to create unique art it wasn’t really intended for. ─── 文件夹中的文件将向你展示如何像涂鸦作品一样简单地表现某物,浏览并将它应用到你的绘画中去,你将创作出你所想象不到的独一无二的艺术。

21、Perhaps, pure canvas shoes and doodle. ─── 或者,洁白的帆布鞋和涂鸦。

22、I wish the old man always happy and healthy, keep doodle these cute painting to the area. ─── 祝福老阿伯长命百岁、身体健康,一直画这些可爱的图案。

23、Would you even write? Once you have the pen,Gucci Large Carryall Bag, no rule says you have to write. Would you sketch? Scribble? Doodle or draw? ─── 你的落笔会是颤抖胆怯的,还是鲜明果敢的?你的想象会是丰富的还是贫乏的?

24、Sound example 5: "Yankee Doodle" played on strings tuned to the same pitch (transverse frequency) but with different longitudinal mode frequencies (two versions in different keys). ─── 健全例如5:“扬基歌”上播放字符串调整同一球场(横向频率),但不同的纵模频率(两个版本在不同的键)。

25、And I left this alley and walk to the space behind the doodle alley, I heard an orange is meowing. I was so exciting and happy change my lens. ─── 后来离开的春安路56巷,走到后面的空地,我远远的看见了这个小橘,他一直在叫,我内心又兴奋又紧张赶紧换镜头。

26、But the organizer delivers the creativity doodle unconventionally, lets the people draw together the bright rainbow, wishes in advance Qiao Renliang the Shanghai concert box office rainbow. ─── 而主办方更别出心裁地送上创意涂鸦,让众人绘出一道鲜艳的彩虹,预祝乔任梁上海演唱会票房长虹。

27、So far, my doodle is as static as the virtual paper it's sitting on (see Figure 1), but that will change in the next example. ─── 到目前为止,我的涂鸦还是与虚拟的纸张一样是静态的(参见图1),但是下一个例子中将改变这种情况。

28、if you want to, doodle or read, or yodel. ─── 如果你喜欢,胡乱地写些字,读写什么,或者随意呼喊一下。

29、Cock - a - doodle - doo! ─── 喔喔喔!

30、The first mysterious Google doodle appeared on September 5, and showed a flying saucer hovering over the Google logo and "abducting" the letter "O". ─── 第一个神秘徽标出现于9月5日,呈现出一个飞碟盘旋在谷歌图标的上方,并“劫持”了字母“O”。来源:考试大

31、Would you even write? Once you have the pen, no rule says you have to write. Would you sketch? ribble? Doodle or draw? ─── 甚或你根本没有落笔?这是因为,你拿到笔以后,没有哪条规则说你必须写作。也许你要画素描,乱写一气?信笔涂鸦?画画?

32、We sang these lines to the tune of Yankee Doodle. ─── 我们用扬基歌的曲调唱这几句歌词。

33、It started out as a doodle of Mkazukii in some fancy-looking armor, and then slowly went out of hand as I kept adding more and more little touches to the picture. ─── 原来只是一张美朔的涂鸦,后因为我一直在原画上加细节后来就变成这个样子了。

34、The image of Ewan"the doodle"represents a unique spiritual character and the aesthetic taste of the Russian nationality. The worship of odd numbers indicates their mysterious religious and cultural psyche. ─── “傻子”伊万的形象展现了俄罗斯民族独特的精神品格与审美情趣,奇数崇拜现象揭示了俄罗斯民族具有神秘色彩的宗教文化心理。

35、Yankee Doodle ─── n.扬基歌(独立战争时士兵的流行歌)


37、When I'm bored with my life, I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour, trying to sketch trees that look like trees. ─── 当我对生活感到厌倦时,我就拿出铅笔到后院去心不在焉地乱涂一个小时,试图画出看上去像树的树木速写。

38、I guess the neighbors of this old man also has very coloful life, I hope the kids who live there also like doodle. ─── 我想阿伯的邻居,应该每天也过著内心多彩的日子吧。希望这边的小孩子耳濡目染,也喜爱画图。

39、“Huo Ran” brand serial products for keeping the townscape clean has a very good safe protection and a permanent cure against the chaotic paste and doodle of the illegal adlets. ─── "豁然"牌"市容保洁系列产品"对非法小广告的乱粘贴、涂写有非常好的防护作用,能根治非法小广告的乱粘贴、乱涂写。

40、Since I had succeeded in teaching Doodle to walk, I began to believe in my own infallibility. ─── 因为我成功地教会了嘟嘟走路,我开始有了自信。

41、The effect fruit that the picture comes out is like watercolour, suit schoolchild doodle to use. ─── 画出来的效果类似水彩,适合学童涂鸦使用。

42、Children likes to be in metope is optional doodle, one can be hanged in its activity area white board, let the child one place can follow the scope of activity of sexual doodle, free paste. ─── 儿童喜欢在墙面随意涂鸦,可以在其活动区域挂一块白板,让孩子有一处可随性涂鸦、自由张贴的天地。

43、Which was just as Id feared.And the people who dont doodle at all?Apparently these are people who never mark time.People who simply dont let others bang on tediously. ─── 我画的那些方块只有一点比较奇怪:它们似乎是凭空出现的,但从其他方面来说,它们似乎非常合理。

44、Spray some of the specialized chemical (that turns into a make-shift writing surface) on the palm of your hand and doodle with the pen-end. ─── 喷雾专门化学一些(即曲折的转变成为一个使书写表面)在你的手和涂鸦的笔底手掌。

45、The doodle is the latest in the recent rehabilitation of Confucius. ─── 在近来孔子复兴热中,这个涂鸦是最新的表现。

46、Doodle told them it was I who had taught him to walk, so they wanted to hug me, and I began to cry. ─── 嘟嘟告诉他们是我教会他走路的,所以他们也要来拥抱我,而我却哭起来。

47、The Doodle Dodging the earthly silly funs We have found a sky belonging to our own When we doodling the future We are learning to enjoy the true existence ─── 躲避尘世无聊的嬉笑找到一片属于我们的天空涂鸦未来学会享受那真实的存在

48、You do doodle on them, I always wrote all over mine. ─── 你在你的书上乱写乱画,我也总是这样对待我自己的书。

49、G.R 2017.2007.10. kingdom kernel .i pod design.The forest finishes Caso.The doodle is king W.G. ─── 作品名称 2017.2007.10.王国仁.i pod设计.森林毕卡索.涂鸦为王 W.

50、I doodle on the desk. ─── 我在书桌上乱写乱画。

51、Doodle was five years old when I turned 13. ─── 嘟嘟五岁时,我13了。

52、Would you even record? Once you HAs the pen, no rule says you HAs to record. Would you sketch? Scribble? Doodle or draw? ─── 甚或你根本么有落笔?这是因该,你拿到笔以后,么有哪条规则说你必需书面表达。也许你要画素描,乱写一气?信笔涂鸦?画画?

53、Doodle, from drawing weeping eyes on wall to find my weeping eyes , and weeping inside my heart. ─── 涂鸦,从画在墙上眼睛流泪一直流到我的眼睛里,到心里。

54、Studying was not my favorite thing, and i used to doodle on my text books. ─── 我不是很喜欢学习,以前倒是经常在课本上涂鸦。

55、The French Active Surface Scene Doodle art PlanIn recent years, doodle in the worldwide metropolis, doodle is flourishing as a kind of faddish primary arts. ─── 近年来,在世界的大都市中,涂鸦作为一种时尚的原生艺术在蓬勃蔓延。

56、Yankee doodle Dandy - 1942 ─── 胜利之歌

57、Yet from my researches Id say there was another sort of non-doodler who troubles me even more: those so obsessively neat that they do not doodle for fear of messing up the notebook. ─── 相比之下,我丈夫的箭头则没有道理:箭头的作用是指路,因此同时指向两个方向毫无意义。

58、It has a powder doodle tongue, summer is always stretch out a large margin. ─── 它有一条粉嘟嘟的舌头,到了夏天总是伸出一大截。

59、I often doodle when I'm on the phone. ─── 我打电话时常常信手乱画。

60、"Let's go, Doodle. ─── “我们走,嘟嘟。”

61、But Doodle couldn't keep up with the plan. Once, he collapsed on the ground and began to cry. ─── 但是嘟嘟跟不上这个计划。一次,他瘫倒在地上,哭起来。

62、Google Doodle: Richard Bowyer Smiths Bir... ─── | 马来西亚中文博客网-Te...

63、doodle; scribble aimlessly ─── 信笔涂抹

64、"Oh, yes, you can, Doodle. All you got to do is try. Now come on, " and I hauled him up once more. ─── “哦,不,你行的,嘟嘟。你所需要的只是不断努力。好,再来,”我又一次将他拉起。

65、Everyone knows that Justin loves to doodle, ─── 大贝贝爱涂鸦是众所皆知!

66、While the link from the doodle to a search for “crop circles” didn't provide any more clues, we also tweeted the lat/long coordinates of Horsell Commons, the location of the first alien landing in H. ─── 由于该Logo的链接引向了麦田圈的搜索,因此依然没有给大家提供任何线索。

67、When I'm bored with my life, I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour, trying to sketch trees that look like trees. ─── 当我对生活感到厌倦时,我就拿出铅笔到后院去心不在焉地乱涂一个小时,试图画出看上去像树的树木速写。

68、This week's comic doodle reportedly only shows in the US, unless you call up a special URL. ─── 据报道,本周的漫画涂鸦只在美国展示,除非你访问一个特定的统一资源定位地址。

69、OK. And feel free to doodle. ─── 好吧,那你随意涂鸦吧。

70、Don't doodle on this piece of paper. ─── 不要在那张纸上胡乱写啦。

71、I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy; a Yankee Doodle, do or die. ─── 我是一个真正的美国人男孩,一个真正的美国人要么动手,要么就死。

72、Would you even write? Once you have the pen, no rule says you have to write. Would you sketch? Scribble? Doodle or draw? ─── 甚至你会写作吗?你一拿到笔的时候,没有规则让你必须写作。你会画素描,乱写一气?信笔涂鸦?画画?

73、Drawing and painting can also be a great outlet.Even if you aren't a spectacular artist, it feels good to doodle or create something of your own. ─── 画画也是一种很好的发泄方式,即使你不是一个引人注目的艺术家,感觉好的时候也可以创造一些属于自己的东西。

74、7.The dipsy doodle prices of rice and oil show how unsound the country’s economy is. ─── 粮油价格的大幅波动表明该国经济是如何的不稳定。

75、Random statistics class doodle, redrawn later as a style comparison. ─── 上统计学课的时候随便画的,来为了比较画风又重画了一遍。

76、Yesterday's12-0 victory over the Angels was another Yankee Doodle Slugfest, the latest reminder of how explosive this lineup can be, and it had the Stadium buzzing. ─── 昨天以12比0大胜天使更是一场混乱屠杀,再次提醒大家绝不能忽视洋基打线的爆发力,而当时全场更为之疯狂骚动。

77、Intel has its own compound in a skyscraper in Beijing, where dozens of young researchers doodle on notepads or write incomprehensible programmes onto their computer screens. ─── 因此,跨国公司现在都坚信,从长期来看,创新的未来在中国。许多跨国公司都在北京和上海开设了研发中心。

78、Ggong) Yep.. just scribbling or doodle whatever.. oh! diary will be good! Without regard to formality..! ─── 孔刘:嗯。。只是胡乱涂写点什麽。。噢!写日记不错,不用局限于文体。。

79、doodle eliminating ─── 涂鸦清除

80、"doodle:To scribble aimlessly, especially when preoccupied." ─── "胡乱画,涂鸦:尤指在精神集中在其它事情时,心不在焉地乱涂."

81、After that, Doodle and I often went down to Old Woman Swamp. ─── 从那以后,嘟嘟和我就常常去老妇沼泽了。

82、image of "doodle" ─── “傻子”形象

83、Kid, obedient, behave yourself, and don't doodle! ─── 小朋友,听话,不要乱图乱画!

84、Andrade offers several theories, but the most persuasive is that when you doodle, you don't daydream. ─── Andrade提供了一些分析,但是最有说服力的是当你画的时候,你并没有耽于空想。

85、Doodle or draw? ─── 笔涂鸦?画画?

86、The enemy all runs away, at Yankee Doodle Dandy. ─── 敌人都跑了,杨基·嘟得儿,时髦哥儿。

87、' Renaming my brother was probably the kindest thing I ever did for him, because nobody expects much from someone called Doodle. ─── 给我弟弟的这次改名很可能是我为他做过的最和蔼的一件事,因为没有人会对一个叫嘟嘟的人有多大期望。

88、If myself are decoration : from the roof internal eave, elevator machine rooms of the house, knowing that the doodle wall of birds, each packaging, as if afraid of the real construction exposed. ─── 我不反对古典建筑,但古典建筑的精华在今天拙劣仿制中不可能被真正复制。和女性美一样,建筑的形式美有很强的时代性和地域性。

89、Doodle, scribble, inscribe your memory in a special way so that you may share it. ─── 你可以进行涂鸦,也可以随便写写,把你们的回忆用特殊的方式记录下来,这样你们就能分享这些东西。








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