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09-07 投稿



indecently 中文意思翻译



indecently 反义词


indecently 同义词

rudely | inappropriately | crudely | incorrectly |offensively | coarsely | shockingly | improperly

indecently 相似词语短语

1、inherently ─── adv.内在地;固有地;天性地

2、decently ─── adv.合适地;高雅地;正派地;亲切地

3、indecent ─── adj.下流的;不礼貌的;不得体的

4、indigently ─── adv.贫乏地;穷困地

5、iridescently ─── 彩虹色的

6、indecency ─── n.猥亵;下流;无礼

7、indolently ─── adv.怠惰地;不痛地

8、innocently ─── adv.纯洁地;无罪地

9、candescently ─── 烛光

indecently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The vulgarization of TV programs is that some TV programs perform indecently in order tomeet the vulgar pursuit of some audience by the means of pursuit of sensory and instinctimpulses. ─── 电视节目低俗化,是指电视节目为迎合某些受众的低俗追求,而靠拢卑下感官本能冲动的不雅表现。

2、On the Deficiency in Acting Indecently against or Insulting a Woman by Force ─── 强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪立法缺陷探微

3、A male teacher suspected of indecently assaulting a female student was fired.As the girl did not press charges against him, the police dropped the case. ─── 男教师被指涉嫌非礼女学生后遭校方辞退,由于女事主不追究令警方未再调查。

4、(2) acts indecently towards terms; ─── (2)猥亵词语;

5、behave like a hoodlum; take liberties with women; act indecently ─── 耍流氓

6、and just like some of those people, my inspiration was indecently exposed and seen by others, I'm very excited, am extremely high! ─── 也像某些人一样,我灵感的走光被人看见,我很兴奋、极具快感。

7、Men also suffer sexual harassment from women who dress indecently or by display of nudity. ─── 男性也遭受那些穿着下流或者裸体的女性的性骚扰。

8、Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. ─── 爱是不嫉妒,不吹嘘,不自大,不罔顾规矩,不求自己的利益,不轻易动怒。

9、Indecently exposes any part of his body ─── 猥亵暴露其身体任何部分

10、Whoever acts indecently towards a child shall be given a heavier punishment according to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs. ─── 猥亵儿童的,依照前两款的规定从重处罚。

11、Brian Molko, PLACEBO's indecently asexual singer, laughs."I just enjoy fucking with people's heads. ─── 乐队PLACEBO雌雄莫辨的风流主唱,笑着说:“我很享受‘耍人’的乐趣。”

12、However, the author arranged her to die on purpose: ate drug indecently, suffered for long time;and then died ugly. ─── 然而作者还是精心安排了她的死:狼狈服毒,遭受长时间的折磨,而后面目丑陋地死去。

13、Forum community: Forum and community are the place that lets netizen speak out freely, but the breeding ground that already reduced act indecently towards and bad news partly now. ─── 论坛社区:论坛和社区是让网友畅所欲言的地方,但现在部分已沦为猥亵不良信息的温床。

14、Others alerted me that they were receiving by mail an indecently doctored photo taken of my daughter during her engagement party. ─── 其他人提醒我说,他们收到一张寄来的无礼变造照片,摄于我女儿的订婚宴上。

15、The survey's results also highlight the continuing gap between the public's perception of inflation and the official inflation report offered by the national statistics agency, Indec. ─── 这项调查的结果也突出显示在公众对于通货膨胀的感知和国家统计机构(国家统计局)提供的官方通货膨胀报告之间持续存在的差距。

16、Several Sudanese women have been flogged as a punishment for dressing "indecently", according to a local journalist who was arrested with them. ─── 几名苏丹妇女由于穿着“不堪入目”被处以鞭刑惩罚,她们中有一位是当地记者,这名记者向外界讲述了她们的遭遇。

17、"It is alleged that after a short struggle between the two the man indecently assaulted the woman before she managed to escape and run to nearby Eustace Street," NSW police said. ─── 该男子为亚洲人模样,身高在170-180之间,他染过头发,胡子刮的很干净。身穿神色裤子,手拿一件黑色的夹克。

18、INDEC OPI - Patent Office of Peru ─── 秘鲁专利局

19、26 You shall not go up by steps to my altar, on which you must not be indecently uncovered. ─── 你不可沿着台阶登我的祭坛,免得暴露你的裸体。

20、Hussein was arrested at a party in July and, with 12 other women, charged with being indecently dressed. ─── 胡笙在7月间的一场派对中被捕,而且和其他12名女子,一并被控服装仪容不检。

21、Whoever acts indecently against a child shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs. ─── 猥亵儿童的,依照前两款的规定从重处罚。

22、Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked.It does not keep account of the injury. ─── 爱不嫉妒,不吹嘘,不自大,不罔顾规矩,不求自己的利益,不轻易动怒,不计较别人所加的伤害,不因不义而欢喜,只因真理而高兴。

23、Act indecently towards the door event , expose relentless material again! ─── 首页>>搞笑贴图>>猥亵门事件,再暴狠料!

24、He was charged with indecently assaulting five women. ─── 他被控猥亵五名妇女。

25、It is prohibited to organize, force, induce, shelter or introduce a woman to engage in prostitution or to act indecently against women. ─── 禁止组织、强迫、引诱、容留、介绍妇女卖淫或者对妇女进行猥亵活动。

26、He would often very impudently and indecently laugh at his companion for his serious behaviour ─── 他时常肆无忌惮地嘲笑他的同伴那副道貌岸然的神态。

27、It is prohibited to organize, force, induce, shelter or introduce a woman to engage in prostitution or to act indecently against women. ─── 禁止组织、强迫、引诱、容留、介绍妇女卖淫或者对妇女进行猥亵活动。

28、850. I will not have you talking indecently before the children. ─── 我不想听到你在孩子们前面说些下流话。

29、For instance Lin Jiaxiang (maritime bureau secretary) act indecently towards female child wait. ─── 比如林嘉祥(海事局书记)猥亵女童等。

30、In an indecently short time the interpretation came back. ─── 在极短的时间内,解释就出来了。

31、I am innately suspicious of proprietors who focus from the beginning on an indecently swift exit. ─── 对于那些从一开始就关注于不光彩的快速退出的企业所有者,我本能地持怀疑态度。

32、One male person busy streets actually act indecently towards the hotel captain! ─── 一男子闹市公然猥亵酒店领班!

33、However, the author arranged her to die on purpose: ate drug indecently, suffered for long time; and then died ugly. ─── 然而作者还是精心安排了她的死:狼狈服毒,遭受长时间的折磨,而后面目丑陋地死去。

34、The sanitation was an important indec in the producing of Luzhou-flarer liquor.This article introduced detailly the effects of material,environment and equipments. ─── 工艺卫生在浓香曲酒生产中是一项十分重要的工艺指标。从粮、糠、曲、水、操作场地、设备工用具、和泥池、窖内及窖面卫生阐述了工艺卫生对浓香曲酒生产的影响。

35、Although very indignant at that time, but in view of a person " power only power is thin " , by " act indecently towards " the schoolgirl is being borne did not make a sound. ─── 虽然当时十分愤怒,但鉴于一个人“势单力薄”,被“猥亵”的女生忍着没有作声。

36、Indec recently reported a 0.6% month-on-month increase for its March consumer price index and a 6.3% gain on the year. ─── 国家统计局最近报道了三月份它的居民消费价格指数月度提高 0.6% 以及年内增加 6.3%。

37、Actually inspiration is my privacy, hand is the underwear of my inspiration, very unfortunately because of this underwear, I was indecently exposed; ─── 其实灵感是我的私隐,手就是灵感的内裤,很不幸地由于这条内裤,我走光了;

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