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09-08 投稿



hereon 发音


英:  美:

hereon 中文意思翻译



hereon 网络释义

adv. 关于此,关于这个;在此;从此

hereon 相似词语短语

1、hereupon ─── adv.于此;随即

2、thereof ─── adv.它的;由此;在其中;关于…;将它

3、heroon ─── n.庙形坟墓;英雄祠

4、thereon ─── adv.以……为根据;在其上,随即;与此相关

5、whereon ─── adv.在那上面;conj.在那上面;pron.就此者

6、herein ─── adv.本文中,本书中;于此,在此;n.(Herein)(美、德)赫赖因(人名)

7、heroons ─── n.庙形坟墓;英雄祠

8、hereof ─── adv.关于这个,就此;在本文件中

9、heron ─── n.鹭,苍鹭;深紫灰;n.(Heron)人名;(英、瑞典)赫伦;(葡)埃龙

hereon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hereon, the legislation purpose of the truth proof provision is: Do not originate or disseminate affairs defaming others’ reputation, until you can prove its truth in the suit. ─── 在此,证明真实条款所宣示的立法意旨正是:不要随便传述、指摘足以毁损他人名誉之事,除非能够在诉讼上证明其为事实。

2、Hereon,we have to thank for the assistance of the whole schoolmates in committee. ─── 为周六的总决赛奠定了一个良好的基础。

3、We hereby apply for membership of Hong Kong Printed Circuit Association and hereon submit the particulars for your reference and approval. ─── 本公司现申请成为香港线路板协会 会员 ,随表附上下列有关文件供 贵会审查及确认.

4、Scale of charges as set forth in their latest price list of which we have seen a copy and upon and subject to the terms and conditions set out hereon and overleaf. ─── 其价款依照本申请厂商已过目之最新收费标准。

5、Hereon the foundation, we clarify the basic idea of modern health education, and point out school health education is the needed for education development in the new century. ─── 健康教育在本质上是一种生命教育。

6、Hereon, I holp you would cherish all you friends. ─── 在此,希望你能更珍惜你的朋友。

7、Policy as per the Clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon。 ─── 特殊条款承保下述货物运输保险,特立本保险单。

8、Because the objects to work were comprehensive, the ways got along with others had yet improved greatly hereon. ─── 因工作对象的广泛性,待人接物技巧在在此期间也得到很大提高。

9、On this day, 1 September 2005, twomonuments were erected in honor of those donors and volunteers, whose names are hereon inscribed. ─── 公元2005年9月1日特立碑石,将捐款者、义务劳动者的姓名镌刻于上,以示敬意。

10、Douding lost both confidence and his friends, and hereon the conceit boy got upset and bogged in a bottom! ─── 他最好的朋友凯文也在这一天初尝痛苦的滋味:因为在压力面前,他背叛了好朋友豆丁。

11、Price appreciation will be more gradual hereon and more in keeping with inflation. ─── 从今以后价格的涨势将变得平缓些,也会趋向和通胀同步。

12、Are you ready to lead, hereon earth? ─── 今天是你余生的开始。

13、Hereon, I want to suggest that they should ask yourself:what purpose do you have for abroad study? ─── 其次,你希望通过留学达到什么样的目的,是继续在本行业里发展还是另外寻求其他的方向?

14、By signing hereon, I hereby acknowledge that I agree for the Bank to provide fax banking services i.e., RMB transfer (limited to overseas customers) Foreign ─── 者外币结汇后转账、人民币购汇后转账(只限境外人士),不包括境外汇款(“传真银行服务”),本人确认:

15、Hereon, regarding each category we discuss their development and evolution,and then discuss their appearance in this book. ─── 每一小类先总说其发展与演变,然后分别讨论其在该书中出现的几种形式。

16、Hereon, I hope to make a beneficial exploration for the further research. ─── 诚望为以后进一步的研究做些有益的探索。

17、So that will be our new intro to the lessons from hereon . ─── 所以,这将会是我们新的介绍,向教训,在此。

18、Advising on issuing corporate shares and securities in China or overseas and issuing the legal opinions hereon. ─── 为公司股票、债券境内、外发行上市提供法律服务,依法出具法律意见书;

19、Hereon I submit my personal profile for your review and consideration first, and I will be much appreciated if I will be concerned for further interview! ─── 无论技术支持翻译还是行政管理方面都可以很好地胜任,在此我先提交我的简历以便贵司参考,如有幸约见面试,我将不胜感谢!


21、Level of state of TV of distance floor figure carries out date to there still was the time that is less than half month on August 1 surely formerly, the dispute recrudesce of hereon standard. ─── 距离地面数字电视国家尺度原定实施日期8月1日还有不到半个月的时候,对于此尺度的纷争回复。

22、From hereon only foot traffic. ─── 从关于此只脚的交通。

23、Hereon, Xinbang expresses its hearty appreciation and is earnestly looking forward to visit and cooperation of old and new customers. ─── 在此,鑫邦人表示衷心的感谢,并热切期盼和欢迎新老客户光临指教和精诚合作。

24、Hereon the base, this paper criticizes the tendency of making light of humanity in our teaching and affirms the value tropism, namely the cultivation of humanism. ─── 在此基础上,反拨了在教学中存在的轻视诗歌人文精神培养的不良倾向,确认了诗歌教育的价值取向,即人文精神的培养。

25、Hereon ,let's thanked Zhao Jin again for his excellent speech . ─── 在此,再次感谢我们的师兄赵进,感谢他给我们带来的精彩内容。

26、Hereon, I want to say sorry to those friends who are concerned about the growth of my blog. ─── 在此,我想对那些所有关心我博客成长的朋友表示歉意。

27、Hereon, I express a most cordially thank to leaders at different levels, friends in all fields and colleagues, they have given their considerations and support to us for development and grandness of our causes! ─── 在此,谨向为我公司事业发展壮大而给予关怀与支持的各级领导、各界朋友以及同仁,表示最诚挚的谢意!


29、Detailed to DIFOT Effective Such Date as Endorsed Hereon ─── 在规定日期奉命执行飞行勤务

30、Hereon, I heartily look forward to your acceptance of my application. ─── 在此,我衷心地希望贵国能接受我的留学申请,谢谢!

31、6) “Shipped on Board” Bill of Lading is essential and the statement “Freight paid” must appear hereon. ─── 必须是已装船提单,并在其上注明“运费已付”的字样。

32、Free remittance abroad of the remuneration in US Dollars with xemption from individual income tax, remittance tax or any other taxes hereon. ─── 可以将酬金(美元)自由寄出国,免收个人所得税、汇款税或其他税款。

33、In this section we first summarize some middlebox terms. We focus hereon the two kinds of middleboxes that commonly cause problems for P2P applications. ─── 在这一章节中,首先概要的介绍一下““代理””技术的一些术语。然后集中讨论两种造成P2P应用问题的代理机制。

34、Hereon this basic, bring forward some pay attention to proceeding follow explosive force training, in order to provide reference gi... ─── 并对影响爆发力主导因素进行分析,提出爆发力训练的注意事项,为促进爆发力的训练提供参考依据。

35、We go up in paper intermediary all large investigation, can write at the back on " the other information of hereon content signs up for a website to go up in Feijialuo " . ─── 我们在纸媒上所有的大型调查,都会在后面写上“关于此内容的其他信息都在费加罗报网站上”。

36、Hereon, We adjure that you can pay more attention to it. ─── 此,我们恳请您能对此事表示高度关注。

37、Hereon , Xinbang expresses its hearty appreciation and is earnestly looking forward to visit and cooperation of old and new customers. ─── 在此,鑫邦人表示衷心的感谢,并热切期盼和欢迎新老客户光临指教和精诚合作。

38、Hereon, to acknowledgement the old and new client, tianjiao will still provide the unique quality、the best service、the no worse credit for our clients. ─── 我们非常感谢新老客户的支持,我们将一如既往,以“一流的质量、一流的服务、一流的信誉”为广大顾客提供满意的服务!

39、From hereon, think in a more expansive way that allows for the unity of Man, and his counterparts from all parts of the Universe. ─── 从此,思索一个更加容易扩展的方式,准许人类团结一致,并且他的副本来自宇宙所有部分。

40、We focus hereon the two kinds of middleboxes that commonly cause problems for P2P applications. ─── 然后集中讨论两种造成P2P应用问题的代理机制。


42、Publish this print journalist hereon now the 5 speeches material of the overview report of second conference and congress, offer reference. ─── 现刊登本刊记者关于此次会议的综述报道和大会的五份发言材料,供参考。

43、as per the Clause printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon. ─── 条款承保下述货物运输保险,特立本保险单.

44、So as to satisfy the need of fast development, we hereon invite you join us for mutual development and meanwhile Yongguan will provide you favorable treatment and more opportunities. ─── 为了满足快速发展的需要,诚邀德才兼备者加入,共谋发展,公司将提供优厚的待遇和广阔的发展空间。

45、From hereon life will be idyllic and fulfilling while you enjoy the beauty and comforts of the higher dimensions. ─── 从今生开始,生活将成为田园诗一般的令人惬意,同时你们在享受这更高维度的美丽与舒适。

46、Hereon, I would like to show our sincere appreciation to related parties who had cared and supported the development and growth of COSCO. ─── 在此,我要向一直以来关心、支持中远集团发展和成长的各相关方表示衷心的感谢!

47、Hereon, please provide us an install document for the whole system, so that we can take over the task of installation and maintance by ourselves. ─── 在此请您们再提供整个系统的安装文档,以便让我们自己接手安装和维护工作。

48、Hereon, I sincerely invite everyone to come over and visit the beautiful Hainan and Changjiang. ─── 在此,我诚挚邀请各位到美丽的海南岛来!到纯美的昌江来!

49、It is an offence to remove/deliver these goods other than in accordance with the Customers delivery instructions hereon. ─── 在此除按照客人的运输指令外移动或运输这些货物是犯罪行为.

50、Hereon, with developing the overseas advanced experience, the great significance of the asset securitization for the NPL is expatiated and the treatment mode of disposing the NPL is structured. ─── 在此基础上,借鉴国际处置不良资产的先进经验,综合阐述了我国采用资产证券化处置不良资产的重大意义,设计提出我国不良资产证券化的模式。

51、Hereon, wish all my employees and their families happy and joyful in the vacation! ─── 在此祝全体员工及其家人春节快乐!幸福美满!

52、Against of these question, hereon the text had given a detailed description. ─── 以下内容对这些问题进行了较为细致的论述。



on是开。1.ON是英语单词,通常代表开启;2.OFF也是英语单词,通常代表关闭。通常在各类电器设备上,都是有on和off来代表电器设备的控制开关,也可以代表电源的接通与断开。 汽车on键是开启,按on键后该系统处在运行状态,相对应的

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