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09-05 投稿



herbivore 发音

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herbivore 中文意思翻译



herbivore 网络释义

n. [动] 食草动物

herbivore 短语词组

1、herbivore definition ─── 食草动物定义

2、Herbivore men ─── 吃草的男人

herbivore 词性/词形变化,herbivore变形

名词复数形式:herbivores 第三人称单数:herbivores

herbivore 相似词语短语

1、herbivorous ─── adj.[动]食草的

2、herbicide ─── n.[农药]除草剂

3、herbivora ─── n.食草动物(herbivore的变形)

4、carnivore ─── n.[动]食肉动物;食虫植物

5、herbier ─── 草本植物

6、herbivory ─── n.食草性

7、heritor ─── n.继承人;嗣子

8、herbivores ─── n.[动]食草动物,植食动物;食草者(herbivore的复数形式)

9、megaherbivore ─── 巨型食草动物

herbivore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A total herbivore is able to coexist with an omnivore because they have significantly different diets. ─── 一种完全的草食动物能与一种杂食动物共存是因为它们在饮食上有极大的不同。

2、The heat-resistant purple alfalfa is suitable for the planting in south areas in south china, is used as high-quality forage in herbivore breeding. ─── 本发明的耐热紫花苜蓿,适合在我国南方种植,增加优质饲草的供应,促进我国草食动物养殖业的发展。

3、To authors' knowledge, dimethyl adipate, diisobutyl succinate and benthothiazole have never been reported in previous herbivore insect-plant systems. ─── 己二酸二甲酯、丁二酸二异丁酯、苯骈噻唑在以前的昆虫-草本植物系统中未见报道。

4、Adaptive Herbivore Ecology: From Resources to Populations in Variable Environment ─── 适应草食动物生态学:易变环境从资源到人口

5、A new technique for temporary slide mounting in microhistological herbivore fecal analysis ─── 一种用于食草动物粪便显微组织分析的临时装片新技术

6、You probably would call me a vegetarian. But scientists call me a herbivore because I only eat leaves, grass and other plants. ─── 可能你会说我是素食者,但科学家称我为草食动物,因为我只吃叶子、草和其它植物。

7、herbivore control ─── 害虫防治

8、Paleontologists in China's Henan Basin discovered this nest of fossilized eggs laid by the Jurassic duck-billed herbivore Hadrosaurus. ─── 译文:侏罗纪时代图片集。古生物学家在中国河南省盆地发现了这窝蛋化石所奠定的侏罗系(嘴巴)象鸭的食草动物鸭嘴龙。

9、quadrupedal armored herbivore of the Jurassic and Cretaceous. ─── 侏罗纪和白垩纪的一种四足有甲食草动物。

10、It was not clear what type of herbivore it was but scientists estimated it could have been up to 35 metres long and weighing 10 tonnes. ─── 目前还不知道这是何种类型食草恐龙的化石,但是,科学家们分析估计,这头恐龙生前应该有35米长,体重在10吨左右。

11、2, Recovery of the populations of herbivore and omnivorous mammals there, espacially wild boars. ─── 2、必须在放归地区恢复草食、杂食哺乳动物野生群。主要是野猪群。

12、Herbivore insects ─── 害虫

13、huge quadrupedal herbivore with long neck and tail; of late Jurassic in western N. America. ─── 巨大的四足食草性恐龙,长颈长腿;生活在后侏罗纪时期的北美洲西部。

14、Photo Gallery: Jurassic Period Paleontologists in China's Henan Basin discovered this nest of fossilized eggs laid by the Jurassic duck-billed herbivore Hadrosaurus. ─── 译文:侏罗纪时代图片集。古生物学家在中国河南省盆地发现了这窝蛋化石所奠定的侏罗系(嘴巴)象鸭的食草动物鸭嘴龙 。

15、3. huge quadrupedal herbivore with long neck and tail; ─── 巨大的四足食草性恐龙,长颈长腿;

16、bipedal herbivore having 10 inches of bone atop its head; largest bone-headed dinosaur ever found. ─── 两足食草性恐龙,头顶上有10英寸长的骨头;已经发现的最大的骨冠龙。

17、The goat belongs to herbivore, can use country weed and part of a historical period of fill clump bine, the bine that also can use crop, root, leaf cheap feed resource. ─── 山羊属草食动物,能够利用山地野草和灌丛茎叶,也能利用农作物的茎、根、叶等廉价饲料资源。

18、Herbivore diet ─── 食草动物食性

19、Scientists have uncovered the mummy of a 67-million-year-old plant-eating hadrosaur, a duck-billed herbivore common to North America. ─── 科学家发现了一具六千七百万年前的鸭嘴龙(一种鸭形嘴的食草恐龙,北美多见)的木乃伊。

20、South Korean retailers are stocking their shelves and shop windows to cater to the tastes of “dried-fish woman” and “herbivore man”. ─── 韩国零售商正在商店的货架上和橱窗里放上迎合“鱼干女”和“食草男”口味的产品。

21、herbivore wound ─── 昆虫取食

22、Treat your carnivorous plant kindly.It is a carnivore, not a herbivore, and you yourself can serve as food for carnivores. ─── 善待你的食肉植物,它嗜肉,是株肉食生物,不是草食生物,你也有可能成为它口器下的亡魂。

23、While sociologists debate its merits, the herbivore phenomenon has become popular media fodder. ─── 社会学者对此褒贬不一,而食草现象已是吸引人眼球的媒体亮点。

24、herbivore animal tank ─── 食藻动物

25、This dinosaur is estimated to have been 20-25-feet long, weighing 4-6 tons, and was a long-necked herbivore, similar to the tree-chewing Brachiosaurus. ─── 这个恐龙估计有20-25英尺长,4-6吨重,是一只长颈的草食动物,与植树嚼腕龙很相似。

26、“Yes they can!The poo of some herbivore are rich in fiber so can be made into paper.Paper art made from panda poo in Sichuan even have a fresh bamboo smell!” ─── 是的, 有些草食动物粪便中含有丰富的纤维, 可以用来造纸. 像四川的大熊猫的粪便做成的纸艺品, 还带著竹子的清香呢!

27、Effects of herbivore stress by Aphis medicaginis Koch on the contents of MDA and activities of protective enzymes in different alfalfa varieties ─── 危害胁迫对不同苜蓿品种体内丙二醛含量及防御性酶活性的影响

28、T. rex was unlikely to have been a herbivore. But which animals the tyrant lizard actually ate is a far harder nut to crack. ─── 霸王龙不太可能是草食动物,但是这个蜥蜴之王到底吃那种动物却是个更难解的谜。

29、meat of the herbivore is, in comparison, far more edible and smell wise. ─── 相比之下,食草动物的肉更易食用,闻起来更美味。

30、Herbivore men who wear cosmetics only reinforce their arguments. ─── 涂脂抹粉的草食男只不过一进步论证了这种观点。

31、Here grows virtually indestructible, fast-growing grasses of all sizes that feed the planet's largest herbivore populations, the preys to solitary and social carnivores. ─── 同时你不会错过第一次出现在摄影机镜头里的长相怪异的藏狐。

32、Panda's are classified as carnivores but they mainly have a diet of an herbivore. ─── 大熊猫被归为食肉动物,但它们饮食更像食草动物。

33、Typical symptoms of reef decline are destabilized herbivore populations and an increasing abundance of algae and filter-feeding animals. ─── 这边是在讲其他破坏原因,跟上面有个共同的地方,这些行为都造成海水养分增加。

34、In addition, the herbivore may the edible grass also be able to be insufficient. ─── 此外,食草动物可食用的草也会不足。

35、The peaceful herbivore herds of slothien were assimilated into the zerg Swarm to produce one of the fiercest and most diabolical of the zerg strains. ─── 这些安详的草食性树獭兽被异形群体同化来做为生产异形里最残忍且致命地基因链。

36、It was not clear what type of herbivore it was but scientists estimated it could have been up to 35 metres long and weighing 10 tonnes. ─── 目前还不知道这是何种类型食草恐龙的化石,但是,科学家们分析估计,这头恐龙生前应该有35米长,体重在10吨左右。

37、The 70 million-year-old fossils of the carnivore would have rested for millenniums at the bottom of an Antarctic sea, while remains of the 100-foot-long herbivore were found on the top of a mountain. ─── 这具食肉恐龙化石距今已有七千万年,它被埋藏在南极海底数千年,另一具身长100英尺的食草恐龙遗骸是在一座山顶上发现的。

38、herbivore prey is of a different mind. ─── 食草动物的猎物有不同的想法。

39、What is herbivore man? What is the charecteristics of a herbivore man? Wild monkey will tell you all that! ─── 什么是草食男?草食男有什么特征?如何辨认草食男?野猴子似乎对草食男很有研究。听一听你就知道啦!

40、The Plant Volatile Induced by Herbivore and Its Function in Plant-plant Communication ─── 植食性昆虫诱导的挥发物及其在植物通讯中的作用

41、Tannin is an important feeding det errent to herbivore s. ─── 单宁是动物的重要觅食阻遏剂之一。

42、The review and evaluation on the study methods for herbivore food habit ─── 食草动物食性研究的主要方法及其评价

43、You probably would call me a vegetarian. But scientists call me a herbivore because I only eat leaves, grass, and other plants. ─── 你可能会称我为素食者。但科学家称我为草食动物,因为我只吃叶子、草和其它植物。

44、But a few examples had also reported that nitrogen fertilizer reduces the herbivore performances. ─── 但也有少量研究发现氮肥对植食性昆虫的表现无明显影响,甚至对极少数昆虫有负作用。

45、Among his other qualities, the herbivore is close to his mum, has a liking for deserts and foreign travel and leans toward platonic relationships with the opposite sex. ─── 食草男的其它特质与母亲相近,喜好荒野,异域旅行,倾向于柏拉图式的精神恋爱。

46、Adjusting stockbreeding structure and developing herbivore production ─── 畜牧业结构调整与发展草食家畜生产

47、2. Scientists have uncovered the mummy of a 67-million-year-old plant-eating hadrosaur, a duck-billed herbivore common to North America. ─── 科学家发现了一具六千七百万年前的鸭嘴龙(一种鸭形嘴的食草恐龙,北美多见)的木乃伊。收藏指正

48、Offending family-orientated Confucian values, neither dried-fish woman nor herbivore man is much interested in romance, part of the reason why Korea's fertility rate is lamentably low. ─── 鱼干女和食草男背离了以家庭为导向的儒家价值观,对浪漫没有多少兴趣,这在一定程度上可以解释为何韩国的生育率低得可怜。

49、In addition, the herbivore may the edible grass also be able to be insufficient. ─── 此外,食草动物可食用的草也会不足。

50、herbivorous animal; herbivore ─── 草食动物

51、Domestic hare is herbivore. ─── 家兔为食草动物。

52、2. bipedal herbivore having 10 inches of bone atop its head; ─── 两足食草性恐龙,头顶上有10英寸长的骨头;

53、The application of nitrogen fertilizers in plants can normally increase herbivore feeding preference,food consumption,survival,growth,reproduction,and population density. ─── 但也有少量研究发现氮肥对植食性昆虫的表现无明显影响,甚至对极少数昆虫有负作用。

54、herbivore stress ─── 危害胁迫

55、Former CNN intern Junichiro Hori, a self-described herbivore, said the idea goes beyond looks and attitudes toward sex. ─── 一个自称食草族的前有线新闻网实习生JunichiroHori谈了一些对外貌和对待性的态度的看法。

56、Defensive strategies can be induced either by herbivore or mechanical damage. An overview on the function of elicitors, early signals events and systemic response of signal transduction were given. ─── 摘要主要时防御反应形成过程中化学诱导物的作用、细胞内发生的早期信号事件和信号分子在植物体内的系统性传递进行了综述。

57、Physiological responses of different rice cultivars under herbivore stress ─── 不同水稻品种对虫害胁迫的生理响应

58、4.The role of an organism in nutrient and energy flow within an ecosystem (e.g., herbivore, carnivore, decomposer). ─── 有机体之营养和能源摄取模式(如肉食、草食、分解者等)。

59、Like many all-encompassing buzzwords, "herbivore male" can be laughably imprecise. ─── 时髦词汇包罗万象,有些可能听起来滑稽可笑,意思含糊,“食草男”这个词便是这样。

60、huge quadrupedal herbivore with long neck and tail; of late Jurassic in western N. America ─── 巨大的四足食草性恐龙,长颈长腿;生活在后侏罗纪时期的北美洲西部

61、The herbivore's bones were jumbled with remains from other, smaller animals -- including teeth from carnivores that may have feasted on its flesh. ─── 这只食草恐龙的骨头和其他小动物的遗骸混杂在一起,其中包括可能曾经饱餐过恐龙尸体的食肉动物的牙齿。

62、Some examples of heavy herbivore pressure may help appreciation of the possible brevity of the selection process ─── 植食动物强大压力的一些事例可以帮助我们对选择过程的简略性有所了解。

63、Chemical defense of plant to mammalian herbivore ─── 植物对植食性哺乳动物的化学防卫

64、The goose took in the domesticated fowl the only herbivore, the goose liver by the reputation is "king of the organic foods" . ─── 鹅作为家禽中唯一的食草动物,鹅肝被誉为“绿色食品之王”。

65、grazing herbivore ─── 食草动物

66、Herbivore man is a dandy metrosexual with an abhorrence of martial arts. ─── 食草男是时髦的都市美男,厌恶武术。

67、A43: Their digestion rate of bamboo is fairly low, about 17% because firstly, the digestive system of giant pandas is not as suitable as that of the herbivore to digest vegetation. ─── 回答43:由于大熊猫的消化道结构不像草食动物那样适于消化植物性食物,加之它咀嚼不充分,又不能反刍。

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