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09-06 投稿



hideously 发音


英:  美:

hideously 中文意思翻译



hideously 网络释义

adv. 可怕地;非常讨厌地;荒谬可笑地

hideously 词性/词形变化,hideously变形

名词: hideosity |副词: hideously |

hideously 相似词语短语

1、timeously ─── 及时地(timeous的副词)

2、hugeously ─── 极大地

3、arduously ─── adv.严酷地;费力地

4、piteously ─── adv.可怜地;慈悲地

5、aqueously ─── 水地;似水地;含水地

6、hideous ─── adj.可怕的;丑恶的

7、viperously ─── 恶毒的

8、libelously ─── 诽谤的

9、vitreously ─── 玻璃体

hideously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"I've always been hideously noisy on stage, that's where I get my own back." ─── “我在舞台上总是制造很多噪音,那是我可以找回自己的地方。”

2、Unless it goes up, any comprehensive pension system that China might eventually introduce will be hideously expensive. ─── 除非退休老龄提高,否则中国可能最终推出的任何全面的养老金计划将会极其昂贵。

3、Whereon the lion took him by the throat and held it, and over they rolled upon the bank, struggling hideously. ─── 狮子又抓住了它的喉咙,它们在堤上翻滚着,疯狂地撕咬着。

4、The bin would be even fuller and fouler had the London dumping convention not been signed in 1972, but the sea is still hideously polluted. ─── 如果不是1972年签署伦敦倾倒协议,这个垃圾箱甚至将装得更满、更加污秽,但是海洋仍然被严重地污染着。

5、her hideously charred and blackened features ─── 她那被烧焦变黑、非常可怕的面部

6、Given the importance of the export industry as a generator for economic growth, such a hideously overvalued exchange rate would throw the eurozone economysintosrecession. ─── 鉴于工业产品出口对经济增长的重要拉动作用,这种高得可怕的汇率将使欧元区陷入经济衰退。

7、Manifestation: Accompanied by the sound of flapping wings and cawing crows, Astaroth manifests as a hideously ugly angel. ─── 显现:伴随着一阵扑翼声和乌鸦的鸣叫。

8、Whereon the lion took him by the throat and held it, and over they rolled upon the bank, struggling hideously ─── 狮子又抓住了它的喉咙,它们在堤上翻滚着,疯狂地撕咬着。

9、Animal cloning has been beset by problems, including the creation of hideously deformed animals, but scientists said these could be overcome ─── 克隆动物曾遇到过一些问题,有的克隆动物患有严重残疾,不过学家们称这些问题能够解决。

10、Ed: I have no idea which part scales, but a perma defensive stance doesn't seem hideously out of line, and makes deep prot a whole new level of appealing. ─── 注:由于不知道到底哪一个数据会随等级提升,但是因为防御姿态是固定的10%,所以暂时认为是提升前面的数据。

11、So whilst vi has an interface that is hideously unfriendly to new users, it is still in use today because it is such a superb interface once you know how it works. ─── 所以尽管VI对于很多新手来说是非常不友好的,但是它现在依然被使用,只要你了解如何使用它,你就能接受它的界面。

12、Ambulances are hideously slow to arrive and, when they do, they tend to lack basic equipment, like stretchers. ─── 倘若心脏病发作而必须送医院的话,救护车往往姗姗来迟,即便来了,连担架这样基本的医疗设备都没有。

13、The horses, too, had for the last fortnight been fed on the thatched roofs of the houses;they were hideously thin, and still covered with their shaggy, winter coats, which were coming off in tufts. ─── 战马也有一个多礼拜靠房顶上的干草充饥,瘦得很难看了,身上的毛自入冬以来就给磨成一团一团的。

14、In a previous job at a university, I developed a hideously intense dislike for a colleague. ─── 我以前在一所大学工作时,对一位同事产生了一种强烈得令人不快的厌恶感。

15、The audience laughed, but next day, sure enough, the farmer appeared on the stage, and putting his head down squealed so hideously that the spectators hissed and threw stones at him to make him stop. ─── 观众笑了,但第二天,果然,农民出现在舞台上,并把他的头下尖叫十分可怕,引来观众投掷石块的他,要他停止。

16、A young woman writes a letter to a lover about friendship, trust, and betrayal, as a male nurse cares for her hideously mangled leg stumps. ─── 一个年轻女性给情人写信,谈到友谊、信任和背叛,男护士在照料她那严重受损的残肢。

17、The result of this is that Chinese men inevitably enter the sacred bond of marriage hideously ill-equipped. ─── 他们没有兄弟姐妹可以打架,分享玩具,也从来没有因为满脸青春痘、肌肉不发达和不时髦而一直被妹妹取笑的烦恼。

18、Clayton :(Grinning hideously ) Have we met? Ah, yes, the ape man. ─── 柯林顿:(狞笑道)我们认识吗?啊,是的,是人猿啊。

19、Playing online games, getting hideously drunk on a regular basis and alternating between anxious dieting and stuffing my face with junk food all dominated for the first couple of years. ─── 对我而言大学生活的前2年就是每天无止境的沉迷于电脑游戏,定期的喝酒喝得昏天黑地,以及在迫切的减肥节食同时又吃大量的垃圾食品。

20、The bin would be even fuller and fouler had the London dumping convention not been signed in 1972, but the sea is still hideously polluted. ─── 如果不是1972年签署伦敦倾倒协议,这个垃圾箱甚至将装得更满、更加污秽,但是海洋仍然被严重地污染着。

21、Philip, who caused tanks to be cut in its sandstone bed in order to conserve water, called it the Tank Stream, a hideously utilitarian name. ─── 在这条河流周围,生长着一片巨大的森林,满是悉尼红橡胶树、巨大的开满令人目眩的玫瑰红色花朵的长春花。

22、In a previous job at a university, I developed a hideously intense dislike for a colleague. ─── 我以前在一所大学工作时,对一位同事产生了一种强烈得令人不快的厌恶感。

23、This trait was not in evidence in the hideously emotional divorce of her eldest son. ─── 这种标准并未体现在她长子引起世人反感的离婚事件中。

24、The scent was the problem, the hideously appealing scent of her blood. ─── 是这讨厌的香味引起了我对她血液的莫大兴趣,它是问题的关键。

25、Animal cloning has been beset by problems, including the creation of hideously deformed animals, but scientists said these could be overcome. ─── 克 隆 动 物 曾 遇 到 过 一 些 问 题 , 有 的 克 隆 动 物 患 有 严 重 残 疾 , 不 过 学 家 们 称 这 些 问 题 能 够 解 决 。

26、When I have been playing this way for a couple months and I am strung out, other things in my life are bothering me, or I am just running hideously badly, I will take an extended break from poker. ─── 当我一直扮演这样一个几个月我排列出来,其他东西我的生活是我的困扰,或者我只是运行令人发指不好,我会采取一种扩展脱离扑克。

27、I'm still hideously fatigued, but today I was out of bed most of the day. ─── 我仍然非常疲倦,但今天我大部分时间没有卧床不起。

28、He tried it; but in the darkness the distant echoes sounded so hideously that he tried it no more. ─── 他试过,但是在黑暗中,远处的回声听起来是那么可怕,所以他不再去试它了。

29、Everything is hideously ugly. ─── 一切都丑陋得可怕。

30、This is hideously expensive and won't work if the CO2 leaks. ─── 不过这种方法费用极其高昂,一旦气体泄漏也无济于事。

31、The witch was hideously ugly. ─── 那个女巫丑得吓人。

32、To hunt down your detractors would be hideously embarrassing and would only confirm their dim view of you. ─── 刨根问底找出诽谤你的人会非常难堪,并且这只能证实他们对你的那些不好看法。

33、I've always been hideously noisy on stage, that's where I get my own back. ─── 我在舞台上总是制造很多噪音,那是我可以找回自己的地方。

34、The case of Mad-Eye Moody is perhaps the best example: he is hideously scarred from his many battles with Dark Wizards, and has lost( though the details of his encounters remain frustratingly vague) a leg, an eye, and part of his nose. ─── 疯眼汗穆迪或许是最好的例子:在他与黑巫师的多次搏斗中他留下了可怕的伤疤以及丢掉(管他的遭遇战的详细资料很失败的没有保存的很详细)条腿,一只眼睛,和鼻子的一部分。

35、In the case of Madrid that meant the hideously sweet things I liked as a child; I was especially fond of a make of bread and cakes called, rather unfortunately, Bimbo. ─── (至于马德里,它使我联想到我小时所喜爱的甜腻食品,我尤其喜欢某种品牌的面包和蛋糕,很不幸,它有个不雅的名称叫作“饼饽”。

36、His face was hideously deformed. ─── 他的脸严重变形。

37、hideously mask ─── 可怕地装作

38、This trait was not in evidence in the hideously emotional divorce of her eldest son. ─── 这种标准并未体现在她长子引起世人反感的离婚事件中。

39、Animal cloning has been beset by problems,including the creation of hideously deformed animals,but scientists said these could be overcome. They claimed they would create ─── 克隆动物曾遇到过一些问题,有的克隆动物患有严重残疾,不过科学家们称这些问题能够解决,并表示他们将克隆出“正常而独特的儿童”,而不仅仅是他们父母的翻版。

40、her face was hideously disfigured after the accident. ─── 那次交通事故之后,她的脸被毁了容,很可怕。

41、He and the Celtics [team stats] had just played hideously and nearly won. ─── 他和凯尔特人队在今天打的很可怕甚至差点赢下了比赛。

42、Maybe Monica has a bobby pin. -I'm sure. Monica. -So, how's the hideously inappropriate crush on Rachel coming? ─── 也许莫尼卡有发夹。-我确定莫尼卡一定有。-那,你暗恋雷切尔的事怎么样了?

43、In the case of Madrid that meant the hideously sweet things I liked as a child;I was especially fond of a make of bread and cakes called, rather unfortunately, Bimbo . ─── 至于马德里,它使我联想到我小时所喜爱的甜腻食品,我尤其喜欢某种品牌的面包和蛋糕,很不幸,它有个不雅的名称叫作“饼饽”。

44、4‘1974 A young woman writes a letter to a lover about friendship, trust, and betrayal, as a male nurse cares for her hideously mangled leg stumps. ─── 一个年轻女性给情人写信,谈到友谊、信任和背叛,男护士在照料她那严重受损的残肢。

45、in the darkness the distant echoes sounded so hideously that he tried it no more. ─── 黑暗中,回声听起来十分可怕,他只好停下来,不再叫喊。

46、Then, his body liquefying beneath him and his face hideously twisted with pain, the ghostly workman screamed desperately for someone to save him as he sank downward into the red-hot ladle. ─── 然后,当他下沉了向下入炽热杓子,他的身体液化在他之下的和他的面孔丑陋地扭转了充满痛苦,为了某人绝望地尖叫的鬼的工作员能救他。

47、What is it?Am I hideously unattractive? ─── |我有那么不讨人喜欢吗?

48、Is it really possible to stabilize the system without some sort of controls over who can buy and sell some of these hideously complex financial instruments? ─── 如果不对那些买卖这些讨厌的综合金融工具的人进行控制的情况下,究竟能不能实现经济的稳定?

49、Manmade beauty, which in most cases sticks out hideously, is something these spots can certainly do without. ─── 人为的美丽常常看上去扎眼可笑,这些景区没有了它们,仍可以很漂亮。

50、He tried it;but in the darkness the distant echoes sounded so hideously that he tried it no more. ─── 他叫了几声,可是黑暗中,回声听起来十分可怕,他只好停下来,不再叫喊。

51、A hideously socialist piece of legislation, the Working Time Directive currently makes it illegal for those working, with some exceptions, in the EU to work for more than 48 hours a week。 ─── 这是一个可怕的社会法律条款,的工时规定小欧洲一周工作48个小时以上的,除了某些特例以外,都是违法的。

52、Housing was dense, tiny and hideously expensive. ─── 居住密度稠密,房子的空间狭小,还贵得要命。

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