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09-12 投稿



eelpout 发音

英:[['i:lpa?t]]  美:[['i:l?pa?t]]

英:  美:

eelpout 中文意思翻译



eelpout 词性/词形变化,eelpout变形

名词复数: eelpout |

eelpout 相似词语短语

1、feel out ─── v.试探出

2、bespout ─── 残疾人

3、heelpost ─── n.门柱

4、sellout ─── n.售完;客满的演出;背叛

5、heelposts ─── n.门柱

6、eelpouts ─── n.粘鱼类;绵科鱼

7、reel out ─── 放出

8、help out ─── 帮助…摆脱困难

9、peel out ─── 迅速离开;汽车突然加速

eelpout 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Any of various freshwater or marine fishes, especially an eelpout or hornpout. ─── 大头鱼类各种淡水鱼或海鱼中任何一种,尤指鳕或鲶

2、An eelpout(Macrozoarces americanus)of the coastal waters of northeast North America. ─── 高鳍笛鲷一种北美东部北方海域鳕类淡水鱼(美洲大绵?)

3、Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics An eelpout fish swims near tubeworms at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. ─── 意译:板块构造的图片。一条粘鱼类游泳接近的管蠕虫在中大西洋海脊在大西洋。

4、Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics An eelpout fish swims near tube worms at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. ─── 板块构造图片美术馆。一条粘鱼类游近管蠕虫在中大西洋山脊在大西洋。

5、An eelpout fish swims near tubeworms at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. ─── 意译:板块构造图片美术馆。一条粘鱼类游近管蠕虫在中大西洋山脊在大西洋。

6、Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics an eelpout fish swims near tube worms at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. ─── 板块构造图片美术馆。一条粘鱼类游近管蠕虫在中大西洋山脊在大西洋。

7、any of various freshwater or marine fishes,especially an eelpout or hornpout ─── 各种淡水鱼或海鱼中任何一种,尤指鳕或鲶

8、an eelpout(Macrozoarces americanus) of the coastal waters of northeast North America ─── 一种北美东部北方海域鳕类淡水鱼(美洲大绵鳚)

9、An eelpout(Macrozoarces americanus) of the coastal waters of northeast North America. ─── 高鳍笛鲷一种北美东部北方海域鳕类淡水鱼(美洲大绵鳚)

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