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09-11 投稿



entrained 发音


英:  美:

entrained 中文意思翻译



entrained 短语词组

1、air-entrained concrete ─── [化] 加气混凝土

2、entrained air ─── [机] 裹入气

3、entrained rhythm ─── 夹带的节奏

4、entrained bed reactor ─── [机] 连续式基床反应炉

entrained 词性/词形变化,entrained变形

动词过去式: entrained |动词第三人称单数: entrains |名词: entrainer |动词现在分词: entraining |动词过去分词: entrained |

entrained 相似词语短语

1、unstrained ─── adj.未滤过的;不牵强附会的;未拉紧的

2、entrailed ─── 夹带

3、untrained ─── adj.未经训练的

4、engrained ─── adj.彻底的;根深蒂固的;v.把…染成木纹色(engrain的过去分词形式)

5、entrainers ─── n.夹带剂(形成共沸混合物的溶剂)

6、restrained ─── adj.克制的,受限制的;拘谨的;v.抑制;约束(restrain的过去分词)

7、entertained ─── v.娱乐(entertain的过去分词);款待;adj.娱乐的;愉快的

8、entrainer ─── n.夹带剂(形成共沸混合物的溶剂)

9、-trained ─── adj.培训;训练过的,受过培训的;v.训练(train的过去分词)

entrained 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The middle-aged person puts out a hand the aunty son to entrain gets out, “pa” draws in the vehicle door, pulled the aunty to run. ─── 中年人伸手把老大娘儿子拽下车,“啪”地拉上车门,拉着老大娘跑了。

2、If you’re around such people for very long you’ll start to entrain to their energy level. ─── 当体内的血糖标准低于某个平衡时你就会感到疲惫,莫名其妙的变得易怒,甚至像你爱的人发火。

3、By using cyclone separators to return the entrained solids, even higher gas velocities can be used. ─── 采用丁旋风分离器来使夹带固体颗粒返回时,还可用更高的气速。

4、I entrain a long arrow from the pot, put it on the bowstring, raise the hand hard bow slowly, and aim at the 68th object at 200 meters far, and stop my breath to pull the full bow to emit the arrow. ─── 我又我从箭壶中拽出一支长箭,搭在弓弦上,缓缓举起了手中的硬弓,对准二百米远处的第六十八号靶心,屏住呼吸后拉满弓放出箭。

5、You cast your spell and entrain all that I am. ─── 您投下您的拼写和乘火车所有我。

6、A new type of imping streams entrained bed gasfier used for coal-water slurry gasification process ─── 新型撞击流气流床水煤浆气化炉

7、Keywords emulsion deaerator;entrained foam;retention;sizing degree;paper machine runnability; ─── 乳液型脱泡剂;携带泡沫;助留;施胶度;纸机运行性;

8、Anti-foam additive allows any entrained air to be released and burst quickly, ensuring enough lubrication between machine parts at any time. ─── 含抗泡沫添加剂,有效和快速地将气泡从液压油中分离及消灭,避免机器零件间失去润滑而磨损。

9、The air entrained concrete has the advantage of high impermeability and frost re sistance. ─── 引气混凝土(加入引气剂的混凝土)较一般混凝土在保证强度下,具有抗渗及抗冻性高的优点。

10、" Now, some of our managers often entrained in the management process some personal feelings, or even arbitrary, everything, " mercy. ─── 现在,我们一些管理者在管理过程中经常夹带一些个人感情,甚至随心所欲、事事“留情”。

11、two-stage entrained flow gasifier ─── 两段式气流床煤气化炉

12、multi-burner entrained flow gasifier ─── 多喷嘴气化炉

13、High-Mg olivine xenocrysts entrained in Cenozoic basalts in central Taihang Mountains: relicts of old lithospheric mantle ─── 太行山中段新生代玄武岩中高镁橄榄石捕虏晶:残留古老岩石圈地幔样品

14、Regarding team's eldest child, so long as you can achieve let him be sincerely convinced, can become the model, he meets would rather to lead a horse for you to entrain ascends. ─── 对于球队的老大,只要你能够做到让他心服口服,能够成为表率,他会情愿为你牵马拽登。

15、Study on Performance of Dry Feed Entrained Flow Bed Gasifier Based on Shell Gasification Technology ─── 基于Shell煤气化工艺的干煤粉加压气流床气化炉性能研究

16、a) weak: no, or very slight and intermittent, mechanical stresses, for example due to light debris or small quantities of sand entrained in slow-moving water; ─── 弱:没有,或非常轻微和间歇的机械应力,如:由小碎片或少数的沙子在低速的水浪中引起的。

17、air entrained agent ─── 加气剂


19、Finally, air entrained from or released into a confined adiabatic bubble will appropriately influence the pressure and volume of the bubble. ─── 最后,空气使乘火车从或进入泡沫将会适当地影响压力和泡沫的音量被限制的绝热之内发表。

20、laminar entrained flow furnace ─── 层流炉

21、An effective method is proposed for analyzing through pressure signals the flame gasified combustion condition of an entrained flow gasifier. ─── 提出了一种通过压力信号分析气流床气化炉火焰气化燃烧状态的有效方法,该方法运用尺度分解法分析炉膛压力时域信号。

22、air entrained ─── adj. 加气的

23、Experiments on coal reburning were carried out on an entrained flow reactor. ─── 在煤粉携带炉上进行再燃实验。

24、SCN owns a intrinsic rhythm itself, and is entrained by photoperiodic signal and some endogenous chemicalsubstances. ─── 它具有自身内在的节律性,同时也受光照周期信号和一些内源性化学物质的调节。

25、As alkalies in the coal dust ash dissolve out and carbonates are entrained into the system, serious scaling occurs in the cooling system of the dust collector. ─── 摘要由于粉煤灰中碱性物的溶出及碳酸盐带入系统,导致除尘冷却水系统存在严重的结垢问题。

26、Solid is entrained by rising bubbles to form the bubble wave. ─── 固体被上升气泡夹带形成气泡尾涡。

27、entrained catalyst loss ─── 催化剂夹带损失

28、Keywords Gasification;Two-stage gasification techno-logy;Gasifier;Dry feed entrained flow bed; ─── 关键词煤气化;二段式气化工艺;气化炉;干煤粉气流床;

29、Due to its low energy density and high oxygen content, biomass is often pretreated by slow pyrolysis to form semi-char which is then fed to the entrained flow gasification reactor. ─── 摘要运用慢速热解方式对生物质颗粒进行预处理,半焦作为生物质气流床气化的原料,通过自动量热仪和元素分析仪对稻草和梧桐树叶热解后的半焦进行热值、元素分析。

30、air entrained mortar ─── 加气灰浆

31、In order to study the entrained vortex flow and get the influence of the structure of the intake on it,the 3-D-PIV technique is used to measure this kind of flow near the horizontal intake. ─── 为了研究进水口前吸入涡的流动特性以及不同结构的进水口对吸入涡的影响,对水平进水口前的吸入涡流动进行了三维PIV测量。

32、By using cyclone separators to return the entrained solids, even higher gas velocities can be used ─── 当采用丁旋风分离器来使夹带固体颗粒返回时,还可用更高的气速。

33、Measurement of gas velocity in horizontal entrained flow reactor using PIV ─── 利用PIV技术对水平携带床内气流分布速度的研究

34、entrained liquid threshold ─── 临界携液产量

35、entrained concrete block ─── 加气混凝土砌块

36、In so far as you and your friend are mutually entrained in conversation, then you are also mutually responsive to your shared environment. ─── 当你和你的朋友双双都投入到谈话中时,你们也在共同关注共有的周围环境。

37、By the addition of an umbrella-shaped baffle above the feed sprayer in the column,the liquid entrain... ─── 在精馏塔进料喷头上方增设伞形挡板,可以减少精馏塔带液量。

38、Based on a series of experiments, a new type of laminar entrained flow reactor (LEER) was developed, tested and improved, in which a plasma flow jet was used as the major heating source. ─── 摘要研制了一种以等离子体为主加热热源,配合管壁保温措施的新型层流炉装置。与传统的层流炉相比,该装置具有温度分布均匀,层流区间更宽等优点。

39、I entrain a long arrow from the arrow pot, put it on the bowstring, the both legs tandem come to a stop, and raise the hand silver-white color bow slowly. ─── 我从箭壶中拽出一支长箭,搭在弓弦上,双腿一前一后站稳,缓缓举起了手中的银白色弓。

40、Liquid residence time distribution in an entrained flow reactor ─── 射流携带床反应器液体停留时间分布及模拟

41、entrained foam ─── 携带泡沫

42、Pilot-scale research on two-stage dry feed entrained flow gasifier ─── 两段式干煤粉加压气化技术中试研究

43、Abstract : Liquid residence time distribution in an entrained flow bed was studied.The effect of liquid flux, gas flux and gas momentum on the liquid residence time distribution was investigated. ─── 摘要 : 对射流携带床液体停留时间分布进行了研究,考察了液体流量、气体流量和气体动量对液体停留时间分布的影响。

44、Process analysis of jet entrained bed gasification system is made and a mechanism model for gasification process is proposed in this paper. ─── 对射流携带床气化过程进行了分析,提出了气化过程的机理模型;

45、entrained droplet ─── 夹带盐水

46、He entrained for Chicago. ─── 他乘火车去芝加哥。

47、Experimental Research on Air Entrained Concrete Used in Seepage Control Works of Canal ─── 引气混凝土用于渠道防渗工程的试验研究

48、Rapid pyrolysis of five kinds of Chinese pulverized coals under the different conditions of coal reburning was systematically investigated in an entrained flow reactor (EFR). ─── 利用携带流反应装置,研究了煤粉在高温烟气环境中热解时的质量损失和C、H、N元素释放特性,采用扫描电镜和氮吸附方法观测了煤焦的显微结构、比表面积和总孔容积。

49、to entrain troops ─── 使部队上火车

50、A male youth wanted in the train station port over-bridge to seek the shortsighted view yesterday, the swing bridge instantaneous, the armed police who and the police flushed entrain. ─── 一名男青年昨日在火车站口岸天桥欲寻短见,跳桥瞬间,被冲上来的武警和民警拽住。


52、They entrained for Hangchow this morning. ─── 今天早晨他们乘火车去杭州了。

53、Title: Are the peridotitic xenoliths entrained in Late Mesozoic intermediate-mafic intrusive complexes on the North China Craton the direct samples of lithospheric mantle? ─── 关键词:华北;晚中生代;中基性侵入岩;橄榄岩捕虏体;堆晶成因

54、entrain for ─── 乘火车去

55、Research on New Type Masonry Mortar for Air- entrained Concrete ─── 加气混凝土用新型抹灰砂浆的研制

56、entrained air concentration ─── 掺气浓度

57、Entrained air in oil is comprised of tiny air bubbles suspended in the oil. ─── 夹杂在油液中的空气由细小气泡组成,悬浮在油液中。

58、entrain for somewhere ─── v. 上火车

59、air entrained concrete ─── 加气混凝土

60、Keywords circulating slurry reactors;entrained sect;gas residence time distribution; ─── 循环浆态床;气流段;气体停留时间分布;

61、entrained oil ─── 带走的油

62、air entrain admixture ─── 引气剂

63、Keywords reburning;reduction reaction;nitric oxide;entrained flow reactor.; ─── 再燃烧;还原反应;一氧化氮;携带流反应器;

64、Treatment and Analysis of Entrained Air of HV Oil-filled Cable ─── 一起高压充油电缆进气后的处理和分析

65、Are the peridotitic xenoliths entrained in Late Mesozoic intermediate-mafic intrusive complexes on the North China Craton the direct samples of lithospheric mantle? ─── 华北晚中生代中基性侵入岩中橄榄岩捕虏体是岩石圈地幔直接样品?

66、Keywords Dioxide carbon,Coal char,Combustion,Gasification,Simulation, Model,,,,, Thennal Gravimetric Analysis,Entrained Flow Reactor; ─── 二氧化碳;煤焦;燃烧;气化;模拟;模型;热天平;气体携带炉;

67、entrained air ─── 携入的空气

68、3. Our orders were to entrain at 9:15 in the morning at a nearby siding. ─── 我们接到的命令是早晨九点一刻在附近铁路线上车。

69、Xu Yue,Wu Yining,Wei Shirang.Simulation and analysis on gasification technology of a two-stage dry feed entrained flow bed[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2003,23(10):187-190(in Chinese). ─── [2]徐越,吴一宁,危师让.二段式干煤粉气流床气化技术的模拟研究与分析[J].中国电机工程学报,2003,23(10):187-190.

70、Air can exist in oil in three different states: dissolved, entrained and foam. ─── 在油中,空气可以以三种形态存在:溶解其中,夹杂其中或以泡沫形式存在。


72、Based on the digital image processing technology the flame characteristics in entrained flow gasifier is researched and the stable and instable flame status is analyzed respectively. ─── 基于数字图像处理技术,研究气流床气化炉内多喷嘴对撞气化火焰几何特征,分析气化稳定燃烧和不稳定燃烧两种状态。

73、Shell entrained flow gasification ─── Shell粉煤气化

74、Air entrainment in plasma jet and metal particle oxidation by the entrained oxygen were investigated numerically using a three-dimensional computational model LAVA-P-3D. ─── 摘要为了研究等离子体射流中空气的卷吸和由此引起的金属粒子的氧化,建立了等离子体喷涂的三维计算机模型LAVA-P-3D。

75、EMHYDR HR oils have excellent oxidation stability and demulsibility, enabling ready separation of entrained water and giving long life without formation of harmful sludge. ─── EMHYDR HR具有优异的抗氧化与抗乳化性,能轻易祛除水份,经久使用而不会生成油泥。

76、Based on the flowing characteristic of jet entrained gasifier (region model),the states are decomposed and the stochastic model of residence time distribution has been constructed. ─── 基于气流床气化炉流动特征 (区域模型 ) ,进行状态离散 ,建立停留时间分布随机模型。

77、air entrained cement ─── 加气水泥

78、Xu Yue, Wu Yining, Wei Shirang.Simulation and analysis on gasification technology of a two-stage dry geed entrained flow bed[J].ProceedingsoftheCSEE, 2003, 23(10): 186-190. ─── [2]徐越,吴一宁,危师让.二段式干煤粉气流床气化技术的模拟研究与分析[J].中国电机工程学报,2003,23(10):186-190.

79、Keywords horizontal entrained flow bed;PIV(particle image velocimetry);velocity;tracer particle; ─── 关键词PIV;水平携带床;速度;示踪粒子;

80、One of two vapor domes is installed in the upper part of the body in which liquid drops entrained by the vapor are separated. ─── 两个蒸汽圆顶之一在被蒸汽使乘火车的液体的下降被分开的身体的上面部份被安装。

81、“Lin Songling is trampled by police the staircase, grabs the hair to entrain the bar, these lens do not have the demonstration, in announces most early in video recording. ─── “林松岭被警察踹下楼梯,抓着头发拽出酒吧,这些镜头都没有显示在最早公布的录像中。”

82、But summer entrain * internships are also permitted. ─── 但是暑期实习工也同样被允许。

83、The average calculated value of pressure at the outlet of the exhaust duct was taken as a feedback to determine the entrained velocities at the entrance of secondary flow. ─── 把计算出的排气引射冷却系统出口截面上的压力值作为反馈信息,来调整二次流引射处的速度值大小。

84、Anti-foam additive allows any entrained air to be released and destroyed quickly,ensuring enough lubrication between machine parts at any operating time. ─── 含抗泡沫添加剂,有效和快速地将气泡从液压油分离及消减,避免机器零件间失去润滑而磨损。

85、Simulation of the Performance Based on ASPEN PLUS for Dry Feed Entrained Flow Coal Gasification of Entrained-Bed Gasifier ─── 平台的干煤粉加压气流床气化性能模拟

86、Most of the sediment directly enters the headwaters of the Mekong River or is deposited in riparian areas where it is entrained during later floods. ─── 大部分泥沙直接进入了湄公河上游或是沉降在河岸地区,被日后的洪水中带走。

87、circulating entrained bed ─── 循环气流床

88、The flow of fluid in the entrained slagging coal powder combustor are analysed.Specially, the center reflux area and its effects on the flow of fluid slag are analysed. ─── 分析了液排渣粉煤燃烧器内的流体流动问题,着重分析了中心回流区及其作用。

89、Keywords digital image processing;flame monitoring;entrained flow gasifier;combustion status; ─── 数字图像处理;火焰检测;气流床气化炉;燃烧状态;

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