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09-12 投稿



examinable 发音

英:[[?g'z?m?n?bl]]  美:[[?g'z?m?n?bl]]

英:  美:

examinable 中文意思翻译



examinable 相似词语短语

1、eliminable ─── adj.可消除的;可消去的;可排除的

2、exterminable ─── 可消灭的

3、re-examinable ─── 可复审的

4、abominable ─── adj.讨厌的;令人憎恶的;糟透的

5、denominable ─── 名数的

6、laminable ─── adj.可辗薄的;可切成薄片的

7、explainable ─── adj.可辩解的;可说明的

8、amenable ─── adj.有责任的:顺从的,服从的;有义务的;经得起检验的

9、examinate ─── n.受检查者

examinable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Naturally, everything is examinable and your friend leaves with an extra bounce in her step, feeling rejuvenated and ready to face the world. ─── 自然,一切是可考查和你的朋友叶子与一次额外跳动在她的步,感觉充满活力并且准备面对世界。

2、In order to examin the instrument, we have observed the LEED patterns of clean surface and oxygen-adsorbed surface of Cu (100), the patterns are sharp and satisfactory. ─── 为检验LEED仪的性能,我们观察了清洁Cu(100)面及氧吸附层的LEED图样,图样是清晰而满意的。

3、Training programs are examinable to assess the training effectiveness. ─── 对培训程序进行检查以评估培训的效果。

4、This effect uses a switch and is supplied with two examinable coins.The 'Joker Chinese Coin' where a cord is put through the hole of the coin and the coin penetrates off the cord. ─── 更详细和迷人的效果是'中国钱币变色' ,其中黑色硬币改变红色面对硬币然后蓝色面对硬币。

5、Let them, because everything is examinable. ─── 因为一切可考查,让他们。

6、The Rain Stone is completely examinable before and after the effect. ─── 记住,雨神是一个近景效果,也可以在室内表演。

7、Monica: I gave you one job! (Starts to examin the lasagne through the bottom of the glass pan. ─── 我只给了你这么一项工作(你就做成这样)

8、The expression of transfected hRI gene depressed tumor growth without examinable side effects on peripheral blood. ─── 转染后hRI基因的表达抑制了肿瘤生长,同时在观察期内无血液指标的改变。

9、It always surprises them, and everything is totally examinable. ─── 不需要任何特殊道具,完全可以让观众检查。


11、The ultrasound(US) findings of 51 cases with primary tongue cancers were compared with those of clinical examin ation(CE),magnetic resonance tomography(MR) and pathology. ─── 其中51例原发性舌癌超声检查(US)与核磁共振检查(MR)、临床检查及病理检查结果进行对照。

12、Results The stand was capable to expand the area that was examinable by the USIE-HF-PXRU mobile X-ray machine. ─── 结果:该支架可有效增加USIE-HF-PXRU型便携式X线机的检查范围。

13、When expanded, you can perform the following routines, and at the conclusion of each and every one. . . EVERYTHING IS EXAMINABLE ! ─── 当扩展,你可执行以下惯例,并且在每一个结束时…一切可考查!

14、As a climax, the last change occurs in the spectator's hand, leaving a fully examinable card. ─── 作为顶极,最后变动在观众的手发生,离开一张充分地可考查的卡片。

15、Examinable result ─── 考核成绩

16、Everything is completely examinable!You can even give it away as a souvenir! ─── 所有的东西都可以接受检查,你甚至可以把它作为纪念品送给观众。

17、Materials concentration should be cortrolled lower in the range of examinable. ─── 原料浓度应在能检测范围内的低浓度下。

18、That’s right, both the coin and the bottle are 100% examinable as they are both completely normal. ─── 您是完全自由递它为考试。安置您的名片里面和给一份纪念品在一个不可能的情况- 以您的联络资讯。

19、Includes specially gimmicked cards!Super commercial routine!Automatically reset for walk around magic!Totally examinable!Comes complete with 2 gimmicked cards and photo-illustrated instruction sheet. ─── 由这个作用不要唬弄, 这的简单的本质是一台头脑吹风机为外行!

20、Founding and Improving the Examinable System of Farm Products to Consolidate Foodstuff Safety ─── 建立健全农产品可追溯体系强化食品安全

21、Immediately repeatable and examinable before, during and after the performance! ─── 在表现的之前,之中及之后,立刻反覆性和可考查!

22、Founding and Improving the Examinable System of Farm Products to Consolidate Foodstuff Safety ─── 建立健全农产品可追溯体系强化食品安全

23、At the same time, the unit will continue to increase enrollment from the initial proposition of the business class reform, the general level should be subject (group) set up an examinable subject. ─── 同时,各招生单位将不断加大初试自命题业务课的改革力度,一般应按一级学科(群)设置考试科目。

24、Societyshould examin uthe systemic reasons why cosmetic vagina work is even on the menu, she sys, rath gb than the should or should nots of getting the surgery. ─── 社会应该多了解人们要去做阴道整容手术的原因,而不是去单纯讨论这种手术应不应该做。

25、VII The examinable taxes and taxpayers ─── 要考的税种和纳税人

26、I gave you one job! (Starts to examin the lasagne through the bottom of the glass pan. ─── 我只让你做一件事情!(透过玻璃锅底开始查看面条。

27、This is supplied with a gaffed and not examinable coin and an ordinary black cord. ─── 所有硬币的小丑把戏来说明,解释与说明他们的工作和基本操作。

28、Immediately repeatable and examinable before, during and after the performance! ─── 在表现的之前,之中及之后,立刻反覆性和可考查!

29、Methods:The process of experiment was improved.With mixed solvent、solvent proportion and extracting time as examinable target component,the orthogonal test was adopted to optimize the techique. ─── 方法:改进实验流程,以混合溶剂量、混合溶剂比及配合物提取时间为条件,采用正交实验优选胆甾醇提取工艺。

30、The spectator can keep the card as souvenir, and from this point on, EVERYTHING is fully examinable ! ─── 观众可以使卡作为纪念品,并从这个角度上,一切都是完全考试!

31、Everything is examinable. ─── 所有的事发生在审查范围内的。’

32、As a climax, the last change occurs in the spectator’s hand, leaving a fully examinable card. ─── 作为顶极,最后变动在观众的手发生,离开一张充分地可考查的卡片。

33、This effect uses a switch and is supplied with two examinable coins. ─── 硬币上显示双方在每一颜色的变化,可以由一个旁观者,去年后颜色的变化。

34、Research of the Synthetical Examinable System of Multiple Military Reliable Computers ─── 多台军用加固机综合检测系统

35、Everything is examinable after the effect. ─── 一切在作用以后是可考查。

36、Conclusion We can conclude that morbidity of dentistical diseases is higher than those of any other organs,so dentistical health care and mass examin... ─── 结论口腔疾病的发病率高于全身其他任何器官疾病的发病率,口腔预防保健以及群检、群防、群治工作是非常重要的。

37、Everything is examinable! ─── 一切可考查!

38、It is immediately examinable and you are clean. ─── 声音对好是真实的? 好!来完全与秘密装置和指示小册子。

39、A Quantization Examinable Method of Plant Maintenance ─── 一种设备维修量化考核方法

40、MRCP examin ations were performed using3D -FSE Sequence and conventional se quence on PHILIPS GYROSCAN NT 1.0MR S canner. ─── MRCP检查是以PHILIPSGYROSCANNT1.0磁共振成像仪并用3D-FSE序列和常规SE序列进行的。

41、The spectator can keep the card as souvenir, and from this point on, EVERYTHING is fully examinable! ─── 观众可以使卡作为纪念品,并从这个角度上,一切都是完全考试!

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