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09-12 投稿



encyclopedist 发音

英:[?n?sa?kl??pid?st]  美:[en?sa?kl???pi?d?st]

英:  美:

encyclopedist 中文意思翻译



encyclopedist 相似词语短语

1、encyclopedian ─── 百科全书

2、encyclopedias ─── n.百科全书(encyclopaedia的复数)

3、encyclopaedist ─── n.百科全书编纂者

4、cyclopedist ─── n.百科辞典,百科全书(cyclopedia的变形)

5、encyclopedism ─── n.百科全书的知识;广博知识

6、encyclopaedists ─── n.百科全书编纂者

7、encyclopaedism ─── 百科全书

8、encyclopedia ─── n.百科全书(亦是encyclopaedia)

9、encyclopedists ─── n.百科全书编纂人

encyclopedist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Roman scholar and encyclopedist who reputedly produced more than600 volumes,covering nearly every field of knowledge ─── 罗马学者和百科全书编纂者,据说他编纂了600多卷,几乎涵盖了每一领域的知识

2、assembled over more than a decade by internet encyclopedist Eric W.Weisstein with assistance from the mathematics and internet communities. ─── MathWorld中是互联网上最完整的数学资源组装互联网encyclopedist埃里克韦斯坦了10多年的数学与和互联网社区提供帮助。

3、Roman scholar and encyclopedist who reputedly produced more than600 volumes, covering nearly every field of knowledge. ─── 瓦罗,马库斯·泰伦提乌斯116-27罗马学者和百科全书编纂者,据说他编纂了600多卷,几乎涵盖了每一领域的知识

4、artist to collector, from a writer to an encyclopedist," Meyer laments, barely concealing a nonstandard sneer at this former housing hero's sellout. ─── 一个艺术家变成一个收藏家,由一个作家变成一个百科全书编撰者”,梅耶感叹着,却也毫不掩饰自己对前者收藏反叛英雄的嘲讽。

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